Boy next door || a.f.i

By Ruth_Bergseth

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"Is there anything else I can do to help you?" He asks. " You have just carried almost all of my boxe... More



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By Ruth_Bergseth

Drama, drama, drama. My life is just drama. Kim, Maria and now Patros. I thought he would be the one who don't cause drama.

"Joe said he liked me, but he couldn't date me because of his girlfriend. He said he wasn't ready to come out." Patros tells me, who again came without telling me before.

"Again? Hasn't Joe always been gay, but he dated Elsa?" I ask.

"Yeah, but Joe and Elsa has been together for like a thousand years."

"Patros, if you had found out you liked guys in year 6 you hadn't stopped there, you had-"

"Slept with Joe." He continues my sentence. 

"Eh no, but you would probably do it sometime. What I meant to say was you had probably tried with girls too." I say.

"Yeah, probably that too."

"Ehh, can you make your 'wife' help you with this problem?" I ask. I'm sick of drama and everything that has to do with it.

"Oh! How is she doing? Heard so many rumours about her lately. Is it true that she fought a girl over a boy?" He asks wanting news.

"No. She hasn't fought anyone. She has actually been nice and hasn't kicked or talked bad about anyone." I say kind of shocked.

"Oh, well well. Have you heard that Maria slept with Jakob? I think she did it to make Austin jealous." He is in a really gossipy mood today.

"Yes, it was my bad idea. It was really stupid and I regret it so much. Poor Austin. I feel bad for him." I say softly.

"Nope. He deserves it. Austin is a dick. He's a fucking racist, homophobic hoe!" Patros screams.

"Oh my god. Calm down. He's pretty bad, but that doesn't mean that we should do stuff like this. It makes us just as bad."

"No! You're not against gays or coloured people." He points out. That's true, but anyways nobody should get treated like that. I would have been mad if it had happen to me.

A loud bang comes from my door.
It should be Ashton.
I hurry towards the door and open it.
I was right.
Ashton stands in the hallway with a bouquet in his hands.

"Here." He hands me the flowers. "I thought I'd make this date more classy. We can go to the movies, for the memories. And I thought it would be cool because now we're actually dating." He grins.

"Thank you so much, and that sounds fun. You decide which movie, I'm happy anyways.... Just come inside. I'm just going to put these in water then we can leave." I say before I let him in. He walks in and stops in the kitchen.

"You're not bringing this are you?" He asks and points to Patros.

"'This' is a boy. And no, I don't want to join you on a date. You will probably like cuddle and stuff. Not that I would come anyways, because I wouldn't. Have fun. Oh, and Ashton, keep your hands over the hips and under the breasts." Patros says before I can answer.

Patros leaves my apartment and it suddenly turns quiet.

"He's Kim's friend." I say before putting the bouquet in a vase with water.

"Ready to leave?" He asks when I'm finally done with the flowers. I nod and pick up my purse.


"Are we watching another dinosaur movie?" I smile.

"Nope. Today we're watching one about birds."

"Hm, wouldn't surprise me." I giggle. "But seriously. Which movie?" I ask, this time serious.

"I thought about a romantic one, but I think you are better than me with picking romantic movies."

"Maybe.. There is this movie I heard about. I think about a girl who lives just because of her boyfriend or something. It's called 'If I stay'." I say.

"Sounds a bit sad, but it's your choice." He chuckles and walks up to the counter.

"We want two tickets to..."

"If I stay." I finish.

He smiles and gives the lady money. She gives us the tickets and we walk into the movie. There is a lot of people but not as many as last time we went together. It gets dark and the movie starts.


The movie is great and sad. I have to be honest, a few tears has rolled down my cheek. I feel a very soft touch on my shoulder, and I look to Ashton. A few tears rolls down his cheeks. I have to laugh a little. I never thought that Ashton would cry of a movie. But damn, I was wrong. He didn't even notice that I laughed. He's a hundred percent focused in a movie where a girl looks back at et memories with her boyfriend when she almost loses her life. I turn my gaze to the movie again.


The lights turn on again an people starts to leave.

