
By withoulife

213 18 29

He woke up in a world all alone. They told him he was their long lost fighter. He believed in every word They... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

34 3 6
By withoulife


It was wonderful day for Linda Callow, her family will finally have something to be proud of. She will prove all that rich girls that she’s as good as they are, even better. She looked at her number six and than at girl with number five in front of her. Her gold hair was neat in perfect bun as her deep brown eyes were looking at most beautiful man in that room. Linda closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew who that beauty was. Mabel Jones stood there, she thought that the most beautiful man in world was her fiancé but she saw she was deeply wrong. She licked her lip. Mabel wasn’t one of sweet little girls around here, she was the hunter, she always looked for new pray and she found her new one in Captain. She didn’t want to be here, surrounded by girls with less money than she had, Mabel noticed that girl with number six is looking at her. Mabel smirked at poor girl with deep black hair, bronze tan and grey eyes, she was prettier and  richer than she is.

-Number five!-Gitta called her

-Mabel Jones!-she said strongly stepping in the centre

She saw as fear was burning in eyes of short pale looking woman, everyone knew her father as the richest one in world and she smirked at how much power she had. She stopped her jaw to drop when she saw indifference in eyes of Captain or Gitta.

-Show us what you can do Miss Jones.-Captains deep husky yet effective voice made Mabel even more determinate to win him

She went to the polygon to show them what rich girl like she is can do.

Linda glared at Mabel as she showed off herself. She groaned when  pale lady gave her her new degree with a bow. Linda maybe was poor but everything she new she learned herself.

-Number six!-Gitta said

She was tiered of Johanna and her butt kissing to rich people.

-Linda Callow ma’am!-Linda stood firmly looking in Gittas eyes directly

She noticed mocking smirk on Johanna’s face and ignore it. She took one look at Captain at his lost eyes and at his beautiful torso. She blushed looking in front of her.

-Show us what you can do.-Captain said with calming smile

Linda took a deep breath and came near polygon. She got up and start, she was on half when she was knocked down.

That wasn’t the worst thing, the laughter was. Everyone was laughing except four persons. Gitta was boiling from anger how disrespectful all girls were, Captain was hiding behind the mask and urge to jump and help poor girl, Linda was on edge of her tears boiled with anger and fourth person was tall girl standing in corner , her rose lips were firmly closed in straight line, and she looked emotionless and she pressed her number fifteen closer to her chest.

-You’re out.-Johanna laughed at poor girl

But Linda won’t give up, she didn’t  train all these years so bunch of rich girls and pale, skinny, ugly lady with yellow teeth to laugh at her. She stood up and clenched her fists.

-Stop it!-she yelled holding back her tears-How id this fancy machine suppose to help me!?-she yelled-You were training few months on your fancy machines and you think you are better tan me!? Well you are not! Why are spoiled little brats that can’t o anything without anyone’s help! While you were wearing pink on your fifth birthday I was hunting rats over the dumper and avoiding bullets! For seventeen years of my life no one ever gave anything! I deserved ever thing I have! And if you think when we go out there there will be this fancy programmed machines you are wrong! There nothing is going on pattern and to survive there you don’t need fancy machines!- she took gun that appeared on the ground and with three easy shoots she made her point

She was breathing heavily when most unexpected thing happened. Captain and Gitta stoop up applauding for her. Soon girl from corner was clapping as well. Mabel didn’t believe her own eyes, that girl just shoot the fly that was on ceiling, nail between two gears barely visible to human eye, and third one shoot her pink hat.

-Here is you degree be here after audition, welcome cadet Callow!-Gitta said proud of herself for doing that

Captain shook Linda’s trembling hand, she close her eyes enjoying his soft skin on hers.

Number after number girls were pretty much disappointment after Linda, they weren’t original.

-Number fifteen.-Johanna lazy said

Girl from corner stood up and came to center. Linda shook her head at this girl, she wasn’t one of rich brats like others, she was different.

-Vivian, Vivian Collin.-girl said her voice echoing the room

Mabel let out a sigh, she knew who that girl was. One of two kids found few months ago in desert, rebels killed their parents. Other one was a boy, both age of sixteen, Jadyen was boys name, Jadyen Collin, doctor  Collin adopted both of them.

-Show us what you can do Miss Collin.-captain said looking in her eyes

Her eyes shone with some strange light when she saw his eyes. She turned.

-I need volunteer.-she said

-For what?-Johanna asked

-For my demonstration.-she said calmly her voice sounding like lullaby

-I’ll do it!-twenty years old Sam said stepping in

-I’ll do it too.-Mabel said grinning

-One more.-Vivian looked trough rest of girls

-Me.-Linda stepped and Vivian smiled to her

-I want you to attack me.-Vivian said

In matter of second Sam was on the ground yelping for help, next one was Mabel, she was still in shock, she barely moved when Vivian shoved her knee in her stomach than kicked her in the air using her like shield against Linda. Linda never saw anything like that in her life. Vivian was moving so fast, like she knew every move Linda was about to do. Linda grabbed Vivian for hair and Vivian let her, than in a second Linda thought she got her. Vivian jumped in side hitting Linda in her neck. Linda screamed in pain and fell down. Vivian took a bow and helped girls to get up.

-You arm will be fine just massage it a bit, I hope you weren’t pregnant…-Vivian said to Mabel touching her stomach

Mabel glared at her and just walked off.

-That was…-Gitta said

-Impressive.-captain said

Three more girls were up and captain Gitta read the named of one who got in.

-Sam Black, Mabel Jones, Linda Callow, Melissa Donald, Johanna Smith, Abby Lee, Ellen Moore, Trixie  Collan, Hope Potter, London Redhill, Hannah Rey, Bill Hyston, Mary Duncan, Vivian Collins, Stephanie Bule and  Reggena Howell.-Gitta said


A/N So new chapter. Tell me your opinion.. :D And yeah little thank to Different_so_what! Her ideas are amazing, can't say he same for her gram..

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