Can Anybody Find Me?

By Trewest

152K 2.7K 126

What happens when your Guardian Angel is late? Elonore found out the hard way at 10 years old and barely surv... More

Can Anybody Find Me?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 Epilogue

Chapter 27

4K 74 2
By Trewest

Gavin groaned as he tried to carefully roll over. He was mostly mortal now and the rib that had broken from Azazel's casual backhand was trying its best to stab the lung it was supposed to guard. Right now, it still wouldn't kill him but he really didn't want to endure having a bone shard/squishy lung combination and so he had to move slowly. When he was finally able to see his Lone and Azazel, he sucked in a startled breath and nearly inpaled his lung anyways.

Lone's strong features were twisted with manical hatred and murderous glee. There were black lines tracing under her skin, starting at her now purest black eyes and spreading through her veins. It gave her face a ghastly appearance but it hadn't spread throughout the rest of her yet. And somehow Gavin knew that if he didn't stop the spread of whatever that was before it got to her heart, it wouldn't matter what Azazel wanted her for, she'd be lost to both of them.

Azazel stared at the changes in Lone, unsure of how they occured or what that now indicated from the woman. Gavin had a slightly better clue. He could feel the wrongness pulse through their bond, a poison spreading through her veins, spread by the powerful beats of her heart. The King of Hell seemed amused that this little slip of a mortal woman was trying to appear threatening towards a creature such as he, but it was always fun to play with one's food before one eats and so he played back.

Gavin had seen Lone fight fist to fist with mortal men. She was a compent fighter and a brilliant survivor, but this should have been an easy fight to call. Should have being the two key words of that phrase, because to Gavin's unmistakable surprise, Lone was holding her own. Azazel still kept himself contained in the image of Lone's father and he had made a mistake in limiting his own power by wearing a mortal guise. Like all Descended, his natural form was much more formidable than this mere flesh he currently wore, and to boot, Lone was accustomed to fighting in her own skin, Azazel had not fought as a man for eons. His moves were inhumanely fast, and when they landed, Gavin kept expecting to hear the crunch of bones breaking, but they weren't destroying Lone. In fact, it almost seemed that the more Azazel landed blows on her, the weaker her got and the more the blackness under her skin spread. Her entire face was painted with the black in her veins and it was starting to creep down her neck, the pulse of her carotid looking diseased and horribly wrong.

 Lone struck back for every blow that landed and a faint echo of the darkness ate under Azazel's mortal flesh. Not deadly to the being himself, merely toxic to the flesh he wore. The once Guardian Angel stared in horrified wonder as a mortal beat the temporary flesh off of a Demon King. She was a Neutral with something impossible surging under her skin. The sheer wrongness of it all hurt Gavin through their link, sucking the strength right out of him. That was the only way he knew how she was strengthened and what it was that was killing her. That Twisted that had attacked Lone and Rimmon and later Lone and Gavin, the Fallen Uriel Tempted to the Descended. Basically a perversion of the complete natural order of things.

Before Lone could lose herself to the Twisted, and before Gavin could gather his stgrenth Azazel suddenly staggered away, stumbling towards the center of the ampitheatre. Lone stopped moving, chest heaving and he could see the woman she was struggle with the being slowly overtaking her. He stepped towards her but that seemed to be the wrong thing to do. Her entire frame shuddered and she snarled at him, a wet, grotesque sound. Before any violence could erupt between them though, Azazel let out a frustrated bellow from the center of the amiptheatre.

Lone started to laugh manically, a cackle that held no trace of her normal rational self. Gavin just gaped in wide eyed astonishment as he saw the residual flare of a summoning sigil surrounding the King as he screamed in anger and impudent rage. And then vanished with a sound of ripping reality and the lingering stench of sulfur. And then they were alone. Lone growled out a horrific sound, filled with primal frustration and Gavin wondered if there was anything left of the woman to save.

"Elonore?" he asked hesitantly, her name echoing hollowly in the large, dead space. The creature that turned to look at him with hostile curiosity looked like his lover but bore no trace of her soul in their eyes.


Rimmon and the assorted flavours of lesser damned creatures all mumbled their appropriate lines of ritual. To any outsider, it looked like four adults playing at being mystic, a paint and candel etched sigil looking harmless while they muttered nonsense.

A few herbs burned fitfully on the charcoal brazer with the slowly roasting carcass of a dead rabbit making the apartment smell like roasted fur. It wasn't lovely and it would take weeks to air out of the apartment fully. None of that mattered now.

