Kingdom of Spades

By Isabel_345

17.1K 840 128

The world of Suits is changing. The Kingdoms have gained new rulers, what will happen between these rulers an... More

Ch-1 King of Hearts Coronation
Ch-2 The King has Arrived
Ch-3 Sakia
Ch-4 He is No King
Ch-5 I'm Going!
Ch-6 A New King, For Better or For Worse
Ch-7 Creating Life, Destroying Life
Ch-8 The King's Secrets
Ch-9 We All Have Secrets
Ch-10 A Joker's Child
Ch-11 War Has Come
Ch-12 Goodbye
Ch-13 Death
Ch-15 The End

Ch-14 I'm Sorry but It is the Truth

888 39 3
By Isabel_345

Two years passed by and not much happened. There were a few more battles and Clubs continually tried to invade Diamonds but Spades always seemed to know when and where. Diamonds was fortunate enough to have such a powerful and strong ally. Arthur spent a lot of time reading books on war strategies and things along those lines. He would spend his spare time sparring with Yao and if he was lucky Alfred. The young teenager had aged far too quickly for Arthur's liking. The boy was 21 now with Arthur being 25. Over the course of those 2 years Arthur fell pregnant again but this time decided to get Yao to cast a spell to have a miscarriage. He couldn't risk a child while in the middle of a war. Alfred had tried to get away from the castle as often as he could and would go back to where they had sent Matthew. Alfred always tried looking for him but by the time he'd gotten some clues as to where they had gone or where they were he was called back to the castle. Arthur had tried looking himself but he had no idea where to begin. He'd spotted a few children playing in the creek once but it was just them and their horses no one else. Arthur had also spent a lot of time with Lilli and Lovino. Maria was now 3 years old and Arthur was always so happy playing with her. Lovino expressed how much he wished the family that owned the place would be back.

"It was so much easier back then. If I didn't know what to do there were experienced omegas that knew exactly what to do." Lovino had sighed and smiled as Maria played in the yard. Lilli had fallen asleep upstairs in her room.

Arthur paced back and forth in the room he was in. Two years after Alfred and Lilli had discovered Matthew and Francis' little secret Francis had announced he would visit. While Diamonds was doing well off Francis had decided to come and visit Lilli and discuss plans with Alfred and Arthur. They were at the property and Arthur looked out the window to see Francis riding towards the house. Arthur was quickly out the door and as soon as Francis dismounted and walked over to the group Alfred punched him. Arthur moved quick and grabbed Alfred's arm.

"Stop it!" Arthur snapped instantly. Alfred blinked in surprise. He hadn't expected Arthur to snap at him like that. Arthur turned around and helped Francis up. The alpha was still recovering from the surprise hit.

"Francis they found out about you and Matthew. Matthew had your child and ended up running away to live with the nomads that own this place." Arthur explains to Francis. Francis sighs and sits down on the seat on the veranda.

"How long was it going on for?" Lilli asked. Tears streamed down her face and Francis sighed.

"Years Lilli. I met Matthew when he was 14 and that's when it started. He turned 18 and I got him a job at the castle so he could be closer. I wasn't mated to you when he announced his pregnancy and that's when I turned to Arthur for help. Arthur casted a spell and allowed me to mate Matthew and also cover my scent with someone else's." Francis says. Lilli started crying loudly and Lovino comforted her.

"You knew this whole time?" Alfred looks at Arthur. Arthur nods and Alfred growls darkly.

"Alfred it was for your own good! You would've ruined your relationship with your brother if you knew!" Arthur says in defense.

"How would you know? You can't do anything right without me!" Alfred snaps back.

"Alfred!" Everyone stopped their screaming and crying. Matthew sat upon a horse watching them from a distance. It was odd to hear the omega raise his voice, however he did. Matthew rode forward and the small group felt like they were being watched. They didn't notice the alphas watching them from the bushes.

"Matthew!-" Matthew slapped Alfred across the face. They couldn't believe it. What happened to the soft spoken sweet omega they used to know?

"How dare you come here and start yelling at Arthur and also punch Francis. Don't think I didn't see that." Matthew crossed his arms.

"Where's your baby?" Lovino asks cautiously. The baby may not be the most liked as of right now but they wanted to make sure it was alive.

"Baby Francis is fine; Tatiana and Lorain are looking after him." Matthew says.

"Look Lilli; I'm very sorry I never told you but I just couldn't bring myself too. Every time I would go to tell you I found myself being sick in the bathroom. That's why I left; I couldn't handle it. I wish I told you ages ago but I just didn't know how to bring it up." Matthew apologizes. Lilli cries and nods.

"I don't forgive you but maybe if we try we can learn to be best friends again." Lilli says. Francis moved forward sniffing the air; Arthur beside him doing the same thing.

"You smell different Matthew." Francis says. Alfred quickly grabbed Matthew and pulled him close. He smelt him thoroughly.

"Matthew why do you smell so different?" Alfred asks. He leans back and his eyes are dark.

"Tell me!" An arrow plants itself into the wooden beam next to Alfred's head. There was a whistle like noise and Matthew's horse takes off. Matthew waits patiently as Isabel and two of her alpha children appear on horseback. Matthew wrenches himself from Alfred's grip as tears stream down his face.

"You've changed Al! You need to calm down! If you want to know why I smell it's different it is because I left Francis! I love you Francis, I really do but I can't live in the shadows like some forgotten mistress. I gave you an alpha child and I tried to be loyal, I really did! I won't live like this anymore. I will mate with you again only if Lilli allows it. I don't want to ruin a mating or a friendship over something like this." Matthew says. He hurries over to Isabel and stops. He turns around and sighs.

"I'm sorry Francis but this is my new mate. I'm pregnant with her child and she also has two other mates that are older than me and they've been helping Baby Francis and me." Matthew says before jumping onto the back of Isabel's horse. He wraps his arms around her and they head off racing into the bushes as they disappear. The small group of people are left in silence as they wrap their head around the information they just got given.

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