Bullied by Harry Styles

By prettylouiss

220K 4.6K 1.4K

Will she get her Harry back? More

O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
S e v e n t e e n
E i g h t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y
T w e n t y - O n e
Authors note..ugh
Authors note!! (SORRY)
I love you.
Last chapter
Sequel Information.
Chapter 1 (sequel)
Chapter 2 (sequel)
Chapter 3 (sequel)
Chapter 4 (sequel)
chapter 5 (sequel)
Thank you.


2K 54 55
By prettylouiss

Haylee's p.o.v

Have you ever felt like you're about to literally pass out? Or your hearts out about to jump out of your chest?

With a sigh Anna begins the long story.

"You and Harry were inseparable you guys went everywhere together. You guys were the schools envy. You guys became pretty popular. You snuck out to see each other

You guys were an odd pair. But you loved each other. One day if all changed. Back in 7th or 8th grade. You guys were never around each other and you wore long sleeves. You even came home with bruises!"

No I thought God please no.

"You were always sad you hardly smiled. You were depressed. And insecure. You were so much quieter. You weren't the old you. One night I snuck into your room while you were asleep. I pulled up your sleeve and saw scars all over you arms."

I gasped I look down and see faded scars.

"I broke down and cried that day. I didn't tell anyone though. But I began my own digging I asked Angelina if she knew if something was going on. She said you were getting bullied" she mumbles.

She takes my hands. I shake my head. "No no no!" I scream.

"H-Harry bullied you. You came home worse each day" I let out a sob. "One day Zayn and his dad came for dinner about an hour later Harry showed up and he took you with him somewhere. When you came back you said you have him one chance."

I let out a shaky sigh.

"It was all going well. But one day at a party Louis was about to rape you"

I was sobbing with my head in my hands now.

"He was drugged so he had no idea what was happening. But Harry got furious he beat him and he slapped you. You got upset. He was going out of his mind and you went to dinner with Anne and you guys talked. But then Harry started dating Taylor to get you jealous that's when you and Liam started to get closer. One day you went to school

And started to forget stuff. You freaked when you saw Harry and passed out. Back when Harry bullied you he hit you hard on the head with a locker door and you blacked out. It was just kicking in. You lost your memory. That leads us to now"

I was sobbing. He he hurt me? He couldn't have! Not my Harry!

I took out my phone.

"Hello?" Harry's voice cracks.

"Come over now" I say through gritted teeth and hang up.

Anna gives me a look of sympathy and walks off. I hear a doorbell. I don't even open it. Anna does I hear them whisper stuff and Harry walks in.

"Im sor-"

"Why!?" I scream.

"Why Harry why!? Why did you do This?!" I scream.

"Talk!" I say frustrated.

"T-Taylor said you were only using me for popularity. It made sense back then you were only around me when people were around so I got furious and started doing what I did" he mumbles.

I can't believe it. No.

"W-what?," I say in disbelief. "You believe a whore who ducking hates me for God knows what before you actually asked me!? Are you kidding me!? Those nightmares Harry! They were flashbacks and you didn't do shit about it! You're suck a fucking prick Harry I hate you so much! Don't you dare come near me ever again do you hear Me" I slap him across the face.

"I hate you" I spit. I walk back to my room.

I decided to sleep on it.

When I woke up. I had this feeling. I look around. This is my room. Anna and Zayn are dating. My brother was the only one who knew about Harry.

I remember! I got my memory back!

I run out my room screaming. Everyone runs out there own rooms.

"I remember!!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"Oh my gosh!" My sister squeals hugging me. I saw my mom crying.

"I'm sorry" my brother apologizes. I shake my head and hug him.

"No hard feelings"

I hug Zayn,mom,and then Robin.

I grab my phone and all Louis.

"Hello? Haylee?love?" Louis says into the phones.

"LOU! I remember!" I scream.

"Oh my gosh Angel lads she remembers!" He screams.

"Oh my god she remembers me!" Angelina yells.

"Come over now!" I scream.

"Be there in ten!" Louis announces and hangs up.

In about 5 minutes there's a doorbell. And he said ten hmm.

I open the door. "LOU!" I scream and jump on him. He spins me around.

"Haylee!" He yells.

"Louis put me down" I giggle.

"Right" he sets me down.

"Louis were you crying?" I Stare at him in awe.

"Psh,no" he hides it.

"Yes he was" Angel yells

"Angelina!,"I hug her.
"I missed you!"

"I missed you too love!"

Then I see the familiar blonde leprechaun. "Niall!"

"He babe how are you?" He asks politely taking me into a hug.

"Good! You?" I ask. He nods.

"Nice to have you back" and I smile up at him.

"Lima bean!" I jump on Liam. I was literally crying.

"Lima bean?" He laughs. "Shut up" I mumble through tears.

"Aw love don't cry!" He coos.

"I missed you so much!" I admit.

"Me too love me too!" He sets me down and places a kiss on my forehead.

I see Kaylin Liam's girlfriend.

"I've missed you" I hug her.

"I missed you too love!"

"What about Harry is he coming?" Louis asked.

I feel a tug at my heart. They follow me to the living room.

"No he isn't" my voice cracks.

"He-he lied to me! Why couldn't he just tell me! I hate being lied to" I say tears in my eyes. Louis jumps to hug me.

"It's okay it's okay. How about we watch a movie?" He asks I nod. We all get comfy and watch a movie.

I love having them back.

-1 month late-

I haven't seen nor talked to Harry in a month. But I know the rest have. I mean just because we don't talk means they shouldn't talk to him.

Currently the 'squad' as they like to call themselves is sitting sprawled out in my room.

