Teacher's Pet (OUAT)

By RegalChromaggia

42.8K 839 546

Emma Swan just wants to get through her final year of Storybrooke High to start a life in Boston. Then she me... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirteen

1.8K 32 52
By RegalChromaggia

She said yes?

Yes! And she also okayed the whole staying overnight there.

Fantastic! But, dear, I have changed the plans up some. We shall be leaving after four, if that is okay? The restaurant we will be going to close at midnight, and it would be about that time when we would finally arrive.

That sounds even better. At least we won't be eating at an ungodly hour.

That, and they're playing a show at the Paramount at about nine. I was hoping I could take you there, dear?

I don't mind at all! I've never been to a show before.

Then I shall do the honors and take you to your first show, my dear Emma. And there's quite a lovely restaurant next to it, well, the one I planned on taking you to. We wouldn't have to go far nor be late. Do dress suitably, that means you must wear something formal.

Holy shit, Gina. I feel like I'm getting spoiled.

Wait until you see the hotel suite I plan on renting, dear.

Hotel... suite?! I don't want you to spend too much on me with all this fancy stuff.

Don't worry about it, Emma dear. I have more than enough funds to pay for this. After all, what am I going to do with my wealth? I have nothing worth spending it on besides you.

You're really super sweet, Gina...

Also, I've got another surprise for you.

You do?


What is it?

It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now would it?

No, I suppose not.

Oh, Emma dear, I have a question to ask you.

What is it?

Will you be telling Graham about this since he's your cover? After all, he will be coming down shortly, will he not? You don't want questions to arise, because I am quite sure both parties will be thoroughly confused when your mother asks Graham of his time with you in Boston.

I suppose you're right... I hadn't thought of that. I'll message him when we're done talking.

Why don't you do it now, dear? I ought to see to it that the hotel reservation is intact. I shall talk to you later.

Okay. I'll talk to you later. Bye-bye, Gina.

Goodbye, sweetheart.

Emma sighed and sat up from her spot on the bed. Mary Margaret had been calling her downstairs for dinner several times and, this time, with warning. She hadn't expected her conversation with Regina to be so long, but apparently they just got lost. Although, at least things are cleared up and she'd have to tell her mother that she'll be leaving sooner than before. At least all they had planned was a dinner out at Granny's and a small birthday cake with whatever gifts that the two had bought for her.

"Emma! Don't make me come up there!" Her mother's voice rang from downstairs.

"Hold on a minute! I'm trying to clear things up with Graham!" She huffed and did just that, clicking through her phone to find her friend's name. Now, what will she say to him? She couldn't divulge in her date with Regina. Graham knew who she was, although he was never one to tell others' secrets. But she still didn't trust to tell him just yet. She didn't think Regina would want that. Would she? Well, she had asked Emma if she would tell Graham about the cover...

She'd just vaguely make up an excuse and if Graham decided to ask questions, she'd oblige and answer them honestly. That was, if he were to make a promise and sign that damned thing in blood because his would spill if the information shared were to be heard by someone else.

Sighing, she decided to leave as much information out as possible as she sent him the message, hoping that he wouldn't question it too much. She was rather terrified as to what he would think if he knew that this was all for a date and night with Regina Mills- an English teacher that was ten years older than her.

Hey, I need you to do me a favor. Can you cover for me? I'm going to Boston and I told Mary Margaret it was to see you. It's only for tomorrow night.

Hitting send, she had hoped that that would suffice. The blonde would be quite screwed if he didn't agree to help her. With a sigh, Emma picked herself up off the bed, cell phone in hand, and made her way downstairs to her awaiting parents- who seemed rather irritated at her tardiness.

"And look at who finally joins us." She heard David rumble in front of an empty plate. "What were you doing up there?"

"I was talking to Graham about tomorrow." Emma quietly replied, inching her way over to her spot at the table where a pile of spaghetti sit on a plate. "And, Mary Margaret?"
"Yes, Emma?" The pixie-haired brunette focused her attention to the blonde.

"He's going to be coming at four, if that's okay. He thought seven was a little too late since it's a four-hour drive there." Emma explained, picking her phone up from where she sat it on the table to check the message after it had buzzed. Graham had texted her back.

What the hell are you going to Boston for? I'll only cover for you if you tell me.

The blonde scrunched her nose at the phone, sending daggers to the screen.

"Is something wrong, dear?"

"Oh, no. It's just Graham. He's just wondering... what I'm doing." She shrugged and quickly typed a message back.

I'll tell you if you promise not to tell anyone. And I mean it. Don't tell anyone, not even Belle or Ruby.

"Well, tell him that you're eating dinner so you can put your phone away." David grunted, quirking a brow. "You know how your mother doesn't like technology at the table."

"I know. I'll tell him." Emma stabbed her spaghetti with her fork and twirled some pasta onto it.

"That means now."

"I'm waiting for his reply." The blonde gritted her teeth.

"Didn't you talk to him enough?"

"David, please," Mary Margaret gently touched her husband's hand. "Just let her say what needs to be said. Tomorrow's going to be a big day for her."

"Fine..." The man grumbled grudgingly before serving himself another helping of spaghetti.

"Thank you," Emma mumbled, checking her phone as another message alert sounded.

I won't. I promise....

I'm going on a date.

Really? You got yourself a girlfriend you don't want your parents knowing about? Tell me who it is and why I have to cover for them- then I'll cover for you.

That was quick.

"Oh my god." Emma rolled her eyes at his persistence. It was just like him to try and drag everything out of the blonde. She should have known that it wasn't safe to ask him something so vaguely without questioning.

"What is it, Emma?"

"It's just Graham being a nosy little ass like he always is."

"Language," the brunette quirked a brow.

"Sorry..." Emma mumbled, her fingers flying away at the keyboard.

Are you serious, G-Cracker? Ugh. I don't want you to tell anyone... Promise? Don't say anything. And you know what I mean.

Fine. I promise. Now spill!

"Are you going to put that thing away yet?"


"In a minute..." Emma mumbled. "I gotta send this and then I'll tell him I'm eating. He won't be able to wait... although..."

"Honey, finish what you need to quickly so you can eat." David calmly suggested, his eyes no doubt trying to take a peek at the blonde's phone.

"Yeah. I will." With a roll of her eyes she replied with two words.

Regina Mills.

And then her cell phone starts ringing, earning her dirty looks from both her parents.

"Now he's calling... Can... Can I take this?" Although, she was quite afraid to take the call. No doubt Graham would be screaming his head off at her.

"Yeah, just be quick about it, dear." Mary Margaret nodded, even though David was shaking his head.

"Thanks..." Emma quickly hit the answer button and was immediately greeted with a boisterous voice that had her jump in her spot with wide eyes.


"Pipe the hell down, Graham. Blow my eardrums out, why don't you? I'm at the dinner table." She gave a wry look to no one in particular. "And... yes, I am. I told you not to say anything."

"But you're dating the Evil Queen. How the hell did you land on that airstrip? She's, like, your teacher, isn't she?"

"Yeah, but..." Emma rolled her eyes and stood up from the table. "Just give me a moment."

"Why? I want details. Now. After all, you're using me to cover for her."

"I'm at the dinner table if you didn't first hear me." She quickly made her way back upstairs to her bedroom, abandoning her spot at the table along with both parents who were shooting her curious gazes. "Now, first off, don't call her that."

"Right. Sorry. I'm just... wow."

"And she liked me back, surprisingly. But that's not important. What's important is, will you cover for me?"

"If you visit me, hell yeah I will."

"Graham, you're jerking my wiener here. But, I'll ask her if we can stop by tomorrow before we leave."

"When the hell are you coming?"

"We're leaving here at about four. So we'll be in around eight. But we're watching a show at the Paramount and eating at that restaurant by it, I think."

"Oh, you're eating at Salvatore's? That place is fancy."

"Yeah... Well, shut up. So, tell me where you're at and I'll see if we can stop by on Sunday. It'll probably be early."

"Wait. Sunday? And you're.... Ooh.... Are you staying overnight?"

"Yes and let's leave it at that."

"You and-"

"Graham. Please."

"Fine. And yeah, I'll cover for you." He then proceeded to tell Emma where he was currently residing, repeating every so often as she wrote the location down.


"I'll be expecting you. Both. Of. You."

"Yeah. Oh, and Graham?"


"Don't tell anyone. No one knows."

"My lips are sealed, Em."

"Thanks... Uh, I gotta get going. I'm supposed to be eating and my parents are probably fuming."

"Alright. Talk to you later and see you on Sunday."

"Yup. See you."


And so she hung up, sticking the piece of paper on top of her dresser so she wouldn't forget it tomorrow. Dear god, that went better than she had thought, although it could have gone better. Now Graham knows about her and Regina, but at least she could trust him enough to keep his lips sealed. And it actually took some pressure off Emma's chest to divulge such information to her male friend. Now, the next challenge was to tell Regina and hope that she wouldn't mind taking the blonde to visit her friend on Sunday.


