don't | justin *postponed*

By mochahontaz

172K 6.2K 1.8K

"I'm not some random guy to you anymore because you caught feelings and I did too." He urged closer, backing... More

C A S T I N G | U P D A T E D |
1| I'm So Successful
2| Intertwined
3| Remember |R|
4| Jealous
6| Photos
7| It Ain't My Fault
8| Talk
9| Christian
10| Sister Sister
11| Heebiejeebies |R|
12| Baby
13| Boo'd Up
14| Studio Time |R|
15| Wedding Crashers
16| Tell The Truth
17| NYFW
18| Every Kind of Way |R|
19| Chicago
20| Old Friends
21| Mile High Club |R|
22| In Love
23| Broken Clocks
24| St. Lucia
25| Trouble in Paradise
26| Trust
27 | Papa

5| Questions

7.2K 280 62
By mochahontaz

So you say you wanna get away
We don't need a plane I could be
your escape...

I could be your private island on another planet anything can

-Alina Baraz


"You really don't seem excited to be going on this trip, Ashton." Bea groaned as she sat on my bed attempting to 'help' me get ready. The whole time she's been here she's been asking me questions about working with Justin and eating all my damn food in the process.

"If you knew why, you would be all up my ass." I rolled my eyes at her and threw a bathing suit into my suitcase.

I was gonna do my job, but I was going to make sure I had fun and was relaxed regardless... just without Justin there.

When I got back home from the office last night I called and asked him about the plane ticket that I'd have to buy. After fifteen minutes of him flirting, he finally told me that I won't need to pay for asked by ticket because we're taking his jet.

"What do you mean by that?" She frowned and looked up at me from her phone. I had no plans on telling Bea or any of the other girls about what happened between me and Justin, but at some point they'd have to know and I wasn't one for keeping secrets.

I sighed and sat on my dresser, running my hands down my legs. "Look, don't say shit..." I warned and stuck my finger out at her and she sat up instantly.

"I won't, what's up?"

I looked at her one more time knowing that she's lying. Yeah; she won't say anything to anyone, but she'd most definitely tell Ariana, Vanessa, and Lauren since we're all friends, and they'll all take it differently.

Bea would be the one to pretty much be down for whatever I decide to do. Ariana tends to be the peaceful one of all of us, Vanessa is more motherly, then there's Lauren. If you ever needed someone to slit your boyfriends tires, knockout him, his new girlfriend, and his best friend with you.... it's Lauren.

Plus her and Vanessa both went to jail once on assault charges at a club once. They're not to be messed with.

"Remember that guy I left the club with?"

She just nodded.

"It's obvious that we....fucked." I mumbled.

"Bitch, I knew it! You've been glowing more than usual."

"Bitch, let me finish!" I whined. I just wanted to tell her this so I won't be stressing on this trip.

"Anyway... the guy I left with was Justin. Like the Justin Bieber." I said adding more emphasis to get her to believe me. She looked at me for a minute with a blank stare before smiling slyly.

"You're lying to me..." She laughs softly and sat up on the bed.

"Beatrice, if I was lying.... don't you think I'd say this way calmer and would've made up this 'lie' sooner?" I said and threw one of my pillows at her.

"Give me proof!" She yelled back. I hated her ass sometimes...

I pulled out my phone and showed her the texts he sent me last night talking about the night at the club and afterwards. Her eyes went from their normal size to taking up half of her face and her jaw dropped.

"You had sex... with Justin Bieber. Justin Drew Bieber. You lucky bitch!" She screamed and rolled on the bed gripping my phone to her chest. "Oh my God, Ashton! Why didn't you tell me right after it happened? Is he any good? I heard he's pretty generous. How long did you two go for?" She gasped instantly and covered her mouth. "Did you give him head?"

I massaged my temples and sighed heavily. "Beatrice, if you don't calm your ass down I won't tell you anything else." I mumbled and looked up at her raising my eyebrow.

"Sorry," She replied in a squeaky voice. "I just wanna know! He had you coming into work glowing!"

I bit my lip at the blurry memory. I don't remember much of it, but from the parts that I do it was something crazy. I hate one night stands, it's not like me to have them at all. The only person I ever had one with was Christian and look where that got me years down the road.

"From what I remember, he was... he was good. Like good is an understatement. He was amazing, but it's not happening again." I said and zipped up my three suitcases.

"What do you mean?! You didn't even have to do much but sleep with him once and he's already willing to risk it all for you, baby girl! And it's Justin Bieber! It's not like it's some random guy that you know nothing about. You can find out everything about him online, including his blood type!" She whined.

