Friends With One Direction (p...

By Hamashma

51.3K 1.1K 194

It all started out with Kat's birthday party. Her sister, Hazel, wants Kat to be satisfied with the gift she'... More

Friends With One Direction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Niall Horan?
Chapter 3: Starstruck
Chapter 4: What Makes You Beautiful
Chapter 5: Explaining Kat
Chapter 6: Better Than Words
Chapter 7: The Towel
Chapter 8: The Towel #2
Chapter 9: Up All Night
Chapter 10: I Wish
Chapter 11: Tell Me a Lie
Chapter 12: One Way Or Another
Chapter 13: I Want
Chapter 14: Irresistible
Chapter 15: Alive
Chapter 16: 5/5 Of One Direction.
Chapter 17: The Almost First Kiss
Chapter 18: Who Likes Whom.
Chapter 19: I'm Sorry.
Chapter 20: Time To Leave.
Chapter 21: Texting Spree.
Chapter 22: Skype Time
Chapter 23: The Dream.
Chapter 24: Your Song.
Chapter 25: I Would
Chapter 26: Sirens.
Chapter 27: Cat Fight.
Chapter 28: Heart Problems.
Chapter 29: Broken Down.
Chapter 30: Story Of My Life
Chapter 31: Moments
Chapter 32: Last First Kiss
Chapter 33: Meet And Greet.
Chapter 34: Paparazzi
Chapter 35: The Date.
The Files.
Chapter 36: Niall's Twitcam.
Chapter 37: Eavesdroppers.
Chapter 38: I Don't Swim.
Chapter 39: The Date #2
Chapter 40: Midnight Memories
Chapter 41: Detective H. Styles.
Chapter 42: I'm Not Friends With One Direction
Chapter 43: She's Not Afraid
Chapter 44: 4 Months.
Chapter 45: 3 Years.
Chapter 47: Karry
Authors Note
Chapter 47: Live While We're Young
Chapter 48: Does He Know
Chapter 49: Over Again
Chapter 50: Cheating?
Chapter 51: Loved You First
Chapter 52: Change My Mind
Chapter 53: You and I
Happy or Sad?

Chapter 46: Little Black Dress

516 15 2
By Hamashma

Hazel's POV. (Next Day)

"Hazel! Get out of bed!" I heard my non-related sister shout to me, shaking my shoulders.

I groaned, and shoved the pillow I was using over my head.

You know those people that wake up early! in the morning, and they act like they've already drunk 5 cups of coffee, and are extremely happy when they're woken up..?

That's not me.

If anything, I'd punch you for waking me up early on a Saturday.

"Get up!" She jumped up and down on my bed, and accidentally landed on my hip.

"Ow!" I shouted. "Get off me, Kat!"

"Only if you get out of bed." she sassed.

"Fine." I slowly flopped onto the floor, and laid there on my tummy.

"Get up." she kicked me lightly.

"Hey, you said to get out of bed. Look at me, I'm out of bed." I snickered at my own joke.

"Ugh." she rolled me over and heaved me up.

"Okay, you woke me up. This better be important." I crossed my arms.

"Well, um... I was wondering if you want to go out somewhere today..?" She asked shyly.

"You woke me up at," I looked at my alarm clock, "8:30, to ask me if I wanted to go out today?"

She silently nodded.

I sighed. "Who's coming?"

"Just me and you." she stated.

"What about Cynthia?"

"Well... I just wanted to do a... Y'know... Sister-bonding thing."


We're not even blood-related...

"Oh, uh... Sure." I pretended to perk up a bit.

"Really? Yay!" she smiled.

"When?" I asked.

"Well, we should leave around 1pm, and then shop in town for a bit, and then go to a club around 7:30pm. How 'bout that?"

"A club? Kat, your not even 18 yet." I laughed, "Plus, I'm not the party type of girl."

"Please? The place we're going to is for over 16's!" she shook her head.

"You aren't exactly over 16, are you?"

"Well, yeah, of course I am! I'm 16 and 5 months... I think. Something like that. That's over 16, duh."

"Fine, alright." I sat down on my bed. "Wait! That means I have to wear a dress, doesn't it?"

"Why do you think we're shopping beforehand?" She winked me and walked out my door.

I groaned. Great, I hate dresses.

Cynthia's POV.

"Are you actually sure that you're ready for partying? Yesterday was pretty tough to handle." I told Hazel.

She stared at me blankly, thinking it through.

After about a minute, she finally spoke.