"Happy birthday, Emma!" A collective cheer rang through the otherwise quiet diner of Granny's. The blonde smiled sheepishly, still not used to the attention she was receiving from the rather large crowd. She felt as if she were in a spotlight, especially when they all started to sing that stupid Happy Birthday song to her as she stood there awkwardly until they finished.

"Thank you," she squeaked and blew the eighteen candles poking out of the rather large cake. She hadn't expected this for her birthday. Her friends, Ruby and Belle were here along with a few classmates including Killian, Ruby's grandmother, Belle's father, her own parents, and a few acquaintances and friends of the adults. This party set up for her had been the largest she had ever had- and that was mostly because she only celebrated with Mary Margaret, David, and her three best friends.

It was to her surprise when Mary Margaret, David, and herself walked into the diner around noon for their usual special lunch when, without any sort of warning, she was berated with a collective "Surprise!" Then all had proceeded to eat from a small buffet that Ruby and her grandmother had made- which ultimately was their gift to Emma since she absolutely loved food and free refills of cinnamon hot cocoa.

That was two hours ago and now Emma sat surrounded by gifts with awaiting eyes on her. Giving a sheepish smile, the blonde stabbed her fork into the middle of the cake and received the first box given to her by Mary Margaret. It was quite flat, like a box that clothes were usually wrapped in. The box, though, seemed heavier than any regular pair of pants or shirt that the brunette woman bought her. It was either several articles of clothing, Emma thought, or something entirely different.

"Go on, open it!" Her foster mother grinned with excited eyes.

"Okay..." And the blonde did just that, ripping the beautifully wrapped paper off the box with a smile as wide as the brunette's. She threw the box's top to the side and gasped when she saw red.

"Oh my god, Mary Margaret! I love it! I- thank you!" She pulled out the object that had her squealing like an idiot, which so happened to be a red, leather jacket. It was the same one that she had seen at the jacket shop at an out of town mall a few months back and begged Mary Margaret for but they hadn't the money at the time. Little did she know, her mother had gone back to get it shortly thereafter.

"So I take it you like it?"

"Yes!" Emma beamed and shrugged it on, the smile only growing wider. She then turned her body to hug the brunette woman sitting next to her. "I love it!"

"I knew you would. You were positively begging me to buy it for you when you saw it." She chuckled and returned the hug. "You look beautiful in it."

Emma blushed, just as bright as her new jacket, and stuffed a forkful of frosting laden cake into her mouth.

"Yeah, but I beat that won't beat what I got her." David held up a large, rectangular box, a smug smile on his face.

"Nothing will compare, David." Mary Margaret crossed her arms, a confident look on her visage.

"Just wait and see." He smirked in response.

Emma quirked a brow and took the gift that he had handed her. It was rather heavy, much more so than the jacket. What the hell was in here and what could positively be better than the red leather jacket? Unless...

"Holy shit!" she squealed when she had finally opened the packaging.

"Language, Emma..." Mary Margaret sighed, looking defeated as her eyes roamed over the black, leather boots that lay in the box.

"Holy crap!" Emma mended, taking one of the footwear items out. "It's... perfect! Thank you thank you thank you so much!" The blonde turned to her other side to give her father a tight hug. "How did you know?"

"I saw you gawking at them when we went to get you new shoes for this year." David grinned, pressing a kiss to the side of her head. "I figured why not be a good father and actually get you what you want for your eighteenth birthday."
"Thank you so much, David." The blonde giggled. "I'm totally wearing both of these tonight! I hope it'll look nice with the dress that I'll be wearing... It's black, so, probably."

"When do you have to go back again, dear? It's almost two-thirty now." Mary Margaret had looked back to Emma after checking the time, her lips forming a slightly sad smile. "And don't you still have to pack? You sort of just passed out after watching the movie with us."

"Yeah, I do. We should probably head back when we're done. I still have to get ready, too."

The two of them nodded, Mary Margaret still looking sullen which had Emma feeling rather horrible for leaving her- even if it were for just one day. She didn't want to fret much on the subject, but she still had that thought weighing her mind down. In reality, she was leaving the pixie-haired brunette- for what she thought would be to tour the city she would be living in, which would be another reminder that she wouldn't be staying home for long- and she had lied to her foster mother, as well, in order to head to Boston.

With guilt weighing her down, and a heavy smile, she took the next gift that David had handed her and opened it. There was a CD beneath the wrapping, one that of her favorite musical artist- and one that she hoped Regina enjoyed when she had her listen to a song during their lunch. Perhaps she'd allow her to play the CD on their way to Boston later.

"You don't have that one, do you?" He asked, frowning slightly at her expressionless face. Emma looked up and beamed, shaking her head in response.

"Nope! Thank you, David! This is perfect." She set it aside when Mary Margaret had given her another wrapped gift which, if Emma guessed correctly, would be another compact disc. Regina and Emma were going to have some fine tunes to listen to on the way to the big city. It's all to hoping that the brunette teacher had a player in her car to listen to the media.

With the smile still stretched across her face, she opened up Mary Margaret's gift to reveal that it was, indeed, another CD. This time, it was another one of her favorite artists. Boy, did she hope Regina liked her.

"I hope you don't have that one, Emma. I think that it was the new album that you mentioned was out." Mary Margaret reached over to gently touch the blonde's wrist.

"No, it's perfect. Thank you, Mary Margaret!" She grinned widely and stacked her two new CDs on top of one another.

"Why do you still get CDs? Those things are like... so old." Ruby's voice muttered next to the blonde, one of her brows quirked when Emma turned to glare at her.

"I get them because I like to have physical copies of things. And if I have a car that takes CDs, and not tapes, I can play them. Or put them on my laptop, so I don't have to search up every goddamn song on the internet that I want." She explained calmly, eyes still shooting daggers at her friend.

"Alright, jeez. Sorry. I didn't realize you still lived in the stone age." The wry smile on Ruby's lips told Emma the joke was meant to be light and playful, so the blonde took it as such to not fret over it.

"Here, I got you something." The brunette waitress smirked and handed her a long, flat box. "You know, since the dance is coming up in a couple weeks and I'm sure you don't... I mean. Open it."

"You got me a dress, didn't you?" Emma quirked a brow as she tore the wrapping away, then quickly flipped the lid off to reveal black. And black was all she saw until she actually picked up the rather delicate material, which reflected some of the light in a soft sheen. "Satin?"

"Yeah, dude! I got it for me, actually, but I didn't really think black was a good color on me, you know? I prefer red and white. I figured you needed a dress in your closet, you know, if you ever go out on a date or anything. It's not really school appropriate, but with some jackets and leggings or socks or something, it'll work." Ruby gave her a cheeky grin before squeezing into the spot between David and the blonde.

"I'll try it on later..."

"You better take pictures." Now she wore a wolfish grin on her visage. "I wanna see how hot you'll look in that."

"Yeah." Emma bit her lip and tried to suppress the smile she could feel threatening to break across her face. Regina would like this, she wouldn't doubt. Maybe she could wear this to Salvatore's instead of the pantsuit outfit she had planned out. But the problem was, she couldn't wear it out of the house. Mary Margaret and David would surely freak if they caught her in this. Hopefully Regina planned on stopping by the hotel first. She could change then.

"Are you trying not to... smile?" Ruby chuckled and nudged Emma which had caused the restrains on the smile to break, and the blonde just beamed from her thoughts.

"Thank you, Ruby. I'm sure it'll come to some use."

"It better, I didn't pay a hundred bucks for that thing."

"What the fuck." Emma blinked. "How the hell did... did this cost a hundred bucks?" she squawked, holding up the thin piece of fabric.

"It was probably more than that, I dunno. And, Em, dresses are fucking expensive, and lemme tell you, I was pissed when they wouldn't take that damn thing back." Ruby snorted and glowered at the dress in Emma's hands with disdain. "So you better enjoy it."

"I will, Ruby." Emma rolled her eyes and carefully placed the dress back into the box. "And I'll get you pictures when I get home- but don't share 'em with anybody or I'll find some way to kill you."

"I won't..."

"Except for me, you mean?" Belle butted in, squirming between Mary Margaret and Emma with a big grin and a small, rectangular package. "I want to see you in a dress."

"Oh my god, guys." The blonde's cheeks burned brightly as some of the other guests looked towards them. "Fine. I will. Just... shut up about it."

"Yay! Now open up my present!" Belle grinned, shoving the neatly wrapped package into the blonde's arms. "I bet you'll love it."

"Depends on what it is..." Emma mumbled, mercilessly ripping the paper off and throwing it at both her friends. Then she looked down at the object left behind, which was a book. A very familiar book. It was that same one that brought her to her very first library so many years ago, and the one that she made sure to look for and reread every single time she went there.