I don't even wanna know how she knows that.

"The only thing you'll need to know about him is the stuff you're gonna be asking him on that flight if he doesn't try to create little swirl babies on that jet with you. I just wanna see you happy Ash, he might be the one!" She pouted.

"We're not making any swirl babies on that jet, I'm not about to flirt with him or get with him in any way. I told you I'm not looking for a relationship right now." I shrugged my shoulders while I placed my hands on her bare ones.

"Look, I love you; you know I do, so when I say this... you can't take it the wrong way." She said slowly and I just nodded. "I don't want you to miss out on any guys because you're still stuck on Christian. Fuck him! He did you wrong and he moved on with his life. Ash, I'm sorry but he didn't give a damn when he hurt you, so you shouldn't give a damn and find your own source of happiness in a guy. I wanna see you smile when you mention a guy's name and giggle at random ass texts he'd send you. Don't you want that?" She asked and tilted her head.

"I do, but not right now-" I stated but she cut me off with another dramatic groan.

"I sat here and poured out nothing but raw ass best friend goals type advice to you and you hit me with that?" Her face twists up, making me laugh. Her attempt at trying not to made it even funnier.

"I'll keep your advice in mind, but I'm not messing around with Justin again. It was a one time thing, I'm not mixing my business with his desired pleasure." I smiled as she helped me roll my things down to the Uber waiting for me outside of my apartment. I could've drove, but then Bea would have to drive my car back and she'd be asking me non stop questions.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just make sure you get work done and have a little bit of fun then, okay? Where are you two going anyway?" She asked and helped me bring my things down the steps and into the car.


"Oooh, he's trying to really get you all glistening and horn-" I cut her off.

"Bye, Bea." I laughed and rolled my eyes as I closed the door.

"See ya, baby!" She called as the Uber pulled off to the airport.

I put my headphones in during the first few minutes of the drive and just listened to my music while overlooking the notes that I had about Justin.

So you got dicked down by Bizzle huh?

Lauren texted me and I instantly knew Beatrice told her.

Not that serious lauren it was a one night thing.

Like hell it wasn't. But hey, his friend Khalil is just my type. If you get cool with them slide a good word about me his way.

Bye Lauren

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

Not gonna pressure you to come thru for me... but at the same time your ass better come thru. Daddy's been looking good on IG.

After a few more minutes of us going back and forth, I got to the airport. We drove right past a few landing sites and ended up right in front of Justin's jet. I paid for the ride and even left him a tip for beating the traffic here.

I got out of the car and adjusted my sunglasses before attempting to grab my luggage, a hand was placed right on top of mine and grabbed my things. "You can go onto the jet ma'am, we'll collect your things." The man beside me said as I looked him up and down. He had to be one of Justin's bodyguards. He was dressed in all black and had a ear piece in.

"Thank you." I smiled at him kindly and grabbed my purse, making my way into the jet. You know you have money when you can manage to get your entire jet made to look like a man cave. I dropped my bag in one of the empty seats and looked around at the TV that was right on top of the door that lead to the cockpit. It was turned on and stayed on a sports channel that was talking about some hockey team. There was alcohol and other drinks inside of the mini fridge, and a back door no telling what it leads to. I looked back at the TV before taking a seat and looking through my phone.

"Made yourself at home baby girl?" I looked up instantly to see a shirtless Justin with his jeans hanging low on his hips. I'm not gonna lie and say that he didn't look good, because he did. But things from now on will be focused mainly on business.

"Like what you see?" He smirked and sat in front of me in the opposite chair.

"Please don't flatter yourself. Why aren't you dressed?" I asked and folded my legs, hoping that the contact they had with each other would warm them up since I was wearing shorts.

"I was changing my shirt when I heard an alert from the back room that someone walked on. Shit's annoying honestly, it's like a loud dinging. Also, because we're going to Florida where it's hot as hell. Ever been?" He asked, and I could hear the hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Nope. I'm from the midwest and prefer the heat there compared to the heat here in Cali and Florida." I shrugged.

"Really? Where from?"

"Chicago." I said simply and looked up at him, finally noticing that he was looking me up and down, running his tongue across his lips.

"If you keep doing that no work is going to get done at all."

His eyes shot up to mine as he smiled and sat down in front of me. "You know, if you stay so uptight during these next few days, you're really not gonna have any fun." He said and put his hands behind his head.

