Balance of Light and Dark (Na...

By blackstarlove19

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What would you do if you knew your time was almost out? that as the seconds passed, your end draws near? Ho... More

Chapter 1: Meeting team 7
Chapter 2: The bell test
Chapter 3: a C rank mission
Chapter 4: C rank turns A rank
Chapter 5: Climbing trees
Chapter 6: There are real heroes
Chapter 7: Rememeber me
Special no.1 Meeting Sasuke
Chapter 8: Finishing trainning
Chapter 9: Battle on the bridge
Special no.2 A mission with the jounins
Chapter 10: The jounins ambush
Chapter 11: Reuniting with friends
Chapter 12: Chunin exams
Chapter 13: Forest of Death: Encounter with a snake
Chapter 14: Forest of Death: A friend's help
Chapter 15: The perliminaries suprise
Chapter 17: A day in the hospital
Chapter 18: A birthday party
Chapter 19: Encounters with Garaa
Chapter 20: The third exam begins
Chapter 21: Trying to fix it!
Chapter 22: The sand and sound attack!
Chapter 23:Family or Revenge?
Chapter 24: The breaking point
Chapter 25: A new enemy
Chapter 26: Mission: find the medic
Chapter 27:The Legendary sucker
Chapter 28:The bet
Chapter 29: Training to the limit!!
Chapter 30: A battle with the snake's follower!!
Chapter 31: More than one way to die!!
Chapter 32: Have to find an answer!
Chapter 33: An A rank mission
chapter 34: Old friends!
Chapter 35 : Riddles!!
Chapter 36: The tale of seven years ago!
Chapter 37 : A mission change
Chapter 38 : More flashbacks!!!
Chapter 39 : Divide and patrol
chapter 40: The target
Chapter 41: An unexpected night
chapter 42: The battle starts
Chapter 43: One vs one
Chapter 44: Sacrifice and guilt
Chapter 45:Pulling from the darkness
Chapter 46: Back
Chapter 47: New announcements!
Chapter 48: Sasuke Retrieval!
Chapter 49: Departure!
Sequel is up!!

Chapter 16: Devastating news

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By blackstarlove19

Here it is hope you like, and i dont have much to say so just go ahead!!

Hideo Pov

I was sitting next to the bed where Sara layed.

I rested my chin in my inter wined hands, thinking about what Satoshi told me.


"What are you talking about exactly?" i asked Satoshi concerned, Sara was the type to hide if she has a problem she didnt like to have someone worry about her.

"I think you already thought about it" he said "especially after what she said before, you must have noticed how for a short time, before she joined the genin team that she was becoming more and more distant"

"I did notice but i thought it was because she was getting a lot of missions, I thought she was just tired, thats why i talked to her about  joining one of the new genin teams so she could slow things down a bit, what exactly has she been hiding?" I was trying to keep my usual tone, but it was hard when my student could have been facing something and i failed to be there for her, even if she thought she could face it alone.

"She would kill me if i told you this" he said releasing a sigh "and she have been holding herself up till now, but she is still a child, and if she breaks she will need someone to be there for her" he looked me in the eyes "A year ago she was diagnosed with a brain tumor" my eyes widened in shock, and my mouth hanged open, "the surgery doesnt have a high chance if sucess, it's less than 25% actually, and if she doesnt have the surgery i think you know what i'm saying" he finnished.

My face still held a shocked expression, i couldnt believe what i was hearing, Sara was going to die, and she hid it, and i couldnt believe i didnt try to figure out what was going on with her, even though i knew if she was facing trouble she wouldnt tell.

My fists clenched, and i gritted my teath, she was only 12, 13 in a few days, and she carried this all alone, like she always does, she worries about everyone, and tries her best to make sure no on worries about her.

"Who knows?" i asked relaxing a bit, trying to regain my calmness "Who else knows about this?"

"The hokage, a few doctors" he replied "And Kakashi"

"She told Kakashi!" i asked suprised that she would tell him and not me "Not by her free will, she had an episode on the mission to the land of the waves, and on the way back , he gave her the choice to tell him, or he tell the other three about her episode, so she told him, and made him promise to not tell anyone"

"episode?!" i asked confused "yes, it doesnt happen very often, but she sometimes gets a strong headache that ends with her in pain, she has medication that ends the pain in minutes, but during those minutes she is in too much pain to do anything, even after the pain goes, it takes her a while to get back to her full strength"

-end of flashback-

I couldnt believe it, she hid alot before, but i never thought she would hide something like this, and now with Orochimaru here, she is being pushed overthe edge, and like Saroshi said, she is just a kid.

"what are you doing here?" I asked the person that just entered the room, it was just Sara, him and I.

"Came to check on her" Kakashi answered "the doctors said she was stable now, but it has been three days and she still hadnt woken up"

"You should have told me the moment you found out" i said clenching my fists

"What are you talking about?" he asked leaning beside the window, on the wall on the other side of the room, i hit the wall beside me "Dont act like you dont know, i'm talking about Sara's tumor. the one that's going to kill her"

"If you know that she told me, than you know she made me promise to not say a word about it" he said looking seriously at me "She's just a child, Kakashi! she always thinks its best to not make anyone worry about her, she might be holding herself now, but at somepoint she is going to be hit by reality, and then what? i should have known maybe i could have found a way to help her"

"You know that i dont like it either, but i havent been sitting around, i have done some research, her best option is lady Tsunada, of the legendry sanin" he informed me quietly "Ofcourse the difficulty lies in finding her and convincing her to do it"

"You do realize no one knows where she is" i said settling down "I just want her to be okay, and you know it wont be that easy with Orochimaru running around"

