Everything's going to be fine...

By ThisIsmyparadiseBaby

6K 171 27

Demi Lovato is having a good life now. She is healthy and happy but there are starting to come more drama. In... More

[1] What happened to me?
[2] Maybe it's never too late.
[3] Loser vs winners!
[4] Oh his smile.
[5] Trouble after trouble
[6] Tears only tears.
[7] Open your eyes and Let Go!
[7] Dark past
[8] Secrets secrets secrets
[9] Save me
[10] It's not too late
[11] Where were you all my life?
[12] Goodbye!
[13] I am sorry!
[15] Kill the Demons
[16] "Why is life so unfair?"
[15] The end

[14] I knew you wouldn't understand

103 8 0
By ThisIsmyparadiseBaby

[14] I knew you wouldn't understand



Everything was black. I tried to open my eyes but they were so damn hard. Like they were sticked together and put millions things on. My body felt dull. 

I heard walking and many little things, like wind blowing outside and branches crashing the window.

I was confused, I remembered standing on the cliff. Then Demi but then, everything was empty. 

I tried opening my eyes hysterically, I wanted to see Demi so badly. i felt like crying because I missed her so much. 

I couldn't ..



I was waiting in the Hospital waiting room patiently. Fingers running across my old scars nervously. I was so exhausted and the idea of thinking how Kayla would just kill herself, made it even worse.

"Stay strong! Stay strong!" I repeated whispering to myself. 

Then a lady came up to me. "You're here for Kayla?" She asked. I nodded. 

My hair was a mess and my make-up, let's just better not talk about that. I hadn't seen Max for hours after when ambulance came and stuff.

Finally I was in Kayla's hospital room, where she was in her hospital bed, with all the machines that surrounded her. 

I teared up a little. I walked up to her and sat next to the bed. I took her hand gently as tears were already  flowing down my cheek. "Baby.." I whispered.

Then a doctor came. "How is she doing?" I asked quickly and whiped my tears. 

"She is now recovering, She was just in a big shock and that also caused passing out, but soon she'll wake up. Tomorrow I think she'll be able to go back home. Police will also be questioning her, tomorrow."

I sighed. Police. That will make it even worse. 

I spent the night beside Kayla. My hands around her. She felt so innocent. This didn't have to happen to her. Why her? Life is just so unfair.

Suddenly i felt moving. I quickly opened my eyes from daydreaming. I really think I haven't slept for 24 hours and more.

I looked up and see Kayla trying to open her eyes. "Baby, i'm here. I'm Demi." I said softly to her.

She looked confused.


After sometime of laying, I hear million little noises. Nightmares go through my head. I knew all the time that it was an escape but this is hell. Worse than living.

I finally opened my eyes little. Everything went black to white that it hurt my eyes. I could feel somebody next to me, but I wasn't sure who.

"Baby, i'm here. I'm Demi." I heard somebody say and then I was more than sure that it was Demi. I started crying but I was so exhausted that I couldn't move. 

I turned my head slowly towards Demi as my whole body was in pain and shaking. I could see Demi with her huge hair, which was a cute mess.

I saw her crying. It made me cry even more. I took a breathe and said thorugh pain. "I love you!" I was tearing up again. 

"Shhh, Get some rest baby. Don't worry, I'll be here. I love you!" Demi said and played with my hair. "I can't." I said. My voice was really raspy.

"Why?" Demi said confused, looking me in the eyes.

"Demons, are killing me." I said slowly word by word.

Demi looked shocked, and sad. "Baby, Don't worry. I'm here. With you, all the time. I'll NEVER EVER leave you okay? Everything's going to be fine, I promise."

I wanted to be with Demi, all the time. forever. Her words were calming me, but I was afraid. So scared. "Sing to me please." I said through tears.

She looked at me with her eyes full of tears. She took a deep breathe, and started singing.

Skies are crying, I'm watching.

Catching teadrops in my hands.

Only silence as it's ending, like we never had a chance.

Her voice was so soft and calming. She held my hand so tightly, that i felt like I was in heaven. Am i really living this?

I slowly fell asleep to Demi's voice. Demons were all gone, only a beautiful peacful world. Thanks to Demi.


I heard footsteps coming in and out of the room. I opened my eyes, they were not so heavy this time, I felt relief. Two doctors were running in and out of the room.

When they saw I was awake one of them said. "Call dr. Madol." 

It took seconds when a younger man walked in all in white. He was pretty handsome, I can say. 

"Good morning, Kayla. How are you feeling?" He asked, while looking into my throat and my eyes. 

There was a huge bandage around my wrists, wouldn't expect that, huh?

"Where's Demi?" I asked quickly, ignoring his question. 

"Demi Lovato, right?" He asked.

