Sigh No More - Wincus One-shot

By mrsbenlovett

464 10 5


Sigh No More - Wincus One-shot

Part 2

129 4 1
By mrsbenlovett

(Marcus' POV)

I woke up because of Winnie twisting and turning in bed next to me. He rolled him self into the blanket, which left me exposed with my naked body. I felt a bit uncomfortable so I decided to get up and get dressed. I found my boxers thrown on the floor next to my other clothes, I got dressed in my small black jeans, my white button-down and my grey waistcoat on top of that. I went into the bathroom, staring in the mirror, inspecting my own face. I didn't have any bags under my eyes, but I was, and looked exhausted. I splashed some cold water in my face, before returning back into the bedroom. I settled in a chair next to the bed, watching Winnie sleep. He's really cute. 

Winnie must have noticed me staring, because he's awake now. He turned around, stared back at me. "Good morning sleepyhead," I said. He smirked a bit before saying "Good morning,". He threw the blanket away from him and got up and started walk towards the bathroom. "Winston!" I said. He turned around and looked at me, and I turned my look down against the floor. "What?" he asked. "Are you aware of that you're naked?" I said blushing. "Oh crap!" he yelped and ran into the bathroom. I saw that his boxers were still on the ground next to our bed, so I took them and his other clothes and open the bathroom door slightly. I streched my arm inside, so Winston could take his clothes and change. 

After a while he came out, still a bit red on his cheeks, that was covered with brown, curly hair. He walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge, looking at me. I turned my head up from the book I was reading and asked him why he was staring. He looked down before he spoke. "So about last night.." He started. "What about it?" I asked. He heaved a sigh before continuing, "Well, how do you feel about it?". I closed the book and put it aside, before I moved to sit next to him on the bed. "What do you mean?" I asked, looking him in the eyes. "Did you like it or was it strange and how do you actually feel about me?" he said, the last words came out almost as a whisper. "To be honest, I like it. It was a bit strange at first. But I'm glad I tried this with you. I love you, you know that." I said smiling. He returned the smile before giving me a giant hug. "But how about you? Did you like it and what's you're feeling towards me?" I asked after he pulled away from the hug. "I liked it, ehm, strange as first, like you said. I'm glad I tried it with you as well, and I love you, too." He said biting his lower lip. I smiled and pressed my lips onto his. He melted into the contact and threw his arms around my neck. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, both me and Win sighed before I started walk towards the door. When I opened the door, Ben and Ted stood there, chatting. "Yeah?" I asked. Both turned to me and pushed through and into our hotel room. I closed the door slowly and then turned around to find Ben and Ted sitting in the chairs, glaring at both me and Winston. Me and Winston switched looks fast before I spoke, "What the fuck is it?" I asked turning to Ben and Ted. "Can you please explain what the hell you guys did last night?" Ted asked, crossing his arms over his chest. I saw in the corner of my eyes that Win blushed and I felt my cheeks get warm. I cleard my throat, because clearly they expected a answer. "Well, me and Winston played chess.." I said, trying not to make eye contact. "I didn't know chess could be so loud.." Ben said raising an eyebrow. I looked at Winston and he looked back, both still blushing. Then Winston spoke, "Okey, so me and Marcus kinda have a thing going on, so we, ehm, yeah." he said. "So, you what?" Ted asked slowly. "Me and Winston fucked, okey?" I said, rasing my voice a bit. Everyone looked at me. Ted and Ben looked at me with their mouth open and big eyes. While Winston looked at me with a sort of anxious look. 

"So, you, ehm, fucked... Wow, I didn't think you had that kind of feelings for each other." Ted said, trying to process the news. "Well, we have and there's nothing you can do about it." I said sternly. "We don't have a problem with it. It just came as a surprise." Ben said, smiling a bit. Yeah, as long as it doesn't affect the band." Ted said, smiling. I relaxed a bit, when I saw them smiling, and it seemed like Winston relaxed as well. "Thanks guys. Both me and Marcus appreciate that you understand us," Win said, and I nodded, to show that I agreed. "Well, should we grab some breakfast before heading out in town?" Ted asked as he jumped up from the chair. We nodded, and followed Ted out from the hotel room. But when we came to the door. Ted stopped, he turned around to me and Win. "Next time, keep it down, when you know, do that." He said. Both me and Win turned cherry red and Ben and Ted laughed as we exited the hotel room. 


>This is part 2. It's kinda short, but I didn't know what to write exactly so here's some fluff, hope you like it. 

I won't add more parts on this one, but I'll continue writing chapter 5 for my Tedjamin story. I'll also start writing on chapter 1 for my new Mumford & Sons fanfic 'I Gave You All' 

Hope you're excited for the new story, because I am. :) Thanks for reading<

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