// Blackmail // (AU)

By Polka_dot_cutiee

346K 4.7K 624

You're the star in this dirrrty punk Harry fic! So enjoy! (Not for readers under 13) Imagine this: Bad boy Ha... More

Blackmail (dirty punk Harry fic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
News (if you enjoy this book, you'll want to read this whole chapter)

Chapter 11

16.1K 416 71
By Polka_dot_cutiee

Unknowingly, you drifted off to sleep after your phone call with your mom. A few hours later, you woke up to someone knocking things down.

"Harry?" you called.

You made out his figure as he held to the wall in order to keep himself up.

"Y/N babeeeeeey! I loooooove youuuuuu!" he slurred.

He got off the wall and started stumbling towards you. You tried to run over to help him, but he motioned for you to stop.

"Why do you care? All you care about is Zaaaaaayn" he slurred. Harry was officially piss drunk, his eyes red and hanging low.

"Harry, you're drunk" you told him.

"No I'm not Y/N! Why don't you want me?" he whined.

You sighed. "Harry I'm not having this conversation with you right now." You tried to get up but he grabbed you.

"Y/N listen to me..."

You nodded and he let go of you.

"Why don't you want me?" he asked again. "Is it something I did?"

At this point, you were irritated. "Harry, we can talk when you're sober." You were banking on the fact that he was too drunk tonight to remember anything tomorrow.

He pouted and you helped him up.

"Carry meeeee" he whined.

"No Harry, you're twice my size. Now go to bed."

After much fighting, you finally got him upstairs and into the room.

"I love you thiiiiiiis much baby!" he yelled as he thrust his arms as far apart as he possibly could.

You rolled your eyes. "I love you too Harry."

He shot his head up. "Do you mean it?" he asked excitedly.

You nodded and he yelled: "Yay! Y/N loves me!"

You couldn't help but laugh at how sloppy he was. You turned off the light and laid down.

"Can we cuddle?" Harry asked.

You turned over and snuggled into his chest. You both fell asleep shortly after.

A few hours later, you woke up and saw Harry was on the floor. You looked at the time and gasped.

"11:30!? Harry get up!" you yelled while shaking him.

He started mumbling a bunch of words you couldn't make out and you laughed.

"Harry wake up!? you giggled. You threw a pillow at the sleepy boy and he just groaned.

"Stoooooop" he mumbled into the pillow.

"No Harry. Get the fuck up"

Surprised at your choice of words, he sat right up.

"Feisty tone for so early in the morning..." Harry smirked.

You dodged around his loaded statement and changed the subject.

"Harry... do you remember anything from last night?" you asked him.

He raised his eyebrow. "Bits and pieces... why? Y/N, did we--"

You knew where this was heading so you cut him off. "No, but it's not like we haven't done that before." You gestured for him to sit down on the bed. "Well... last night you left because of Zayn..." you trailed off.

"I know why I left Y/N" he huffed.

"Well... umm..." you weren't sure how to say this, but you needed to just come out and ask him the question you were pondering all night long. "When you... uhh... came back you told me that you... uhh... loved me... and asked me why I didn't want you..." you finally managed to spit out.

His eyes widened. "It was the alcohol talking. I'm sorry."

It was kind of a disappointment for you. Maybe you really did feel a certain way for Harry... No... that's impossible. You hated him. This was the jerk who's blackmailing you into doing sexual favors for him.

"I'm gonna grab a shower" he said, stopping you from thinking about your feelings for him.

"Yeah sure" you mumbled.

He left and shut the door, so you decided to use this opportunity to call Zayn.

"Hello?" he answered after three rings.

"Hey Zayn, it's me"

"Oh!" he said surprised you were calling him. "Hey love! Is everything alright?"

"Uhh yeah. I was just calling about our date tonight. Just making sure we were still going."

"Yep! It's still on" Zayn said excitedly. "I have the perfect place, but it's a surprise!"

You laughed into the phone at how adorable he was being. You both talked for a few more minutes until you heard the shower being turned off. Uh oh. Harry couldn't hear you on the phone with Zayn. You said a quick goodbye to Zayn before hanging up and tossing your phone onto your bed. You actually liked Zayn, and despite the tattoos, he was extremely caring. He was sweet and a gentleman, unlike Harry sometimes. Zayn was a breath of fresh air. You haven't felt this close to someone since Liam. The thought of him made you want to punch a wall. Why did everything have to be so complicated?


Hey everyone! I'm back! I'm so sorry that this update took so long and I'm sorry if it's shit, but I felt really bad that I haven't updated in over a month. I've had so much going on between school, field hockey, and studying for my SAT's, that I've been neglecting my loyal fans. I just wanted to say, thank you so much for sticking with me through this, and I'll try and get the updates done faster. I loved reading all your amazing comments on the last chapter and I can't wait to read them on this chapter!

Also, to make the time between updates fun, I decided that at the end of every chapter I'm going to play a game with you all. I just don't have any ideas yet... :/ If you guys have any games you want to play or contests I should have at the end of each chapter, let me know! All I know is that the winner of the end-of-chapter contest/game will get a dedication and maybe something more. So just let me know what games you'd like to play and by the next update, I'll decide what we're going to do!

Just wanted to say again, thank you so much everyone for sticking with me through this rough patch. I really appreciate it. And if anyone has any theories about what the next chapter holds, I'd love to hear them! Also, I'd like to start putting edits on the side box thingie near the text, so If anyone would like to make funny/sexy/cool edits about this book, tag them under #polkadotcutieeblackmail on Instagram and I'll pick my favorite and include it in the next chapter! (I'll be doing this for every update from now on so don't get discouraged if I don't pick yours for the next update). If you don't have an Instagram, you can post your edit on Photobucket or something and just pm me the link.

Sorry if this is a lot of new information and sorry if I'm asking too much of you. I love you all so much!

XOXO- Paige

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