To Be In Love With A Bad Boy

By KpopLoveAlways

22.9K 908 112

After her father's death, Lee Chae Rin seeks out revenge on the man who killed her father, who is no other th... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chatper six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty one
Chapter forty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter forty five
Chapter forty six
Chapter forty seven
Chapter forty eight
Suga's POV
Jhope POV
Jin's POV
Chapter forty nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty two
Chapter fifty three
Chapter fifty four
Chapter Fifty five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy eight
Chapter Seventy nine
Chapter Eighty

Chapter fifty one

186 10 0
By KpopLoveAlways

JungKook's POV
How has she been? What has she been doing? Why did I cut myself away from her? Why do I ignore her? Why do I hurt her? Why is it so hard to be away from her?

So many questions came up in my head. I couldn't answered them myself but that I was a stupid person to do what I had done. But i did it for the best. I just can't hurt her again. Ugh!! CHAE RIN!! WHY DO I LOVE AND MISS YOU SO MUCH?!

Chae's POV
I stay in bed. I just couldn't get up. Luckily Shizuyo was back for good. I told her every thing and she seems to be very mad about it. But then she can't do anything about it. She tried to get out of bed before but failed.
All I have to say is Thank God she is here to be able to cook for the girls. I'm to weak to do it myself. I can't bring myself to leave my room. Just as I tried to get up and sharp knife like pain struck my chest and I clutch my chest groaning in pain. I breath hard as I try to calm my heart rate. But as much as I am breathing in and out, my heart rate just gets faster and harder. Hearing the best of my heart I pass out.

Shizuyo's POV
"Girls what do you guys want to do today?"

"I wanna go to the park and forget about Appa"-BoYoung.

"Ok, let me ask Chae first."

They nodded and I got up to ask Chae. As I open the door I noticed that Chae wasn't in bed. I walked in and saw her passed out on the ground of her bedroom. I pulled out my phone and called V Oppa.

After i had call V Oppa i picked Chae up. Wow is she light. What is the girl eating? She is so light. I place her on the sofa nearest to the front door and waited for V Oppa to come. The girls sat on the floor next to her and just started at her face and held her hand.

By the time V Oppa had gotten to the apartment Chae was up and groaning in pain. Lots of pain.

"Take the girls out. I'll carry Chae out."

"Ok, come on girls, wait shouldn't we tell Suga Oppa?"

"I'll call him when were in the car"

Shizuyo sits in the back seat with the girls and I place Chae in the passenger seat. I ran to the driver's seat and drove out of the parking lot and speeding my way to the hospital.

"Hyung, meet me at the hospital, Its Chae"

Shizuyo's POV
Oh Ma Gawd he is so luck the aren't any cops arou--

*Police Siren*

spoke to soon.

"Please pull over I repeat pull over"

V did as the police said and rolled his window down.

As the cop came to my window Chae started to groan out of pain even louder. She is sweating a lot. She looks pale. She is breathing hard.

"Chae please hold on a little more, we're almost there."

"I....I can' hurts"

"Just hold on a bit longer."

I held her hand and looked at the officer.

"Sir is there a problem?"

"Yes, my cousin is in pain and I need to get her to the hospital. As you saw, she can't hold the pain any longer"

"Here, let my team and I escort you to the hospital."

I nodded and waited for one of the cop cars to pass me. When the car passed I drove right behind it. There was one behind us and their police sirens were on and loud. Soon enough the sound of painful groans stop. I look and see that Chae has passed out. Her breathing started to slow down. I stepped on the gas petal signalling the cop in front to go faster and he did. When we got there Shizuyo ran inside to get the doctors and nurses. They came out with a hospital bed (stretcher whatever you wanna call this dayum fucken shit) and I placed Chae onto the bed. As we ran inside I spotted Suga Hyung and the rest of BTS.

Suga's POV
She looks so pale. Sweat everywhere. She breathing was staggered. All I did was stare at her. With tears in my eyes. They held me back as the went into the E.R.

Hours passed and Jhope, Rapmon, Jimin, Christable, Anna, Stephanie, Shizuyo was sleeping. Jessica fell asleep on Rapmon's lap and I was hold BoYoung who had fallen asleep on my shoulder. Jin tried to take her away when she starts to cry.

"*Cries* Uncle Suga! I wanna stay with you"

"Ok ok ok, I'm sorry here, come here"

I take her from Jin and held her again. I rub her back and stop her from crying. Jin sits on the floor next to V and JungKook was just staring at the E.R window right next to the door. I then whisper to BoYoung who was now awake from when Jin took her.

"BoYoung-ah, don't you miss Appa?"

She didn't answer for a while until I felt her nod. I put her down.

"Why don't you go and have Appa hold you?"

She nodded again and started to cry as she walks slowly to him.

JungKook's POV
Why do I feel like its my fault? Why is it taking she long? All I could do is stare at the window of the E.R until someone tugs on my shirt. I look down see BoYoung. She was crying. She stretches her arms out and I carried her.


She starts to cry even more.
"Shh, it's ok. Eomma will be ok."

Just then the doctor finally comes out of the E.R and everyone wakes up. Jessica see me holding BoYoung and she runs to me to and hugs me.

"Are you all family?"

"Yes" Everyone Said with no hesitation.

"Ok well, Because she came here with chest pain we took a look at her heart and there is good news and bad news"

"Bad new?"-Suga

"She has a tumor in her heart."

"Heart Tumor?!"- Jim

"Whats the good news?"-Rapmon

"Its a small tumor and we can remove it."

"When is the best time?"-JungKook

"Before the end of this week or it'll be to late to be removed."

"Well do it tomorrow"-Suga

"The sooner the better"-Jimin

"Ok, we'll have everything ready for tomorrow's surgery then"

He bows to us and we bow back and he leave. A nurse came to us and said someone need to fill out information about Chae. Suga Hyung went and filled out the information.

BoYoung asked a nurse that passed by if we could see Chae and she nodded. We all went in and the moment I saw her I froze in my place.

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