Leap of Faith (Fourquel to Lo...

By Brooke488

36K 1.1K 488

This is book number four in the Louis' Little Sister series, it is also the last book. Jamie's tour ends and... More

Ch. 1: Liam's Flashbacks
Ch. 2: Last Show of Tour
Ch. 3: Reunited
Ch. 4: The Key
Ch. 5: Surprise Visits
Ch 6: Angry Jamie
Ch. 7: Jamie's Conscience
Ch. 8: Maroon
Ch. 9: Zayn's Words of Wisdom
Ch. 10: Movie Night with Liam
Ch. 11: Confessions & Confusion
Ch. 12: Explanations
Authors Note!
Ch. 14: Skype
Ch. 15: Leap of Faith (Finale!)
End of SERIES Note.

Ch. 13: Sam

1.8K 62 18
By Brooke488

*Jamie's POV*

I left the party, avoiding all the cameras that had come and were now taking pictures of my face. I walked straight to the car that had taken me over here. I got in and told the driver directions to my flat. He just nodded and started driving to my flat.

I stared out the window before the driver, Sam, broke the silence.

"Boy problems?"

"I guess you could say that," I said with a slight chuckle. He gave me a sympathetic smile in the rearview mirror and handed me a box of tissues. I didn't even notice that I had started crying over this whole situation.

"If you don't mind my asking, cheating?" he asked. I shook my head.

"I don't mind, and no. Been there, done that. I never plan on going back to what happened during that time."

"Oh..." he thought for a moment, "so what did happen?" he asked.

"I'm just...confused, I guess," I sighed, looking out the window again. I could see him nod again.

"Wanna tell me about it? I have three girls at home, I might be able to help," he offered with a smile. I was about to shoot down his offer before I realized how late it was and I wouldn't be able to talk to Camden or Lexi about this until tomorrow. Plus Sam seemed like a nice guy. Maybe I should talk to him.

"Well...my boyfriend-"

"The birthday boy?" Sam asked, cutting me off.

"Yes. Anyways, he and his band are going on tour in a little bit. I knew it as coming, I guess I just didn't expect it this soon. But, I guess I've been confused since I got home from my tour."

"About what?" Sam asked me. I sighed again.

"Well, I was fine until I got back from tour. I was with Liam, and I was happy. I had just gotten over my past breakup, in which I was cheated on, and Liam was helping me heal over it. He came to pick me up from the airport and I was so happy to see him, to just be with my boyfriend again."

"So what happened that changed your mind, then? I mean, if you missed him so much..."

"That's the part I'm confused about. I now know there was a part of me missing even as I was with him. I couldn't place my finger on it until that night. Liam had dropped me off at my flat that night and I had been exhausted from touring, so naturally, I crashed. I didn't hear anyone open the door to my flat, so I defiantly didn't hear someone creeping around the place either."

"Someone broke into your flat?" Sam asked in shock. I stifled a giggle and shrugged.

"Define, 'broke into?' I mean, he had a key."

"Erm...okay, continue with the story."

"Okay, so the person eventually came into my room and laid down next to me. At the time, I thought it was Liam, so I didn't think anything of it at all. But when I woke up, it wasn't my boyfriend next to me, it was my ex boyfriend instead."

"Which one is that?"

"Niall, the blonde one. Irish, blue eyes."

"The innocent one?!" Sam exclaimed, laughing. I nodded, laughing as well.

"That's the one."

"Are you sure? It's not like him to completely break into a girls flat."

"Yes, I'm sure. Anyways, can I continue?"

"Indeed. Sorry for interrupting."

"So, I woke up to find it was Niall and not Liam. I backed away from him because I'm a loyal girlfriend, even though I feel something with him that I have never felt with anyone before."

"That spark thing people talk about?"

"Yes. Have you never felt it?"

"I did, with my first wife. When she died, there was nothing with anyone else for me."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's alright. Continue."

"Anyways, so I backed away and went on a rant to Niall about how it was wrong and how I was with Liam, his best mate. He kept talking about who knows what before he kissed me."

"HE what?!" Sam looked back at me with a bewildered expression as we pulled into a stop light.

"He kissed me, now shush. He kissed me and I pushed him away. He looked so...I don't know, guilty? I guess. He just looked guilty. I felt bad and I kissed him. When I realized, once again, that I had a boyfriend, I freaked out. I pulled away and felt like throwing up."

"Did you ever tell your boyfriend?"

"Yes. And he was okay with it because he had been in contact with his ex."


"Yeah, but I wasn't very bothered. He promised nothing had happened, I was more worried about what he would think of me. He seemed okay with it tonight. He had talked to Niall and they had put together a plan to help me. They didn't want to go on tour not knowing who I was in love with, that they ran me through a test."

"What was the test?"

"I kissed them both..." I looked down at my hands, still feeling the surface of both the boy's skin on them; Liam's with a slight stubble growing in, Niall's smooth and soft.

"And? What happened?" Sam asked me. I looked up at him.

"I felt something for the wrong person." I whispered. He gave me a sympathetic smile again.

"The ex?" he asked me. I sighed and looked down again.


"So...what happened?" he asked me.

"I don't know. And I don't know how it would have because I walked away." I shrugged. He looked back at me with sad eyes.

"I read you should never leave a fight unresolved."

"But it wasn't a fight."

"Same concept." He laughed. I laughed as well. "Just talk to them, kid. It will resolve itself," he assured me. I nodded.

"Thanks, Sam." I noticed we were at my flat He nodded in answer and opened my door.

"You're very welcome."

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