I nodded and tried to move a little, but everything was hurting and I sighed loud.

"Kayla. You shouldn't be moving right now. You need to rest." He said in the most annoying tone ever.

"I need Demi." I said as I was tearing up again. I needed her so much that I started to get pissed.

"I will look her up." He said and left. I was alone again. 


As soon Kayla fell asleep to my voice. I was happy that she got some sleep. I got a phone call. "Yeah, It's Demi." I said. "Where are you, you can't leave without Max, You know that?" My manager said angrily. 

"I'm at a hospital. Kayla, almost committed suicide, she almost jumped off a cliff, but I Luckily caught her. Now I'm here, with her. I know, I'm sorry." I said sadly explaining my story.

"Okay, I understand. But Max is coming to the hospital, just in case. Go get some food too, when she arrives. I don't want you to starve, okay? promise?". He said. "I promise. Bye, thank you for being understanding.", "I understand, Demi. Take care of Kayla." Ended.

After 5 minutes Max arrived, when he saw my messy hair and my tired look, it was only 6a.m in the morning, he was suprised. "You should get some rest." He said.

I nodded. "I need food, let's go buy something." And we left to the store.

Paparazzi everywhere like always. I was covering myself with a hoodie, walking to the starbucks and then to the mall.

I bought some food and drank my coffee. I was tired as hell.

When I reached back to the hospital, doctor came up to me and said. "Kayla really needs you." 

I rushed to her room, and when I reached there, I walked slowly to her. She had closed her eyes. "Baby, I'm here." 

She opened, and smiled slightly. I was so happy she finally felt cared.

"Please, don't ever, scare me like that never. Okay?" I said to her. She just looked me in the eyes and after sometime of silence she nodded and hugged me for a long time.

"I'll take care of you".

"How?" She asked, while her voice cracked.

"I just will. No mater what okay." I said, and kissed her forehead. At the same time Marissa came with Hannah. I turned around and hugged Marissa. "Babe, are you okay?" She asked.

I nodded, and looked down at Hannah. "Hey little girl." I smiled playfully at her. "Hi, demi." She said happily and turned to Kayla. She ran up to her and sat on her bed. 

"Kaylaa, What did you do that you're here?" She asked confused.

Kayla smiled slightly, and looked at me. Silence. 

"I was feeling really bad." She started with a smile and ended with a silence. Hannah was waiting more. "But don't you worry, girl. I'll be okay." She said and kissed Hannah's forehead and started cuddling Hannah. 

So cute. She was so good with little kids. 

Jack, Kayla's brother arrived with big flowers. He had a suit like a real gentleman. Woah, he was hot.

Kayla and Hannah, were still cuddling and playing around in her bed, when Jack arrived. Kayla was really happy. "Hi, my little girl." He said and went towards Kayla, hugged her and kissed her forehead. 

"What happened?" He asked immediately. Hannah was still laying in Kayla's bed. Kayla said to Hannah. "You little girl. Go now, and entertain Demi. Okay." And she tapped on her nose. Hannah started laughing and jumped down the bed.

"Demiiiii." She shouted and jumped to my lap. I greeted Jack. Me, Marissa and Hannah went to the cafeteria to leave Jack and Kayla alone.


The door shut and I was alone with Jack, which meant lot of explaining. "Sis, so tell me what did you do? Are you okay?" He asked. 

I nodded. "It's a long story." 

"Okay, Okay. I'll tell." I said to him and he calmed down, sitting into a chair.

I took a breathe. "Remember when one day you saw my cuts and you asked about them?" I said. 

He nodded. "Yeah, you told me they're just some climbing scratches, didn't you?" He said confused as fuck now. 

"Mhmh, I said so, but they weren't any of some climbing scratches, they weren't even done accidentally. I had done thes cuts to myself, because ..." I said and raised my hand which had bandages over it. 

"Wait what?" He got nervous and stood up. "Why didn't you tell me, Kayla?" He said loudly. "You can't do this. What was on your mind?" 

I started crying, I didn't thought he would act that way. I just.. I knew he wouldn't understand. There was the result now. I really felt like Demi was the only one who understood, and cared.


We hang out in the cafeteria for about 15 minutes, when Hannah begged us to go back to Kayla. We left her there talking to Jack, they really needed some privacy, that I hadn't give them.

When we reached upstairs of that hospital, I saw Jack running out of Kayla's hospital room, angry. Letting the door crash, and Kayla crying. Jack walked quickly by me. "What is going on?" I yelled.   He ignored. I ran to Kayla's room.

I saw her crying her eyes out.



Sorry for taking ages to update, i don't even know why, i ran out of ideas. But i'm really trying to update more often.   I want at least 8 votes, and comments. Please!   @demetriabestie

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