Grester: How it all began

By Cecilia-Ari

7.7K 137 31

Grace is in the middle of her 2nd book, a no filter tour and a busy schedule. When the holy trinity sets out... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Not a chapter
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37

Chapter 36

119 2 0
By Cecilia-Ari

Chester's POV

I went into Grace's office and grabbed the ring light and tripod and brought them into the kitchen. Grace was on her laptop looking at recipes and looked up as I set down all of the equipment. "You were serious?" She asked. I looked at her baffled. "Grace Anne See when am I not serious?!" I asked holding my hand to my heart. She laughed and shook her head. "Do we have a stool around here somewhere?" I walked to the closet and pulled out a small plastic stool and gave it to Grace. "Thank you." She placed it on the floor and Luca stepped on top of it. "What's this?" I asked. "I thought it would be a group video." She said walking to the camera and turning it on. "Go stand by the end of the counter." She said. I walked to the end of the counter and stood there. "What do you mean group?" I asked. "We are going to make breakfast together." She said. She moved the ring light and plugged it in. "Okay. What's for breakfast?" I asked. Luca put a paper chefs hat on his head that I'm assuming Grace quickly made for him. You look just like a chef." Grace walked back in frame. And smiled at the camera. I quickly did the same and Luca was soon to follow. "Perfect! Hello everyone I'm Grace Helbig and if you did not know, now you know. Judging by the title of this video you should know what we are about to make." She started. "What are we making?" Luca asked. I looked to Grace. "Well we are going to make breakfast burrancakes... Panitos... bancakes." She said firing off more possible names for our breakfast. "Breakfast Panitos." I suggested. "We are making breakfast Pannittos. Pancakes and burritos. We will use the pancakes as the wraps for the burritos. So by raiding the fridge we will find out what we want. Luca what did you want in your burrito?" Grace asked. Luca walked into the fridge and looked around. He pulled out some bacon and set it on the counter. "That's it?" I asked. "I can't reach the other one." He said. I walked over and picked him up letting him get to the higher section of the fridge. He pulled out some apples and I put him down. "Is that what you want? Bacon and apples?" Grace asked him. He nodded is head and walked onto the stool. "Chester your turn." She said. I walked to the fridge and pulled out the Cholula, set it on the counter and went back to grab tomatoes, ham and mac and cheese. Grace walked into the cupboards and chose Pop tarts, strawberries and whipped cream. "Alright so the first thing we are going to do is take our pancake mix and make them into pancakes." ...

Grace's POV

We mixed the pancake batter and Luca helped Chester pour the pancake mix into the pan. After burning a few we had three big good pancakes. "Alright, now we are going to grab our ingredients and cut, crush or smash them and put them onto the pancake. Did you know pancakes were created by Aunt-" I started but was quickly cut off by Luca. "Aunt Grace!!" He shouted. "YES!! HOW DID YOU KNOW?!?" I shouted. Chester laughed and Luca smiled. "Aunt Grace created pancakes in 1865." I grabbed the bacon from off the counter and grabbed a new pan to cook it in. After finishing the bacon we set it aside to cool it off and started to construct our burritos. "I want my bacon>" Luca said. "Alright prince, you can grab it." I said, touching the plate to make sure it wasn't too hot. He grabbed his bacon and began placing the strips on his pancakes. I grabbed the apple slicer and sliced his apples before placing them in a bowl for him. Chester came behind me and grabbed one of Lucas bacon slices before popping it in his mouth. "Chester! You owe him a slice of bacon!" I exclaimed. "Its okay Aunt Grace. Uncle Chester needs it more than I do. I already have muscles." I burst out laughing. Chester just stood there looking at the camera and smiling. "You are too cute." I said before rubbing the top of his messy haired head. He soiled and brought me into a hug. I picked him up and swung him around. I carefully placed him on top of Chesters shoulders and then let go. "You're a super hero!" Chester shouted. Luca laughed as Chester 'flew' him around the room. I laughed and watched as the two boys had fun. He is going to be such a great dad. "Chester bring our super hero back!" I shouted. Chester ran back to the kitchen and got back in frame. I lifted Luca off of Chester's shoulders and held him in my arms. "So now that we have everything in our burritos we are going to put them in the pan and fold them over on each other, putting the syrup for the pancakes on the edge of the pancake to almost seal it shut. I set Luca back on the stool and he grabbed another strip of bacon. "Doggy!" he yelled before bending down and putting the bacon in front of his mouth. "Luca she's gonna get sick." I said. Luca quickly pulled the bacon away for Goose and put it on his burrito. "That's better. Okay lets cook our panitos." I grabbed another pan and turned the flame on. I sprayed the pan and then placed Luca's Panito in the pan. I put the syrup along the edge and pressed down with the spatula and picked it up a few seconds later. I flipped it and repeated and then put it back on his plate. I grabbed Chester's and did the same and then repeated with mine. "Babe did you wanna grab forks and knives?" I asked Chester. He nodded his head and went and grabbed them. I put Luca's plate beside him and Chester placed down his silverware. "Alright let's try it." We all cut a piece and at it. "That's delicious! I don't know how yours tastes but mines pretty good. How's yours Chester?" I asked him. "I mean it isn't the worst. Cholula and syrup don't go together. Here try it." He gave me a piece and I tried it. "Yea I mean it isn't the worst. How are yours Luca?" I asked. "It tastes like breakfast. I like the bacon." He said shoving another piece into his mouth. "Can I try it?" I asked. He nodded his head and gave me his fork which had a large piece on it. I took a bite and looked to Chester. "He has much better taste then you do." Chester laughed and grabbed the fork eating the rest of the burrito off of the fork. "Luca that tastes great! Good job prince!" He held up his hand for a high five and Luca jumped into it making sure to hit his hand perfectly. Chester repelled Luca into his arms and held him as he walked up and stood beside me. "That's my spot." I whispered. "What?" Chester asked. "OH nothing. We did good this morning. Now considering that this is our actual breakfast we should probably go and eat it." I said looking back at the camera. "Yea we should." Chester said. I laughed and out my head in my hands.

