Garden Of Lies

By deadseattle

30.9K 819 555

Eddie Vedder/Chris Cornell More

Garden of Lies- Chapter One
Garden Of Lies- Chapter Three
Garden Of Lies- Chapter Four
Garden Of Lies- Chapter Five
Garden Of Lies- Chapter Six
Garden Of Lies- Chapter Seven
Garden Of Lies- Chapter Eight
Garden of Lies- Chapter Nine
Garden of Lies- Chapter Ten
Garden of Lies- Chapter Eleven
Garden of Lies- Chapter Tweleve
Garden of Lies- Chapter Thirteen
Garden of Lies- Chapter Fourteen
Garden of Lies- Chapter Fifteen
Garden of Lies- Chapter Sixteen
Garden of Lies- Chapter Seventeen
Garden of Lies- Chapter Eighteen
Garden of Lies- Chapter Nineteen
Garden Of Lies- Chapter Twenty
Garden of Lies- Chapter Twenty One
Garden of Lies- Chapter Twenty Two

Garden of Lies- Chapter Two

1.5K 54 38
By deadseattle

"Mom asked me if I would think of getting together with you." Eddie said, working his math problem out on a piece of paper. He looked up at his computer and typed his answer in.

"Oh, really? Well, uh, what did you say to her?" Mike asked. He sat on Eddie's bed.

"I told her no. I mean, we're best friends. We should stay that way, shouldn't we?"

Mike shrugged his shoulders as he played with a loose string from Eddie's comforter. "I guess so."

"I hate math," Eddie sighed. "I'm so confused. Can you help me?"

"Hey, I'm a high school drop out. You think I'm that smart?"

Eddie chuckled. "You're good at math though, right? Come on, just take a look at it. Please."

Eddie gave him a pout. Mike playfully rolled his eyes at Eddie, and got off the bed to help him with his math problem. He took a look at the computer and bit his lip.

"Umm... I think I remember how to do it. Let me see your pencil."

Mike took the pencil from between Eddie's fingers. He started off by writing the problem down.

"Just watch me, okay? It's not that hard." Mike said as he worked the problem out on the piece of paper. Eddie watched him carefully, trying to understand how to do the work.

"Do you get it?" Mike asked. Eddie chewed on his bottom lip.

"I think so. Yeah, thank you, Mr. McCready." Eddie said, giggling. Mike chuckled and looked into Eddie's eyes. He loved the color of them. They were so beautiful and hypnotizing.

Eddie cleared his throat. "I guess I should finish my work."

Mike stepped back. "Oh, yeah, go ahead. Uh, I should probably be heading back home. I'm suppose to babysit my baby cousin in about an hour or so."

"Aw, how cute." Eddie teased.

"I'll see you later, man."

"Okay, have fun." Eddie said as Mike walked out of his bedroom, shutting the door behind him. Eddie sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

** ** **

Eddie slowly walked past the wooden fence, looking up at his neighbor's house again. He was on his way home from a visit with his grandmother. Usually, the gate was shut. But this time, it was wide open and his neighbor was standing on the other side, watering some white flowers.

"Would you like to come inside?" The man asked, not even taking a look up at him. Eddie swallowed hard.

"N-no thank you. I should... I should be heading back home." Eddie said. The man made him feel so nervous.

"You sure? Not even for a moment?"

Eddie wanted to tell him his mother wouldn't allow it, but he didn't want to sound rude. So, he decided to go inside, but he would only stay for a short time.

"Okay, but only for a minute." Eddie said. The man nodded and led Eddie inside, holding the door open for him.

The house was so big inside. There was pictures hanging all over the wall. It seemed dark and gloomy inside, but yet, it felt so comforting.

"Take a seat."

Eddie slowly took a seat on the couch, and the man sat in the chair in front of him. Eddie looked at him. He looked even better up close than from his window.

"I'm Chris." He introduced himself. Eddie smiled. The name suited him.

"I'm Eddie."

Chris grinned. "Yeah, I know. So, I saw you watching me from your window last night."

Eddie blushed. "I-I wasn't watching you. I was just looking out of my window and I saw you."

Chris chuckled. "I'm just messing with you. I could've showed you something if you hadn't of left."

Eddie's cheeks got redder. His palms began to sweat. Chris was making him feel so nervous, especially saying things like that. And when Chris stood up in front of Eddie, his heart felt like it almost stopped.

"You've never seen one though, have you?" Chris asked, laughing. Eddie was lost for words. Chris laid his finger under Eddie's chin and lifted his head up, looking Eddie straight in the eyes.

"You're so innocent, and pure, aren't you? Why aren't you speaking? Am I making you nervous?"

"I need to go." Eddie said quietly. His voice felt like it was almost gone.

"You need to go? Why?"

"M-my mother doesn't want me to be here." Eddie stuttered.

Chris laughed. "Of course she doesn't. Oh, I know so many secrets about your family."

"What are you talking about?" Eddie asked. He began to think that this man was crazy.

"Hmm..." Chris hummed, biting his bottom lip. "Maybe I can tell you another time. After all, you should be going back home."

Eddie didn't say anything. He only stood up slowly on his feet. Chris' body was so close to his, a smirk on his face. Eddie was still blushing.

"Will you come back tomorrow?" Chris asked, running his fingers through Eddie's hair. He moved Eddie's hair over to the side. Eddie could've moaned from just his touch.

"I don't know if I can."

Chris placed a kiss on Eddie's neck. It made him shiver. Eddie had never even been kissed before, especially on his neck. It made his knees feel weak. It made his body feel hot. He had never felt such a way before.

Chris planted another kiss on his neck. "Do you like it when I kiss your neck?"

Eddie blushed even harder. He was so shy, and he felt so embarrassed. His mother would definitely kill him if she found out what was going on right now.

"Tell me." Chris demanded before his tongue slowly slid up Eddie's neck and to his ear.

"U-uh huh, y-yes," Eddie said softly, his breath getting heavier.

"Has anyone ever kissed your neck?" Chris asked, whispering the question in his ear.

"No." Eddie answered. Chris chuckled, his warm breath making Eddie shiver.

Chris pulled away, looking back at the lustful eyes of Eddie's. Eddie didn't want him to stop. The kisses felt so good. Eddie wanted more, he needed more from this man.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?"

Eddie slowly nodded his head and stormed out of the house. He felt like he was just now finally getting a fresh breath of air. He couldn't believe Chris did that, and he couldn't believe he was enjoying it. But he couldn't wait to find out what he would encounter tomorrow. 

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