How did Belle even find this? Emma couldn't find a copy of those goddamn book anywhere and she didn't bother with online sites. Most copies of the book were very nearly trashed. But this one... it was so pristine.

"Do you like it? I remember when you told me this is the first large book that you've read and it meant a lot to you. I searched online for a good copy and finally stumbled on a site that had super old copies of books in perfect condition. Let me tell you, they cost about an arm and a leg, but it was totally worth it." Belle beamed at a misty-eyed Emma.

The blonde quickly wrapped her arms tightly around the small brunette and chuckled with elation. "Oh, god, Belle. Thank you so much! Holy crap, I've been looking for this for a while now. I couldn't find a good copy..."

"It's no sweat. It's your eighteenth, Em. It's a milestone in your life and you deserve the best of gifts."

"I love you, both of you." Emma couldn't help but to laugh again, this time pulling both of them into her arms. "You're so amazing, even if one of you gave me a dress."

"You know you secretly like it, Emma." Ruby smirked.

"No comment." The blonde chuckled, setting the book next to her other birthday gifts. "But I do appreciate it, especially since it was apparently so goddamn expensive."

"Yeah, you better appreciate it, bitch." The waitress giggled and playfully nudged her friend. "But, hey, no problem. I'm sure you'll get me something equally as awesome... huh?"

"You'll just have to wait and see. I've got plans for both of your upcoming birthdays."

"I want something expensive."

"I'm just happy with books." Belle commented, shooting her brunette friend a quick eyebrow raise.

"I'll be sure to save up for your expensive tastes." She grinned wryly.

"Unless you blow whatever in Boston." Ruby sneered and crossed her arms.

'Why didn't you tell us you were going down there today?"

"Because it's none of your business?"

"Didn't her mother say that Graham was coming to pick her up?" Belle's soft voice chirped.

"I thought he was coming down in two weeks to spend time with us?"

"He is. I just-"

"Hey, Emma! I got you something, too." A masculine voice sounded behind the three friends and Emma slumped in her spot. Oh, great, here comes Killian. Perhaps he won't take it upon himself to be annoying as usual. At least she was saved for now from having to talk about why she was leaving later.

"You did?" She blinked and stared at the hand that had extended towards her. Her green eyes slid up to meet a grinning face.


"What is it?"

"Open it and find out." Killian waved the envelope in his hand towards her and she snatched it from between his fingers.

"Okay..." she muttered, using her thumb to tear open the envelope and pluck the card out that was inside. On the front was a lone swan on a crystal lake, and when she opened it, there was a handwritten message.

"Happy Eighteenth Birthday, Emma. I've got you two gifts. One, look up and two, listen."

Emma quirked a puzzled brow at the words, but obliged, and did what it had said as she looked up to see Killian extend a single red rose to her.
"Uh... thanks." she muttered, taking the flower. "What... do I have to-"

"Will you go to the dance with me?" He asked oh so innocently, and Emma could hear the suppressed snorts of laughter from her friends.

"What does this have to do with anything?"

"I... wanted to take you to the dance in a couple weeks and I thought I could pay your fee to get in."

"Bribe much?"

"Emma," Belle warned. "Don't be so rude."

"Yeah, Em. He's asking you to the dance, and as far as I know, he's the only one that has asked you. You don't have a date."

"Yeah, because I had no plan to go." Emma looked over to the boy still standing in front of her. "No offense, but I just hate dances. They're loud and stuffy and there are so many people."

"Oh, come on, Em." Ruby whined. "Belle and I are going."

"We are?"

"We don't want to be there alone and I doubt Killian does, either. It's just one dance and it won't kill you." The brunette waitress narrowed her eyes and gave Emma that look.

"Oh, come on..." the blonde began to protest, but she was cut short by a finger in her face.

"You're going to that dance, Emma Swan, unless you have other plans that I don't know about, but that's like... impossible, because you're Emma." She smirked. "Plus, I don't see a line of suitors waiting to ask you to the dance."

"And you can make good use of the dress Ruby got you..." Belle tried her best to persuade.

"You're never going to let me pass, are you?"

"Nope. Now grow a pair and say yes."

"Fu-... Fine. Only this once." Emma turned to an expectant Killian who had no doubt been eavesdropping in on their conversation. "I'll go with you to the dance... Under one condition. No... kissing or anything like that. As a matter of fact, no touching."

"Oh, come on... The whole point of a dance is to touch each other."

"That sounds wrong." Ruby snorted.

"Shut up, Rubes." Emma snapped and crossed her arms. "Fine. But only touch when dancing and no place inappropriate or else I'll be gone faster than you can say sorry."


"Got it?"

"Got it." He mumbled solemnly.

"Good, now, thank you for the rose." Emma smiled politely. "And the card. It was nice. I like the swan."

"You're welcome." Killian's mood seemed to change in the blink of an eye with a dazzling smile. "I've got some cake calling my name, so... I'm out. We can work out details for the dance later." And with that, he was gone.

"Well, you got yourself a date to the dance, Emma." Ruby giggled as she enjoyed the blonde's torture. "Although, it's with a guy." she whispered the last part as to not let Emma's parents overhear.

"Yeah, well, I don't see any willing chicks in this school..." Emma snorted and twirled the rose around.

"Emma, honey, are you just about ready to leave? It's almost three." Mary Margaret's voice interrupted whatever witty comment that Ruby was about to say. "I know you wanted to be home to pack and change."

"Yeah, right. And I gotta get all this stuff into their new homes." The blonde nodded and stood, stretching in her place before turning to look down at her friends' sitting forms. "So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"And you better be telling me what Boston is like. I haven't been out of this stupid town yet." Ruby grumbled. "It's so unfair that he's only taking you up there."

"Excuse me, but who's birthday is it?" Emma smirked. "And, anyways, I'm moving up there with him when school ends. All he's doing is touring me around the city."

"I hope you have fun." Belle meekly responded. "Don't let sourpuss get you down."

"I won't." Emma narrowed her eyes at the brunette waitress. "I was going to buy you some stuff, but if you're going to act like that..."

"Fine. Fine. I'll shut up."

"Good." Emma giggled and bent down to hug them both before gathering her things to leave. "Thanks for the stuff, guys. And thank your grandmother for me, Ruby, for letting us use the diner."

"No problem, and I will."

"You're welcome, Em."

They both smiled up at her and waved when the Nolans and herself left. She waved right back, all the guilt that she had earlier weighing her down once again. It was so horrible to lie to the people that she loved because she knew the truth and they did not. They were forced to believe in some fairytale bull that was made up instead of the reality behind it all. But Emma couldn't tell her friends the truth as to why she was going to Boston, like how she couldn't tell her parents. She didn't want Graham to know, either, but since she was using him, she was sort of forced to- or at least pestered to. But, there was a part of her that didn't feel so guilty because they would all learn the truth later in the future- when it was safe enough to publicize her and Regina's relationship.

That was something to be worried about later, right now, Emma needed to focus on packing for her trip. She knew that she should have done it last night, but god, did she want today to come faster than it should have. The blonde was absolutely thrilled and also quite nervous to be going on a date with Regina. A real date at a restaurant with people around them and food and waiters and that show they were supposed to go to beforehand. Oh, it was so agonizing waiting for four o'clock to come, and now that it was less than an hour away, Emma was a mess of frazzled nerves.

She dumped her messenger bag for school out onto her mattress to start filling the thing up with a change of clothes, pajamas, a fresh pair of undergarments, a few toiletries, and her CDs as well as an extra pair of flats in case the boots were a little too much. Checking around the room for anything that she might have missed, Emma shucked her shoes and pants off as well as her shirt in order to try on that damn dress. She still had enough time to snap a few photos and such for her friends and possibly see if it were to be suitable enough for the restaurant.

She hadn't noticed that the top bit of the dress was a halter top, with its one strap around her neck and the plunging neckline, but upon trying it on, she felt mortified. Emma had never worn something so revealing before. The ruffled skirt of the dress was quite short to her, cutting off at mid-thigh. The entirety of her upper back was exposed, which made the blonde feel quite uncomfortable. It was no wonder why she didn't find such attire appealing, and when she saw it on other girls- more specifically Ruby- she always wondered how they could do it. Don't they feel... exposed?

Whatever it may be, she wasn't sure if she would be comfortable enough to wear this out in public. Of course, she could always bring it with her and hope that Regina would think it to be suitable after trying it on- if they were to stop at the hotel first. Or else, she'd just wear her pantsuit, which she quickly grabbed out of the closet to dress into after peeling the dress off.

With a sigh, Emma quickly shoved the dress into her bag and zipped it up. Did she have everything?

Clothes? Check. Undies? Check. Back-up shoes? Check. Sleepwear? Check. Dress? Check. Hairbrush? Check. Toothbrush? Check. CDs? Check. Graham's address?

She rummaged through the smaller compartment of her bag and came across the piece of paper that she had stuck in there earlier.