"God. Wait for me. I have to make my breathing go back to normal. I was positive that Mia was going to die. But Adam wrote that song which she always wanted. Oh god. A better love story than Twilight. I have to watch this with the guys." Ashton who's totally destroyed by the ending tells me. I have to say I'm a little shocked by the ending, but Ashton. I seems like he thinks that the movie is true.

"Ok, you're worse than me Ashton." I laugh.

"Well, everyone has their soft spots. With me, it's tough love. That was a deep movie." Ashton says terrified. It's almost like a bear just ate his drums.

I pat softly pat his back and get up from the seat. He does the same and walks me out.

"What now?" I ask when we get out of the movies.

"We can go to McDonalds. I just want to burry myself in food and cry." He complains. "How do women handle this so well?"

"First chick flick?" I ask. He nods. "You'll get used it. Soon everyone will get old." I laugh.

"I have to watch more of these films. We're going to the movies again tomorrow!" He shouts.

He's so cute and innocent. It's almost like it's nothing bothering him at all. Not drama with friends, family or anything like that. I wish I could have a peaceful life like him. I was happy with it before, but now I have sleep problems. Well, I probably can't do much about it. I mean, I'm a girl. There is always drama or stress around us.

"McDonalds next." I want a little quiet place right now.

"Yes... Race you to the car!" He shouts before he runs to the exit.

"Hey! That's cheating!" I call after him and start to run.

People give us weird and ugly glances whilst we race through the door, but we just ignore them because the finish line is the car. When we et out of the door we stop. Where is the car again? Ashton gasps and points to his car, and immediately regrets it. Before he can run I dart to the car and get to it only seconds before.

"I..I w-won." I pant cheerfully. He bends down and supports his weight on his knees.

"You cheated" he says whilst trying to breathe normally again.

"No, you helped me without meaning it." I chuckle. He gets up smiles.

"Should we get going?" He asks. He breathes more properly. I nod and get in the car. He does the same.


"I have never eaten McDonalds on a date before." I chuckle and then taking a bite from my cheeseburger.

"Well, it's time. I'm going to be honest neither have I. But then again I haven't been on a proper date either." He tells me.

"You haven't?" He shakes his head. "Why not? Didn't find the perfect girl." I ask smiling.

"No not really. I haven't been focusing on girl the last couple of years. It has just been me, the guys and the music. Or, I hung out with this model. But it didn't work out." He explains.

He was with a fucking model? And it didn't work out? How will we work out then? I'm far from beautiful and sexy. You'll have to be sexy when you're a model. What does he want in me? Am I a project? A dare? I've heard of many people dating someone because of a dare.

I put my burger down and press my lips into a thin line. He has noticed my insecurity and asks: "What is it? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, uhm.. I'm just not hungry..." I mumble.

"Come on. What did I say?"

No, I can't tell him. It was probably nothing. She was probably just mean.

"You didn't say anything wrong." I pick the burger up again and take a bite.

"If it's about the model I dated, then you don't have to worry at all. She wasn't the one for me." He takes a sip of his shake.

I can't hold it in anymore. He tells me so many things that makes me curious.

"What do you look for in a girl? What is 'the perfect girl' for you?" I ask in an un subtle kind of way.

He stops to chew.
"Tessa. You don't have to worry about that. I don't have 'a perfect girl'. You are you and I like that. You shouldn't have to worry about you not being great, because you are. You are more than great. I'm not only looking at looks you know. I like your personality, your looks. I like you. You're one of a kind." He says and looks deep into my eyes.

Before I know it, a pair of soft lips is on mine. When he said those words, it was like a spark lighted. There was a feeling that came in my heart, a feeling I haven't felt before.

I quickly turn around when it ended and smile to myself. A few old parents gave us judging looks. Kissing was obviously not something you do in McDonalds. But who cares? The only thing I think about is him and his lips. How soft and warm they were. The taste of them. It was confusing. I have kissed guys before, but not this way. It was good, special. I'm not a hundred percent sure how it felt. But it felt nice to say at least.

Long ass chapter cause it's the date , and I want it to be long.

I'm tired.

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