"Let's play a game." He said quickly and sat up, putting his elbows on his knees.

"And what's that?"

"21 questions." He grinned.



"I said no."

"And I'm saying stop being a pussy and have a little fun."

It got quiet on the jet as we both looked at each other.

"Did you just... call me a pussy?" I laughed a little at how random it was. I wasn't expecting him to say it really, but it was funny hearing him say it. He was tense a little before I laughed, probably thinking that he said it too soon, but he soon started to relax.

"Yes, yes I did. Now play with me."

"Or what?" I challenged.

"Or we could talk about that amazing time we had that night when you called me daddy once or twice." He smirked. If I was fair skinned I promise you'd be able to see me blush and turn the shade of a cherry.

"You start." I rolled my eyes and tried to get comfortable in the leather seats.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Purple, olive green, Browns, and nudes. I can't choose just one." I shrugged. "Favorite movie?"

"Stepbrothers or The Notebook. What ethnicity are you? Not to come off crazy or anything; you just have a really different look; in a good way. You're really pretty."

I felt myself smile at his question and push a few loose pieces of hair behind my ear. "Thank you, I'm Jamaican and Native American. Pet Peeve?"

"I hate when people shove cameras in my face. Or probably when people assume things without asking. Favorite ice cream flavor?"

"Vanilla. Yours?"

"Chocolate." I looked up at him and noticed the smirk on his face.

"Aren't you funny." I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"I'm hilarious. Now it's your turn." He said and came closer to me.

"Single or taken?"

"Single... happily. But, you could always change that for me."

"You're becoming too flirtatious for me." I laughed softly and stood up, noticing that the door to his jet was closing, and a voice coming over the speaker telling us to get ready for takeoff.

I strapped myself in and took the glass that was next to me, taking a small sip from out of it.
"But you like it. If we keep it up, this'll be fun for the both of us." He bit his lip and slouched back into the seat.

"You know this is just a trip on business, right?" I raised my brow.

"Can I tell you something about yourself? I know most girls don't like that, but I can't help it." He cocked his head and smirked. Before I could even get a word out he continued what he was going to tell me.

"You need to relax. You act so sophisticated and professional all the time, I know there's got to be times where you want to let your hair down and just say fuck it. Get drunk, dance, unwind a little bit. We're gonna get some work done; but when you're here with me, you're gonna have to relax a little for me baby girl. It's the best way to live." He said and looked out the window, noticing that we're up in the air and gets out of his seat to grab the bottle of champagne that was sitting on the mini fridge.

"Besides, we both know that you like to have a little fun." His eyebrows wiggled and I felt my face get hot.

"Look, just because we fucked once, doesn't mean it's gonna happen again. Like I said, I was drunk." I sassed back.

His head turned in my direction and he walked over to me, filling back up my glass before kneeling in front of me, taking my chin in between his thumb and index finger. "Looks to me like we're gonna have to work on that attitude while we're here too then." He chuckled and looked at my legs.

I knew I should've turned down this position.

"But you didn't, so we're gonna have fun. Trust me." He got up and went to sit back in his chair and looked at his phone, I didn't realize that I said it out loud.

Maybe he was right?

I needed to have a little fun regardless while I was gonna be in Miami. I've been thinking and doing things to keep me busy all of these years so that I wouldn't get distracted anymore, a break was going to be needed at some point. When his head was down, I looked over all of his features slowly.

Justin sure as hell wasn't a ugly guy. He could pull any girl he wanted while we were away; he knew it and I knew it. His eyes were big and warm, but could be hard at the same time. His blonde hair was falling over his face a little as he tapped his foot to the song that was playing from his phone. Apparently something new that he wrote cause I haven't heard it before.

"You're spacing out again." He chuckled and looked up at me through his lashes.

"Huh?" I frowned.

"I called your name twice and you didn't answer me. It happened at your office yesterday too. You kinda stare off into space or down at something and your eyes get really childlike. It's cute."

"You're really observant."

"And you didn't answer my question...still."

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"What was the question?"

"You're single. Why?"

I instantly got defensive. I knew I shouldn't have because he was just wondering, but I react without thinking sometimes.

"You're asking a whole bunch of personal questions you know that right? Maybe I just like to be single." I snapped.

He held his hands up in defeat and shrugged.

"All I'm saying is that I'm sure you're pretty dope, damn!" He laughed. "But hey, I kinda figured that you weren't always single. There's a kinky side in you and it doesn't like to be tamed. So I know pretty damn well that it took some guy to take care of that for you."

