My True Family

By Megan22998

150K 3.9K 803

Natsu and Lucy have been together for months now and are still as madly in love as ever. When they decide to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Final)
Another book.
5K Special Chapter
10K Chapter!

Chapter 26

2.4K 93 8
By Megan22998

Nashi POV:

I stare at my father and the whole class is silent. He looks at me and then smiles.

"Its nice to see you again Nashi." He looks at me and then Crystal puts her paw on my hand.

"Natsu what are you doing here?" I ask him, right now I don't feel like I can call him dad.

"Crystal are you here too?" Happy says flying into the classroom.

"Papa what are you doing here?" Crystal says looking just as confused as I am.

"I'm here too young lady." Carla says flying in behind Happy.

The whole class at this point is a little confused, I told them that I was staying here and that Natsu was on a job and would be for a while. Everyone didn't want me to leave because they all loved me being in school.

"Miss Wolfden may me and Crystal be excused please." I say raising my hand.

"Of course you can girls. Will you be coming back?" She asks me.

"I'm not sure so may I take my bag with me?" I ask putting my books away.

She nods as Crystal and I pack away our school things, Wendi grabs my hand as I'm walking out of the class. She has tears in her eyes as she looks at me.

"Don't worry, I'll see you for dinner tonight." I say to her smiling.

I walk straight past Natsu, Happy and Carla and walk straight home. Crystal sits silently on my shoulder as I walk home, I can hear the crunch of gravel under foot which tells me that Natsu and everyone is following me. I stop at the door of mama's house and pull off my jacket, I then turn around and look at Natsu.

"What are you doing here Natsu?" I ask him.

"I came to see you Nashi, I'm sorry about everything that happened. I wasn't my self when I..." He starts but then I cut him off.

"When you shouted at me saying I wasn't your daughter and then throwing me across the room over the many beer bottles." I say rubbing the scars on my arms.

"Like I said, I wasn't my self." He says and then pulls me into his arms.

I try to fight him with tears falling down my cheeks but he continues to hold me in his arms, I finally stop fighting him and all the emotions I've kept inside since I left all come out. I sob in his arms and then feel my legs give way, he still holds me in his arms as we kneel down by the house door. I pull out one of my keys and summon one of my spirits.

"Open Gate Of the Twins! Gemini!" I shout and the twins appear in a cloud of gold dust.

"Piri-Piri, what can we do for you miss Nashi?" They ask me in union.

"Turn into mama...." I whisper.

They both nod at me and Mama appears in a puff of smoke. She kneels down and wraps her arms around the two of us and it feels like she never died...The school bell goes off in the distance and I stand up and wipe my eyes.

"Close gate of the twins." I say and then stand up wiping my eyes. "Natsu I need to go train now." I say picking up my school stuff from the door.

"Train?" He asks me wiping tears from his own eyes.

"Yeah, since I left the guild I decided to become stronger. So I've been training with not only my fire and keys, but also my sword." I open the door and there stands Virgo.

"Welcome home princess, everyone is outside waiting." She says taking my bag off me.

"Thank you Virgo. Natsu you go outside with everyone I need to go and change." I say to him and then run up the stairs to my bedroom.

I change into black leggings and a black t-shirt. Sitting down on my bed I pull out black knee high boots and put them on, I love these boots because they were another gift from mama. When I came back I looked around mama's room for something that would remind me of her and found a box with 'Happy Birthday Nashi' written on the top, opening it I found a pair of black lace up boots with a small card. I decided to keep the cart for my next birthday so I would have something from mama. I tie my hair into a long pony tail and then walk outside, Crystal is sitting there in Carla's arms. She has missed them so much but didn't want to leave me all alone here in Wolfden even though I told her that I would be fine.

"Right everyone ready?" I shout and pull out a long silver sword with a flame handle.

"What are you going to show us today Nash?" Collette asks me.

I smirk at them and then clap my hands, suddenly thirty different monsters appear. I walk into the centre of them and then close my eyes, the area is deathly quiet and then the first monster roars. I use my dragon senses to try and get a feel of where the monsters are, opening my eyes wide I shout a battle cry and then begin to charge at the monsters. My sword glistening in the sunlight as it comes down on each monster in turn, I can hear the gasps of Natsu, Happy and Carla but that isn't important right now.

"What is she doing?" Natsu asks Crystal.

"Since Nashi is the only active wizard in town she has been practicing her fighting skills, she has been doing this since the first attack. We had only been here a couple of days and some dark wizards attacked, everyone took refuge in the mansion and Nashi and I went to fight the wizards." Crystal says to him.

"You went to fight!" Carla says to her.

"I just carried Nashi mommy don't worry, anyway Nashi managed to fight the wizards but got pretty banged up. Since then she has trained hard to make sure that it wouldn't happen again." She says looking at Natsu.

I continue to fight the monsters and then the biggest one stands in front of my face. I ignite one hand on fire and then the flame travels down the blade of the sword, I shout a loud battle cry and then swing the blade at the monster. It disappears in a cloud of dust.

Natsu POV:

As I watch Nashi I start to notice that she isn't like me or Lucy at all, she is entirely her own person. And as she finished fighting the last of the monsters her eyes reflect the flames from her sword, it reminds me of Erza's Flame Empress Armour, she looks like she is ready for battle any time or day. She looks deadly. She then smiles at me and turns into her normal self, I walk over to her and pick her up on my shoulders as everyone cheers her.


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