"I think that's everything..." she mumbled to herself as she found her new red leather jacket and donned it. "And still half an hour to spare. Great."

Emma sighed and plopped heavily onto her bed, grabbing her cellphone from the end table. Maybe she should see what Regina's up to. Perhaps she was ready to leave and might want to head out on the road early. With a shrug, she figured it wouldn't hurt to try.

Hey, Gina, are you about ready? I'm all done packing and stuff, so, I guess if you want to come early, you can.

"Emma, your father and I have something for you." Mary Margaret's voice startled the blonde, causing her to jump with a surprised "holy shit."

"When the hell did you get in here?"

"Not too long ago?" The brunette chuckled, completely ignoring Emma's use of profanity. "Now, dear, since you're going to Boston and I'm quite sure you'll need food and drinks and gas and... and if you see anything you like and you want to buy it, you ca-"

"What your mother is trying to say is that we're going to give you money for your trip in case you need it. You don't have to worry about giving us back the change. Keep it as your birthday gift." David interrupted, stepping forward to hand Emma an envelope. It looked rather thick.

God, how much was in there?

"Thank you, but it seems like a lot... I really don't want to take it from you."

"Don't worry about it, kiddo. They're mostly one dollar bills."

"Oh, thanks..." Emma quirked a brow. "But, really, you didn't have to-"

"It's a birthday gift from us to you, dear. Just take it and make you father happy."

"Then I'm going to use it to get you guys something, because I really can't..." Emma sighed and received the envelope of money from David before stuffing it into the side of her bag.

"Don't sweat it, Em. We love you and this is for you. Not us. Spend it on yourself."

"You know I can't-"

"Emma," Mary Margaret used her stern voice, which meant she was serious and there was to be no further argument.

"Alright... Thank you, guys. I really appreciate it." Emma smiled, standing up from her bed to throw her arms around the two. "I love you and I appreciate everything you guys do for me, even though I may not show it all the time."

"We know, honey."

"We love you, too."

They both had watery smiles as they hugged their foster daughter back with tight embraces.

"Now, you go have fun, okay? Don't get into any trouble." David tucked a strand of hair behind Emma's ear.

"Yes, and if you are in trouble, don't hesitate to call." Mary Margaret reminded. "And call even if you're not. We wouldn't mind hearing from you..."

"Guys, I'll only be gone for one day." Emma chuckled. "Don't worry about it, okay? I'll call you when we get there so you make sure we arrived safely."

"Good, yes, do that." Both nodded at the pixie-haired woman's voice.

"I will," the blonde smiled and picked her phone up from her bed when it had buzzed. It was a message from Regina.

I'm outside, dear. Whenever you're ready.

"Oh, he's here." Emma dropped the phone onto her bed and slung her backpack over her shoulder, looking at her two sullen foster parents. "I'll be back tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright, Emma. I love you and have a safe trip." Mary Margaret was the first to pull her into a tight embrace before exiting the room with what appeared to be tears in her eyes.

"Yeah, hon. And have fun, but not too much fun." David quirked a brow in her direction and it hit Emma like a brick when she realized what he was referring to with that twinkle in his eye.

"Ew, David, no. I won't be doing that with him, or any dude we might find." Emma wrinkled her nose and returned the hug when he had chuckled and embraced her as well.

"Good. Now, go, I don't think you want to keep him waiting."

"Nope! I'll see you Sunday." She grinned and hopped down the stairs from her bedroom with David behind her.

Soon, she felt the bitter air of freedom hit her face as she stepped out of the apartment building, a large smile on her pale, pink lips. The first thing wrong, she noticed, was that Regina's lack of appearance. She, nor her black Mercedes, were nowhere to be found.

"Goddammit," she muttered, starting to head down the sidewalk. Regina must have parked away from eyesight so her parents wouldn't see her. It was a rather smart choice, Emma thought, but a really cold one as well. It was still chilly outside, but at least her boots and new jacket kept her rather warm, although the wind was still a bother.

It wasn't long before she reached the awaiting Benz and its owner just a block down with its beautifully running engine that assured Emma it would be warm inside. She jogged the last few steps to the passenger's door and quickly got in with a shiver.

"It's cold out there," she commented, shoving her messenger bag between her feet on the floor. "I hate winter. And cold. So. Fucking. Much."

"Language, dear." Regina's husky voice sounded from beside her and it was like a choir of angels in Emma's ears. She had gone all day without hearing that angelic voice and, boy, it was so nice to hear it now. Although, the twisting and constant swirl of metaphorical butterflies in her stomach had returned.

"God, I've missed you." Emma found herself saying, a sheepish smile on her face when she turned her attention to the brunette next to her. That woman was literally breathtaking with that stunning smirk on her crimson lips and those smoky eyes sparkling with mischief.

"It has only been one day?"

"Which is too long." Emma giggled a little too giddily.

"I certainly do hope you won't get tired of me after spending so much time in my presence, dear." There was a light tint to her cheeks, which would have been mistaken for makeup if Emma hadn't been staring at the teacher's face for the past five minutes. She was blushing.

"I won't, I can promise you that. I'll never get tired of you." She replied honestly, leaning forward to place a tender kiss on the older woman's cheek. "But we should get going so we aren't late, and, uh... Do you think we'd have enough time to stop at the hotel first?"

"Why is that, dear?" Regina's voice had taken a much lighter tone as she pulled away from the curb and headed for the street out of town.

"Well, you see... Ruby got me this dress and I wasn't sure if I should wear it or not. And, anyways, I couldn't wear it out of the house without my parents having a fit." Emma shrugged and quickly put her seat belt on, earning a satisfied smile from the brunette next to her.

"I see. I suppose we would have enough time for you to do that. I have to check into the hotel firstly, anyhow, before our reservation expires." Regina chuckled at Emma's expression, which probably reflected how much she wanted to hit herself. She didn't think about that. Somehow, she thought they automatically already had the hotel room. What the hell was she thinking?

"We might be late for the show, but that shouldn't matter too much, I hope."

"Not really, I guess." Emma shrugged. "But I hope that wouldn't cost too much or anything, and for being late, I mean... would that be worth it? Graham said it cost a shitload of money to get in."

"Everything will be fine, Emma. We should only be, at max, ten minutes late. Since we are leaving early, we should have plenty of time to get whatever is needed to be done at the hotel." The brunette shrugged nonchalantly.

"If you're sure. I mean, I got money and stuff."

"Don't worry about it, dear. It's your birthday. Let me spoil you."

Emma's only response was a sheepish nod and a blooming blush on her cheeks. Regina was one that loved to spoil others, wasn't she? The blonde was in for one hell of a ride with her, for she rarely liked receiving things- especially in mass quantities- without feeling required to give something back.

"So you say you talked to Graham?" Regina asked suddenly after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah. I asked him if it was alright that I used him as a cover." Emma shrugged, biting her lip. She should probably tell Regina that she had told him about them. She might have already expected it, but, still.

"Does he know about us?" And there it was, along with a hint of worry in her tone.

"Y-yeah..." Emma mumbled, running her fingers through her hair. "But I made him promise not to tell anyone, and Graham's a good guy. He wouldn't do that, unlike Ruby, so that's why he's the only one that knows now. But..."

"There's a but?" Now her tone was skeptical and her chocolate orbs wide with fear. "What is it?"

"He wants us to visit him before we leave tomorrow." Emma suppressed a giggle from Regina's sudden relaxing form, because she knew that she, too, would be terrified out of her wits if there were a 'but' as well in something as serious as this.

"He does?"

"Yeah. He gave me his address. We don't have to if you don't feel comfortable with it. I tried to tell him that." Emma chuckled this time, lighthearted and jubilant. "I hadn't seen him in a while and he's happy that we're together, I guess. He freaked the hell out of me when I told him. He called and screamed in my ear. At first, I thought he was going to give me the cold shoulder, but, nope..."

"Nope?" Regina's brows crinkled together. "What do you mean by that?"

"He was pretty cool about it after getting over the fact that you're my teacher. We talked for a bit, and I didn't divulge much, but he knows that you make me super happy and so he's pretty happy about that." The blonde played with a lock of her hair.

"I make you super happy, hm?" The brunette gave her a warm, tender smile.

"Yes you do, ma'am."

"Interesting..." Regina whispered mostly to herself.

They sat in silence for the better part of thirty minutes with Regina's eyes straight ahead on the road and Emma's on the scenery surrounding them, a sated smile on her lips. It was quiet, serene even, with nothing but the road and no traffic to share it with. The world outside was painted white with crystal flakes and decorated with thick woods of green and brown. It seemed so calm, and not at all the harsh cold that it really was.

