One Mistake, Two Gifts [COMPL...

By iStarKidrauhl

100K 2.6K 286

♡ SEQUEL IS UP ♡ Emily was trying to have a normal relationship with her boyfriend, but how can anything be n... More

Chapter 1 ♥
Chapter 2 ♥
Chapter 3 ♥
Chapter 4 ♥
Chapter 5 ♥
Chapter 6 ♥
Chapter 7 ♥
Chapter 8 ♥
Chapter 9 ♥
Chapter 10 ♥
Chapter 11 ♥
Chapter 12 ♥
Chapter 13 ❤
Chapter 14 ♥
Chapter 15 ♥
Chapter 16 ♥
Chapter 17 ♥
Chapter 18 ♥
Chapter 19 ♥
Author Notes ☺
Chapter 20 ❤
Author Notes ☺
Author Notes - HEELPP ☺
A/N: Characters!!! ☺

Chapter 21 ♥

2K 86 20
By iStarKidrauhl


Whoever knows how to make a trailer, please write me on messages.

Chapter 21

Opening my eyes, I sigh tiredly and sit up slowly. I gaze to my side to see it empty, feeling a pang of pain in the heart and tears forming in my eyes. I quickly shake my head to the sides before looking over at the clock just to find it's 8am in the morning. I roll my eyes in annoyance and get up, grabbing my robe and wrapping it around my body.

Walking downstairs towards the kitchen, I quickly put four slices of bread in the toaster and lay four bacons on the pan before making some coffee. I hurriedly make everything ready and rush upstairs.

"Good morning, beautiful creatures." I say to my two beautiful daughters as I walk into the room. I spot both of them in their own beds, slowly waking up from their peaceful sleep. I can't help but grin.

"Did you guys sleep well?" They mumble "mmm" as they turn to face me with a smile, letting me know they did. I go over to the curtains to draw them open. "Breakfast is almost ready." I let them know on my way out and go back into the kitchen.

20 minutes pass before two happy girls march into the kitchen with smiles on their faces.

"Are you guys hungry?" They nod together as they sit down next to the table. I hand them their plates with the eggs and bacon and give them both a glass full of orange juice before I take my coffee and start sipping carefully the hot drink when the door swings open and Erin walks in.

"Morning!" She announces happily and comes up to us. "Aunt Erin!" The girls shout happily together and rush to hug Erin's legs. She giggles sweetly and bends down to give each a hug. "Morning, magical mermaids." Erin says with a smile. "How was your sleep under the water?"

"Hard. I couldn't breathe!" One says, making Erin giggle. "Girls, stop talking to Aunt Erin and come finish your breakfast." They both groan. "Aw, don't worry, I'll be here most of the day. Now go and eat if you wanna grow up and be as tall as your mommy." The girls cheer up and run back to their seats, continuing to eat whatever is left in their plates.

"Morning, sis." Erin welcomes me as she approaches me and hugs me tightly. That hug feels so good.

"Morning." I mumble through my lips and sigh. "How you doing?" I just shrug and take another sip from my coffee as I stare at my girls eating.

"It's been five years." She announces quietly. I sigh sadly once more and nod. "I'll always be here." Erin assures me and wraps herself around me for another comforting hug. I smile weakly at her and head over to the sink to put my cup in it. I'm just about to open my mouth, telling the girls to hurry up so they won't be late when arms engulf around my tummy from behind. "Morning, beautiful."

It's only when my daughters shout that word that I believe he's actually here.

"Daddy!!" They both shout together in surprise and run up to Justin to hug him as tight as they can. He lets go of me and picks both of them up with his muscled arms. "How are my beautiful princesses?" Erin clears her throat hesitantly before speaking. "Mermaids. They're mermaids." She says, rather surprised.

I still face the sink, unable to twirl around to face my beloved husband. "Mermaids? Really? Well, then, I better let you go back to the water before you die!" Justin says dramatically.

I listen carefully to my daughters' laughter as they both get twirled around by Justin.

