World's Worst Boyfriend |z.h...

By xxNikita1dxoxo

195K 9.3K 4.6K

"In order to gain something, you have to lose something." or the one where Niall somehow gets blackmailed in... More

World's Worst Boyfriend
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
New Narry
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 1

9.9K 412 133
By xxNikita1dxoxo

The locker next to Niall slammed shut with a bang. He didn't even have to turn around to see the face of the intruder. The tattoos on his tanned arm were a dead giveaway. The blonde refused to turn around though, feeling himself cowering a bit in fright even though he was trying hard to maintain a calm demeanor especially in the hallways.

"Aw kitten, are you scared of me?" The mocking tone in that familiar voice made shivers run down Niall's spine. He hadn't told Liam about what all had happened a week before and in all honesty, Niall was hoping that this was just some cruel joke being played by Zayn Malik, he was secretly praying that Zayn would be that character in romance novels who is always misinterpreted. The one who is tough on the outside but soft on the inside but now, he could see all his fantasies crashing the instant his eyes made contact with those hazel ones.

"Don't fuck with me Malik." Niall hissed, shoving his bag-pack inside the lockers and slamming them shut with an equally harsh voice. He wasn't mentally or physically prepared to deal with Zayn fucking Malik. The boy was such a thick head, as far as the blonde knew. He was aware of Zayn's fuckboy ways, the frequent girlfriends and his habits of insulting the teacher and skipping classes way too much. It was a miracle that Zayn was still studying in the school with them.

"You know kitten, the more you talk to me like that, the more tempted I feel about disclosing your secrets to the Principal." Niall could feel the smirk radiating from Zayn's face without even glancing in his direction. He continued to walk ahead, stopping only when they had reached outside the library. Niall huffed, wondering what his reply should be. He had given the topic much thought and consideration. What will he get out of being Zayn's boyfriend? Sure his secret won't be disclosed but there must be a reason why Zayn was demanding this of him. Niall shuddered just thinking about playing as Zayn Malik's boyfriend. The man was, as rumor had it around school, a beast in bed.

Niall's eyes widened at the direction in which his thoughts were going. "I won't end up in bed with him." He whispered to himself, walking inside the library, rolling his eyes when he heard the footsteps following behind him.

The blonde quickened up his pace, not daring to turn around. Zayn didn't deserve his attention, even a single bit of it. He was a blackmailing fucktard. Why would Niall even want to be in his presence? Or even play boyfriend with him? He would much rather stay focused on his books, and his late night parties. Those were Niall's way of life. Sure, he did some drugs every now and then but in his defense, the moment Zayn had caught him, it had been entirely Liam's fault. Niall always made sure to keep the drugs out of his life in school and home. He only ever did it when Liam forced him too, begged on his knees to because apparently, his best friend felt that drugged Niall was the best Niall to be around with. Even more than drunk Niall.

"I think you should leave Zayn. This is a library, it's not made for the likes of you." Niall trailed his fingers on the delicate covers of the books. He needed some reference material for the recent science test they were all supposed to be giving. And as far as he knew, Zayn was once again going to skip the test. He always did.

Just as Niall got ready to turn around, a hand placed itself right next to his head, trapping him against the book shelves. Niall could feel his breath hitching in fear and surprise when he noticed those brown eyes staring at him with such anger and animosity, that if looks could kill, Niall would surely be ten feet under by now.

Zayn moved around a little, pressing himself further into Niall's petite frame. His hands were on either side of the blonde's face and he could feel the faint smell of cherry radiating off the blonde. It was an intoxicating pleasant smell. His eyes raked over the blonde's choice of clothes. A simple blue t-shirt and black skinny jeans ripped on the thighs and knees. It was pretty simple but somehow, Niall still managed to look absolutely adorable in them. He looked like a kitten, a ferocious kitten, wearing human clothes.

Without thinking twice, Zayn's hand went towards the fluffy blonde hair, which was obviously bleached. The brown roots on the sides were a dead giveaway. He ran his hands down the hair, softly tapping the blonde's head with the palm of his hand.

"Did you- did you just fucking pet me?" Niall asked with wide eyes, clenching his one eye shut in order to prevent his now down hair from reaching his eyes. Leave it to Zayn Malik to ruin a perfectly fine hairstyle.

"You look better without the quiff." Zayn replied without a haste, taking his time in adjusting the blonde's hair, petting it every now and then with a light smirk on his face. "So what did you think of my proposal? It's a fair deal don't you think?"

Niall scoffed, wondering what was fair about the deal. He might not get thrown out of the school but there were going to be some nasty rumors. He knew that would happen. He was the perfect student, the kind everyone wanted to be like, the kind teacher's talked about to boast off their own skills, the kind of person you could bring home with you without a hint of hesitation. He was perfect in everyone's eyes and dating Zayn Malik was like giving yourself over to the wolves. It was going to start a whirlwind of rumors and theories. And Niall really didn't like to be a part of them. Especially not the main lead.

"What do you get out of it?" The blonde asked, pushing himself away from Zayn, creating a careful distance between the two. He knew there was some angle in this entire deal. It couldn't just be a simple blackmail kind of thing. It was much more than that. And by the way Zayn's eyes dropped, his smirk faltered, Niall knew that he had hit the bull's eyes.

"I get my parent's approval. I get the chance to straighten out my life. Or at least, pretend to do so." Niall shook his head, not understanding the cryptic messages but decided to let it go. The pain the Zayn's eyes was becoming too much for him to deal with. He walked a bit away from the raven haired man, trying to focus on the books lined in front of his eyes even though he had already chosen the one he was going to use. He wished that the bell would ring, that he wouldn't have to face this typical high school bad boy character.

"Come up with an answer kitten. You know it won't mean anything to me if you get suspended or better yet, thrown out of the school. Choose wisely." Niall bit the inside of his lips. He knew his choices were slim. In fact, there wasn't even any choice to make.

"You don't have any proof. Why do you think people would believe anything you say? You're the bad guy here Zayn, the one whom everybody hates and I'm the good kid. Nobody would even think of me doing such things." Niall smirked for the very first time at the older boy, cocking his head to the side as he tried to understand whatever was going through Zayn's head. He couldn't find any signs of discomfort or annoyance.

"Kitten, I have everything on my phone." A few taps from the tanned man on his iPhone and Niall was already sweating like a pig. He should've known. Oh he should've been so damn careful. Zayn was not the kind of person to deal with, he was not the kind of person who would make silly little deals without having some solid proof. In that instant Niall knew that he was done for, especially when Zayn started flicking the pictures and changing them, showing them to the trembling blonde. He could just feel the smugness radiating off the older man's face and that was all the knowledge he needed to know that he was done for.

"Fine fine. Alright. Remove those damn pictures. I'll do it! Just stop." He reached out to snatch the phone from Zayn, frowning when the Pakistani swiftly placed it back inside his jeans pocket, giving the shorter blonde a small grin before walking off after saying the lines that shook Niall to his deepest cores.

"Well, kitten, I hope you know that you just signed your death warrant."

An/ I just wanted to publish the first chapter. I hope it was worth the one day wait lol.

I've got two new stories out. They're called "overprotective" its a nouis one and "belonging to him" which is a gay niall Horan fan fiction. Give them a read.

I'll try and update BHC tomorrow. Or should I update Sex Lessons ?

Anygay, back on the story:

What do u think of it so far?
Do u like Niall's good boy image ?
Thoughts on Zayn and his blackmailing tricks ?


-Nikita 😴

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