The 'squad' consists of. Me,Liam,Louis,Angel, Kaylin, Niall,and Zayn. We are an odd group.

I hear a doorbell. I look at all of them in front of me confused.

"INTRUDER!" Louis yells.

I cover my ears. "Louis clam down why don't we go down stairs and check who it is yeah?" I roll my eyes. They all walk behind me scared. Sissy's.

I turn around and scream. They all jump and yell. Somehow Angel lands on Louis back.

"Losers" I mumble laughing.

"Hey that wasn't funny" Niall pouts.

"To me it was now let's go see who it is." I rush to the door.

I open the door and see Harry on the front step. I groan and slam the door in his face.

"Hey rude!" Liam yells and opens the door.

"Hey mate" Liam greats him Harry nods.

"I came to explain myself" he mumbles and looks up. His eyes bloodshot and he has black bags under his eyes.

I almost feel guilty. Almost.

"No need. Leave" I say through gritted teeth.

"Hey! Let him explain" Liam says and looks at me.

"But Liam he lied!" I whine.

"Everyone lies now let him explain!" He demands.


"No buts! Harry come in"

Harry gives Liam a silent thank you.

"Curly twig" I mumble.

"What did you say?" Louis asks loudly.

"Nothing!" I shot back. I see Harry smile a bit I glare.

We sit in the living room.

"I'm so sorry Haylee I didn't mean anything I did in the past. I don't know what I was doing I was being stupid. Please please forgive me" he begs. I looked away and refused to even look at him.

"I'm so sorry please Haylee give me a second chance please" he begs almost like his life depended on lit. It was so hard for me to stay away from him. I don't know why. I almost felt dumb by the way I always end up forgiving him. I guess what I am holding into is that we have been through so much to just throw it all away. And with that  I get up. He closes his eyes Almost expecting a slap but I hug him. He's taken by surprise but hugs back eventually.

We didn't say anything for a while. It sucks how I felt bad for ignoring him but at the same time he deserved it for putting me through hell. But if he is going to change like he says he will than I might as well hold on to a little hope. right?

"Second chance?" He asks.

"Yes" I nod.

Everyone claps. He lets out a sigh of relief. The he kisses me. HA just kidding he gives me a bone crushing hug.

He keeps repeating the words "thank you"

"Harry stop saying thank you" I laugh. He blushes.

"I won't let you down this time I promise" he says truthfully.

"Pinky promise?" I ask.

He looks at me like if I was crazy.

"W-what?" He laughs.

I sit there staring at him when he realizes I'm serious he stops.

"Are you serious" he almost laughs.

"Yes" I say innocently.

He sighs and connects our pinkies.

"Pinky promise" we both say.

"Movie time!" Louis yells.

"Louis shh" we all say.

"Right. Movie time!" He whispers.

We all chuckle.

"Lima bean popcorn please" I look at him.

"Lima bean?" Harry says confused.

"Yes Lima bean I like it" I poke his nose.

I've been acting odd recently. Harry scrunches his nose.

"Don't do that" he whines. I poke his nose multiple times.

He playfully rolls his eyes. He starts poking my ribs.

"Ow" I whine. Then I start laughing he soon joins.

I look at everyone else and they stare at us in pure amusement.

I blush. "Limaaaaa Beannnn popcorn please?" I ask giving him the puppy face.

He's has to give in he has to. 3....2....1. "Fine!" He groans.

I smirk in satisfaction.

"Success" I mumble.

Louis decides on putting in mean girls after him and Angel have a huge argument about it eventually she won. They're so cute. Half way through the movie I went to the bathroom.

I was bored so why not have some fun?

I crash something loud and hard in the bathroom and scream I fall to the ground. I hear everyone running towards the bathroom. I shut my eyes.

"Oh my god!" Harry exclaims.

"Quick! Liam,Niall,Louis,and Zayn help me! God damn it Haylee what were you Doing?!" Harry yells worried.

They place me on a soft bed. Probably mine.

"Come on wake up wake up" Angel says repeatedly.

After 20 minutes I open my eyes.

"She's awake!" Louis screams.

"Shut up Lou!" Niall smacks his head I try not to laugh.

"Love are you okay?" Harry asked. And the fun starts now.

"W-who are you?" I say getting away from him.

His eyebrows furrow.

"I'm Harry. You know me right?" He asked concerned.

"N-no who are you people! I don't know you!" I start crying. Damn I'm a good actor. Ha no.

"No no no not again!" Harry screams. Louis almost crying.

I wait 10 minutes.

I stand up grabbing my head. Just to go along with the act. I stop in front of the door.

"YOU'VE JUST BEEN PRANKED!" I yell running out the door. Before I left they sat dumbfounded. Ha.

I went into Anna's room and hid under her bathroom sink.

"haylee ! I'm going to kill you!" Louis yells. Ha yeah sure.

"Ugh she's going to get it!" Harry says in Anna's room. Shit. Go away.

Then I heard compete silence.

But the bathroom sink flew open. Zayn,Niall and Louis were all above me smirking.

"Let's make a deal" I say awkwardly.

"Hell no" Louis says smirking. They reach down for me and pick me up. I start screaming and squirming in there grasp.

That's until they stop.

"GO" they yell running away from me.

That's until cold freezing gallons and buckets of water were thrown at me! Even water balloons where they get those from?!

"Harold Edward Styles! I'm going to kill you!" I scream.

He lets out a girly scream and runs.

I know where he's going to hide. He always hides in my bathtub for some odd reason.

"Okay plan I'll do anything for all of you but listen right now"

They all nod. Here we come Harold!

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