"I see you just ate, so I guess spinning around might have been a bad idea." Justin worries. "Why don't you go upstairs and relax a bit so you won't puke or something?" He suggests. I can see in my head how they both smile big at him and nod. I listen quietly to my daughters' footsteps getting further and further with my back still facing the stairs.

"Well, I think Imma go now. Call me later." Erin says and sneaks out of the room not before stealing the last bacon.

I stay still in my place, still not able to turn around and look at the father of my children who I haven't seen for nearly half a year. My breath hitches and my heart rate raises as Justin's warm fingers touch my sleeveless arm. I cringe from the sudden feeling and move to the side.

"Emily.." Justin whispers quietly behind me. "It's me, Justin.. Your husband..." He adds even quieter than before. I feel as my lips tremble and tears make my vision blurry but I blink quickly to prevent them from sliding down. "Baby.." Justin mumbles and gently grasps my arm again as he hears the hitched breath I drew in.

He slowly spins me around and lifts my chin up with his two fingers as I don't look at him. When I finally give in and look up, my eyes quickly find his chocolate ones and I can't help myself but burst into tears.

Justin quickly wraps his arms securely around me while stroking my head as I cry hysterically in his ear. I throw my arms around his neck and smash my body with his, never wanting to let him go.

"Baby girl.." Justin mumbles when I finally take over my crazy outburst and wipes my tear stains with his thumbs. He looks deeply into my eyes before crashing his lips onto mine, taking my breath away.

I've missed those lips so badly. Those pink, plumpy, heart-shaped lips. They feel so soft yet so rough against mine, making me feel butterflies crash into each other inside my tummy.

"I've missed you so much!" I finally let it out and kiss him more. "I've missed you, too." He mumbles through the kiss. "I love you." I confess shortly as we let go.

"I love you, too." He repeats my words softly and about to kiss me again when someone's voice interrupts us. "And I love pineapples." I look over Justin's shoulder and gasp as I see Sean standing there with a mischievous smile. How did he get in here?!

"Stay away." I don't know who Justin was talking to, but either way, he pushes me behind him as a protection.

"I'm not here for the slut. I'm here for the idiot." Sean tells Justin. "How did you call her?!" Justin shouts angrily and hurries up to Sean before I can stop him. "I called her a..." I see something shining coming out of Sean's coat but I realize what it is too late.

"Slut." Sean finishes and a 'swoosh' sound is heard before Justin collapses to the ground with tears in his eyes, holding onto the sharp knife that's stuck in his belly.

"NOOO!!" I screech loudly and instantly wake up to a white room filled with the crew and a beeping sound. I lift my head up slowly in panic and confusion, all together, and glance around to realize where I am.

I spot Ryan talking to Pattie across the room while gripping a cup of something. Chaz is sitting next to the window with Alfredo and Greg on the blue couch, talking between them. Then, there's Kenny, Dan, Ryan and Scooter who are outside the door frame, chatting quietly.

Still confused, I look at each of them slowly before looking to my right to find a sleeping Justin lying there. Soon enough, everything rushes back into my head and I realize what's happened. Why I'm here. I feel one tear rolling down my cheek and a quiet sob coming out of my dry mouth. He actually got stabbed and it's all because of me.

"Sweetie, I think it's best if you take a walk around the place, get some fresh air." Pattie suggests calmly while her hand is resting on my back. I shake my head quickly and grasp Justin's hand with mine, interlacing our fingers together.

"Honey, you've been here for two full days. You haven't eaten or gone to the bathroom. I don't want you to get sick." She's right. I can't get sick. I have two girls to take care of and if Justin... Isn't... Going to make it, I'm gonna need to be strong and take care of them by myself.

I take a deep breath and nod slowly. Standing up, I glance around to see everyone staring quietly at me and then to Justin before exiting the room. I let my legs lead me to wherever they want, just walking till I get tired. I finally come to a stop and look around just to find myself sitting on a bench in the entrance of the hospital, staring at the empty space in front of me. It only occurs me that someone is sitting next to me when they speak up.

