true love a zendaya and trevo...

By Zevor_lover

42K 514 75


True love Z+T love story *Editing*
love at first sight
chapter two fun times
chapter 3 together
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16(Final chapter)

Chapter 11

1.7K 28 6
By Zevor_lover

Zendaya POV

Bleep bleep my alarm ringed and it was 5:30 am and I went in the bathroom and washed up and brushed my teeth and got dressed( if you want to see her outfit in the comments ask for my username and password for polyvore) I ate some toast and eggs and watched tv with my dog for half of hour until Bella bleeped her hook for me to come outside bye doggies and I meet her and Alex. Hey Bella and Alex let go so Guys have to tell you something the night of the party when me and trevor bloke up he he say it already he hit me that's

why I had makeup on. They gasped at the same thing we need to teach him a lesson. No you are the only guys who know I didn't even tell my parents but it was more of a fight yeah I fight you didn't have any hits Alex said whatever Alex but got to get to class before the devil comes. I hoped out Bella car and ran in the school.

I when to my locker and got my stuff and left. Class didn't start yet so I start drawing in my journal and someone came over and told me my drawing was and it was Brandon thanks Brandon wait didn't you use to draw yeah but I stop that real quick why you was good. I didn't like drawing. Oh ok I said but got to get to class zendaya ok bye Brandon. He left the classroom and couple minutes later Trevor walked in and bumped my chair and I almost fell but I jumped up and my chair fell. really trevor it wasn't on purpose sure it wasn't. teacher can I get a new partner. he is the biggest jerk what you are zendaya oh stop it trevor everybody knows you. the whole class was looking at us fighting(not hitting each other) he poured water on my hair turning my hair curly so I poured vinegar on his head and we got detention because we use the supplies wrong

Trevor POV

It was kind of funny seeing zendaya wet because her hair turned curly and she hated it curly. in detention we was the only ones there and she sat in the back and stayed on her phone and I sat in the front and listen to music ok zendaya and trevor say sorry to each other and go home. she said sorry for pouring vinegar in my hair and I said sorry for pouring water in her hair and turning it curly. she left and when to her locker that was two lockers down from mine. she was quiet at her locker and didn't say a word so I did. you coming over to work on our project she still didn't say a word or look at me hello I said she turned and look at me fine. she start walking down the hall zendaya I yelled and turned around yes you wanna a ride she looked at me like no but said yes. She texted the hole way to my house and she looked at her phone looking shocked because her phone died I start laughing is something funny trevor yes your phone died well it not funny to me at all she rolled your eyes you need a tampon shut up trevor. When we got to my house my mom was watching tv with my dad hey trevor and they turned around and looked at eachother and said zendaya but zendaya had to said something I doing a project with trevor noting else and they said they was going to go to work they work at night. Zendaya start writing the hypothesis and I was looking on her paper she notice and put her hand on the paper and said we have to work on it together or you do it yourself fine I said she looked at me and ask for some water get it yourself I ain't no waiter fine I will get it myself I decided to make a move so I tipped her and she fell on the ground and I said sorry here I will help you up and I pulled her up fast and kissed her and heather walked in and she saw me kiss her she have a key we walked over to me and slap me in the face and looked at zendaya and said he likes you and not me that not true zendaya said ok it not heather said trevor do you like zendaya yes I said zendaya hit her forehead really trevor you blow it with heather. I sorry heather but ran out my house and zendaya looked at me really you shouldn't have did that but I pulled her and kissed her and she kissed back and we were making out.

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