The warmth of the car feigned the temperature outside, but Emma was quite glad that she wasn't out there. She was thankful to be in the Mercedes where the scenery was much more enjoyable without the bitter wind. She could actually enjoy winter for once without the fear of freezing something off, even if that weren't exactly logical. Everything looked absolutely breathtaking and if it weren't for the sun reflecting off the blanket of snow, she would stare at it forevermore. The little ice crystals really could catch the sun's rays and make beauty turn into eye watering pain.

Emma let her eyes drift away from the painted scene and take a moment to look over the other beauty that shouldn't cause her any current physical pain. The blonde pressed her lips tightly together as wide, emerald eyes took the time to appreciate God's masterpiece that lay before them. Regina Mills was nothing but pure perfection and even the most gorgeous, spring day could not hold a candle to her.

"Take a picture, dear, it'll last longer." The brunette's voice shook Emma from her thoughts.

"Sorry," she relocated her eyes, catching bits of Regina's pea coat and what appeared to be a strange print in greyscale.

What was she wearing?

Regina chuckled, a soft melody floating through the otherwise silent vehicle. Emma smiled. My perfect Gina, were the words to echo through the blonde's head and she let them reverberate until the brunette's laughter had tapered off. Then all was quiet again except for the rhythmic hum of the engine.

"We're missing something," the older woman tilted her head in Emma's direction, the corners of her mouth quirked. "It's quite silent, isn't it? Why don't you see what is on the radio?"

"I brought music." Emma blurted, her eyes now staring at the complicated looking stereo. It didn't seem to have a CD player, but it did have a built-in tape player.

"Unless you brought tapes with you, dear, I don't think it is possible to listen to anything else besides the radio."

"I have one of those converter things." The blonde bent down to rummage through the messenger bag on the floor between her feet. It had taken her a few moments to remember where she exactly stuck it, but she eventually found the tape she had been looking for and held it up. "See?"

Regina arched an eyebrow at the object, then gestured towards the front console. "Whatever that thing does, have at it."

"They have that little end to 'em just like headphones, that's how they work. So you can pretty much stick it into any media device." The blonde shrugged, sticking the tape end of the converter before pulling her phone out and hooking the other end up to it. "And it works with phones, too."

"I might have to get one of those. It would make some use of the tape player." Regina drew her gaze to the road once again as they finally neared the main highway.

"They sell them at most stores, so I'm pretty sure you can find one." Emma shrugged and tapped her foot to the beat of the music.

"I'll be sure to check into that." The brunette nodded. "I have good news, Emma, as well."

"What is it?"

"We only have a little over three and a half hours left on our trip."

"Sounds like we're making good time." The blonde couldn't help but to chuckle at the sarcasm in the brunette teacher's voice. Regina joined in and both shared a good laugh before finally quieting down to listen to the upbeat tune floating through the car speakers.

The two of them alternated between listening to the music in companionable silence and having idle conversation for the rest of the trip. It wasn't until Regina had mentioned that the final city they were passing through was Boston itself, which had Emma's interest almost immediately. The lights of the city were quite intriguing as they contrasted against the darkness of the night. The blonde was awe-struck, barely paying any attention to what Regina had been saying to her, but she had been able to catch the tail end of it.

"... hotel just up this street."

"What does it look like?" Emma finally had turned her attention to the brunette, but had kept an eye on the passing buildings for the hotel they were to be staying at.

"It is... that one." The Mercedes had come to a halt in front of a rather tall building that had the blonde just gawking.

"Wha- that's our hotel?"

"Yes it is, dear. And our room is all the way on the top floor, I think."

"How far is the Paramount?"

"Not too far. I planned accordingly." The brunette smiled and unlocked the doors to the vehicle. "Now, let us check in and get our things situated so we can make it to the show on time. We've made better time that I thought. It's only 8:15."

"Really?" It had seemed rather unbelievable that they had made great time on the trip since the traffic was quite unreal. It had seemed like hours more than it should have that they spent on the highway what with the traffic jams, and coming into the city was utter hell.

"Yes, dear. Now, let's go."

The two quickly left the car- after Regina grabbed her overnight bag- and headed into the hotel. Regina didn't even blink, but Emma just could not close her jaw. The inside of the Nine Zero hotel was absolutely elegant. To both the left and right of her lay two sitting areas, both just as fancily decorated as the other with lavish blacks and whites on walls and modern furniture. It was quite appealing to the eye, especially at a glance which had been all Emma got for Regina went a little too fast that the blonde was unable to admire and gawk. It didn't matter much at the moment, they were in a rush after all, and the little reception area was just as extravagantly decorated. Hell, even the desk was screaming with its fancy lights that reflected off the white and black marble floors.

"I really feel like I don't belong in here." Emma whispered to the brunette as she sidled up to her, emerald eyes zoning in on each person- each clad in expensive formal attire- before finally landing on the receptionist, who was also quite professionally dressed.

"Don't worry, dear." Regina flashed a toothy smile as they reached the desk. "Surely they will not mind. Besides," her voice rose as she spoke. "You hadn't enough time to change into your dress, that's why we're here."

"Hello, welcome to Nine Zero! May I assist you?" The woman behind the desk asked politely.

"Yes, I have booked a room? The Studio 501 Suite." Regina replied smoothly.


"Regina Mills."

"Alright! Your room is waiting." The receptionist beamed after typing a few keys on her keyboard. She soon shuffled through something that Emma couldn't see before handing Regina two card keys. "Here are your keys. Please do come down if you encounter any trouble or concern."

"Thank you," the brunette retrieved the key cards, handing one of them to Emma. "Are you ready to see our room, dear?"

"I'm scared to, actually. I mean, if the lobby is this fancy, I can only imagine what a suite would look like." Emma nibbled on her lower lip as she followed the brunette to the elevator. "I didn't think this place would be so..."

"It is one of the finer hotels in Boston. I was not going to force you to stay in a rat hole of a motel for a fourth of the price."

"I don't want to know how much this costs you..."

"Do not worry about that, dear. That is disclosed information for only I to know and for you to never find out." A scandalous smirk crossed over her features. "This is our floor."

"Oh, snap. Okay. Let's do this."

Moments later, Emma was gaping like a fish out of water with jaw dropped and eyes wide. The room didn't seem so much as a hotel room should, instead, it looked as if it were a small, lavish apartment. The room was just as modernized as the downstairs lobby with its posh furniture and decorative pieces. There was an entire sitting area with a black leather loveseat and a light cafe colored chair that matched the walls.

"Whoa, Regina... You outdid yourself with this."

"Oh, wait until you see the bathroom, dear. If it is anything like most other, as you say, fancy hotel suites, then you're in for a treat." The brunette kept her chocolate gaze on the blonde, a light smile lilting her lips.

"I have to pee anyways..." Emma hopped over to the one door and rushed inside to be met with the most elegant crapper she'd ever seen. People have some high priorities if they want to use something like this to just go to the bathroom in.

"Sweet mother of... Did you see this, Gina? It's fucking fancy! Not only do we get to enjoy the lavish restroom, but our shit does too!"

"Emma. Do you have to use such crass language?" The brunette came up behind the blonde who was still standing in the doorway, gawking at the modern, greyscale bathroom.

"Yes. Yes, I do." Emma grinned and stepped into the room, dropping her bag on the counter.

Then, she caught sight of Regina's reflection in the mirror and she just about gasped. That goddamn woman could not get any more alluring than she was in that moment. Her eyes were shadowed with dark makeup and the shiny, pink lip-gloss really drew attention to her face, which ultimately had Emma staring at both her eyes- which were so perfectly brown and sparkly- and her mouth- which were so goddamn kissable. Her bangs were more or less combed off to one side in a rather stylish hairdo covering part of the right side of her face as the remaining had been tucked behind her left ear. As Emma's eyes skimmed down the brunette's body, she had finally figured out what that pattern was. It was leopard print, and it looked damn good on the older woman also, especially with her smoky eye maquillage. The material was also satin- just like the dress Ruby had given her- and ended just below her knee. The neckline wasn't too low and showed nothing but the smooth expanse of her olive skin. It was quite flattering, hugging every delicious curve.

"Are you alright, Emma?" Regina frowned slightly and took a step into the bathroom, one of her hands finding the blonde's shoulder.

"Y-yeah, I am. You just... You look so beautiful." That had the brunette blushing in no time.

"Thank you..."

"It's... Really, no problem at all." Emma chuckled lightheartedly and turned around, taking the hand on her shoulder into her own. "I'm kinda jealous of you, but I'm also thankful that I have you."

"That's really sweet of you, Emma." Regina leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on Emma's lips. "And it means so very much to me."

"Good, because I want you to know. And I know I say compliments and stuff so often, but I have a good reason. Trust me." The blonde replied breathlessly.

"I do trust you, Emma." The English teacher tilted her head. "And I do trust that you will get ready so we can make it in time to the show?"

"That went a different direction." Emma chuckled, but nodded. "I shall get changed and throw on a bit more makeup."