"Lovely day, isn't it?" The man asks while sighing. I look up at him in confusion as he flashes a calm smile. He looks so familiar, yet so foreign. I gaze at his face, trying to remember where I've seen him before when he looks at me. He smiles again and looks away to the other side where the paparazzi, interviewers and fans are running around, making noise.

I take the opportunity to glance up and down at the strange man and take in his figure. He has a quite big belly, probably filled with beer. A shirt with sweat stains covers his upper part and lousy sweats are wrapped around his legs and ripped shoes on his feet. He basically looks like a drunk homeless who lost his way.

But I can tell he's sober by his expression and behavior. He just sits there and stares at the entrance next to us while holding onto his drink. He takes a sip now and then before chuckling lightly and shaking his head like he's watching little kids running around carelessly.

"Makes me laugh how some people spend their whole lives studying others' lives." The man states with a smile without taking his eyes off of the happenings outside. "They should be out there spending time doing what they love with their beloved ones instead."

I nod slowly at the man's statement and shift my eyes to the entrance, too, watching as thousands of people jump around, take pictures or do anything just to catch others' attention. And by others, I mean mine.

"I wonder why they're here. Who the person they're crying out for is, the one that makes them leave everything that relates to them and basically dedicate their lives to.." The man adds before shrugging and taking a sip from his drink. I remain in silence but move my eyes to my fingers, breathing in and out slowly and steadily.

My life was so normal before I met Justin. Before anything happened. Yes, I was one of the few who encouraged Justin to film himself singing and upload the videos on YouTube or even sign into this Stratford Idol contest. And yes, I'm very proud of Justin and love him. But if I could, I would take it all back.

I would throw all his fame away and anything that relates to it. I would do anything just to be this normal girl again. I would do anything just to walk outside without being attacked by a crazy camera man or a furious fan that wants me dead. I wish I could take Justin and run away from this crazy reality we're living in.

But I can't. This is my life now. I'm Justin Bieber's girlfriend and I have to accept it because whether I like it or not, it will stay like that till the day I die.

"Emily! Emily!" I hear my name being shouted as someone walks in, opening the door wide. I glance up at the entrance again and stare at the crowd outside. All the girls jump up and down repeatedly, waving their arms crazily to the sides while screaming as loud as they can. They would've come up to me already but luckily, the police is holding them back, making sure no one passes through.

"Who the hell is Emily?" The old man wonders, lifting the cup to his lips. "M-me.." I stammer quietly. He shifts his eyes to me and stares at me blankly. "You're famous?" I shake my head slowly and gulp before looking at my fingers again. "I date the famous..."

I can feel his eyes on me, staring hard, probably trying to recognize me. "Who's the famous guy then? Or girl?"

I take a deep breath and open my mouth but no sound comes out. I didn't know how hard it was for me to say Justin's name till now. I don't know why it's so hard for me but considering the fact that he's in coma right now and might as well die, it's pretty understandable, right?

I clear my throat once and open my mouth again, hissing quietly his name. "Justin Bieber.." I chock.

"You're Justin Bieber's girlfriend? No way. I would've recognized you. My daughter is all about Justin Beaver."

"Bieber. Not Beaver." I correct him and pinch my nail in anger. I hate how people mistaken Justin's last name as much as Justin does.

"Sorry." The old man says with a chuckle. I glance up once to see a crooked smile on his face and go back to staring at my broken, dirty nails. "My daughter rambles a lot about this guy and it gives me a headache." He adds with humor.

We remain in silence for awhile till the man decides to stand up, his cup in his right hand. "It was a pleasant to talk to you, Emily." He says politely before throwing the cup into the trash can across us and exiting the room without any other word being said.

I stand up shortly after the man leaves, a bit stumbling on the way, and look at the entrance, watching quietly at the commotion outside. A tear slowly makes its way down my cheek till it reaches my chin and finally drops on my hospital gown.