The blood had been spilt, the words had been chanted and the power had been cast. Every being in the room: Arc Angel, Neutral, mortal and Descended, felt the strength drain out of them, collapsing all four of them to the ground. The candles snuffed out, the sigil burned a fitful red and all of them groaned in pain and the aura of terror that filled the room.

Rimmon was the most immune to the sense of inevitable terror, having been exposed to the particular and unique torture that was the King's personal aura. Coyote was able to defend only himself from the effects, safe in the cocoon of his own aura, Gabriel grimaced in pain and silently endured. Poor, sweet Belle fainted, but since the males had all anticipated that issue, she'd been seated amongst all the pillows they could have mustered. For her 'comfort' of course. Now she lay out of the way, clear of the protective circle and happily unconscious. Sometimes the image the King of Hell wore was beyong the coping capabilities of the mortal mind.

Rimmon dropped to his knees, not dominant enough on the Descended heirarchy to maintain his dignity in this exchange and Gabriel held out a while longer. But the Arc Angel, for all his glory, was not a Seraphim or any of the Higher elite that could hold out against a Lower Descended, not without his own Ascended home advantage and a lot of backup. He fell to his hands and knees after Rimmon succumbed. Coyote demurely knelt, not sucumbing but not resisting either.

Azazel slowly tore his way into this reality, the fabric of reality crying out at his intrustion. Their circle of Power fluctuated, dimming against the assault of the King of Hell but against all odds, holding. Azazel formed in the room and none present could identify the battered visage of that as Lone's father. He snarled something out, the sound dissonant and painful to all ears except Rimmon's.

"He demands address with the Neutral, seeing none other present worthy of his attention." Rimmon declared in a flat tone, playing translator easily.

"We request audience to negotiate the soul of one Elonore Priest. She is my apprentice and thus beyond the Temptation and Salvation of either Descended or Ascended." Coyote proclaimed calmly, taking out a worn and weathered looking pipe. He quickly and expertly packed it with fresh tobacco and lit it while Azazel watched. And with the skill only an experienced Neutral could claim, he reached across the protective circle without breaking it, and offered the pipe to Azazel in the ages old gesture of temporary peace.

"And what exactly do you think is your bargaining position?" Azazel demanded, arrogant and skeptical.

Coyote smiled softly, looking down in an almost feminine show of demure passivity, the Neutral shrugged. "I can do or offer nothing. My compatriot Rimmon, however, offers a most interesting option." he admitted.

The King of Hell turned his hellfire eyes on Rimmon and the Demon Ambassador struggled to maintain his posture under the weight of his Master's gaze. If this failed, his fate wouldn't be swift, it would hold no trace of mercy and it would make the entirely of hell pale in terror. He was staging not just a mutiny, but a complete coup de gras. He'd abandonded his Descended nature and gave the Neutral the knowledge on how to entrap this entity. A secret only one of his rank or higher knew, because it worked on him too.


"Lone, please indicate that some part of you can hear me?" Gavin kept his voice calm, as if he were speaking to a mass murderer with a high powered rifle.

Gavin watched the woman he loved take as strangely alien and yet graceful step to the side, walking a wide perimeter around him and creeping ever closer to the no longer present Azazel. He didn't know what she hoped to achieve, he could taste the tang of a Summoning in the air. And the foul musk of the Twisted. His mind made the intuitive leap necessary and understood that somehow Lone had invited it inside her.

Her own mortality was being used against her now, because soon it would give her unimaginanle power, and neigh immortality , but would also destroy the soul of the woman he loved. Every pulse of her heart spread the sickness, her strengths useless against this poison. It was the perfect infector, because it was a corrupted Fallen, capable of absorbing Ascended, Descended and mortal alike. She was a spirit touched and could see the personal auras of each being and could slip passed their defences and snag a piece of their soul.

The only way to chase the Twisted out of her was to make it feel the sting of a mortal death. He had to kill Lone to save her, and being her once Guardian Angel, he knew how. He'd resurrected her from a drowning, and he could still revoke the second chance. As all powerful as the Twisted and Lone combined were the woman fell to her knees gasping for breath that now frothed with water. Gavin watched while gritting his teeth as Lone slowly drowned on dry land while he watched, willing it to happen. Until the darkness fled from under her skin, retreating as the Twisted fled death. By then Lone was blue lipped and dead limp. Gavin rushed to her side, flipping her onto her back and started to pound CPR into her chest, unable to use any power to start her heart this time.

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