Regina lifted a hand to touch Emma's cheek, a warm smile on her lips. "You don't need to do that, dear. You look beautiful just as you are. There is no use hiding that beauty with cosmetics."

"Neither do you," she mumbled softly, trying her best to keep the blush forming on her cheeks sated.

"Emma," she sighed and gently patted the eighteen-year-old's cheek. "Why don't you get ready? Alright?"

"I won't let this get away."

Regina dropped her arms to her sides, her lips no longer in a smile. "If you're quick enough, I will give you your birthday gift afterwards."

"Wait, what?" Emma blinked, slightly taken aback from the sudden bribery.

"Yes. So, you get ready while I get that for you." And then she was backing out of the room without a chance for Emma to protest. The door was shut.

Emma frowned, but quickly stripped so she could don the dress. She was determined to make sure that Regina felt beautiful no matter the situation. Hopefully she wasn't that self-conscious about herself, seeing as to how she reacted towards Emma's statement. The blonde would just have to catch the brunette without her painted face sometime and make sure that Regina knew there was no problem nor flaw whatsoever with her appearance. She was a beautiful human being with looks to die for.

The blonde only wished she were able to look that goddamn stunning. Most days she was sure she resembled a truck and felt rather self-conscious if someone were to look at her. Of course, Emma rarely wore makeup to cover herself up, and she was quite sure Regina knew that, but she realized that it did make her look much better- although, half the time, she couldn't bother to do anything about it. Now, though, she was determined to look her best for Regina when they were to go out. Perhaps the two of them could dazzle the room with their beauty, or at least the brunette would.

"Are you almost ready, dear?" She heard that very brunette's voice call out from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, I'm done, actually." Emma gave her reflection one last glance before turning around to open the bathroom door, and when she did, she swore Regina's jaw would detach itself. "You look stunning, Emma." She whispered, her voice had become rougher and her eyes much darker. "You are perfect."

"Aw, come on... Not really..." Emma turned a light shade of pink, her green eyes focusing on the ground. She felt so exposed and even more so underneath the intense gaze of the brunette. She dared to look up again, willing her skin to not heat up upon meeting Regina's seemingly hungry eyes. "Did... didn't you say you were going to give me something?" She coughed.

"Oh, yes... Right." Regina fumbled with a small, rectangular wrapped package before handing it over to the blonde. "I do hope you like it."

"I probably will." Emma shot her a reassuring smile and delicately opened the wrapping paper to reveal a sleek, black case.

The blonde sucked in an anxious breath as shaky fingers pried open the box to reveal a rather simple necklace. It was a circular, silver pendant with a single swan in the middle of it and the piece was attached to a simple, silver chain.

"Oh... it's so... I love it!" Emma's lips upturned into a rather large grin and her arms flung around the brunette. "I really love it, Gina. Thank you so much!"

"I'm glad that you do, darling." Regina whispered, kissing Emma's forehead before returning the hug. "Why don't you turn around and let me put it on for you?"

"Of course!" The blonde nodded and handed the swan pendant to Regina, then turned around for her to put the necklace on.

"You know, I was doing some reading," the older woman spoke as she brought the chain around the younger woman's neck. "About swans, that is. I read that they mate for life. Quite interesting, isn't it?"

Emma's breath hitched when Regina said those words. Was she trying to imply something or was she just innocently informing Emma of the swan biology? She would just have to play this one out and keep it cool. Nothing would be happening right now anyways, right? They were to go to the Paramount soon.

"Yeah, that is pretty interesting. I guess they're kinda like humans... Well... Maybe not. I mean, how we do marriage would be mating for life, right?" Emma stumbled over the words that seemed to be leaving her mouth.

"Something like that, dear." Regina gave her an amused smile. "It's all about finding the right one, and when you do... You just know."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. There's like this little radar that goes off." Emma raised her brows and turned around to meet Regina's gaze, holding it for several long moments. Oh, god, could she just get lost in those muddy pools for hours...

"Did you know that one-fourth of black swans are homosexual?" Regina suddenly inquired, breaking eye contact.

"No shit?"

"They're male, though. But I am pretty sure that there would be females as well. After all, homosexuality doesn't affect just one gender, right?" The brunette fluffed a blonde lock on Emma's head before quickly turning to grab her coat.

"Right..." Emma swallowed thickly and retrieved her new red leather jacket, which had earned an eyebrow raise from the brunette teacher. "What?"

"Where on earth did you get that godawful thing?"

"Mary Margaret. Why?"

"That explains it..." Regina's brows flew up to her hairline as she picked up her small handbag.

"What?" Emma frowned, following the brunette as she headed for the door. "She bought it for my birthday."

"I couldn't fathom why someone would spend money on such hideous material."

"But... I like it..." Emma's voice was small and when Regina turned around, the blonde's faced resembled that of a kicked puppy.

"You like it?"

"Yeah. That's why she got it."

"My apologies," she cleared her throat and headed hastily towards the elevator with Emma hot on her trail. "Come along, dear, with your dead cow. If we rush, we'll make it there early."


After the show, both women headed out of the building, caught within a rather large crowd that had decided to exit at the same time. The two of them tried to leave a little early before the rest of the group had, but had been unfortunate when there were many others with the same idea. They were unable to get back inside due to the excessive amount of people stringing behind them as well as every other side.

Emma had, at one point, taken Regina's hand in her own, lacing their fingers together to keep from losing one another in the crowd. When the blonde had looked up to see the older woman's reaction, she melted. The brunette had a warm, radiant smile on her glossy pink lips, although she had kept her eyes forward as not to run into anyone.

It felt like ages before they were able to completely exit the building, and even longer before they were finally inside the restaurant- still hand in hand. Being behind a few people, Emma was able to take a look around the restaurant. It was just as nice and exquisite as every other place that Regina had taken her to. The brunette teacher must have quite an expensive taste because she knew all of the right places to go and she had, yet, to take Emma somewhere that the blonde wasn't so impressed with.

The lighting was dimmed and- with the dark, chic furnishings- made it feel as if they were still outside with the artificially lit streets. The setting was rather romantic and the soft melodies playing through hidden speakers didn't counter it, even with the buzzing chatter of the guests.

"It's really nice," the blonde whispered to her date.

"I know, dear. That's why I'm taking you here." Regina flashed her a pearly smile, but the look hadn't lasted long as they were next in line. The brunette applied her fake smile and genial voice. "We have a reservation for two under the name Mills."

"Mills for two," the host repeated, his eyes scanning through the reservation list in front of him. He made a positive sound upon finding the name and looked up with a friendly smile. "Meghan will show you to your table."

A young, blonde server smiled at the two before speaking. "Right this way, please."

Regina nodded and followed behind the server, which had ultimately forced her blonde companion to follow with a surprised grunt. They were shown a small table that seated two, which had been quite close to another couple's table, and uncomfortably so. Emma had finally released the brunette's hand to take a spot facing opposite the second table as Regina seated herself away from them. Each were given a menu and a choice for beverage. Emma had taken a cola while Regina opted for an iced tea before the girl was off to retrieve the order.

"It's kinda tight in here." Emma mumbled across the table to her date. "I can literally feel those guys next to us breathing."

"You are right, dear, but that is the downfall of restaurants in a busy city." Regina lifted her gaze, her whisky eyes twinkling in the dim lighting.

"Yeah..." Emma could only shrug, trying her best to ignore the way one of them kept staring at her all the while talking to his wife- or so she assumed the woman was. It was no doubt he was probably chattering about her age, since she did appear to be the only one at least under the age of twenty. Of course, that made sense because most were couples on a date like she and Regina, or in larger groups- most of which were past middle-age.

"Is something wrong?" The brunette frowned and reached across the table to place a hand lightly on the blonde's wrist.

"I feel so out of place," she whispered, looking to the olive toned hand. "Everyone is so much older than me and... I feel like I don't have a right to be here."

"Oh, sweetheart," Regina brought her other hand over to cup Emma's pale, delicate one and bent forward to place a kiss atop it. "Do not worry about them, alright? You belong here with me. We have every right to dine here for our date, just like everyone else."

Emma took in her words with a simple nod of understanding. Regina was right. She was just letting her anxiety get the better of her. There was no need to panic about other people's thoughts when Regina's was the only that mattered.

"No you don't." The blonde's head snapped up to the table next to them. The man had spoken and his partner had turned to face the two, as Regina did the same with a glowering expression.

"Pardon?" The brunette's voice was surprisingly calm.

"You heard me." The man's voice was far more aggressive than it should have been. Both Regina and Emma flinched at the tone. "People of your kind should not be allowed to eat with the rest of us."

"People of my kind? Do you have something against Latinas?" Regina's brow quirked, but she knew what the man was referencing and it had nothing to do with her race.

"What? No! Don't make me out to be a racist, because I am not that."

"Oh, but you sure can be homophobic." Emma sneered and felt Regina's grip tighten on her hand.

"Emma, dear..."

