Infinite - Jake T. Austin Lov...

By forevermaralee

140K 1.9K 1.2K

Lara Estrada, a simple teenaged girl, lives in Alaska. She is quiet, maintains a good reputation, and a littl... More

1: A Summer Home
2: Unexpected
3: Sonic
4: Soup
5: Lipstick
6: Glasses
7: Shortcut
8: Stain
9: Chocolate
10: Drink
11: Sand
12: Cup
13: Bedtime
14: Clip
15: Sleepy
17: Today
18: Ever Since Day One
19: Klutz
20: Pancakes
21: More
22: Hidden
23: Film
24: Confusion
25: Liars
26: Crazy
27: Truth
28: Over
29: Tension
30: Unwanted
31: Near but Far
32: Switch
33: Revealed
34: Promise
35: Ice Cream
36: Mousetrap
37: Technology is Essential
38: Charms
39: Weights
40: Quarrels
41: Spilled Mess
42: See the Light
43: Unnoticed
44: Sudden
45: Fears
46: Fearful
47: Reminder
48: Prepared
49: Back
50: Reunite
51: Start

16: Awkward

3.2K 46 5
By forevermaralee


Chapter 16: awkward

*15 days pass*

I've been going to my aunt's work, touring around Los Angeles, and hanging out with my best friend. Jake would always come with me and Aubrey when we went out at night though. And by always, I mean every time. He drops me home at night and leaves me right after - leaving a smile on my face until the next day.


June 14, 2014

"Auntie, do you have some powder I could use?" I ask my aunt from the staircase.

"No, I left mine at the studio," she screams aloud, "Hurry up! We need to go to the studio!"

Damn it. I guess I'm going on set in sweats and a tank top.

I grab a silver necklace and a cardigan and rush downstairs and jump into the car. I open up my twitter after not checking it for a week or two, and scroll through my timeline.







Damn, they make everything into a big deal.

I continue reading on, and look at the conversation tweets people posted.

"Who is she? She better not be hookin up with my man!"

"I bet she's really pretty!"


"@JakeTAustin who is she?!"

"I bet she's some model from Victoria's Secret"

"@JakeTAustin I hope all these articles are false."

I frown as I see all the titles of these paparazzi articles and conversations. There's so much.

"What's with the big smile, love?" My auntie asks sarcastically.

"Oh, I'm just reading twitter," I look at her and then back at my phone.

Geez, I haven't been on twitter and this is what I've miss out on.

"Of course. You and social media," she shakes her head as we continued down the highway.

"Don't lie, Auntie. You have Instagram and stuff too!" I laugh. "Oh hush, I'm not as popular as you though," she fires back at me as a smile grew on her face, "Just go on your phone. I have to make a phone call."

I look back at my phone and decide to look at Jake's profile; he usually never tweets anything, he's like one of those inactive users, but to my surprise, there were a lot of tweets I've missed.

Great night tonight :)

It was nice spending time with some friends.

Shooting today was amazing! Never a dull moment on set!

Good night, twitter!

Had fun with friends;)

Always protect the ones you care for.

Wow. He's been tweeting a lot lately. I can't believe I haven't seen these, I mean... It's his tweets, I never miss his tweets.

I scroll a little more and end at one tweet,

I might have fallen in love with her. She's beautiful.

Ouch. I feel like my heart just sink down inside my body.

He likes a girl. A beautiful girl.

My head starts to stream with images of gorgeous females... Who could he like...

Who could it be?



I snap back into reality, "Yes, auntie?"

"Your phone has been ringing for ten seconds, answer your phone!" She screams.

"Sorry auntie!" I say. I glance at my phone and look at the caller ID.

Just my luck...


"Hello?" I say into my phone.

"Hey Lara," Jake coughs out on the other side of the phone.

"Jake? You sound horrible!" I voice out. Smart move, Lara. Smart move.

"Thanks," he got a chuckle out and continues, "Listen Lara. I won't be able to make it today to the set. My body is killing me."

"Why are you telling me this?" I question, "Shouldn't you tell the director this, or my auntie at least?"

"Well, I called but he wouldn't answer," he replies back with a hoarse cough that follows.

"How about Cierra, David, Bianca, and the rest of the crew?" I ask him.

"I told David, but I just wanted to tell you, too," he says really quietly.

I smile, and my aunt adds a remark, "Ooooh, someone's blushing."

"Auntie!" I scream out. I hear Jake laughing at the other side of the line. He croaks out, "Don't miss me too much today, Lara."

I felt like he had a smirk on his face while he was saying this, "Who said I'd miss you?" I tried my best to say this with a straight face.

"Okay, Ms. Sunshine. You should get some rest while going to the studio. I'll call you later," he speaks in a low, raspy voice.

"Get some rest, okay?" I say quickly.