"Yeah, I'm ready. I need some fun in my life, right? I mean, the only fun I have in my life, is halfway around the world right now." she was referring to the One Direction boys.

"Heh... Yep. Half way around the world..." I emphasised.

"You're acting funny. Why?"

"No reason. Anyways. Call me if anything goes wrong, okay? Oh, and text me when you're about to arrive at the club."

"And why would I do that?" she asked suspiciously.

"Um... Just making sure you're alright?" that was more of a question than a statement.

"Okay... Weird... Um, I'm going to start getting ready now." Hazel slowly walked backwards, still staring at me, and went to her room.

"Do you think she's onto us?" Kat walked up behind me.

"She looked suspicious, so I have no idea..." I trailed off.

"Okay, I'm going to get ready. You call the boys, okay?" she walked off to her room as well.

"Time to call Louis..." I sighed and briskly walked to the kitchen.

Hazel's POV.

"That looks gorgeous on you." Kat told me, as I showed her the dress I had changed into.

"You said that about the last 3 dresses I tried on." I shook my head and laughed.

"But I think this is the one." She was walking around me in circles, inspecting the dress.

"Alright. Let's get it then." I shrugged.

"Hold on! You can't just buy a dress, without doing a few actions. Who knows? What if you went to go hug someone, and suddenly the dress ripped as you reached out for them, huh? How would you like that, Hazel?" she's always sassing at people, especially me.


"Hug me!" she shouted, and people around us turned their heads in our direction.

"Heh, sorry." I said to them, and quickly hugged Kat.

"Okay, so the dress didn't rip. I think it's okay to buy." she shrugged and told me to get changed into my actual clothes.

"Can't we just go clubbing now?" I asked Kat, who was bring over our Starbucks.

"Uh, no, duh. It's only 6:30pm, geez. We are not going an hour early. It would ruin everything- whoops! Just thinking out loud now. You didn't hear the last part, okay?" she looked away.

"Kat, what are you and Cynthia hiding from me?" I squinted at her.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." she whistled.

"Katherine. Alice. Starr. What are you lying about?"

"How about we go get changed in the bathroom?" she suggested.

"You're changing the subject."

"I'm not telling you. Ever. You'll just have to find out at 7:30. All I know is, we're going clubbing." she sassed even more.

"Ugh. Fine. Is it good or bad?"

"I'm not telling."

Cynthia's POV.

"Where are the flowers? Balloons? Lights?!" I screamed at the people I hired to set things out.

"Calm down. It'll be fine..." a voice that sounded like an angel sang next to me.

"I know. Thanks for coming." I sighed.

"It's alright, babe. Anything for 'Hiall', right?" he laughed.

Hazel's POV.

"Clubbing!" Kat squealed in my ear.

"I don't even know how to club... Or dance. Oh, besides that dance I did with Niall. I don't know what it's called." I shrugged, and looked down to my feet. I can't believe Kat made me wear heals. Well, not really heels. More like really high thick shoes. Kinda heels, but not.

Oh, and the little black dress.

Geez, she can go over board.

"Neither! But there's a first for everything, right?" she laughed.

"Sure, sure..." we got to a club.

It looked silent.

Too silent for a party-going club.

She opened the door, and took a step in.

"Come on." she ushered.

"Are you sure you got the right place?" I held back, outside the door.

"Yes! When am I ever wrong?" She said, "Scratch that! Just come!" And tugged me inside.

We walked down a long said corridor, with dim lights, barely showing the way.

"Yeah, we've got the wrong place." I walked in front of her, and opened a navy blue curtain which covered our path.

"Nah..." Kat whispered as the dark room we walked into, lit up like fireworks. It was huge. Colourful. Bright.

"Surprise!" A loud bunch of people yelled from the bottom of the stairs that me and Kat were on.

"Whoa!" I screamed.

No kidding, it was a surprise.

Suddenly, dozens of blue and purple balloons fell from the roof, and slowly drifted to the floor. My two favourite colours.

"Happy birthday, Hazel!" Cynthia shouted from the bottom of the stairs as me and Kat walked down.

"My birthday was yesterday..." I was in shock. This is so amazing.

"We know that, silly!" she lightly punched me on the arm and hugged me.

"Who planned this?" I asked her.

"Well, I thought of the idea," Kat pointed to herself, "and Cynthia made it happen."

"Thank you, guys." I hugged Kat as well.

"We invited most of the people you know, that you're friends with, and Kat's friends, mine, your mums, and a few family members." Cynthia smiled, but then it faded when she said, "But, I'm sorry. I couldn't get Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn or Harry to come back to London for the night. They have a busy schedule." She looked down at her feet.

