Faroe Islands (Nordics x chil...

By beckicchi

49.6K 1.2K 799

My first 'xreader' kinda genre, so apologies in advance if it sucks. Hope you all enjoy following the story o... More

Chapter 2: A country?
Chapter 3: Big Brothers?
Chapter 4: My History
Chapter 5: Stories
Chapter 6: World Meeting
Chapter 7: Who might you be?
Chapter 8: Magic
Chapter 9: Liquorice and Unexpected Visits
Chapter 10: Events in the Forest
Chapter 11: Second Players (Part 1)
Chapter 12: Country-napped
Guess who's back?
Chapter 13: Uncle Oliver?
Chapter 14: Trouble
Chapter 16: Home
Chapter 17: Sticky Situation

Chapter 1: Lost and Found

6.6K 129 37
By beckicchi

My mother is a good woman, she's just misunderstood. That's all. She's had a drinking issue, though, since my father died. He was such a happy man, he really cared for my mother and I. A true family man, I guess that's the name you'd give him. However, things haven't exactly been sunshine and daisies recently. My mother got a new boyfriend. Benjamin. My mother asked me to call him 'dad' or 'father' or any other name to classify him as my parent. I never do and I never will, I will never accept him as my father. Ever. He doesn't understand the happiness, endless joy and memories my mother and I share regarding my father. But he's gone now and he's not coming back. Although, at times like these. I truly wish he would.

Thunder crashed down from the sky, my sturdy house was, surprisingly, holding up well in the storm. Usually by now the television antenna would've broken, however, the power box is broken meaning; no light nor power. So even though the antenna remained on the roof, there wasn't any electricity to power the T.V. My mother was resting in bed upstairs, she was currently ill and, unfortunately, she has a liver infection. So she wouldn't be up and well in a day or two. I sat in the armchair by the window, looking out into the streets. After a minute or so Benjamin's car pulled up into the driveway. I watched him get out, his greasy brown hair soaked by the rain stringed from his head. He grabbed his briefcase out of the backseat and dashed towards the front door. He barged in, kicking off his office shoes and throwing his bag by the door.
'Oi brat' he called. I turned my head. 'Grab me a beer will ya?' He commanded. I nodded and scurried towards the fridge, opening the door and removing one of the several different branded beer Benjamin had kept stored there. I went to the drawer and pulled out the bottle opener, after taking the lid of the bottle. I delivered it to Benjamin, his relaxed face changed after he took a swig, his face changed to a face of pure anger.
'Idiot!' He yelled. Throwing the full bottle at me as I walked out of the room, the bottle smashed on my left shoulder. I cried out in pain and he just laughed. Laughed. What sadist laughs at a child's pain? He walked over to me and picked me up by my white shirt and threw me back onto the floor, still laughing. I was shaking in fear and pain. Benjamin walked off to the kitchen and grabbed a fork, he examined the prongs and smirked. He approached me and crouched down, he took the fork and started stabbing my wound from where he just threw the glass bottle. After roughly ten minutes it finally ended. He left to go upstairs and I was planning my escape. I had figured out that if I pass through the nearby forest, I would be able to reach a village and I could live there peacefully. I'd try and secretly see my mother occasionally without Benjamin interfering. I grabbed my white, hooded cloak and threw it over my shoulders, flinching as the cloth came into contact with the wound and off through the door I fled.

I wasn't too far off the end of the forest now. Just reaching the borders, I think. I had made it almost the whole way without being distracted by the nature surrounding me. But the certain noise I heard sounded too... Off. Too man made, in my opinion. I heard a snap of a twig. My ears weren't playing tricks on me, so I dismissed it. Knowing I was surrounded by animals and many different creatures, anything could've made that noise. Until I heard a voice.
'Are you alright there? What're you doing out so late in the forests?' it called. I didn't want move but my body didn't agree and my legs just ran behind one of the several looming trees around me. I was breathing heavily, he'll have seen me do that.
'Hey, don't worry I'm not going to hurt you' he said in a soothing voice, several twigs snapping as he walked closer. He popped round the side of the tree, I jumped back and fell on my bottom, catching my shoulder on a tree. I gripped the wound and winced at the pain.
'Hey, are you alright?' He said as he knelt down beside me. I looked up at him he had blonde hair spiked up into a quiff, big blue eyes sparkled with personality, he wore a red shirt red trousers accompanied by a long black coat, black boots and a tie around his neck. 'Let me see' he suggested. I let him look at my wound, uncertain of the outcome.
'Åh min Gud!' He was taken aback 'what's this doing on your shoulder? How did you get this? Who did this to you?' He asked multiple questions.
'Is it really that bad?' I asked, looking into his crystallised eyes.
'It's not bad, it's awful!' He said picking me up.
'H-hey!' I testified.
'I'm sorry but I'm taking you to someone who can help you, you can be on your way again after. Someone your age shouldn't be walking around with such a bad wound!' He explained. I only nodded, maybe, he wasn't a bad person.

'So, little one, what's your name?' He asked.
'Oh, well, my name is (f/n) (l/n)' I answered. 'What about you?'
'Me? I'm Mathias Køhler!' He chirped with a charming smile. I giggled at his personality. 'We're almost at my house, just a point. I've got four other friends who live there and another few who occasionally show up to say hello. There's Lukas, who is from Norway, Emil, who is from Iceland, Berwald, who is from Sweden and Tino, who is from Finland. Got all that?' He explained.
'I think so...' I muttered. We turned another corner and I saw a large house come into view. This is where someone can help me, then I can carry on running.

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