The Prince and the Maid

By unnatural_Red

186K 2.1K 133

So the idea behind this story came to me in a dream. And then I couldn't stop thinking about Prince Harry and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chater 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76

Chaptef 66

879 11 0
By unnatural_Red

Grace pov
I parked my bike outside and went up to the door. I took my helmet off and ran the bell. Julia, one of the little girls opened the door. "Hewo, Miss. Grace. Miss Kathryn is asleep." She said as I came in. "Landon can you come here?" I called. He ran down the steps, a cut right above his brow. "What happened?" I asked as I cupped his face. "Nothing." He said pushing my hands away. "Where's Kathryn?" I asked. "Probably in the kitchen passed out drunk." Landon said.

I stormed to the kitchen, and sure enough. Kathryn was asleep with a bottle of bourbon next to her. I pulled out my phone and called head quarters. "Hi yes this is Grace Miller I am at the residence of Kathryn King. I have found her passed out drunk. And the children unattended. One of the children had been injured. I am calling for the children's Immediate relocation." I said. "We'll have someone over right away." The woman on the other line said. "Thank you." I said. I then hung up. "Have you all eaten?" I asked. Noel, came downstairs and hid behind Landon. "Please don't separate us." Landon said as he put his hand on Noel. "I don't know if I can keep that promise too. But I'll do my best." I said. "I'm hungry." Julia said. "Wonderful because I brought you some dinner and dessert." I said.

They followed me into the kitchen, Kathryn stirred but didn't wake. I got a couple spoons and took out the containers I'd brought, nuked them. Then once they were cool. I let the children eat. They devoured both dishes. "If I'd know you all were hungry. I would have brought
More." I said. "Can you?" Julia asked. "Let me call and see." I said. I called Harry and he said Will would run the leftovers over, since he was leaving now.

Will arrived before any of the officials did. "So this is one of your houses?" Will asked. "Yes, hey Children do you want to meet Prince William?" I asked. They ran in. "This is Julia Longfoot, Landon Smith, and Noel House." I said. Will shook all their hands. "Hey do you have room for four more?" I asked looking out at the car. "I think we can." Will said. "Alright children, go pack the things." I said.

As the children packed I wrote Kathryn a note letting her know she was not suitable  to care for the children.


I finally got a chance to sit down with Landon and tell him about his father. He didn't take it well. He yelled a wide range of insults. None that I hadn't heard before.

When I finally got around to getting home. It was past midnight. I parked my bike in the garage next to Harry's. I closed the garage and notice the faint glow of a cigarette on the back porch. I walked around to it. Harry was sitting on the back porch on his phone, letting the cigarette burn. "Hey, how were things?" He asked. As he got up. "Unexpected, very unexpected." I said. Harry put out the cigarette, his breath didn't even smell like he'd been smoking. He must have just lit it, when his phone distracted him.

Harry and I went in. "I saved you a lava cake." Harry said. We went into the kitchen and had it together. Harry feed me the last little bits. "You've got a bit of chocolate on your lip. Let me get it." He leaned across the table and kissed me, yet definitely hadn't smoked. We kissed for a while before we pulled apart. I got up and went and sat in Harry's lap.

We then started kissing again. Harry pulled my legs so they were around him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he got up, holding me up. I pulled away. "The children'll hear." I said as Harry kissed my neck. "Their asleep." He said. He carried me to our room.

I pulled off his shirt, and he unzipped my leather jacket. "Remember we've gotta be as quiet as we can." I whispered in his ear as he kissed my neck. "Faith has been asleep since you left. I gave her some cold medicine and she's been out ever since. And David can sleep soundly while a train goes by. One could go right through this house and he not wake up." Harry said. I smiled and went back to kissing him.


"Mummy!" I heard one of my children yell followed by crying. I rolled over and looked at clock on the side table. It was 5 am. I moaned and got up. I pulled on sweet pants and a t shirt.

I left my room and went to see what my children wanted. I heard the crying come from Faith's room. "What is it baby?" I asked. She had thrown up again. "Harry assistance." I called. I picked Faith up and gave her a bath. While Harry dealt with the sheets. I put her in some clean pjs.

"Do you wanna come on mummy's run this morning?" I asked Faith. She shook her head. "Alright," I took her to my room and put her in bed with Harry.