A pang of sadness hit me. The realization. I'm not going to see them in a while. 4 months.

How am I supposed to do this?

"Oh... Um... It's fine... I wouldn't think they could come anyway..." I shrugged, acting fine with it.

She slowly looked up at me, smiling.

"That looks kind of creepy. Why are you at me smiling like that?" I asked her.

It looked more like a smirk now.

"What?" I was a bit frustrated now.

"Turn around." She said.

I started turning around. "Cynthia, you have to stop with that creepy-" I stopped in my tracks.







They're here.

All five of them.

"But..." Is all I could say, before Niall crashed his lips to mine.

"I've missed you so much." he said as he hugged me.

"You have no idea what I've been through without you." I shook my head and squeezed him tighter, remembering what happened yesterday.

"I bet." he laughed and pulled away.

He still has no idea.

"I can't believe you guys are back." I hugged each one of them.

"Anything for 'Hiall'." Louis laughed.

"I told you we'd have that big party together. You and me." Niall smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"It's the 12th. How could I have not guessed? Especially when Kat said there was a surprise..." I shook my head.

"Hey, that was a secret! Try to keep it that way!" she said as she hugged Harry.

"Nearly gave it away, huh?" Harry laughed.

"Just barely." she winked.

"Hey, Niall!" A taller, older man walked over to us, and gave Niall a bear hug.

"Hey!" he laughed.

Who's that?

"Hazel, I want you to meet Greg, my older brother. Greg, meet Hazel, my girlfriend." Niall said as me and Greg shook hands.

"Niall's lucky to have a girl like you." he kissed my cheek, "He talks about you a lot."

"Oh, really?" I looked at Niall, and he blushed.

"Does anyone want food?" Cynthia showed the big table to us all.

"Food!" all the guys in the room shouted, and ran towards it. I swear Niall jumped over a few people. He even got to the table first.

"You look great!" Cynthia admired my new dress and heels.

"Kat made me wear the shoes!" I shouted over the music that started playing.

"They suite you."

"Remind me to never wear them again." I laughed.

After a couple of hours of dancing and having fun, Cynthia pulled me away from the half-drunk crowd.

"Have you told Niall about what happened on your birthday yet?" she asked.


"You should tell him, before he finds out by the drunk people." She pointed to them. "He'll be upset if he doesn't hear it come from you."

"I know. But he'll freak out."

"That's what boyfriends are for." she pushed me towards Niall. He was drinking of course, but not completely dunk.

"Niall, can I talk to you. Around the back?" I asked.

"Hazel! Sure!" okay, maybe he is a tiny bit drunk.

I pulled him outside with me.

"What's up?" he wondered, staring into my eyes.

"Uhm... I need to tell you something..." I looked down at my feet.

"It sounds pretty serious. Go ahead."

"Well... Yesterday, my birthday, something happened. Something bad." I explained.

"Like what?" he asked.

"Like Jason!" I blurted out.

"Wait, what? Jason? That asshole that killed your-"

"Yes, him. He came. Broke into my house while I was alone yesterday."

"What?! I swear, if he touched you wrongly, I'm gonna-" I cut him off again.

"No! He wouldn't do that." I shook my head.

"How would you know that?"

"Because he's my dad!" I accidentally blurted out again. Niall looked shocked. "Do not tell anyone about him being related to me, okay?"

"I won't. Where is that sick bastard?" he rolled up his sleeves.

"Jail. He attempted to kidnap me, but I got away, and called the cops. He's arrested. Gone." I finished saying.

"I am so sorry. For not being there with you. This is all my fault. If only I came a day earlier..." he didn't know what else to say.

"It's fine. As long as you're here now, I'm fine." I was tearing up.

"Wait, if he's your dad, does that mean he's Kat's?"

"No. I'm adopted. My mum doesn't know that I know. No one knows. Kat and Tommy aren't even related to me." I said sadly.

"We're not?" I heard someone from behind me, so I quickly span around.


Author's Note:

Yeah... Sorry it sucks. I've got writers block. And sorry it took so long for a really short chapter, I think it's really unfair for you guys who are still reading. Please comment? I'm really thinking about finishing this book. To be honest, I don't have enough time for it anymore. I love everyone who is still reading, you guys are really really awesome. Yay, 2800 reads! Thats cool!! So, I better go now... Comment if you have any questions for me about the book, I'm always here :)

Bye Directioners!

~Hamashma ;) <3

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