"Sorry," she mumbled.

Regina gave her a slight nod and another light squeeze to her hands before speaking once again in a collective tone. "I do not see the harm in us dining in this establishment. We are not intentionally causing others discomfort, but you, sir, are disturbing us."

"I am disturbing you?"
"That is what I said, yes. You have disrupted our dinner by making a rude comment about our relationship."

"You're the one disturbing us. We are trying to have a peaceful meal, but you decided to come out of your stupid closet to bother us."

"Pardon me?" Regina's brows knit together, anger momentarily flashing through her eyes before they returned to their cool, calm, and collect state. "All we are doing is simply sitting here, trying to enjoy a simple meal."

"They won't serve you." He spat and his wife nodded, finally speaking with every bit of disgust in her voice.

"They wouldn't dare serve such unnatural behaviorists like yourselves. I mean, take a look around. Do you see any other... homosexuals around you? I don't think so."

That woman sounded like a complete bitch, Emma thought, scowling from behind Regina's form.

"Perhaps not tonight, dear-"

"That is just disgusting! Did you hear that, Lawrence? She's trying to flirt with me."

"That is untrue." Regina tried to defend herself, but the others wouldn't let her talk.

"That's the way of the lesbian, Vicky. They're shameless." The woman's husband, Lawrence, sniffed. "They'll flirt with any woman in their general vicinity."

"All of them are simply animals. They have no morals and I don't know why they would let such... disgraces walk among us normal folk and work at their businesses." Regina flinched, her grip tightening on Emma's hand.

"The definition of 'normal' is changing, but if your head wasn't so far up your insipid ass, you would know that." The brunette grit her teeth. "Pardon my language, but you really need to open your eyes. The world is changing around you and much quicker than you think. I am as much as a human as you are, the only differences are is that I prefer women over men and I, at least, have a more logical thought process than you and your insolent husband."

"Now the lezzie's gone hostile!" Lawrence shouted, drawing attention from the tables further away. Emma felt her cheeks heat as she looked around, noticing that most of the restaurant's patrons were now staring in their direction.

"I am not hostile! I am just stating a simple fact. If anyone were abusive here, it would be you." Regina whipped completely around, releasing her death grip on the blonde's hands.

"Is there a problem here?" A man in a black tuxedo had walked over to the two couples. He smelled of authority.

"Yes, there is!" Lawrence sneered, his wife nodding in agreement. He jabbed a finger in Regina's direction. "These two queers are bothering us and it's disgusting. I didn't want to have to cause any sort of disruption, but they are meddling with my wife and I's meal."

The man in the suit turned to Regina and Emma. "Can you explain what the problem is here?"

"Yes, I most certainly can. We were simply sitting here, waiting patiently for our drinks to arrive and that gentleman over there made a rude comment towards our private conversation. Then he proceeded to insult our relationship and altogether disrupt our dinner." Regina explained, her voice had reverted back to her usual calm tone. "I would even encourage you to ask the other guests around us."

"There is no need for that," he smiled widely at her, then turned to gaze at the scowling couple next to them. "I had already asked a few of the servers that had witnessed this and their story is most consistent with yours, Ms. Mills, is it?"

"I do not fib." The brunette simply said.

"I believe you." The man gave her a genial smile before turning to the couple once again. "I wish not to do this, but I must ask you to leave the premises. Thank you for dining with us."

"We won't be coming again if you're going to allow that." Vicky scoffed as she stood, grabbing her items.

"You're all sick!" Her husband growled as the two left the restaurant, but not before shoving their dinner plates to the floor on the way out in a petulant manner.

"I do sincerely apologize for his unruly behavior. Why don't you let us treat you to dinner?" The manager offered, motioning to the abandoned menu on the table. "Choose anything you wish and we shall bring it out for you."

"Oh, you don't have to do that." Regina said softly, taking correct position in her seat again.

"But we insist. After all, it is our job to keep our guests happy and stress-free. I will give you time to decide and have Meghan come back to take your order. I wish you a fantastic rest of the night and please, I do hope to see you again." His never ending grin was still in place as he turned to walk away, muttering something to their server who had been standing close to the two tables.

"Well, that certainly was exciting." Emma giggled softly and looked through the menu, eyeing all of the delicious choices. Her stomach growled just reading the enticing descriptions of each.

"It was, indeed." The brunette agreed, a small smile placed on her lips. "Unfortunately, people like that are not uncommon."

That had the blonde frowning. "Are you going to be alright, Gina?"

"Yes, I will be fine."

"He said some hurtful things..." Emma reached across the table to delicately cup the older woman's face, the warmth from the contact immediately spread and warmed the blonde's heart. "I don't want you to think anything bad of yourself. You are an amazing woman."

"Emma..." Regina's eyes drew upwards to meet with emerald, slender fingers wrapped around a pale wrist.

"I... I really like you and I don't want to see you hurt, okay?" She let a smile of her own spread across plum painted lips.

"Okay," the teacher whispered with a small nod of her head. Then there was a slight twitch on her lips before it turned into a full-fledged grin. "You always make me smile, dear."

"Good, I'm glad." Emma's smile on grew wider as their gazes locked in on each other's. There was something swirling in those brown orbs staring back at her. She couldn't quite place what it was, though.

"Have you decided what you would like?" Regina suddenly broke the intense moment, the expression in her eyes dissipating quickly. "I've taken interest in the chicken alfredo."

"That sounded good, but the farmhouse burger sounded better." Emma set the menu aside and beamed.

"Of course you would order a burger in a classy restaurant." The brunette tsked, but continued to smile. "I suppose we need our server to place our order?"

So they had called the server over, who had been passing by at the time, and ordered their desired meals. It didn't feel like long at all before their plates were set in front of them, Regina inhaling and basking in the aroma of her pasta dish as Emma nearly drooled over her delicious looking burger.

The two of them ate in comfortable silence, each a little too hungry to hold a decent conversation while stuffing their faces with food. At one point, Emma had taken her fork and stole a piece of Regina's chicken, which in return, earned her a disapproving look. They both had ended up laughing before Emma nearly forced a piece of her burger into the English teacher's awaiting mouth. The brunette was rather reluctant at first to eat such a pedestrian dish (as she had stated jokingly to the blonde upon the offer), but had soon released an unwelcome noise of satisfaction after having tasted the juicy meat. The blonde laughed and lightly teased her before both went back to their meals and ate in silence once again until they had completely finished.

After a few more apologies from the staff about the couple's rude behavior, Emma and Regina made haste to the Mercedes and left the short distance back to their hotel. It wasn't long before both were to their room's floor at the higher part of the building and giggling over the pet dog that they had seen downstairs in the lobby.

Since the hotel was pet friendly, there had been a few guests with small dogs roaming around downstairs in what Regina called the "Canine Lovers Anonymous" group. Whatever humor she was trying to add to that, Emma just couldn't pinpoint, so she had laughed regardless.

But the dog they had seen was a complete fluff ball. Of course, the canine was adorable as hell and originally wouldn't have been a laughing matter if it hadn't been pink- which had matched its owner's attire and own crazy pink hair. Regina had had a hard time trying to express her thoughts through her wheezing laughter.

"A cotton candy ball with legs and a troll doll... phone the newsmen." was what she had tried to say, but it came out rather garbled and all that Emma had caught was "cotton candy with legs and troll doll newsmen" which had ultimately made her double over halfway down the hallway to their hotel room.

It had taken them a while to finally calm down and enter their hotel room when Regina had finally succeeded in sliding the key card through the slot. Then, as they entered the room, they were engulfed by darkness and silence. The only noise to be heard were the rhythmic sounds of their breathing.

"Lights," Regina flicked a switch next to the door, turning on a light just above the door, illuminating the room. She soon kicked her heels off by the door, sighing with relief to be out of them and took her pea coat off as well, folding it neatly onto the couch. Emma, too, did the same by taking her boots off and red leather jacket, placing each next to Regina's own.

"It's good to get out of that," she commented, wiggling her toes.

"Indeed it is," Regina turned around with a smile on her face, but it all soon fell away as she caught sight of the blonde's attire for the second time. Emma had been too embarrassed while they were out to remove her jacket, so instead of showing off her goods and new dress, she decided to roast in the leather.


"You..." The brunette trailed off, her lips parted as whisky eyes roved over the blonde's body and the exposed areas of skin. Emma scrunched her eyebrows together, her skin pebbling with goosebumps underneath the older woman's salacious gaze. When Regina's eyes finally met hers, she noticed them to be quite darker, like they often were in such moments. Curious.

Then, without warning, Regina had surged forward and pinned the blonde against the wall with her lips crashing against Emma's. It had taken Emma's brain a while to register what the hell was happening, but when she did, she just melted into the kiss and returned it with heat.

