You're Still The One

By a_man_duh22

34.7K 1K 50

What happens when Luke runs into a girl from his past at one of his meet and greets? Will they get along or w... More

Coming Soon
Author's Note
Author's Note
Author's Note


923 32 2
By a_man_duh22

Luke's POV

Today I am marrying Katie. I've waited so long for this. Mama and Katie decorated for the wedding and the reception and it looks amazing. Katie chose for us to get married on our land and we rented a giant tent for the reception. All the boys and I are still in the hotel room we stayed in last night putting on our tuxes and getting ready. I'm getting nervous and Carter walks over to me and tries to calm me down.

"Luke, you are ready for this day. You have talked about this girl since the day I met you. She is the one for you." He tells me giving me a pat on the back.

It's now time for us to head to the house. We all pile into the limo and make our way to the house. I can't believe I'm getting married.

I'm walking around the house and all of Katie's bridesmaids are roaming around the house. I see Nina and I pull her over to the side.

"Will you give this to Katie please?" I ask handing her a folded up piece of paper.

"Yeah, no problem. Congrats Luke, and she looks beautiful." She says walking upstairs.

I have one more surprise for Katie and it should be here any minute.

Katie's POV

I can't believe that I'm getting married in 30 minutes! I just finished putting on my dress when Nina walks back in the room.

"Luke wanted me to give this to you." She says handing me a folded up piece of paper.

I open it and as soon as I start reading it, my eyes fill up with tears.

The day has arrived that I finally get to make you my wife. I know that you are going to look gorgeous in your dress. Me and you both have been waiting for this day for forever. You are my dream girl Katie Ann and I plan on making you the happiest woman in the world. I love you and I'll see you soon.

Love always,

I wipe the tears from my eyes and start touching up my make up.

"Katie, it's time." Nina says helping straighten out my dress.

As I start walking to the back, I see my dad standing there waiting for me.

"Daddy, what are you doing here?" I ask walking up and hugging him.

"I'm here to walk my little girl down the aisle." He says holding out his arm.

I take his arm and we start walking down the aisle. I saw my mama sitting in the front row and my smile got a little bigger. I have to focus and look down the aisle at Luke. He looks so handsome and he has the biggest smile on his face. I finally make it to the altar and Luke helps me up the steps.

"Thank you for getting my parents here baby." I say turning towards him.

"Anything for my wife." He says with that world famous smile.

The ceremony went great and Luke and I are officially married. We just finished taking our wedding photos and we are heading towards the reception.

"Luke, thank you again for getting my parents here. It wouldn't have been the same without them."

"I'll do anything to make my wife happy." He says kissing me.

Finally, we walk into the tent and everyone cheers. Stars Over Texas by Tracy Lawrence starts playing and Luke and I make our way to the dance floor for our first dance. Everyone stayed and partied for awhile and enjoyed themselves but now they are all slowly leaving. Thanksgiving is a couple days away so Luke and I are waiting to go on our honeymoon.

"You ready to go to the house baby?" Luke asks me with a wink.

"Yes, let's go." I say with a laugh as I grab his hand and pull him towards the house.

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