The Diary Of A Teenage Girl (...

By IslandElle

794 20 19

This story is NOT fiction. It is a real diary, but for the protection of those mentioned in the diary, their... More

2nd Entry
3rd Entry
4th Entry

1st Entry

155 7 17
By IslandElle


Dear Diary,

Hey! Ok.. so you aren't really a diary, and I've had you for a long time. But since I've too much in my life to keep to myself, I might as well tell you. 

But first I think I'll give you a name. Yes, now your design is that of cats. Blue cats actually, with butterflies. So what could be a good name for you? What about "Kittyfly"? Lol, it's a bit weird. Hmm... what about "Buttercat"? Ha! That's even weirder, too weird. No. None of those. I need a good name for you. One that doesn't scream, 'weird'.

I think I'll call you.. "Sapphire". Do you like it? Oh of course you do. So Sapphire.. now I'll tell you who I am.

My name is Eve. It means 'mother of all living'. I'm 14 years old and I live in Seychelles. Seychelles is an archipelago in the middle of the Indian Ocean. And the main island is Mahe, which is where I live. I'm turning 15 this November, on the 20th. I'm kinda excited to be honest. Who wouldn't be?

Well the last couple of weeks have been totally awesome for me and a little unfair I'll admit, but mostly awesome. You see I go to a Secondary School, since I'm 14 and all. I'm in S3 (Secondary 3) which in the U.S I think would be 8th or 9th Grade, around there.

I have tons of friends but these are the ones that I really trust;

My Best Friend Forever, Olivia (S3)

My Best Friend (and cousin), Elise (S4)

My Best Friend, Belle (S4)

My Best Friend, Larissa (S3)

My Best Friend, Stefanie (S3)

These are just the girls. The boys are;

My Best Friend Forever, Jean (S4)

My Best Friend, Andrew (S3)

My Best Friend, Shawn (S2)

My Best Friend, Pete (S5)

Yep. These are the ones. And the amount of friends I have, for the type of girl I am, that's a win. 'Cause you see Sapphire, ever since Primary (which is before Secondary. And I think it's preschool in the u.s), I've had a hard time fitting in. Everyone was speaking Creole (our native language), whilst I was speaking English. See, instead of bringing me up speaking Creole, my parents raised me speaking English. So it was only when I went to Kindergarten that I learnt to speak Creole, but I've never been good at it.

Anyway... don't get me wrong, I had plenty of friends back then, but we weren't close. There was however one good friend I had back then. Her name was Lisa. We swore to be Best Friends forever. And there was one other good friend I had. His name was Christian. The three of us would play together all the time. Laughing, screaming, running around like mad people. But hey, we were kids. That's what we did.

But sadly, Christian had been born with some type of disease or something. It took place in his head, so he would never really be like normal people at heart. He had to have an operation when he was just a baby. And this... problem he had, it influenced his mind. His parents let him watch Ben 10 (an alien cartoon thing. Never really been a fan) all the time and he grew up believing in aliens. Not that I really minded at the time. 

And the way his mind worked was so fascinating! He was so smart, and yet, so imaginative. I remember we used to play games like.. 'Don't get caught by the werewolf', or 'Jump or sink', and whole bunch of others.

Don't get caught by the werewolf was basically us pretending one of us had become a werewolf and the other had to run for their life. And Jump or sink was basically us jumping over rocks and if we accidentally touched or fell onto the ground we would sink. It was during P1 to P4 (Primary 1 to Primary 4. In the u.s 1st grade to 4th grade) that we played those games. It was so much fun. We were closer than Lisa and I ever were.

But as he began to grow older and smarter, he was picked on at school and I think he had problems at home too. By the time we reached P5, he started to close up. He became more distant everyday. And by the time we had reached Secondary, he had completely shut everyone out. He was (and still is) picked on at school and bullied. I had to call the teachers several times to make the other kids stop bullying him.

I never spoke to him again. It was like he no longer knew me, and I no longer knew him. Every time I try to speak to him, he turns away and tries to get away from me. And yet, the minute he gets home, his mum can't shut him up. He's a huge chatterbox at home apparently. Well, at least that's what his parents say. And how I'd like to hear him speak like that, to hear his voice again. It's been so long I've forgotten what his voice like!

I don't know if I'll ever find out why he closed himself off. Somehow I feel like it's my fault. Like I wasn't the friend I should've been. I feel like I did this to him. But I don't know how... My mum tells me I did nothing wrong and that I shouldn't blame myself. But how can I not? Until I know why, I'll always feel like I'm partially responsible.

And as for Lisa. I never knew why she did it. We were Best Friends up until S2 (Secondary 2), in the second term of school. Our 3 week holiday had just finished and my Best Friend Olivia (I met Olivia in Primary 5 btw, and she, Lisa and I had been Best Friends since) and I went up to her, same as we usually would, smiling, never thinking anything could go wrong.

We said hi, and asked her how the holiday was for her and guess what she said to us? "We can't be friends anymore". At first we thought it was a joke, but when we saw her serious expression, we knew it was true. We asked her why, and do you know what she said!? "It doesn't concern you". We couldn't believe what we were hearing.

We tried dozens of times to get her back or at least to tell us why she was doing this. But.. she wouldn't budge. So that was that. Olivia and I have stayed friends to this day though. And I hope we stay friends for a long time to come.

That's all for tonight Sapphire. I'll talk to you again tomorrow. Night!

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