Under the Roses

By FairyLightsAndDreams

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Becoming the princess of Wysteria was far from Adelaine's mind when she climbed up the palace walls, but some... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 12

138 9 11
By FairyLightsAndDreams

A/N: Feedback please?

I didn't see Alyn at all the next day, surprisingly. For someone who was so involved in the palace, I figured I would run into him at least once. But I had other things to occupy my mind— namely the literary salon tomorrow. Tea would be present, as well as multiple noblewomen that I needed to impress so they wouldn't go back home and report me to their husbands for being an unsuitable princess and an appalling server-of-tea. I already had Louis lurking in the shadows waiting for me to mess up on my dance routines, and I didn't need a slew of barons and dukes coming after me.

Okay maybe the part about Louis was partially untrue, but like many current things, I didn't know how to interpret recent interactions. First the unexpected lecture from Louis after the banquet in which he shows genuine concern for me, then the earrings from Alyn— were they just random flukes in their behavior, or was it all sincere? Trying to figure out their motivations and deciphering their words required even more brainpower, and I didn't have time to apply new developments to their profiles since the potential army of barons and dukes was a more imminent threat.

With all the emphasis on this literary salon, I wondered why Giles even bothered stressing me out about the coronation ceremony and the banquet if a room of women was more intimidating. In preparation for an afternoon of tea, gossip, and tests over my knowledge of various matters, I was slated for three total hours in Giles' study, then a lunch break before I was thrown into another four hours in Leo's office. Because I was so eager to dedicate an entire day to remembering Wysterian history and delivering actual opinions in the most inoffensive manner. Fun.

However, I knew I really didn't have room to complain. Compared to all the bureaucrats, my workload was probably light, and I just hadn't adjusted yet. It was definitely a big leap going from tutoring children and teaching them instruments to memorizing intricate aspects of government and simultaneously attempting to achieve such things, but I was making it work. At this point, I felt that my approach to this whole thing was adequately summed up in "Do First and Learn Later".

But after all this time, my words to myself and to the king were still not lost. I wanted to prove myself to everyone, and I needed to show that being a commoner doesn't influence with my abilities. Just because I wasn't raised in the palace doesn't mean I can't compose and comprehend proclamations.

Besides, if I voiced my concerns to Giles, he'd probably wonder if I possessed any self-esteem at all, while Leo would just keep telling me to stop worrying and that I was fine. I knew he meant well, and of course, I was constantly in need when it came to the confidence-boosting department, but I was starting to wonder if he was some kind of parrot. Or at least, maybe a part-time parrot. I smiled to myself at the thought of him just throwing back his chair in the middle of a pointless meeting and transforming into a red macaw.

Kind of like the one that just flew inside.

I meant to scream, but a strangled sort of sound came out instead, while Leo merely glanced up from his book, his feet still up the desk, and watched it glide onto the perch in the corner that I'd never noticed.

"Sebastian, meet Adelaine," he said, and I saw his small smirk at my reaction. Well at least one of us found me being almost scared to death amusing. At his words, the bird squawked, spreading out and readjusting his wings.

"Addie! Hi princess!" I couldn't help the smile.

"Hello Sebastian, nice to meet you."

"Work, work!" He settled on the perch, seemingly expecting me to start reading, and I turned to Leo. Parrots only said what they'd heard, and I was assuming that Sebastian was Leo's pet.

"Addie?" He shrugged with no sign of embarrassment.

"Just thought it fit. It's kinda a cute nickname, don't you think?" He said, swinging his legs down and closing his book. I had to roll my eyes at his playful tone, unsuccessfully hiding my grin.

"Shut up, Leo."

"You're not denying it." I threw a quill at him, much to his amusement, and a knock came at the door before I could respond.

"Sir Leo? The princess is needed in the parlor immediately." The thinly concealed panic in Nico's voice had us sharing a wordless glance before I closed my textbooks and headed for the door.

When I rushed unceremoniously into the room, I immediately sensed the urgency. Giles turned to me and I froze when I saw who else was in the room. The same black boots, the same unnervingly cool expression, and the same gray eye that seemed to reach into my mind with just one glance.

"Princess Adelaine, King Byron is here on an official visit from Stein and has requested to see the town," Giles said. As the princess, giving tours of the country to political visitors fell under my domain of responsibility; a task that I hadn't expected to be handed to me already. I nodded, dipping into a small curtsy and hopefully hiding any of my hesitation. I licked my lips before responding.

"Of course. It would be my pleasure." I tried to not look directly into King Byron's eye when I raised my head. I wouldn't be able to accomplish much if I was stone, and I still had that literary salon tomorrow—

"Excellent," Giles said, despite the un-excellent detail that this meant I no longer had the next five hours to practice and subsequently freak out about tomorrow's main event. I figured Giles of all people would have realized this, what with the way he'd been discreetly breathing down my neck about it.

"Is there a problem, Princess?" Byron was looking at me, and even though nothing told me he was suspicious, I felt him reading me.

Smiling, I quickly shook my head. "Not at all."

Even though it was just another Thursday at the market, Byron paid close attention to everything, from the florist's stall to the children playing near the steps of the opera house, to the lampposts. It was as if the lively atmosphere was a foreign sight. I even caught his accompanying knight, Albert, staring through his thin glasses at a maypole with reluctant curiosity. As I jumped in and explained what it was, I saw Byron turn and listen. People were slowing down when they walked past us, but most were keeping their distance as we made our way down the street. I understood that. It was hard to not be intimidated by Byron's dignified air, if his dark clothes and gold embellishments weren't a warning sign.

