The Dare

By StephanieLawson

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The dare is about how Zoey gets dared by jake the guy she hates most of all out of her friends that she hangs... More

The Dare
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2

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By StephanieLawson

Cameron POV: I was hanging out with guys just before school we were talking about how none of us heard from Zoey yet since she left on sunday to hang with Becca i hope she is alright, we all find it funny how Zoey thibnks she can just magically become a girl but serious as her best friend i know her well enough to know she can't survive 3-4 months beings a full on girly girl no matter what. We all were outside were we normally would be before school just talking about shit when we heard a commotion at front of school we all decided to check what's everyone going on about as we pushed through the crowds of whispereing we looked where everyone was looking at we saw what we never thought would happen Zoey dressed in a skirt and wedges walking with Becca laughing like they are top of the school chain. Anthony, Nate, Brendan were staring at her like shes new, I was staring at her with misbelief and her brothers had their fists clenched like they were going to punch someone if they hit on her, all of sudden Jake was behind us asking what was happening and then he saw Zoey and his mouth dropped just staring at her which got a punch to his arm by Zane. All of sudden she stopped walking when she saw all of us looking at her with disbelief Becca and also stopped when Zoey did i think Zoey wanted to talk to us but Becca shook her head and they carried on walking ignoring us, wow it hurt a bit but i know i will see her at lunch. As soon as all the crowd disapeared it just left us guys standing here still very suprised and shocked.

Zane - How fucking great our sister is now a fucking slut

Nate - She isn't a slut dude

Anthony - Yah besides everyone knows not to go after her because you guys would beat them up well we all would especially if they hurt her

Brendan - That was very suprising to see he said which everyone nod their heads

Blake - She isn't going to be playing rugby or soccer this year

Nate - WHAT!! she is one of the best players on the team he hissed which we agreed on

Bennie - We know but since it isn't girly she can't play he hissed as we all glared at Jake

Jake - Calm your shit she won't last besides she actually looks quite hot now he said smirking which got Blake, Bennie and Zane angry and wanting to punch him.

Zane - Don't you fucking dare talk about our sister like that he shouted as the guys holded him back

Cameron - Guys calm down Jake right about she won't last she is one of us and jake don't talk about Zoey like that she is my best friend and i will punch you if you think of her that way again i hissed at him. At same time the bell went for class we all went our seperate ways as we went to class i can't way for lunch to talk to my best friend and my girl friend right now.

Zoey POV: When i walked into school everyone was wondering who i was but then they recognised who i was and was very shock i guess i would be as well i look totally different then what i would normally look. As I walked along with Becca i saw the guys i really wanted to go over their but Becca said it's best to hang with girls right now and i guess i agree with her. So i walked away i could feel the boys all staring at me as i walked away i felt bad but its part of the dare. The whole time in class everyone was either staring at me with disbelief or talking to me it was weird since no one really paid attention to me before but now they do, i couldn't complain because Jared one of the hottest guys in school was talking to me the only thing him and my friends never got on but it doesn't matter at the moment not like anything will happen. 3 hours later it was finally time for lunch i was so glad i exit out of maths as fast as i can and i think Jared notice as well because he was trying to catch up to me and talk for once i couldn't help but smile when he wanted to talk to me.

Jared - So Zoey whats with the new change? he asked as we walked towards the cafeteria

Zoey - Oh you know just thought i would try something different for once i said looking up at him with a smile as he nod his head.

Jared - Oh cool, well this weekend my mate is throwing a party you know Matt aye?

Zoey - Yah i know Matt

Jared - Awesome well i hope you come it would be good to spend more time with you he said as we walked through the doors into the cafeteria.

Zoey - I might i said with a smile

Jared - you better i want to get to know you more he said as he wrapped his arm around my waist i just smiled at him and nod my head.
 So where are you going to sit at lunch?? he asked, i looked around the lunch area i could see my brothers and my friends, i see Becca group of cheerleaders and athletes that where Jared normally sits.

Zoey - Well i think i will sit with you and Becca aye i siad with a wink as his smile grew, we grabbed lunch and i could see out of the corner of my eye my brothers and friends staring at me but i just ignore them as Jared wrapped his arm around my waist and led me towards the table to sit, i was greeted with Becca and her friends and few of Jareds but i felt so out of place but maybe because i am not use to sitting here i kind of just want to go talk to the others i got up from my seat and was about to walk over to them and they looked up noticing i was but Jared got up as well.

Jared - Where are you going Zoe?

