Meeting Mandy (Completed)

By NightingaleBug

6.3K 133 35

Meet Mandy. The typical rich brat. Anything Mandy wants, Mandy gets: well except for someone. Gerald Ryans. ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen: Final
Additional (with Author's note)
Check this out! xx
Deleted Story

Chapter Seven

257 7 0
By NightingaleBug

Mandy was having a hard time sleeping especially when Nathan's cuddling her. She regretted playing with him last night.


"Rock, paper, scissors. If I win, you'll sleep on the floor. If you win then you'll sleep beside me" Mandy challenged the annoying Nathan, who helplessly wants to sleep beside Mandy.

"Piece'a cake" He smirked. He blew his fist and Mandy knuckle-cracked.


Nathan: Rock

Mandy: Scissors

"YES!" Nathan exclaimed. "You're sleeping with me baby!"

Mandy rolled her eyes then lied down, covered her face with her favorite pillow. 


Mandy sighed. I shouldn't have challenged this idiot, she thought. She pushed him away then decided to have midnight snacks.

When she reached the kitchen, she opened the fridge. She's craving for brownies. They're just great because they're loaded with fiber she thought. She grabbed for the dark chocolate pomegranate since she's bound to find something to keep her sweet tooth under control. She sat down on the sink and slowly ate the mouth-watering brownies.

"Still up" The husky voice near the door freaked her out.

"Gerald, you scared me" She released a sigh then continue eating. "I can't sleep. That idiot keeps on cuddling"

"That guy seemed to have missed you" Gerald opened the fridge then grabbed some nuts.

"Well, he should've come back three years ago" Mandy turned to him then looked down. 

"So, you actually dated him? I thought he was just kiddin' around" He took some nuts. Mandy finished her brownies and put the plate beside her.

"Yeah. I dated him for four years. He had a movie with my mother since then they've become close. Mom, invited him to my sweet sixteenth. That was the first time I fell in love with someone." Mandy smiled. A pure and genuine smile. Gerald felt amused with her for awhile.

"Why waste those years?" Gerald couldn't help but feel a bit interested. 

"I didn't... He did.. On Christmas Eve, we actually promised to spend the event together.. but he never showed up until now." Mandy showed a sad smile.

"Now? You two never had an official break up or something?"

"It was obvious that I was rejected."

"Both of you seemed close. I mean, you saw each other couple hours ago and act like nothing happened" Gerald Is Interested. Mandy laughed. 

"What? What is funny?" Gerald gave her a puzzled look.

"Since when were you interested in other people's life?" She said in-between laughs. Gerald blinked few times then brushed his dark hair. "I just got tired... Keep the nuts" He turned back.

"Another thing Ryans, Nathan broke my heart once, but still I've moved on unlike you.. You broke my heart everyday" 

"What's that supposed to mean?" He turned to look at her.  Mandy gave a teasing smile.

"That means, I still like you... Always have, always will even if you break my heart everyday"

"It's not funny" 

"That wasn't a joke. Even when I'm with Nathan, I always talked about you and even told him you were my crush" 

"Silly" Then he walked out. There was a small curve planted on Gerald's lips. What has gotten into him?, he thought and he has no idea if it was about the talk or the person he talked to. 


"NATHAN!" Gerald heard Mandy's insanely yelling first thing in the morning. He brushed his hair then slightly opened his eyes. 

Two childish people were running around the house and it was terribly noisy. "GET IT OFF!" Mandy was struggling about the tarantula that Nathan saw outside. Nathan kept on laughing about Mandy's reaction.

Gerald just sighed and decided to prepare breakfast.


While preparing breakfast, Gerald saw Nathan and Mandy in the garden watering the plants.

Gerald prepared an omelette, some toast and an orange juice. He heard Mandy's giggling tone outside. He peeked from a small window in the kitchen and check what the two has been doing.

They were splashing each other with water instead the plants. Gerald was not happy about the view. Something was irritating him and he didn't know why.

He looked at the two again and accidentally dropped his spatula. Why is he being careless this morning? he murmured to himself. 

Oh, first time. He just murmured to himself.


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