"I will. Have a good day, Lara," he speaks out.

"Bye Jake," I say in a soft voice.

He coughs excessively and ends the call and I place my phone in my lap.

Well, today's gonna be a drag.

Point of View: Jake T. Austin

"Bye Jake," she speaks quietly.

I cough a few times before hanging up and then click the end call button. I should be at the filming today, but I have a pretty good reason for not coming.

I'm sick as hell.

Just kidding. Who'd be sick in California in the summer?

I throw my phone on my bed, and slip my shirt on. I look at the mirror and button up my white collared shirt. I grab my aviators and put them on my face and spray some cologne. I slip on my Converse, grab my phone and keys, and left my place.


I check my watch,


I've been here for fifteen minutes. Where are they? I didn't go to work today just for this.

I grab my frappuccino and take a sip.

"Sorry, we're late! We got stuck in traffic!" Aubrey pants as she pulls Austin to sit right next to her.

"Traffic," Austin laughs while making air quotations with both fingers, "more like 'I want to fix my hair so lets take thirty more minutes.'"

Aubrey flips her hair, "You love it. Don't complain."

"We're not even going anywhere that requires you to look good, but yes. Yes, I love it," he smirks and hugs Aubrey tight.

"Guys, I'd love to listen to both of you talk about traffic and what not, but you know why I made you guys come here."

"Yup," Aubrey pops the 'P' as she answers.

"This has to be perfect. I want everything to be perfect when I ask her to be mine," I intertwine my hands together.


I've been driving for an hour now. "Aubrey, tell Austin to turn left," I speak to my phone. We're going to the venue I plan to take Lara tomorrow.

After I turned, I speak into my phone, "We're here," and hung up.

I get out of my car and walk to Austin and Aubrey's car, "So, is this place good?"

Aubrey stares at the large dome and shakes her head.

My eyes widen at that moment, "It's not good?!"

A smile escapes her lips, "It's not good," she pauses and looks right at me, "It's amazing! How are we designing it?!"

I look back at her and Austin, and pull out a piece of paper in my pocket, "The plan's all here."

"Geez, Jake. You planned all this out?" Austin questions as he snatches the paper away from me.

I nod as he read the paper, "Shit. We need a lot of supplies, where are we-"

Before Austin could finish, I cut him off and pointed to my truck, "It's all in there."


Four hours later...

"Aubrey! Your phone's ringing," I exhale and point at her vibrating phone.

"Okay, okay," she walks towards the wall where her iPhone was charging.

"Hello?" She answers.

She mouthes out, "It's Lara!" While listening to what Lara was saying.

"Put it on speaker!" Austin screams in a hushed tone.

"...I'm so bored, Aubrey. I've been at this taping for so long." Lara complains through the speaker.

"Well, don't worry. I'm picking you up later, remember? Today's the sleepover and tomorrow we're going out," Aubrey states while staring at me with a smirk on her face.

"Oh yea! That's tonight! I don't have any clothes prepared, so just pick me up at Auntie's house."

"Alright," Aubrey states, but before she could continue Lara interrupts her statement, "Dude. It's different when he's not here."

"Who's not there?" Aubrey asks as she stares at me and Austin with a grin on her face.

"You know, Aubrey..." Lara says, "don't mess with me. I have no one to talk to. I feel bad because he's sick."

Aubrey coughs, "He's sick? Well, I bet you he's a lot better now. Why don't you call him?"

"Nah, he's busy I bet, or he's sleeping," Lara says in a soft tone.

"Well, you won't know until -" Aubrey says before being cut off.

"Hold on, hold on," Lara says, "David, the guy who plays Brandon is here."

"Alright," Aubrey says.

I assume Lara covered her phone because there was some scratchy sounds, but I was still able to hear what she and David were saying.

"So, is it fine if I take you out for dinner?" David says. His voice was soft, meaning he wasn't really close to Lara.

"Uhm, I already made plans with my best friend and -"

"Oh no, it's fine. I can drop you home before 8," he replies back.

"I don't know, I'd have to ask Aubrey," she replies back and I hear the scratchy noises again.

"What if we bring her with us, so you won't be late for your plans," David says.

"I'll ask her, but she might bring her boyfriend with her," Lara says right through the phone.

"Hey, Aubrey!" Lara's voice rejoices.

"Yea?" Aubrey says. "Where are you right now?" Lara asks.

"Uhm, I'm - I'm at..." She stares at me for an answer and Austin approaches her quickly, "We're at McDonald's!"

"Oh cool! Do you want to have dinner with me and David? He says I could invite you and Austin."

"Dinner? Why would he want to go to dinner with you?" Aubrey asks while giving me a confused face.

Does David like Lara...

No. It can't be.