Zoey - Oh i was just going to see the others for a bit you wouldn't mind would you i asked

Jared - I can't stop you i just thought maybe we could go hang out just us right now? he asked, i looked over at the boys they were staring at us well me and glaring at Jared i looked back to him and i nodded my head and grabbed my bag and he did same and we started walking outside for some fresh air and stuff.

Zoey - So what did you..... before i got to finish that sentence lips crashed against mine it took me a few seconds to realise what happening but i finally started kissing back we were alone and he had me pushed against the brick wall of one of the buildings it was really rough and quite hot he had his hands against brick wall above my head while mine were wrapped around his neck he slowly pulled away with a smile on his face.

Jared - I wanted to do that since i saw you he said as he started kissing my neck, he pulled away just as the bell went and it was time for class

Jared - I will see you tomorrow Zoey, oh and i will pick you up at 7:30am okay? he asked

Zoey - Sure i said with a smile as i walked to class the rest of time at school i couldn't help but smile and think of that kiss but what if my friends find out i am sure it won't be that bad come on it's none of their business but i will tell Cameron he is my best friend.

As soon as school over i had to go to tryouts for cheerleading and gymnastics i can't believe i am doing this i thoguht to myself the whole day i don't get how i will last 3 months of this. When it came to my turn for cheerleader tryouts they told me to do some flips, dance moves then shout i did all of them well i think anyway and they said i was on the team so congradulations i thought sarcastically i wish i had rugby. Next was gymnastics they told me to do something on each event which went okay especially floor it always been my easy thing to do wa sflipping around and stuff so they let me  join. So at least my dad won't growl for not doing a sport, when all tryouts were done i was getting a ride home with Becca because i needed to get all my new clothes and stuff so we collected them from her house then she dropped me off and said goodbye that girl way like mwah see ya tomorrow love ya bitch blah blah blah i hate this already. At least i am home i can change into my normal clothes and be myself the dare is for school so i am back to being a dude i thought as i walked through door with 20 bags with me i shut the door when i got all my stuff and headed up stairs and before i could get change my mum and dad were standing at the door looking angry.

Dad - Why did you quit sports he yelled

Zoey - Daddy i havn't quit sports i am doing cheerleading and gymnastics, netball and dancing just like mum did when she was my age i said in a happy voice as i faked a smile towards mum.

Mum - Really thats great dear, your dad just didn't know you were still doing sports but he is fine now right dear? and i am so glad you are doing more girly things by the way cute outfit well me and your father have to go to canada for work we will see you in few days when we return love you bye.

Zoey - Love yous to i said as they left. I finally got change out of the barbie girl clothes and walked down the stairs into the kitchen to grab a drink from fridge when i closed it all my brothers and friends were standing their first they had angry faces and now they had soften up when they saw me wearing my normal clothes.

Zoey - Hey guys whats up? i asked casually

Jake - Why aren't you dressed up barbie? he said with a smirk

Zoey - You said at school i am not dressing like that at home you prick which got the guys to smile

Zane - Good to know you havn't change

Zoey - Why did you think i change?

Bennie - Because you didn't hang with us like always

Blake - And ignored us

Zoey - I am suppose to be a girl at school so i sit with the girls and few guys

Nate - Yah but were you going to come see us?

Anthony - Yah aye you looked like you were about to come over but Jared stood up and said something then you guys walked away

Brendan - What were you doing with him we didn't see you rest of lunch?

Zoey - We were just haning out guys calm down i hissed

Cameron - Guys back off she wouldn't do anything with him she's our bro and wouldn't betray us like that aye he said looking at me

Zoey - uhh yah guys i wouldn't do that

Jake - Whatever you still won't last the 3/4 months

Zoey - I am not giving up

Jake - Well maybe you should he said

Zoey - No it's fun to piss you off

Jake - Your not pissing me off barbie i thought you looked really hot today maybe because it didn't have anything to do with your personality

Zane - I thought we told you not to think about her that way he hissed

Zoey - Guys calm your shit and yah it isn't my style being a girl its more fun hanging with you guys well except you Jake but i can tolerate you if you shut up so can we just go and play video games now.

Cameron - Yay he shouted which got all boys cheering

Blake - Oh yah how was cheerleading and gymnastics did you make it ??

Zoey - Yah they actually let me in

Bennie - Awww our sister is a girl now he teased which i ended up smacking his head which caused everoyne to fight with eachother we all ended up wrestling outside in back yard.

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