I'm not ready to lose Justin. Especially not now when the babies are here. I don't think I can do this. Hell, I'm sure I can't do this. Just please, god, please save Justin. It's not his time yet. Please.

I finish my prayer and turn to the other way, heading over to the elevator and going up back to Justin.

* * *

Walking into the fifth floor, I once again don't notice where I'm going. Just letting my feet lead me through. I stumble forward vaguely, my eyes are blurred from the tears that started to well up in my eyes on my way up here.

I gaze around the area, blinking hard to prevent the tears, and try to recognize the numbers on the doors.

548... 548... 548...

I keep repeating in my mind Justin's room number till I finally find it and come to a halt.

Nothing could happen in an hour, right? Justin couldn't die exactly after I left the room, right? It's impossible. He's okay... Right?

I take three long deep breaths and count to three before laying my five fingers on the door knob and turning it around, opening the door slowly.

"Hey, Emily!" I spin my head to the opposite direction I came from. Erin walks up to me, nervousness covering her face.

"Is everything okay?" I turn to her fully and grab her arms as she reaches me. I can't help but think something happened to Justin. I'd literally die if anything worse happened to him.

And we all know what I mean when I say worse.

"Yeah, yeah.. I just wanted to talk to you.." She mumbles cautiously, thinking carefully about her words as if not to blurt something unwanted.

I nod once and follow her down the hall into an empty room, closing the door tenderly behind me before taking a seat next to her on the couch.

She starts biting her lips nervously and messing with her shirt, crumbling it. "What happened?" I watch her closely as she takes a deep shaky breath and lets it all out in one hiss. "Sean tried to rape me."

My eyes grow in size and my heart rate speeds up as my body tenses up. "He what?!" I shout in shock, making Erin cringe a bit.

"H-he.." She stammers. "I heard you the first time. You don't need to say that again." I pull her into a hug. "Are you alright?" She nods. "How did it happen?!"

"It happened a month after we fought. You and I. We were watching a movie together and then he decided we should make out. I thought it'd be fun so I let him." She gulps and blinks severally to stop the tears.

"Things started to heat up and he tried to take off my clothes. I, of course, resisted but then he tackled me to the couch, held my arms and lifted my shirt. He started to touch me and grope my breasts a-and.." She cringes, her breath hitches.

"He unbuttoned my pants and took them off. I would've stopped him but I was paralyzed. I was too shocked to move. He then quickly took off his pants to reveal his... His package.. A-and then he started to take off m-my panties..." Her chest heaves up and I can hear her heart rate rising up.

"Luckily, the shock drifted off just enough for me to kick him in the balls and run out of there." She takes a deep breath and looks at me with glassy eyes, her lips are trembling. "I was so scared... I'm still so scared!"

"What an ass. I'm so sorry, baby." I mumble as I take her into my arms and caress her black hair while rocking back and forth. A quiet sob comes out of her mouth and I tighten my grip around her. "Don't worry. He won't touch you again. I won't let him."

Erin clears her throat and sniffles twice as she sits up with a weary smile. "Thank you." I shrug. "Don't mention it. I'm just glad I regained your trust just enough for you to tell me such a thing." I smile.

"Speaking of trust, Erin, I'm so sorry for not telling you about Sean an--" I quiet down as she shakes her head briskly, her hair flying everywhere. "I don't care anymore. I'm just happy you're alright." She pulls me into another hug.

"I'll be oka--" A loud beeping sound comes from the other side of the door, cutting me off in the middle of the sentence.

In normal times, I would've ignored it and keep talking but the next call that's heard in the hall tenses me up and I can't stop myself before running out of the room. "Resuscitation department to room number 548!"

I stumble out of the room with Erin on my heel and hurry up to room 548, pushing through Pattie and the crew on the way.

"Emily!" Pattie shouts. I keep running till I reach the door and open it without hesitation just to show myself a room full of doctors wandering crazily around Justin, counting random numbers while one of them is pounding on Justin's chest and breathing him from mouth to mouth.

