Our Love Prevails {Stelena} (...

By dobrevawesley

67K 1.5K 218

Stefan Salvatore and Elena Gilbert are a young couple who are ready to start their lives together. They've be... More

1-Elena's First Day
2-Stefan's First Day
3-Dinner with the Family
4-Good and Bad News
5-Saying Goodbye
8-Telling Him
9-Missing Him
10-He's coming home!
11-In your arms at last
12-Stressing out
13- Bachelor(ette) parties
14- Till Death Do Us Part
15-Getting Prepared
17-Back to Work
18-It's time
20- Coming home
21- I'm so proud!
22- What the hell happened?
23- I can't lose her
24- Recovery
25- Home at last
26- Returning to Normal
27- Happy Birthday!
28- Date Night
29- Honeymoon
30- Honeymoon Continued

7-What's wrong with me?

2.3K 52 6
By dobrevawesley

6 weeks later
Elena's POV
Pain, roll over, close my eyes, fall asleep, wake up, pain, roll over, close my eyes, fall asleep...
That's pretty much what I spent last night doing and if I wasn't doing that, I was clutching a pillow. I don't know what's wrong with me, but my best bet would be the flu. I don't often get ill so I don't always know what to do, which makes Stefan not being here worse. He always takes care of me when I'm ill, he always knows how to make me feel better or knows what I need, whether it be a cuddle or medicine.
I sit up in bed and feel a wave of sickness flow through me. I immediately run to the bathroom and end up regurgitating yesterday's meals. I've always hated throwing up, I've been almost scared of it. But being with Stefan seemed to ease the fear as he was always there to rub my back or keep my hair away from my face.
After finishing, I sit back down against the bathroom wall and just cry. That's all I do. Throwing up is the one of the worst things in the world for me, people may say I'm dramatic but it's the way I feel.
I spend around twenty minutes on the floor composing myself before I decide it's time to call in sick. Amanda will not be happy with you. I think to myself. Luckily it's not her who picks up the phone so it's an easy phone call with nobody moaning at me.
I get back into bed and before I attempt to fall asleep I get a message from Bonnie:
Hey! Care and I were thinking that we should all go out for a drink after work, you in?

I sigh. Although having a drink with friends sounds like a relaxing thing to do, I'll have to pass on the idea. The flu and drinks do not make a good combination.

Sorry Bon but I'm going to have to miss it, I'm not feeling very well.

I know I'm going to get a concerned text message back, it's typical of Bonnie as well as Caroline.

Oh I'm sorry to hear that. Well, change of plans! Caroline and I will come over after work to look after you.

I smile at her message, I couldn't of expected any less from the two of them, we've always looked out for each other.

Don't worry about me, you two should still go out and enjoy yourself! It's not necessary to look after me...

Now I'm anticipating her reaction, it's likely she's already messaged Caroline telling her the change of plans.

No can do! We're both in, we'll bring back some take away and have fun! Just like old times!

I laugh at her message, I guess there's no saying 'no' to the two of them.

Okay then, if you insist. I'll see you later on!

I lock my phone before lying back down, hoping to get some sleep. After half an hour of tossing and turning from discomfort, I finally get some sleep.