I changed for my run, then Left the house.

When I got back it was 6 am. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. "Good morning." Harry said as he kissed me. "Good morning, your up early." I said. "I woke up with a sick child in my bed." He said. "I know I put Faith in our bed." I said. Harry chuckled. "Well I've gotta get ready for work. I need to take The children to their new foster houses." I said.

I went and showered. And then got ready. I kissed Harry and our children, Harry handed me two slices of toast and a thermos of coffee, already prepared how I like it. "Have a good day." Harry said as he kissed me. "You too, and call me if Faith gets worse or if David gets sick." I said. "I will," Harry said.

I took one of our cars and drove to Bristol.

I picked up Landon, Julia, and Noel. "Hello, how did you all sleep?" I asked as we walked to my car. I then heard the clicking of paps's cameras. "Miss. Miller why are they taking our photos?" Noel asked. "Go ahead, and get into the car. I'll take care of it." I said. I cranked the car for them.

I walked over the paps. "Come on, Princess give me a good photo." The guy said. "You need to erase those photos of those children." I said. "Why, they yours from before Harry?" He asked as he pushed past me, and ran over to take the children's photos. I grabbed his arm, and took his camera. I deleted the photos and took the SD card. "They are not mine, but they are my responsibility and I cannot have you harassing them or publishing any of their photos." I said. I got into the car and we left. "Who was that?" Julia asked. "That was a Pap, he was trying to take my photo." I said. I opened the ashtray and put the SD card in it.

I drove the children to their new foster home. I parked and walked Julia and Noel up to the door. "I though I was staying with Landon." She said. I got down to my knees, so I was at her level. "I'm so sorry. I tried so hard, I did everything I could to keep you all together. But Landon will be in a foster home three blocks away. It's just within walking distance and he will be able to visit you." I said. Julia and Noel hugged me. I smiled as they did. I rang the bell and the foster parents greeted us. The Yins were wonderful foster parents they'd been fostering children for almost twenty years. "Your Highness, what an honor." Mrs. Yin said. "It's an honor to meet you too. I've heard so many great things about you and your husband." I said. "Thank you that means a lot coming from you." She said. "Well this is Julia and Noel," I said. Mrs. Yin showed us in, and showed us their room.

"Well I need to go, I've got another child who I need to take to his foster home. It's right down the street. And the three of them are very close. They should be able to visit frequently. It's just three blocks down, same street and same side." I said. "We'll definitely have visits." Mrs. Yin said.

I then took Landon to his foster house. The family was also veterans with foster kids.

While Landon was setting his space in his room up, I pulled the foster parents aside. "Landon's got a history of running away. If he does run away, call me right after you notice he's gone." I said. "We'll remember that." The foster father said. "He also lost his dad recently, I promised him I'd take him to the funeral. Keep an eye on him, he can be very sneaky. You may think he's in his room, when he's down then street." I said. "We'll keep an eye on him." The foster mother said. "Well I've got to go."  I said as I shook their hands. I said good bye to Landon then left.

Kate and I were having lunch with Her Majesty. I got back in my car and drove to London.

I got out of my car and tossed my keys to a valet. "Careful, Faith has the flu." I said to mess with him even though Faith hadn't left the house much less been in a car since she came down with the flu.

I went up to Her Majesty's personal parlor. Kate was already their laughing with Her Majesty. I curtsied, "Your Majesty." I said before approaching them. "How many times do I have to tell you, Grace you don't have to do that." She said. "Apologies your-" she glared at me, almost threatening me to finish my sentences. "So I hear my great grandchildren are ill, do they have the same thing?" She asked. A maid came in and poured me a cup of tea. "I believe so, all but David have the Flu." Kate said. "Harry's at home right now, caring for Faith. And keeping David from getting sick." I said. "Oh then he may loose that battle." Her Majesty said. "I don't know. We've been keeping David quarantined in his room. Unless Harry wants to take him outside." I said. "He asked up last night if we'd take Faith home. Of course he was joking." Kate said. "Oh Harry, what am I going to do with him?" I asked. "He is quite a card." Her Majesty said. "It's amusing when he spontaneously dip kisses you. And then you start yelling at him, or you completely forget what you were saying." Kate said. "Oh I hate it when he does that," I said. "But it's sweet." Her Majesty said. "It is," I said.

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