Phan oneshot collection

By phanallamallama

1.2M 33.5K 70.4K

All the oneshots I write which you should 100% read as they're what I'm best at More

Phan one shot collection
Books and adventures
Chestnut hair and deep brown eyes
This is halloween? (Part 1)
Right in front of your eyes
An ancient curse
Getting married today
The boy on the bus
Lights, camera, action
Never kissed him
3am I watch you sleep
Moonlight and shadows
Tent troubles
Potions to remember
University roommates
Business trip
My story
3am with you
Across the street
Start to end
I cheated, then fell in love
Eyes you can drown in
Breathing underwater
A ceiling full of stars
On a crowded tube
Waiting for the lights
Letters for bear
Seven days
Met you in the waiting room
Balanced on a box of cereal

All love

35K 872 346
By phanallamallama

This is a song fic based off Ingrid Michealson's song, all love. I don't really like this one but I feel like I can make it better and i listened to the song and thought hey why not. So here you are, I'm sorry it's crap. Don't read it.

Word count: 1792

When I push the sheets away
From your face
And watch you sleep all day here

Dan loved watching Phil sleep. In the rare occasions he had woken up before him he would just stare at at his soft face, looking like the 6 year old he was inside. His hair would always dip over one eye, so soft a silky, the only dark part of Phil. Dan would sometimes play with a few strands, watching Phil smile as he woke up from the gentle gesture. Dan preferred just watching him sleep though, more of the innocence he carried etched across his face in his moment of true weakness, unable to know if anything would come for him. But it didn't. He trusted Dan would protect him, and Dan felt the same way. He would jump in front of an axe murderer if it meant saving Phil.

Dan would let him sleep for hours after he should have woken him up, just feeling so relaxed seeing Phil asleep, although when Phil actually woke up he got told off. He treasured these morning moments because of how little they happened to him, and it was what he loved. Spending time with Phil even if he wasn't contributing anything apart from his soft breaths and tired snores.

And when I push you away
And say, "you simply cannot stay here."

"I HATE YOU!" Phil screamed across the apartment, throwing Totoro at Dan, missing, then running crying into his room, slamming the door.
"Well I hate you more!" Dan yelled back childishly, his back sliding down the kitchen counter as he sat on the floor, hugging his legs. He knew they didn't mean it, they loved each other, but that's why they fought. Because of it. Dan picked himself up and stumbled through to his room, throwing himself down on the bed and burying his face in his pillow, masking his tears. A few minutes later he heard a small cough coming from outside his room and he looked up to see Phil standing in the doorway, eyes bloodshot. Dan put his face back in the pillow. He felt Phil's weight sit on the bed and a hand on his shoulder. He rolled over and pushed it off.
"Dan I'm so sorry. I could never hate you, I was just being silly, I promise,"
"Phil you shouldn't stay," Dan mumbled, not looking directly at him, sitting up with his back against the wall of his bed.
"Why?" Phil asked, looking hurt again.
"Because you deserve better than me," Dan said, still not facing him.
"No," Phil said, tilting Dan's chin up so he was forced to face him. "I don't," he said, and kissed him sweetly on the lips.
"You're perfect,"
"So are you you know,"

But it's all love, all love
It's all love my stupid love

"You made breakfast?"
"I did, you complaining?"
"I love you,"
"I love you more,"

When I say you take away
The most important parts of my with you

"Dan I will only be 10 minutes tops," Phil said, grabbing the keys.
"Dan do you want popcorn for the movie marathon or not?" Phil said, already knowing the answer.
"Yeah but still, you're taking my heart away,"
"What?" Phil asked, confused.
"You have my heart and with it too far away I could die," Dan told him, blushing a little at how cheesy it sounded.
"Oh Dan," Phil sighed, but leant down over the sofa and kissed his lips quickly. "I will be 5 minutes and I will run okay?"
"I love you,"
"I know, I have your heart," Phil told him, and blew him a kiss for while he was away.

