Believe in Sherlock

By AutumnEmbers

516K 17.4K 6.3K

When Sherlock reunites with his best friend from his childhood, Margaret Jones, he can't seem to get her off... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9-Maggie's POV
Chapter 10-Maggie's POV
Chapter 11-Maggie's POV
Chapter 12-Sherlock POV
Chapter 13-Maggie's POV
Chapter 14- Maggie's POV
Chapter 15-Maggie's POV
Chapter 17-Maggie's POV
Chapter 18-Maggie POV
Chapter 19-Maggie's POV
Chapter 20-Sherlock's POV
Chapter 21-Maggie's POV
Chapter 22-John's POV
Chapter 23-Maggie's POV
Chapter 24-Maggie's POV
Chapter 25-Sherlock's POV
Chapter 26-Maggie's POV
Chapter 27-Sherlock's POV
Chapter 28-John's POV
Chapter 29-Sherlock's POV
Chapter 30-Maggie's POV
Chapter 31-Maggie's POV
Chapter 32-John's POV
Chapter 33-Maggie's POV
Chapter 34-Maggie's POV
Chapter 35-Sherlock's POV
Chapter 36-Maggie's POV
Chapter 37-Sherlock's POV
Chapter 38-Maggie's POV
Chapter 39-Sherlock's POV
Chapter 40-Maggie's POV
Chapter 41-Sherlock's POV
Chapter 42-Maggie's POV
Chapter 43-Maggie's POV
End Credits of Sorts
Sequel Released!!

Chapter 16-John's POV

10.4K 404 70
By AutumnEmbers

Of course I was still broken after Sherlock's fall. But Mary helped me through my roughest times when Maggie couldn't be hear.

Oh, Maggie.

She's still in so much pain. She even drugged herself to get some sleep.

That morning before she woke up, I went out to check on her and saw an empty water glass on the coffee table. I grabbed it to take it over to the sink when I smelt something.

I sniffed the inside of the glass and recognized it as a drug Sherlock had showed me on one of our cases. It made you fall unconscious and forget the last ten minutes.

I tried to hide my concern and I even told Mary about it.

I grabbed the sheet that Maggie had used last night and folded it in a neat square.

Mary watched me wearily.

"Are you sure she's alright?" Mary asked.

I turned around to face the beautiful woman I got to call my girlfriend. I'm so lucky to have her.

"Yeah. She seemed steady on her feet. The drug doesn't last too long, only a few hours." I assured Mary.

Mary nodded and smiled.

I walked over to her and cupped her face in my hands. She looked at me and her blue eyes shined beautifully.

"Don't worry about it." I said and kissed her softly on the forehead.

She rested her head on my shoulder and I put my chin on the top of her head.

I hugged her tightly before pulling away to look at her again.

"What do you want to do?" I asked with a smile.

In reply, she simply leaned forward and kissed me on the lips.

"How about a night in?" She whispered into my lips.

I smiled and nodded in agreement.

She pulled away and I was slightly disappointed as she headed for the telly and flicked it on.

"Come on. My favorite movie is on." She smiled and beckoned me over to sit next to her on the couch.

I settled down on the couch and she leaned back to rest her head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me.

We watched the movie and I was close to falling asleep when I heard my phone go off. I reached over, careful not to disturb Mary who was also drifting to sleep as the end credits rolled down the telly.

I opened the text. It was from Maggie.

I may have a case. Want in? -MJ

I rolled my eyes and thought about my options. Stay here with my loving girlfriend or run about London with Maggie searching for a murderer.

It might be dangerous... -MJ

Damn, not again. I sent my reply and placed my phone back on the coffee table, wondering if I made a mistake.

I relaxed back in my original position and stroked Mary's hair as she slept. She hadn't got much sleep last night. I didn't know what was bothering her and prevented her from sleeping.

It worried me a bit. The only thing that could've kept her up was Maggie's distinct crying as she slept.

I figured it was a nightmare about Sherlock. She often called me in the middle of the night complaining about them.

When she hadn't called me in the past week and a half, I thought the nightmares had stopped. Turns out, she just wasn't sleeping.

I could tell because of the dark circles around her usually bright blue eyes that resembled Sherlock's but hers were a darker blue instead of the icy blue-green Sherlock's had been.

Sherlock's fall was tearing Maggie up inside and I don't know how long it will take before she's nothing but a shell of her former self.

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