"Clear!" The doctor in the green uniform shouts and hits Justin's chest with the silver defibrillators, electrifying him. "No!" I scream, tears are in my eyes. I push myself forward into the room but quickly get pulled back by the arm till I'm out of the room.

"NOO!" I screech louder and try to get out of the person's grip. Its arms engulf my body and hold me tight till I finally come to my senses and summon down.

"Breathe." A dark voice demands. I look up just as Kenny lets go of me. My eyes wander around the hall, catching a sight of the whole crew scattered around in groups, murmuring words between them while shooting worried glances at the door and then at me.

"We need help!" A doctor shouts as he opens the door. "Why?? What happened?! Justin! Justin!!" I scream as I run up to the door and try to pass the doctor but he just pushes me to the side and hurries back in right before a group of three nurses rushes in after him.

What the hell is happening?!

Erin comes up to me together with Pattie and they both hug me tightly before leading me towards the chairs. I fall down, tears are still in my eyes, and cup my head in my hands.

* * *

Numb. This is what I feel. Numb.

Three hours have passed and still nobody has told us Justin's condition. Doctors come in and out, but no words have been thrown at our direction.

I'm not sure if that numb feeling is from the long waiting without moving on the chair that caused my ass to fall asleep, or the empty feeling I feel inside my chest that makes me feel horrible. I don't even know if what I'm experiencing right now is a dream or a reality. I sure do hope it's a dream. That in reality I'm lying on a bed with Justin while rubbing my big full tummy that holds my two precious babies. That only in two weeks I'm gonna give the birth and do it properly. That Justin is alive and alright and isn't lying on a bed at the hospital with many wires connected to his body. I sure do hope this is just a dream and not a reality.

The door flies open once again and a male doctor comes out, but this time, instead of rushing towards elsewhere, he walks up to us with a frown on his face as all the doctors and nurses that were in the room walk out behind him while wiping their face from sweat.

"Mrs. Mallette?" The doctor calls. Pattie arises and walks up to him cautiously. She looks so vulnerable. So vulnerable, I almost jump up to tell her to sit down and let me handle the big news.

"Can I talk to you privately?" Pattie nods once and follows the doctor into Justin's room.

I know I shouldn't do this but I have to know. I have to know if Justin is alright and I know that if the doctor has something bad to say, Pattie will take years to tell me.

I stand up and hurry up to the door, opening a tiny crack. Nobody stops me so I lean in and hold my breath, listening silently to what the doctor is about to say.

"Is everything okay, doctor?? Is Justin alright??" Pattie quickly attacks the doctor with questions. Nervousness is dripping out of every word she says.

"Mrs. Mallette... Justin is not in a very good condition.. His immune system is crashing down pretty fast. The stab not only damaged his kidney, but also made him lose lots of blood. The bump in the head he got afterwards didn't help either."

"W-what are you trying to say?"

"Mrs. Mallette..." The doctor pauses and takes a deep breath, giving Pattie a pitiful look.

Please don't say the words I think you're about to say. Please don't! Anything but that!

"The odds are not in Justin's favor... If he keeps reacting like that to our treatment.... He's gonna die."

THE END of the FIRST book!!


I've already started working on the first chapter of the sequel so it'll most probably be out in the next two weeks - I hope :S

The name of the sequel might be "This is Just the Beginning" unless I find something better, so check my profile from time to time to see if I've posted it already ;)

I'm gonna upload an update in here, too, to let whoever has my story saved up in their library know the sequel is up.

I'm actually surprised all of you have stayed all along, and read every single chapter even though it took me years to update - literally O.O

I love you guys so much! I wanna thank you all for the help you've given and patience you showed all this time.

BUT HOLD ON, THIS IS NOT THE END!! The sequel will have much more drama and surprises, stuff you've NEVER imagined would happen! ;)


@thatbelieberem, @UnicornBelieber thank you for trying to help me ♥ I really appreciate it!




Ophir ♥ ♥ ♥

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