But he didn't even seem to notice the gawkers as we continued on my tour. After passing the large church, visiting some of my favorite stores, and strolling through the gardens, we ended up at a ridge that overlooked most of the town. The sun was beginning to set, and I leaned my elbows on top the brick ledge, resting my chin in my hands. I felt somewhat drained after all that walking and explaining, not to mention the constant strain of coming off as professional and humble without crossing into passive-superior territory. Maintaining that perfect balance was strenuous, and it made me think of how I would probably have to do it again and again.

I felt Byron step beside me, his eye focused on the golden sky. "I imagine this view would be marvelous at night."

"Because of the stars?" I took my chin off my hands to look at him. He nodded. "Are they one of your interests?"

"Yes. I find them fascinating." His voice was not too deep that it was shocking to hear it come from him, but it somehow conveyed a firmness that made it clear he chose words he meant. Nothing came after that, besides an obligatory silence as we both gazed at the setting sun, and it wasn't long before I suggested we start going back.

Albert and Byron were swift in their business once we returned. They disappeared in Giles' study for a bit, leaving me to hover and wonder what they were discussing until Nico pulled me away. It was strange, but Nico appeared a little . . . tense during their whole visit. Maybe he was equally worried about messing up in front of them. His face was a picture of concentration even as he prepared his usual tea service, and when the three men entered the parlor again, he became uncharacteristically serious, nodding stiffly to Albert and Byron.

"Thank you for taking the time to visit Wysteria," I said, going into a formal curtsy, and Byron responded with his own deep bow.

"This is a good country. You are welcome at Stein any time." Once the door shut behind them, I left out my breath in a great sigh.

"Congratulations, Princess. Your first political meeting was a success." Beaming, I felt so relieved I would've run around the garden in my newfound freedom if I weren't so mentally exhausted. Upon Giles' instruction, I rested in my chambers and sorted through some papers that Leo had left on my desk until a servant came to get me for dinner.

"Have you given any thought to your prince consort?" The spoonful of soup burned my throat at the sudden question. Giles waited patiently as I gulped down half my glass of water.

"I was assuming that was not important at the moment. Wasn't the current focus building relations with the aristocracy?"

"Yes, but the king would rest easily if you began giving the matter more thought. Though he is more stable now, anything can happen and we need to be prepared." At my nod, he continued, picking up his goblet. "Visits to various noblemen have been scheduled for Saturday and the following days."

"I've always wanted to see what a fish farm looks like." He chuckled at my unenthusiastic mention of Count Thomsen.

"I just wanted to remind you of that responsibility. Unless someone in the palace has caught your eye?" Heat spread to my cheeks at the implication and his suggestive raised eyebrow.

"Maybe," I murmured, picking up my fork and effectively ending the conversation before he could follow up. Then I thought about it. Although I'd said it so he'd stop talking, I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to choose someone I already knew. On one hand, I wouldn't be hit with any surprising hobbies, so that was an plus. But could I truly be attracted to any of them?

My thoughts circled around that question as the meal continued, and even as I took a walk through the garden afterwards. With all that had been going on, finding romantic moments had been the last thing on my mind, but somehow, under the moonlight, it was possible to concentrate on my feelings. Mindlessly, I reached for my pendant, my fingers closing over it as I finally sat down on a bench in the walkway.

I let myself flash back to every interaction I'd had since I'd arrived at the palace. Alyn, Leo, Louis, and even Byron and Sid were possible consort choices. I was essentially going to force someone to marry me and give up their profession for the throne, and I couldn't make that decision lightly. Starting out simple, I began listing everything I knew about each one, starting with the obvious.

"Captain of the Guard; bureaucrat; Duke; king of an entire country; and unknown occupation but probably something slightly illegal. Horses; reading; pretending not to care but actually caring unless I'm over thinking his intentions; stars; and stealing scones from tea—"

"That is the weirdest meditation I've ever heard of." My head shot up to see Alyn standing above me, amusement twinkling in his eyes. I scrambled out of my seat, thankful my embarrassment was concealed by the shadows of the arbors.

"What are you doing here?"

"You looked spaced-out at dinner. Are you feeling okay?" He examined my face, not believing my nod. "Have you been sleeping?"

"Of course," I adamantly said, my fingers already finding their comfort spot around the locket again. "I haven't been sneaking out at midnight or anything lately."

"Well if you do, make sure to take some guards with you."

"I appreciate the concern, Alyn. I just have a lot coming up, that's all." At the mention of him caring about me, he frowned while red spotted his cheeks. Still looking a little unconvinced, he exhaled, turning his attention to the bougainvillea climbing a nearby arbor.

"It's getting late. You should get back inside." I resignedly nodded, pushing myself off the bench, but I halted when I realized he was staring at my ears. I hadn't known what he'd wanted me to do with the rose earrings, so I'd just worn them. He looked almost astonished that I'd done so, but then again, what had he been expecting me to do? Use them for decoration?

"Alyn?" With a little shake of his head, he started moving.

"It's nothing. I'll escort you to your room." I wordlessly followed him out the garden, up the stairs, and down the hallway until I opened my door and stepped inside. But he didn't immediately leave, instead hanging by the doorway.

At my raised eyebrow, he finally said, "Don't forget to take someone with you when you take your midnight walks, all right? You need to think about your safety."

"You're the one in my room," I pointed out, and he smirked.

"Touché." Then he showed an unexpected playful grin. "Want to see what could happen, then?"

I froze at his words, trying to determine if he was serious, and he chuckled.

"I'm kidding. See you tomorrow, Addie." A poke on the nose, and he left, closing the door behind him and leaving me standing in the middle of the room, still wondering what had just happened.

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