And when I've had the greyest day
You add more grey
It's just your way
It's true

Dan was alone in the apartment, Phil had gone out and Dan was trying to edit his latest video. He had woken up badly this morning, Phil had already gone out, leaving a note saying he would be back around 5, that he was meeting with some old friends. Dan had felt a little unwanted and was having a bit of a black dog day really. He just needed Phil to make it better.
"Shit!" He shouted. He had just deleted his almost complete video by accident. He threw his hands up in defeat and flopped onto his bed, breathing in Phil's familiar smell. It comforted him a little, but he wished Phil was actually there. Just then his phone buzzed loudly and he grabbed it, Phil's picture popping up. He smiled, then answered it.
"Hey Phil,"
"Hey Dan, is it okay that I go to a party tonight? It's another friends 27th and I said I'd go," Phil told him excitedly.
"Yeah, sure," Dan said dully.
"You alright at home? How's the video?"
"I deleted it by accident but I'm fine," he said sadly.
"Ah well," Phil said, brushing off what he said. "It will be fine, I have to go, bye,"
"Love you," Dan said, but Phil had already ended the call. He hadn't even noticed the sadness in Dan's voice. Dan slumped back on his bed, feeling even worse than before. His day had gone from bad to worse and he didn't even have Phil to comfort him, but it didn't seem like he cared anyway.

Dan was in bed, eyes squeezed shut, trying to fall asleep but not able to. He heard the door click and Phil walked into his room. Dan heard the ruffled thump as his clothes hit the floor and he climbed into bed beside him. He felt Phil wrap his skinny arms around his waist and smiled.
"How was the party?"
"Rubbish, I wish I hadn't gone, did you fix the video?"
"No, I gave up on it and had a shit day instead,"
"Oh I'm sorry, you should have said, I would have stayed at home with you," Phil told him, pulling him closer and nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
"It's fine, I have you with me now and that's all that matters," Dan said, and his first real smile of the day etched onto his face.

It's all love, all love, oh
It's all love, all love, oh
It's all love, all love, oh
It's all of my stupid love

"You're so annoying, why do I love you again?" Dan moaned.
"Because you're stupid," Phil said, giggling."But stupidly happy,"
"You got that right," Dan said, reaching over and pecking his lips, a smile unable to leave his mouth.

You can't be the one to kill the pain anymore
You let me in, but then you slammed my fingers in the door

Dan and Phil always looked out for each other, making the other feel better when they were sad or upset by the other and it worked well, but Dan hated using Phil as a human pain killer and how sometimes he could get so close to Phil, almost finding out the true reason to his sadness, but Phil cutting him off after leaving hints, refusing to give anything else up until later on where it flowed out in masses by tears and screams. This would happen every month or so, cries of upset and anger that were calmed and then filled with guilt. Dan would often steal Phil away from the world if he was really unhappy, Phil cancelling his plans to stay with him by choice and Dan let him, stopped him from having fun for his own gain, generally making Phil feel sad as well. It was an endless cycle month after month and it wasn't the best thing for their relationship but they stayed together because, simply, they loved each other. Dan still hoped one day it would be a little happier.

I've had enough, but I keep asking you to give me more
When I say that there's no way

Sometimes one would even tell the other they didn't want this thing they were in anymore and would stay away for a few days, but it was never official and they were still a couple. They just needed time apart. It would start with one becoming too clingy, the other getting frustrated and then they would fight, hurting each other with words before one stormed out, leaving the other with their heart cracked a little at the edges, simply hoping the other would come back to them but understanding it's what was needed.

These would of course be resolved by the other coming back into the flat, doing some small romantic gesture to say they were sorry and to remind them of why they fell in love in the first place. The gesture wasn't needed really, as soon as one saw the other they would smile and kiss and everything would melt away, their hearts shiny and new for a period before dirt and deceit would cloud them. But it was all for love, and it didn't matter to them as they were still just as love as they were the first day they met.

It's all love, all love, oh
It's all love, all love, oh
It's all love, all love, oh
It's all love, my stupid love

"I don't care about these fights really Phil, because I know that no matter how much you try to leave I won't let you. I love you too much for that to happen. I promise that I will never let you go ever in a million years. I just, really, love you,"
"I was gonna say the same thing, but seeing as you got there first little llama I will just tell you this instead. I'm not going anywhere."

(I still hate it)

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