*Ringing Phone*

I lazily roll over before rubbing my eyes. Who is calling? I thought everyone was at work? I quickly check the time before answering and realise I slept for four hours, clearly I was tired.
"Hello?" I answer, rubbing my eyes a little.
"Hiya honey," my mum replies. "I wanted to check up on you, Bonnie said you aren't feeling well?" She sounds really worried.
"Oh, yeah. I think I might have the flu or something," I say placing my hand on my forehead.
"Well lucky for you I'm off work today, so I'll be round in a few." And before I can say anything, she hangs up the phone.
I laugh at little before getting out of bed slowly but also a little painfully. I go downstairs and sit myself down on the sofa, knowing that I'm not going to want to move for the next 24 hours. I almost fall asleep again but I hear the door open and shut and then see my mum walk through into the living room.
"Oh you don't look well sweetie," she says as she sits on the edge of the sofa. I give a weak smile as I rest my head on the palm of my hand.
"But I've brought over some things that will make you feel better," she says with a massive grin on her face. She goes through her bag and pulls out some DVDs and treats. Everyone knows a good movie night/day is my favourite. Stefan definitely knows it, he always sets them up for me and they always make me feel better.
"Well I don't feel very well either," I say as I wince in pain.
"Okay, stay still honey. What hurts?" She asks and places her hands on the sides of my shoulders.
"My stomach and my head," I say, wincing in pain again.
"Have you got a stomach ache? What kind of pain is it?" She asks softly.
"It's like loads of pressure around my stomach area," I try to explain.
"Have you eaten anything today?" I shake my head in response. "I threw up this morning," I say. She looks so concerned and worried, I feel bad for making her feel like that.
"Okay honey, what we're going to do is give you some paracetamol." She gets up and goes through the medicine cabinet. "Take this," she says handing me a glass of water and a pill. I sit up in order to take it and lean back afterwards.
"Have you been feeling tired lately?" She asks and I nod my head in response. She sighs before going through her bag and pulling out her phone. I have no idea what she's looking up but her next question surprises me.
"Honey, when was the last time you had sexual intercourse?" Getting past the awkwardness of her question, my mind takes me back to the night we got engaged.
"About eight weeks ago, why?" I reply but wish I hadn't because now I know why she's asking.
"And did you use protection?" She asks.
"No, I don't think so. I can't really remember," I say starting to panic. What if I'm actually pregnant?
"It's okay honey, don't worry. It's a suggestion, so there's a possibility that you're not." I appreciate her trying to comfort me but I'm still freaking out. It's not that I don't want a baby, it's just that I don't know if I'm ready.
"Okay, I'll go and get you some tests. Will you be okay here alone?" I smile and nod my head in reply, I'll never get over how protective she is over me. She promptly leaves and I'm left alone with just my thoughts. How did this all happen? Stefan and I have always been so careful and now we could potentially be having a baby.
But then I think about how much I've always wanted a baby. I've always said that Stefan is the one so if anything, this baby is our little gift. We've never been against the whole idea of having kids and a family, so, in my opinion, this is a good thing. This baby will mean so much to us. That's if there even is a baby inside of me...
"I'm back," I hear and see my mum reappear. "Okay, so I bought three types so that you'll know for sure," she smiles. By the looks of her face I can tell that she's excited at the possibility of becoming a grandmother.
"Thank you for getting them," I smile.
"You're welcome, how are you feeling about it? You looked pretty freaked out before I left."
"I was but now I realise that this is a good thing, if I am pregnant then that means we're getting our own little family." I smile at the thought of a family, of me being a mother and Stefan being a father.
"Well, if it turns out you are pregnant, then I'm happy for you." She smiles and places my hand in hers.
"Thank you mum, that really does mean a lot to me."
We both get up and, with my mum's help, walk to the bathroom.
"I'll wait out here," she says before I smile nervously and enter.
I take the tests out of the packaging, read the instructions and complete the tests. Once finished, I pick them up and exit the bathroom.
"We'll know within 2-3 minutes," I say and my mum slightly squeals in excitement. I wrap the tests up in toilet paper and keep them firmly in my own grip.
We sit down in silence for a few minutes and honestly, it feels like the longest two minutes of my life. Actually sitting here and waiting for the results of a pregnancy test is so weird, in a way. It's all so grown-up and mature and I can't believe it's all happening now. My mum's timer goes off and that means it's time. I take in a deep breath before attempting to look at the tests.
"I can't, I can't look at it." I say holding the tests away from my own eyesight. "You do it, please," I plead. My mum slowly nods at my request and takes the tests in her own hands. When she sees the results, I can't tell any of her emotions. To me, it just looks like she's studying the tests, no sad or happy emotions present.
"What? What does it say?" My anxiety is literally climbing and the only way to stop it would be to find out the result.
"The tests say that... You're pregnant," she says. It takes me a few seconds to even process what she said, let alone react to it.
"I'm pregnant?" I question, feeling the tears form within my eyes. She happily nods her head before I hug her.
"I'm so proud of you, and I know your dad would be too." I smile, grateful for her comment, if only my dad could be here... I have to forcibly remove the thought from my mind because otherwise I'd end up crying in sadness. Although my dad no longer being here isn't a nice thought, it is what it is.
"I'm going to call Stefan's parents and tell them to come round. They'll both be finishing work round about now," I say searching for my phone.
"Okay honey," my mum says as she wraps the tests up again.
It rings for a few seconds before Lilly picks up the phone.
"Hey Elena, everything okay?" She asks.
"Hey, yeah everything's fine but I've got something to tell you." I nervously bite the nail on my thumb, a nervous habit I have.
"What is it?" She asks, sounding concerned.
"I'd rather tell you in person, you and Giuseppe." I sit down on the sofa next to my mum as I wait for her reply.
"Okay, well we're both on our way back from work, we'll stop by now," she says.
"Okay, thank you. I'll see you in a few," I reply before she says 'bye' and hangs up. I let out a breath, not because I'm nervous but because I'm overwhelmed with everything that's happened.
It's not long before we hear the door open and close and see Lilly and Giuseppe walk into the living room.
"Everything okay honey?" Lilly asks as I look up to see them both. I nod my head.
"Well, I actually have some news for you both," I say. I feel nervous to tell them even though I know for a fact that this will make them both extremely happy.
"Um, well, I'm pregnant with Stefan's baby," I say. Lilly places her hands over her mouth in shock, and Giuseppe smiles.
"Wow, that's wonderful. Congratulations," Lilly says as she hugs me. When she draws away, Giuseppe walks over and also gives me a hug.
"Congratulations sweetheart," he says as we also draw apart.
"How many weeks are you?" Lilly asks, which again draws me back to the night we got engaged.
"I'm eight weeks, so not very far along," I say with a small laugh.
"Ah I can't believe this! I'm so happy for you two." Lilly says and I smile but then remember the fact that Stefan isn't here to actually celebrate.
"I know you wish he was here honey, but he'll be here soon enough." I smile at her, grateful for her attempt to comfort me.