"I know" he said his eyes turning towards Sara

Sara Pov

"Didnt expect to see you here so soon." Yami said to me once i opened my eyes to the light dark place

"yeah, i guess should have quitted that fight afterall, i never thought i would actuallt be too weak to stop my kekei genkai"

"what would be easier is to learn to control it, but you're too afraid to even try" he taunted me "I'm not afraid, but you more than anyone knows that i dont have enough to try and control it"

"It was once your dream, wasnt it? i remember when you were a child, you wanted to master it, didnt you?" he stated more than asked "Yeah i did, but i was a kid who thought nothing could go wrong, i was a kid who thought everyone she loved will always be there for her, and i learned the truth the hard way"

"You really confuse me" he started saying "most humans in your case would seek revenge, like that Uchiha, but you dont, even when you went against Orochimaru you were angry, but you didnt hate him, and you only fought him to protect the other three, but for what ever reason you left your friends before, and your goal is to find your brother, to protect your clan and village, how can you not carry any hate or any wante for revenge after what happened to you back then?" he asked but i just stayed quiet thinking about he said, we both stayed quiet for a while.

"You're right" i finally said "most people would seek revenge, they would spend their lives hating, but what would that do? when i left my friends seven years ago after the incident it was because i thought i was too weak, that if they stay my friends and someone hurts them to get to me like Orochimaru did, i wouldnt be able to protect them, i thought they were better off without me"

"as for my why i dont hate, it's because it's a waste of time and effort, time and effort that i need to protect my clan, to find my brother, to make sure everyone i care about is okay before i die"

My body started to light, signalling that it was time for me to wake up.

"I guess it's time for me to wakeup" i said a smile on my face "hopfully you would trust me enough with your name before i do die" he didnt reply as everything faded in a strong light.

I blinked slightly, as my adjusted to the light.

"I know" i heared a voice say, one that sounded familier.

I tilted my head to my left to see Hideo sensei, and then i tilted it to my right to see Kakashi.

"Hey" i said to both of them with a smile as i attempted to sit up, but winced slighlty, i looked down to see that i was wearing a hospital gown, but i could feel the injury i had on my stomach.

when i had sat up proboably, i looked at both of them, as my smile was replaced with a frown, "what's wrong?" i asked confused, i could see from the looks both of them had on their faces that they were talking about something important right before i wokeup.

"Good to see your awake, Sara!" Kakashi said giving me one of his closed eye smiles "I think i better leave both of you to talk" he moved outside closing the door behind him, i looked at Hideo sensei confused. I saw in his eyes guilt.

"Sara!" he started closing his eyes, before turning and openeing them to look me straight in the eyes "I know, and you should have told me" I wasnt shocked, i knew he would eventually find out especially after the last time i snapped at him.

"But also I'm sorry" he continued and i was confused to why he was apologizing "I'm your sensei and i failed to notice what you were going through i should have been there for you but i wasnt"

"It's not you're fault you shouldnt apologize, i didnt tell you because i didnt want you to worry"

"But that what you always do, you try to protect everyone that you sometimes forget about yourself, everyone will be fine, but sometimes you need to worry about yourself instead of everyone else" he sighed "Kakashi told me he has done some research, and he thinks if we get lady Tsunada to do surgery you would have better chances"

"I know!" i said, which shocked him "I searched through all the possibilites and she is my best option, but she isnt the easiest person to find, or convince, or atleast from what i found out"

"We wont know till we try" he told me with a smile, which i easily returned with one of my own.

the door then opened to reveal Sakura and Naruto, Sakura held me in a tight hug, "I really appreciate the concern and all, but i cant breathe, and my injuries arent helping either" she broke it, apologizing.

"See you later " Hideo sensei said as he left the room.

"Sara! i made it to the next exam too! and so did Sasuke, Believe it!" Naruto shouted with his wide grin.

"So what exactly happened after i fainted? and what about the third exam?" i asked

Sakura and Naruto told me about everything that happened, I frowned when they told me about Hinata and Neji's fight, and about Garaa's fight, who defeated Guy's student, and he was injured badly and might not be a ninja again, they told me that Lee used five of the eigth inner gates, which i had to ay was impresive, I thought that Guy was probably blaming himself.

"So who am i facing?" i asked, they both looked at each other with a frown.

"The last match" Sakura started saying with a frown "Was between the twin of the guy you faced his name was Yuu Michi, he went against his own teammate but she quit before the match even started, and your facing him in the third exam, which is in less than a month"

"Sara" Naruto said with seriounes in his voice "Did you really kill their father?" he asked i looked at him with no emotion, depating on whether to tell them or not, i finally closed my eyes and nodded.

"But why? why would you do something like that?" Naruto asked confused and shocked, i could see the shock on Sakura's face too.

"It was for a mission" I started saying trying to choose my words "He was the leader of a group of rouge ninjas trerorizing the villages at the border of the land of fire, i was sent with a few other ninjas to get ride of them, and so we did i didnt know that he had kids" I finished, but before they could say anything else, the door opened to reveal, Hideo sensei, and Kakashi, both of them frowning, withem was a doctor.

"Sakura, Naruto you should both go now we have something important to disucuss with Sara!" Kakashi ordered both of them they both relecuantly nodded and leaved.

The three adults looked at me.

"Miss Sara" the doctor started saying, "Their is no easy way to say this, when examined you when you were injured, and checked your tumor, it has grown, and i am sad to say this but you might only have a few more month to live"

And i'm ending it here, another cliff hanger, so tell me what you think so far of it, and dont forget to vote comment or fan.

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