Julian's Girl // DIRTY

By al3jandraaaa

51.3K 1.3K 395


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (this chapter is gonna be really dirty)
Chapter 13 (getting nasty again)
Chapter 14 (Kind of clean)
Authors note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (They took her)
Not in update until later in the day
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (short)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Not an update
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 49
Second Book!

Chapter 27

540 18 2
By al3jandraaaa

Andrea POV
Kissy kissy dare with Matt
Me and Matt where both drunk we went to the other room and I kissed him we where there for like 5 min "Matt I'm sorry I can't I'm getting married" I said "You don't have to get married with him, me and you know each other since for ever and your lucky I didn't  tell them that we know each other since kinder" Matt said a bit non drunk now like me "I can't I really love Julian and I can't tomorrow is my wedding day" I said sad "But Andrea I know that you love me and I never told you this but I love you even more" Matt said I was shocked and I went to the room where everyone was at "Hayes Cameron and Matt please leave" I said "No why we where having fun" Jessica said "because I can't I'm getting married and I don't want to ruin my relationship with Julian" I said "guys please leave" I said calm they left.
Julian's POV
The guys came and someone brought strippers and my ex girlfriend Emily they where all half naked including Emily we started to drink and got drunk Emily and the other girls where stripping and they took off there clothes also Emily and it turned me on (remember he's drunk well every boy is drunk Mario Geo Zach but not really Hunter also Jovani) I went to her and pushed her to the wall and started to kiss her "I missed your kisses" Emily said "Mhm" I said kissing her i slid two fingers into her "oh fuck Julian take me to a room" Emily said I took her to a room kissed her I took off my clothes and had sex with her it felt good but u knew I wasn't doing something right.
Emily's POV
Julian fell asleep so did the other boys I grabbed my phone and took a picture with Julian he was naked and I knew I was gonna ruin his wedding day with Andrea I just knew it (no hate if your name is Emily) I took picture of me kissing him and everything else you could imagine and I sent them all to Andrea 😈😈.
Next morning/ Andreas POV/ wedding day
Today is the day all the girls are leaving to Karinas house to go get my dress on I looked at my phone and had and unknown number text message I looked at it and it was Julian with Emily he had sex with Emily the night before our wedding how could he I started to cry "why are you crying" Jessica said "look" I said handing her my phone "oh my lord no that can't be Julian" Jessica said "Well it is now I don't know what to do" I said "well be either" Karina said looking at the photos to I grabbed the wedding dress and put it on I was in the restroom and told Matt to pick me up at the church at 12:00pm he said yes I walked out of the restroom "I'm done now Tencha can you do my makeup" I said "Yea sure" Tencha said she grabbed the makeup and did my makeup I was ready and we left to the church it was 11:50am I walked down the isle when I feel my phone buzz "I'm sorry Julian but I can't" I said and through my phone at him with the pictures on "what makes you think that you could sleep with someone and have sex with them the night before your wedding day Julian no now don't ever talk to me we are over I thought I could trust you" I said harshly then clam at the end  I grabbed my phone and ran outside where Matt was waiting for me "Thank you" I said "No problem and why did you change your mind" Matt said driving "because Julian slept with Emily his ex last night but also had sex" I said "take me to California please" I added "Ok" Matt said we went to his house and he had some clothes for me there I changed and we left to the airport and I called my best friend Priscila (Priscila:P Me: A)
P: hey no long no talk
A: Pris I need you to meet me at the LAX at around 4
P: why what's wrong
A: my fiancé cheated on me with his ex and had sex
P: that must of hurt
A: it did now bye Ima board
P: bye
We boarded the plane and left to Los Angeles California I woke up by someone tapping in my shoulder it was Matt I stranded up and walked out I saw Priscila and ran to her "I missed you so much hoe" I said "Awee I missed you to my hoe" Priscila said "can we leave to my house now" Matt said "you have a house here" I said "Yupp" Matt responded we got a cab and left to Matts house "Andrea babe" Mart said "Whoa we are not together" I said he wrapped his arm around my shoulder "Dang boi slow down with my best friend she's mine" Priscila said with a laugh "Ok ok" Matt said taking his arm off my shoulder "thank you" I said and then giggled "We are here" the taxi guy said "thank you" I said I was handing him the money when Matt pays him "I pay you never pay ok understand" Matt said he made me blush I guess I would have to start all over again "Ok I understand mister" I laughed then we walked up to his house and walked in "Pris if you want you can stay with us" Matr afford "No I'm fine either way my parents are gonna get mad if I stay" Priscila said  "Awee but I just got to see you again and now your leaving" I said "Ik ik but I have to leave ok bye" Priscila said leaving I waved a bye.
Clift hanger !!!
Trust me I hate them to but it had to happen I am really sorry if your like about to cry 😂😂 even tho it's not even sad well it was hurtful to write 😂😂 now bye guys don't forget to vote and comment 😂👌🏻😘 - Andrea xoxox

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