A few hours later after everyone had gone, I'm finally tidying up in preparation for our catch up. I'm so excited because we haven't had one in what feels like forever, plus I get to tell them about our little surprise. I really wanted Stefan to be the first to find out but I think he'd want me to share the news and share my excitement with the girls. When I finally finish doing the tidying I hear the door bell ring.
"It's open," I call. From behind the door I see Caroline and Bonnie's smiling faces appear.
"Hey! You guys look happy!" I say as I walk over to greet the two of them with a hug.
"Well yeah! We're all back together again!" Caroline cheers as Bonnie smiles and laughs. I smile with them and remember the important information that I need to tell them.
"I have something that I need to tell you guys." Their faces turn to surprise but mine stays constant with a smile on my face.
"Okay, this is a lot to process and take in but... I'm pregnant." I wait for their reaction.
"Are you really?" Bonnie speaks up and asks. I nod my head in response.
"How far along?" Caroline chimes in, the silence killing me.
"I'm eight weeks... Look guys I-," I begin to explain to them how I'm happy about this but I'm quickly cut off by Caroline.
"I can't believe this, I'm so happy for you." She stands up and walks over to give me a hug, Bonnie shortly follows.
"We're going to be the best aunts ever," Bonnie says with tears in her eyes.
"You will be, he or she will love you guys so much just like their mum does." I smile and wipe my own tears away.
"Aw Elena, we love you too." They both get up again to join us all in a group hug. Although I'm still a little sore, the hug is definitely worth it.
"I'm so glad that you're happy about it," I say.
"Why wouldn't we be happy? For so long you guys have clearly wanted kids, and it's not like you've known each other for a week. You've been together for almost six years and you both want this, you deserve it." I'm brought to tears again with her words, hormones are definitely kicking in.
"How soppy do we sound?" Bonnie jokes which brings us all to laughter.
"How did he react?" They ask and I sigh before giving them the straight answer of: he doesn't know.
"Elena, you're not scared to tell him, are you?" Bonnie asks as the two of them move to sit on either side of me.
"I guess I am, I don't want him to freak out and say that he can't be with me anymore. I don't know how he'll react or if he even wants a kid now!" Just thinking about all the possible ways that he could react makes me want to cry, but I need to hold back all my tears.
"Elena, he loves you so much, he won't leave you and I can promise you that. He'll love that baby as much as he loves their mother, we all know how much he's wanted a baby. He'll be even more ecstatic because it's a baby that the two of you have created," Caroline says.
"Yeah Elena, Caroline's right. Everyone knows how much Stefan wants a kid, and we definitely know how much he wants a child with you." I smile at the both of them, what they're saying helps with this whole situation.
"You think so?" I question just to be sure. They both nod.
"We know so," Caroline replies.

They both stay for a few hours before they have to leave since we've all got work in the morning. I called Stefan, I didn't tell him about it because honestly, I don't know how to. I've never had to announce such a thing before today and having to do it to the person you love is a little overwhelming. I think he sensed something was wrong but he didn't seem to want to pry too much. I'll tell him, when the time's right. Not knowing what his reaction will be scares me so much but I have to keep thinking about what Caroline and Bonnie said, he loves me and he's always wanted a child.
I'll have to keep reminding myself of that for however long it takes me to tell him. Hopefully I'll have the guts to do it soon.

AN: Weird ending I know but... How are we liking this? Elena's pregnant! How do you think Stefan will react? Leave comments below!
Also @stelenalltheway, I saw your suggestion of doing a chapter with Stefan in Australia and I thought it was a really good idea! The problem is that I already have my chapters planned and wattpad won't let me add another one in between them. So, what I'll do is I'll add some flash backs so that you'll see Stefan in Australia! I hope that's still okay.
-Chelsea x

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