The Lamb to be Slaughtered

By LokisBabydollBride

1.1K 39 5

Zandaya is a baker and very good one. She is trying to make it in the hard world trying to find the monster t... More

Mom Is Kidnaped
Years Later
Aria Comes Home


280 10 2
By LokisBabydollBride

I was listening to music as I got the café ready. I had to take the chairs off the tables and wipe them down. I hear the door being knocked on.

I sighed.

"We're not open!" I shouted high enough for them to hear me. I continue to get ready for opening. When I finished everything I went to the door and unlocked it.

I then walked back and heard the door open as employees come in and they got ready or their shifts. We parolees. People who deserve a second chance in the world. We all love them and they love us. In fact one of our employees is Aria's boyfriend.

He was arrested for murder and car theft. He was stealing back a car and didn't know that there was a dead body in the trunk. Luckily the real murder was caught and he was set free. The car he stole was his brothers. Who died in battle. Someone stole it and he found them and went to get it back.

He and Aria walked in and started working.

 I was helping to clean off tables when on of our guys told me that someone was asking for me in the bookstore. I washed my hands and walked to the bookstore that was attached to the café.

Thee employee, Matt, pointed the person out. I thanked him and walked to the man. "Can I help you?" I asked. The tall man turned and I blinked. He was very handsome.

"Yes are you Zandaya Miller?" He asked. When I moved in with my aunt and uncle they gave me their last name so that I would feel like I belonged.

It took some time but I got used to being called that.

"Yes I am. Can I help you?" I asked once more. "Yes I am looking for anything one the supernatural? I'm a collage student at the university in town. I'm writing a paper." I chewed my lip thinking. I Looked at him.

"I'm sorry I can't help you." I said. "And why's that?" He asked. "If you want to look at stuff there is books over in the non fiction area. But that's all I got." I said. He chuckled.

"You're lying. You have keys around your neck. You have an upstairs here. So I know yo have more books.

I grabbed the keys around my neck.

"You can look at what I got." I said and walked him over to the area. There wasn't much, but I knew I wasn't to show my dad's things.

"You can read them in the café if you want." I said leaving.

I went back to work and soon I went to take an order. It was the same hot guy. I put on a smile and cleared my throat since he was looking at his book.

"What can I get for you mister?" I asked. He looked up and smiled kindly. I strangely felt my heart flutter a bit at his smile.

"Yes, sorry. I'll have an Early Gray Tea please. And I'm sorry for being so pushy earlier." He said. I gave him an honest smile this time.

"Right away." I said and went on to make the tea. "Oh may I also have one of them cinnamon rolls as well?" He called. I looked back and went to him with his tea.

"You want Walnuts on it?" I asked. "Surprise me." He said. I nodded and went to the kitchen. I got one and went back to him and gave him one of our famous homemade cinnamon rolls with glazed Walnuts.

"Is that everything?" I asked, ringing him up. "For now, yes thank you." He said. I nodded and went back to work. Checking on guest, Checking on employees. On the tabs.

What I needed to do.

That guy stayed all day. He had two cups of tea and then got only water. He was on his laptop and would go back and forth to the bookstore. Getting different books each time.

He would write on a note pad, or call someone and speak in a quiet voice so no one would hear the conversation.

He'd look at me every now and then.

"He's hot." I jumped at Aria's voice.

I glared at her. "Go for it. He seems to be into you. He keeps looking at you. He's so into you." She said. I shook my head no.

"Dude. I'm not ready to date yet. And I honestly don't think I ever will. Not after Andy." She gave me a look full of pity.

I don't need pity. I hate that.

"I'm sorry Z. But I think that Andy would want you to be like this. He'd want you to move on." She said. "I HAVE moved on." I snapped and then sighed. "I'm sorry for snapping. But I don't want to talk about this anymore." I said. She smiled understandingly.

"I understand sweety. Sorry for pushing." Aria said, and we hugged. Then we got ready to close.

"Sir? We're closing." I said, walking up to him. He looked up and smiled tiredly, and nodded. I sighed and held out a cup of coffee to go.

"You know doing that for that long will hurt you. Looking at screen for that long isn't ever good on you. I recommend sitting in your car for a bit till you get use to the darkness before driving." I said. He smiled and nodded taking the coffee.

"On the house." I said. He smiled and put some cash into the tip jar.

"I'll put the books you aren't getting back." I said. He nodded. "Thank you. I'll be sure to come back to get books this time. And see you again." He said with a wink and he left.

Leaving me shocked.

Did he just hit on me?

I shook my head and finshed closeing and we all went home. And I went to bed.

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