"I don't know!" I shouted. Chester walked off frame and pressed the record button and put Luca down. We did good. But we did need to eat breakfast. I looked at the clock and it was almost 11:30. "I have a meeting at 12:30 so I have to hurry." I said. We brought our food to the table and at down. After we finished Chester cleaned up as I went upstairs to get ready. At 12:00 I walked downstairs and looked around the house to say goodbye to the boys but all I found was a note on the counter,

Went to park with Luca. Make sure to lock the doors, the pool house door is unlocked so take care of that. I love you. Chester.

Alright. I'll just be all the later. I walked outside and locked all the doors before getting in the car and driving to the meeting. I stopped at a light by the park and looked at the playground. I could see Chester and Luca playing in the back. Before I lost the chance I opened my phone to Snapchat and quickly took a picture before the light turned green. I posted the picture to my story with the caption I know those people. @chestersee.

Chester's POV

We got to the park and quickly ran to the playground to play on the swings and slide. "Are you going to be a daddy?" Luca asked. Man I hope so. "I don't know. I hope that one day I am. Why do you ask?" I responded. "Because Aunt Grace was talking about it." He responded. "Oh yea? What did she say?"

"She said that you will be a good daddy." Will? I will be a good father? Is Grace pregnant? No. That isn't possible. Unless its not mine. No she wouldn't do that.

"Did she ever say that she was having a baby?" I asked.

"No. I don't think so." He said. We went and played on the slide for 15 minutes and I took a few snapshots before I saw that Grace had a new Snapchat. I opened it up to see a picture of two people Ata park with the caption I know those people. @chestersee. I smiled realizing it was actually a picture of Luca and I. I looked around and rested my eyes at the intersection where the picture was probably taken from.I smiled and then turned back to Luca and we decided to just walk around the park. We came to the flower garden where I gave Grace the promise ring and we stopped. "Why did we stop?" Luca asked. "Well this is the spot where I gave Aunt Grace a promise ring." I said walking to the spot where I got down on one knee all those months ago. "What's a promise ring?" He asked. "A promise ring is a ring that I gave Grace that meant that I would never have to worry about her not saying yes to a proposal. And one day I proposed and asked her to marry me and she said yes. Just like the promised when she took the ring." I said. We sat down on the bench a few feet away and I set him on my lap. "When did you get married?" He asked. "Well we didn't yet. But we will soon. Remember you are going to give me her ring at our wedding?" I reminded him. "That's what that was for? Okay. When can I do it?"

"Whenever we decide to get married." I said. We got up and started walking back down to the car. We got home 40 minutes later and grace was still gone. "It's time for your nap now." I said as we walked inside. "No! Mommy isn't here!" He complained. "Mommy will be home soon. She's just at a meeting. You can wait until she gets home." I replied making my way to the back of the house to head to my studio. I opened the drawer and brought out the box. Why did she buy this? And why did she only buy one? I heard the garage door open and knew that Grace was home now. I put the box in my bag this time and then walked inside. "Hey babe." I said as she walked inside. "Hey." She gave me a kiss and then looked around. "Where's Luca?" She asked. I pointed behind her where Luca was standing with a blanket wrapped around him. She put her bag down and picked him up. "Nap time?" She asked. He nodded his head and then rested it on her shoulder. "Awe well lets get up to bed." She gave me another kiss then walked upstairs.

