Dreams (Danisnotonfire/Dan Ho...

By kattssssssss

884 17 19

Ever since she was 12 Lizbeth and her best friend Alissa wanted to become famous YouTubers, move to London, a... More

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By kattssssssss

*1 week before Lizbeth's and Dans one year anniversary*

Okay so in this year Amanda and Robyn have moved to London and Phil and Sierra have gotten married

"Alissa Tess is going to be here tomorrow" I yell across our flat

"Yay.....wait is she really coming here from New York?" She yells back

"Yeah we should tell Robyn and Amanda also we need to stop yelling or we're going to get noise complaints" I yell back then group message Amanda and Robyn
Me: hey Tess is going to be here tomorrow
Amanda: yay
Robyn: I can't wait to see her

I close my phone and get up to start making dinner

After Alissa and I eat I text Dan telling him that Tess is coming and that I'm going to go pick her up at the air port after I text him I sit down and watch some adventure time Alissa ends up going to Joes because Caspar is in South Africa I have the flat to myself so I decide to invite Sierra over

About five minutes later I hear a knock at the door when I answer it I see Sierra with a bottle of red wine and a bag and I say "I hope Phil doesn't mind you staying over I know he just moved in with you"

"Oh please he moved in like a month ago plus he has the ferret to keep him company" she says

"Ok cool" I say

"What should we do?" Sierra asks

"How about watch the fault in our while drinking some wine and crying" I suggest

"That sounds perfect" she says

"But I can't drink to much because I have to get up in the morning and get Tess from the airport but you can drink however much you want" I say

I get out two wine glasses while Sierra puts on the movie after I get out the wine glasses while the ads are playing I make a bowl of popcorn then go sit down with the popcorn and wine glasses

Sierra pours the wine and then the actual movie starts

By the time the movie was over both me and Sierra were in tears and she was a tiny bit drunk

"Hey do you want to sleep in Alissa's room?" I ask

"Okay" she says a little disoriented

I walk her to Alissa's room and when I'm a few steps away from the room I hear some shuffling then some giggling so I decide to go back when I get back into the room I ask
"What are you giggling at?"

"Come here" she says pointing at something in Alissa's bedside table drawer

When I get over there I see what she's pointing at and start laughing my ass off and decide to text Alissa
Me: hey
Alissa: hi
Me: guess what
Alissa: what
Me: well Sierra is staying over so I let her sleep in your room and being the snoopy person she is when she's drunk she decided to look in your bedside table drawer and do you want to know what she found
Alissa: what did she find
Me: condoms and a pair of handcuffs
Alissa: OMFG
Me: bye

I close my phone and go back in Alissa's room to see that Sierra was asleep on the floor so I close Alissa's drawer and pick Sierra up then put her on the floor

The next morning after I get ready Sierra is still asleep so I decide to leave her a note then head off to the airport and wait for Tess

While I'm waiting for Tess I text Dan
Me: hey is it okay if Me and Tess stop by your flat on our way back I want you to meet her
Dan: sure but can you tell me a little bit about her
Me: sure okay.....well she's into fashion  and lives in New York City, New York she works for Vogue she's 21 and she's a fan of yours and Phil's
Dan: did you actually tell her about me this time
Me: yes actually I did
Dan: good
Me: I have to go I can see Tess
Dan: ok love you
Me: love you
A little bit after I close my phone Tess walks up to me gives me a hug and says "I missed you so much"

"I missed you too" I say

"So what are we gonna do now?" She asks

"We are going to drop your stuff of at me and Alissa's Flat then we are going to hang out with Dan for a bit" I explain

"Oh yeah I forgot your dating Dan Howell" she says

"Okay let's go just don't scream when you see him also one thing Phil doesn't live with him anymore him and Sierra got married and he moved in with her which you probably already know" I explain

"Of course I already know now let's go" she says

We drop her stuff of at my flat then head to Dan's flat I knock on the door he lets us in and when we get to the lounge he says to Tess "it's nice to finally meet you I've heard a lot about you"

"It's nice to meet you to buy can you tell me the stuff you know about me" she says to Dan

"Okay well your 21 you live in New York City your into fashion you work for Vogue and your a fan of Phil and I's" Dan says

"You are correct" says Tess

After about an hour of talking Tess and I decide to leave

When we get back to my flat we walk into the lounge to see both Alissa and Sierra sitting on the sofa when they see Tess they practically tackle her

After a few hours we decide to go to sleep

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