"He said it's just dinner. Maybe he wants to get to know me and my friends," Lara speaks, making it sound like she was confused as well.

"Alright," Aubrey answers. My head rises up and I stare directly into Aubrey's eyes, "What?!" I exclaim.

Aubrey covers her phone and hushes me.

"Who was that?" Lara questions.

"It was Austin. He got mad because I ordered medium fries instead of large." She creates a big lie in order to hide my being at the moment.

"Right..." Lara says, "well I'll see you later. I'm gonna go to Jamba Juice. Bye!"

"Why'd you say yes?" I felt myself pumping up with anger.

"Dude, it's dinner, and if I didn't say yes, she'd have to be alone. You don't want that happening," Aubrey explains making me feel like an idiot.

"But -" she cuts me off,

"Jake, you're asking her out tomorrow. We'll have plenty of time before that happens." Her voice overpowered mine, but not for long.

"I can't have any screw ups. I won't have forever to ask her," I look at her and felt myself start to quiver.

"Jake," her voice was suddenly calm, "Don't worry so much. I know she'll say yes." She smiles lightly, "Look around you. Our work is done."

My fists release immediately, "Wh- how do you know she'll say yes.."

She puts her finger to her mouth and pretends to zip her lips, "It's a secret."

Austin wraps his arm around Aubrey's shoulder, "Well, it looks like we're gonna be leaving you, Jake," he smirks and puts his free hand out and I take it for a shake, "Get some rest; I mean, you are sick."

He smirks and I nod, "Alright, bro. See you guys tomorrow, okay?"

He nods and turns around with Aubrey by his side.


Point of View: Marian Lara Estrada

"Are you sure they're coming?" David asks as he looks at his silver watch.

I look up at him from the counter of this juice stand, "Yea, they said they'll be here in a few minutes."

Come on, Aubrey. Hurry up. It's already 6 o'clock.

I check my phone and wait for Jake's text message. He hasn't texted me back this whole day...

My phone vibrates in my hand.

Sorry, I just woke up...

Suddenly, I feel David's arm brushing on mine. I quickly lock my phone and look up at his face.

"So, uhm... Is there something going on with you and Jake?" He wonders.

My cheeks instantly feel hot, "No, why would there be something going on with us?" I felt my heart beat faster - I wish Jake and I were more than friends, though.

"Really? I thought you guys were dating from what I see," David clearly states. I look at my phone, and Aubrey sent a text.

Come to the car. We're here.

"Oh, uhm... Jake is - I mean Aubrey and Austin are here! Lets get going!" I stand up quickly and grab my smoothie.

"Don't you want to ride with me?" David asks as he points to his car.

"Oh, uhm... Well," I don't want to be rude, but it feels like it'll be awkward riding in his car.

"Marian Lara!" Aubrey yells from outside her car door, "Come on! We don't have all night!"

David takes his gaze off me and looks at Aubrey, "No, she'll ride with me! Just follow my car!"

I look at David incredulously and he smiles sincerely.

"Come on, let's get going, Marian Lara," he smiles as he walks with me to his car, "You don't have all night."

"Don't call me, Marian, please," I quickly say in a soft voice, "I don't like it."

"Why? It's a nice name," he looks forward, "but since you said please, I'll let it go."

Okay... This is weird.

We get to the car and start driving.

Where are we going...


Ten minutes pass and I honestly don't know where we're going. I've been looking at the car mirror to see Aubrey and Austin following right behind David's truck.

"You okay, Lara?" David asks, making me break away from the mirror.

"Yea,uhm.. How long 'til we reach the place?"

He looks at me really quickly and looks forward again, "About ten minutes, we're almost there," I look at him to see his expression and he seems excited.

"Okay," I smile and glance at the window and continue to stare at the car mirror to see Austin and Aubrey.

Parallel to their car, I see this Escalade.

Isn't that Jake's?

I blink multiple times and adjust them to see the car.

It's not there...

I instantly remember Jake texted me earlier.

I grab my phone out of my pocket and unlock it to see I haven't replied back to him yet. I tap my fingers on my phone in order to respond:

It's fine. What's up?

Not even a minute passes and my phone vibrates in my hand.

Just staring out my window (moon emoji)

Damn, that was quick.

So it wasn't him I saw in that Escalade?

I tap my thumbs on the keyboard again:

That's cool. You feelin better?

I look at the scenery through my window and see this large dome. It's so big... I wonder what events happen there.

My phone vibrates again-

Never better! Sorry I couldn't be at the set today (sort of unhappy face emoji)

Before I could text back, David taps my shoulder, "Hey, we're here," he smiles as I look up to see what restaurant we're at.

Gerry's Bar and Grill.


Sorry for not updating on Friday. I was super busy. Well, okay, keep reading!!! I promise you'll all be surprised ;)

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