For him to be so damn fine, he really doesn't have a filter on his mouth. He got up and walked to one door that lead to the cockpit of the jet. "Strongly suggest that you get some sleep though while we're in the air. Once we land, everything happens real fast. You can go in my room if you want." He shrugged and I just looked at him.

"Promise I won't be in there if you sleep in there... no matter how tempting it is." He chuckled and winked at me. "I gotta talk to Scooter for a bit anyway, everything's situated in there. Sleep in my clothes too if you want... or no clothes."

"Don't push it anymore than you already have." I rolled my eyes and got up, going into the room "Thank you." I said and closed the door.

The room was a nice size and was clean. It smelled like cologne, linen, and peppermint. He had a few chargers on a tiny dresser that was in there and journals that I wasn't going to look through, no matter how nosy I could be.

I took off my shoes and laid on the bed, pulling myself into the fetal position, looking at my phone to see the questions I'd have to ask him at some point during this trip. Since Cosmopolitan was a magazine for more mature women, the questions would be all over the place:

What are some of your biggest turn ons and turn offs?
What exactly do you look for in a woman?
What's the longest relationship you've been in?
Is this next album more mature?
What influences you to write more of the sexy songs you put out?
Are you into the woman being more dominant or submissive?
How do you think you've matured through your experience as a young artist?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Are you into one night stands?

I groaned and decided to call my mom. I haven't talked to her in a few days, and the more I forget to do it, the more she'll worry about me.

The phone rang four times before her voice came over the line.

"Well, look who remembered that they actually have a mom?" She said sarcastically but I knew she was smiling while she said it.

"I'm sorry, ma. Things have just been busy with work and all." I sighed and ran my hands over my face.

"Didn't I tell you to take a break from time to time? That magazine can manage a few days without you, Pickney. Take time for yourself."

"I am, ma! I promise. I just got this new position to pretty much shadow a celebrity for a few days, so it's a lot to keep up with." I sat up on the bed, holding the phone close to my ear. I was debating on putting it on speaker but I didn't want her to say anything embarrassing.

"And where are you now?"

"On a jet to Miami."

"Oh? With who?"

"Justin Bieber." I said and looked over at his things that he had thrown on a chair in the corner of the room.

"That boy is cute!" Her voice went up another octave. "If I was younger; about your age, I would make a move on him. Better hope he's single. You two should come visit while you're out flying around and everything."

"Okay, ma. First, that's really awkward. Yes, he's single; but I won't be making any moves on him. Plus, it's not like we're together, this is just for business." I chuckled. I wasn't about to tell her that I slept with him.

For one, she would kill me. I grew up in one of those Christian families that didn't allow sex before marriage, but then knowing her, she probably got so tired of my 'dry spell' that she'd allow me to sleep with anybody. And second, she simply didn't need to know any of that.

"Fine, girl. Fine. But have you heard from your sister? She's getting out of college for fall break and she'd love to see you." Danielle was my baby sister. She goes to Iowa State to study social work and refuses to come home as much. After our dad died, she's been like me in some ways. Finding things to keep her busy so she wouldn't have to think about much. She'll talk to me, mom, and our cousin Crystal; but sometimes she needs a separation from everyone.

"Nope, I haven't heard from her. When she's done she can come spend some time with me in California then we can stop by to see you." I smiled.

I haven't physically seen my mom in months and I know that she missed us. We still have a lot of family in Chicago, but it's always something about seeing your kids that I think makes everything even better.
"I'd like that, Pickney. Make sure that if you do come, that Justin comes along with you." She teased and a light chuckle came from her lips, knowing that I rolled my eyes without her even being present.

"Love you, mom." I laughed along with her.

"I love you too, baby girl. I'll talk to you later."

We said our goodbyes one more time before hanging up and i looked at the ceiling. It was too quiet on the jet, and he said that he'd be talking to his manager, scooter.

I peeked my head out of the door and saw him sleeping in one of the seats with his feet up. I smiled at how adorable he looked with his bottom lip pouting out while his arms were crossed on his chest. I felt bad really.

It was sweet of him to offer up his bed to me, knowing that he was tired himself; so the most that I could do was bring him out a pillow and one of his blankets from the room. I slid it under his head gently and placed the cover around his body since it was freezing in here.

After staying with Bea for a few days and freezing in her house, I put two and two together and realized that white people probably don't get as cold as others.

I closed his laptop before going back to his room and going to sleep before starting the hell of a schedule that he'd have me go through.


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