Forgotten love | Thomas x rea...

By _TMR_x

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Title says^^^^ More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve: The Escape p. 1
A/N edit chapters
Chapter fourteen The Escape p. 3
A/N important!
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen

Chapter thirteen the Escape p.2

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By _TMR_x

You got through the plan with everyone so no one missed a detail. "There is one thing I didn't tell you.. Once they call our names and they take us we need to knock out the guards because Vince told me he didn't know whether his men or people from WICKED are taking us. If they are from the Right Arm they are wearing a wristband." Everyone gasped. "Don't worry there are probably 2 or 3 guards and we are with a lot more." "I'll help you with the guards. But why did Vince chose us to escape and not another group? And why doesn't Vince try to get Gally on the list too?" Sonya asks. "Honestly, I don't know.. It's weird I know but I think we should take this chance, I've seen the word WICKED on a door so I know we're in a trap. Janson chooses carefully who to put on the list, he only chooses the important ones. Vince knows Gally isn't ready yet. " You replied. "Oh and before I forget to mention it. Do NOT talk to anyone else about this and do not talk about it in front of cameras or other people." You said, everyone nodded. "Ok go to bed everyone and be prepared because tomorrow could be the day. " Everyone went into their beds and it immediately became silent knowing that everyone were thinking. Fortunately you immediately fell asleep.

You woke up early and you immediately stood up to dress into the new clothes they gave you. "Y/n?" Aris said and you walked up to his bed. "Yeah what is it?" "What if the guards are not from the Right Arm and they get us?" You were quiet for a moment not knowing what to say. "That's not going to happen. We will escape no matter what." He nodded. "Do you think it's today?" "I don't know.. Gally could also be taken before we are on the list, I don't think so, but as long as I get the card that's not a problem." You replied. You knew he was right about those guards, what if they are too strong? I mean they have weapons and we don't.. You sighed while you walked up to Sonyas bed who was also awake. She sat up and signed to you to sit next to her. "Sonya I'm scared. I know these people are not Grievers but I can mess it up for everyone." "It's okay to be scared. But I'll help you and we will kick their asses." You laughed. "We should get breakfast."

You sat at a table and ate your breakfast with the others, Gally sat next to you talking to you. "So.. Are you ready?" I looked at him in confusion. "You mean our names are.." He nodded. You talked a bit more and you noticed the atmosphere was quite calm, everyone talked and laughed with eachother. Suddenly Janson came in and greeted everyone. "Goodmorning everyone! I hope you all enjoy your meals! I have some great news for the following names who can follow me after I called them." You started to get nervous, you knew Gally would get up soon trying to go after you (and obviously fail). "So on my list I see: Aria, Madison, Aris, Harper, Olivia, Sonya.." He called some more names from your group too and ended with: "And last but not least y/n." We all cheered and you saw the disappointed faces around you. You felt your heart beating out of your chest knowing that it began..

Everyone stood up and walked to the door, you stood up last so you were behind. "What?? No y/n can't leave!" Gally got up and everyone turned around staring at him. "Where is my name on that list?" He walked up to Janson and took his notebook. "I'm sorry but you have to wa.." "WAIT? I WANT TO GO HOME YOU ARE NOT TAKING US HOME ARE YA?" He shouted. Suddenly guards came to Gally and tried to calm him down but he turned around slapping one on his face. "Okay enough! Take him away!" Janson said angrily while the guards grabbed Gally ready to take him. This was your moment. "No wait, Gally!!" You tried to ran to him but a guard stopped you and as he did that you took his card out of his pocket and you immediately placed it into your own. "Sorry girl we need to move, he will be okay don't worry." He smiled to you. You sighed and gave up. You turned around and walked with the others through the door. You saw there were three guards, one at the front and two behind you. You checked their wrists and you saw..

No one with a wristband.. Shit you thought. Sonya who walked behind the first guard turned around to look at you signing she was ready to take the guard down so you nodded your head telling her to wait for you to make the first move. You looked to your right to sign to Aris that he needed to take down the other guard behind you. You saw his worried face but nodded. You walked past the windows of the cantine and when you were out of sight you shouted: "NOW!" You turned around and punched the suprised guard right on his jaw and he immediately blacked out because you hit his weak spot. You took his weapon and turned to Aris who was struggling with the other guard. You immediately shot the guard in his leg causing him to scream. You froze while you realised what you did. Blood came out of his leg and his screams made you feel nauseous, suddenly everything went in slow motion. "Y/n!! Come on!" You got back into your normal state and realised what was going on. Sonya knocked out the guard and took his weapon, Aris also took the weapon but was shocked because of your action and tried to not look at the blood. You immediately took action and ran up to Sonya. "Okay Vince showed me a map to get out of here so please walk behind the group to check no one leaves behind." She nodded and put her hand onto your shoulder. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine." you replied trying not to look at her. "Okay everyone follow me! We have no time so stay right behind me."

Vince told you to take after the first right to go left, left then right and straight on till you get to a emergency door that leads to the outside. You and the other girls ran through the hall to the left and after that again to the left. You didn't hear any alarms yet. You went to the right and saw the emergency door at the end of the hall. You and the others ran to the end. On the left side of the door you saw a notch where you could place the card, the door immediately opened but suddenly an alarm went off. "Come on!! Get through!" They all ran past you through the door. Before you left you damaged the notch so no one could get through again and you closed the door.

You immediately felt the sun burning on your skin when you walked out. You tried to look around so you hovered your hands above your eyes. You saw four vehicles and people from the Right Arm who helped Aris and the girls inside the vehicles. A man noticed you and came up to you. "Come here so you can get in too." "Where are Vince and Gally?" "We need to go to the front to pick them up." You got into the vehicle and you sat next to Aris. "We made it!" He said. "Not yet.. The alarm went off so they come after us and if we don't get away soon they catch us." You had a strong feeling that something happened to them. The vehicle drove to the front and the guards came up to your way. "How much time left?" They asked. "If they are not here in five minutes we are going to leave..." He responded.

A/n: Woah long chapter! I really wanted to write the next chapter so you guys can immediately read part 2. I hope you liked it! I loved writing it :) oh and if you see a mistake please leave it in the comments and you guys can always help me with the story! What do you want to have in it?

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