Grace's POV

I carried Luca upstairs and set him down in our bed. I took off my jacket and changed from jeans to sweatpants. I sat down and grabbed my laptop to upload today's video. Luca leaned up against me and I wrapped my arm around him and continued. 40 minutes later my video was uploaded so I set my laptop aside and moved Luca to my side. I laid down on my side and placed Luca overtop of my arm and closed my eyes for a quick nap. I dreamed. It was Chester and I's wedding, and I was expecting a child. It was a girl, but we didn't yet have a name. I was in a beautiful white wedding dress and Chester was in a black suit. He had his hair perfectly done and he looked so handsome. Luca was there holding Chester's leg. We were a small incomplete family. But then I was awaken. I opened my eyes to see Luca crying. "Honey what's wrong?" I asked. He turned to face me and ran off the bed and downstairs. "LUCA!!" I screamed. I quickly got up and ran downstairs. I looked around and saw the back door close. "LUCA!" I screamed again. I ran out the door and was just in time to see the studio door slam shut. I ran to the door and tried to open it. "CHESTER! Are you in there?!" I called out. "Yea. What's going on?" I heard him get up and walk towards the door. "NO! DON'T OPEN IT!!" Luca yelled. "Luca sweetie what's wrong?" I said softly. "Go away!" What is going on? "Luca what's wrong?" This time Chester asked. "Don't let her in!" He said. "Why not?" He asked. "Because she's a monster!" He yelled. "Luca I'm not a monster. Let me in honey." I said. "I'm going to open the door now okay?" I heard Chester say. "I have to." The lock clicked and I opened the door. Luca was behind Chester in a chair. 'What did you do?' I saw Chester mouth. I shrugged my shoulders and sat down on the ledge. "Luca, honey. Did I do something wrong?" I asked. He didn't say anything. I moved closer and Chester moved. "Luca did you have a nightmare?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Was I in it? Was I the monster?" He nodded again. I walked over and sat on the chair with him. "Luca I'm not a monster." I tried to bring him into my arms but he moved away. Chester walked forward and picked Luca up and away from me. "Grace I think you should go inside." He whispered. I nodded my head and quietly left silently closing the door.

Luca's POV

My chest hurts. She almost killed me. I want mommy and daddy back. They won't hurt me.

Chester's POV

"What happened buddy?" I asked him as soon as Grace left. He buried his head in my chest but I moved my neck back so I could still see him. "Hey? What happened?" I asked again. "She hurt me." Was all he said. "it was only a dream buddy. She didn't actually hurt you." I said. "no. She hurt me right here." He pointed to his chest. "What do you mean?" I asked. He didn't say anything. I opened the ce and we walked back inside. Grace was on the couch with Goose so I brought Luca to his room and we brought out some of the toys we bought and started playing with them. He seemed to forget all about Grace and he was giggling and laughing. We played in his bedroom, only letting Goose in every once in a while. We played with action figures and cars until we heard a few pots clang outside the door. I opened the door and walked into the kitchen to see Grace throwing things into a pot. "Chester what's Is going on with Luca?What did I do?" she asked me while throwing pasta into a pot full of boiling says you hurt him. In the chest.?" I replied. "In the chest?" her eyes went wide and then she put her hand to her mouth. "Did I roll on top of him?" she gasped. My eyes widened at the possibility. "Oh my I did. I remember now. I was sleeping and I thought I had scrunched the covers up so I tried to flatten them out by moving around. "I need to go apologize." She said as she dropped everything and walked to Luca's room. I hopped in font f the stove and examined the pasta recipe on her phone. I took over as chef for a few minutes until out of the corner of my eye I saw Grace and Luca walk out of his bedroom. I smiled and continues cooking. "Movie before dinner? Or during?" Grace asked. I looked up and saw her talking to Luca. "Both." Luca responded. Grace smiled. "Just what I was thinking. Lets go chose a movie to watch." They walked into the living room leaving me to cook dinner. I followed the recipe and half an hour later we were having a white sauce pasta with bacon. We sat down in the living room and began eating as Madagascar was playing. It was 8:30 when the movie finished and Grace was asleep on m shoulder and Luca on the other side. I shut the TV off and closed my eyes. It was a good day today. And tomorrow all I have to do is convince Grace to tell me why she bought that box. Grace Anne See you can't keep secrets from me.

Grace's POV

The baby girl's name is Samantha. Like the girl at the restaurant.

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