The brunette teacher's mouth continued to hungrily move against Emma's, only deepening when she had felt arms curl tightly around her neck and heard a soft moan from underneath her. Then she broke away from the kiss, leaving a panting Emma with nothing to do but whimper from the loss. But that was soon replaced with another soft moan that shot straight to the brunette's core as she trailed her lips down the soft, satin-like skin on the blonde's throat.

"Gina..." Emma gasped when she felt teeth graze against her delicate flesh.

"Emma," the brunette whispered back, raising her head to place a rather sloppy kiss to the corner of Emma's mouth, then pressed her own lips against the blonde's in a more appropriate kiss.

Without separating their lips, Regina carefully began to walk backwards, pulling the blonde with her by petite hips. It took a bit of stumbling and a few bumping into walls before the brunette had finally found the bed, which hadn't been at all graceful. The back of her knees hit the edge and caused her to collapse onto the mattress, leading to her pulling Emma down as well. It had all happened without breaking the kiss and they were still locked together in a passionate, yet quite heated, lip lock. Their mouths molded together, moving at their own special rhythm.

Then, finally did the two break apart, gasping for air with flushed cheeks, swollen lips, and dilated pupils. They were only mere inches away from one another, heavy breath blowing steadily against each other's heated skin.

"Do you want to...?" Regina's breathless voice inquired and Emma knew immediately what she had meant. The blonde didn't give much thought, and responded with a nod of her head.

Regina nodded silently as well and tentatively brought a hand up to the back of the strap of Emma's dress. The blonde waited with baited breath, her cheeks no doubt turning a deeper shade of red, especially when the entire top fell away and pooled around her waist, exposing her to the brunette.

Regina's eyes flicked up from Emma's bare chest to meet with sheepish green eyes. "You're beautiful," she whispered, bringing a hand up to gently cup one of the round globes.

The blonde bit her lip and let her eyes droop shut, arching ever so slightly into the tentative hand. Regina's hand soon shifted and her thumb grazing over the already taut nipple, which had Emma groan unexpectedly and arched even further into the touch. God, everything ached right now, but the uncomfortable throbbing between her legs had her yearning to be touched. But the brunette seemed to have different plans as her head ducked forward to press a few tender kisses to the swell of Emma's breast, then it was her tongue soon replacing to taste the slight sheen of sweat forming on the pale skin.

"Oh..." The blonde's breath hitched when she felt as that very tongue laved over the sensitive bud, and she ached for Regina to do it again, but the brunette moved away altogether, a conniving smirk on her lips.

"I want you to take your clothes off." She purred, her voice causing a great deal of heat to pool in Emma's lower belly.

The blonde nodded and slipped her dress off the rest of the way, which had left her in a pair of black cotton panties. Her eyes hit the floor as she sat on the bed, being eaten up by the brunette's eyes. Dammit. Why didn't she have any sexy underwear? This was almost as big a turn off as granny panties.

"I-I know my underwear isn't sexy or anything... I... I never really had a reason- and I don't really... didn't really care... no one was going to see 'em anyways." Emma babbled, trying to amend the undergarments she wore.

"Take them off." Regina husked, her eyes had darkened until they appeared almost black.

"I know they're hideous..." The blonde mumbled.

"Take. Them. Off." The brunette's voice was now a low growl. "I don't care what they look like. I want to see you."

"O-oh..." Emma could feel the blush rising up her neck as she pushed the panties from her hips and down her long, pale legs. Then she tossed the scrap of material aside, self-consciously crossing one leg over the other.

"Oh, dear, you do not need to cover yourself. You are absolutely stunning." Regina grinned, her eyes taking all of Emma in. "If it makes you feel more comfortable, I will undress as well."

"No sense in only one of us wearing clothes..."

"Indeed," the brunette smirked and quickly lifted her dress over her head, tossing it towards the small pile of clothes.
Emma just gawked at the older woman's body. She was nothing but pure woman with delicious, shapely curves, smooth, olive skin, and her soft, round breasts. They weren't exactly perky, but they were still so plump and Emma wanted so desperately to feel those soft mounds in her hands. Regina had worn nothing but a black pair of lacy panties that had soon come off and piled next to the other clothes, leaving her completely bare in front of the blonde.

"Fuck, you're gorgeous, Gina." Emma reached out and tugged on the brunette's arm, forcing her to collapse back onto the bed. "I would die for a body like yours."

"Your body will fill out, yet, dear." Regina smirked, although the blush on her cheeks was quite evident.

"I guess." Emma giggled and scoot to the middle of the bed where Regina had immediately crawled after her, and even further than that as her body began to hover over the teenager's small form, forcing her onto her back with anxious, green eyes. Her heartbeat increased incredibly as did her breath as dark, chocolate eyes bore into her own.

Then lips crashed together, tongues dueling against one another for some sort of dominance. Emma could feel the older woman's leg move between her own, gently nudging them apart, and right then, the blonde knew this was serious. Of course, she had figured that out a while ago, but it was really happening now. The way that the brunette's knee pressed against her center had Emma squirming with a whimper, her hips grinding desperately against it.

"Oh, god, Gina..." she whispered, her hands finding purchase on the brunette's back where short nails slightly dug into the soft flesh.

"You are soaked, aren't you, dear?" The brunette growled, one of her hands disappearing between their bodies. It had found the blonde's aching core to prove a point as her fingers moved along the slit and teasingly dipped into the folds. "Do I really make you feel this way?"

"Y-yes..." Emma gasped, her nails digging into Regina's back when she felt one of the fingers easily slide into her. "You always have."

"Have I?" she asked, sliding the digit out only to thrust back in, then repeated the action in a steady rhythm. "I know that you make me so very wet. Just the very thought of you just shoots heat right to my very core..."

Oh, god, her dirty talk was hot.

Emma never thought Regina to be the type to say such crass things, but then again, never judge a book by its cover. The brunette did mention there were things that Emma didn't know about her, and apparently quite dark things such as this.

"Tell me, Emma," she hissed into the blonde's ear, adding another finger with her thrusts. "Have you ever touched yourself while thinking of me? Have you ever wished that your own hand was mine instead?"

"Yes," the blonde groaned, her hips moving at a steady pace to meet each of Regina's thrusts. "O-on several occasions..."

"You're a dirty, dirty girl, Emma." Regina chuckled and pressed a kiss to the blonde's throat. "I find it quite... arousing." she purred, trailing her lips further down the blonde's torso, her fingers continuing their pumps.

"H-have you?" Emma questioned through several pants, heavy with desire.

"Have I what, dear?"

"Have you touched... yourself with thoughts of me?" It sounded quite strange coming out of the blonde's mouth as she asked her teacher that very question.

"Maybe," was the brunette's simple answer as she now sat slightly on her knees, her head level with Emma's soaked core.

"Oh, god..." Emma moaned, her fists twisting in the sheets as she watched Regina's head disappear between her thighs and felt that goddamn tongue start to teasingly lick at her sensitive flesh.

Her breaths were nothing but short puffs, her heart hammering as if on overdrive in her chest. That woman sure knew how to use her tongue, and quite well, Emma noted as she felt the pink muscle slip between her folds and find the sensitive bundle of nerves.

"Shit... Re-Regina..." Her brain nearly blanked when Regina's tongue relentlessly moved in time with her fingers, strumming against the blonde's clitoris, her back arching off the mattress in response as her hands desperately tried to find something to grab onto for dear life.

Emma's brain had blanked when the brunette's fingers curled and hit the right spot that pushed the blonde over the edge. Her toes curled and her body stiffened as she rode the waves of pleasure coursing throughout her entire being, Regina had helped her ride it out with a few more thrusts of her digits.

"F-fuck..." The blonde had finally regained control of her mind and body after finding ground once again, her heart thumping wildly as if she had just run a marathon. Emma had opened her eyes from their squeezed state and stare at the brunette as she climbed back up to lay next to the blonde, a wide smile on her lips.

"I hope I made a good first impression," she mewled, one of her hands pushing a few strands of blonde hair behind Emma's ear.

"Considering you're my first, I must say you did a pretty good goddamn job." Emma rolled onto her side to face Regina.

"You didn't divulge in such information." Regina quirked a brow. "You've never had sex before?"

Then she shrunk against the bed, looking quite ashamed of herself, because, no, she hadn't. She probably should have told Regina at some point, but it really didn't seem to matter. It wasn't like she had anything that would give any indicators of that. Of course, her inexperience would probably falter the brunette and make her rethink the entire thing.

"No," she muttered quietly, feeling quite small at the moment.

"I wish you would have told me," Regina frowned and cupped the blonde's cheek. "I would have made it special for you."

"But this was special..." Emma tried a smile, her hand covering the older woman's. "Really special for me. Don't fret about it."

"Oh, but sweetheart..."

"Hey, there'll be plenty of times where you can make it special- I mean if you wanna do this again. You probably won't after you let me attempt to touch you."

"I wouldn't blame you if you were to have fault. It would be your first time, after all."

"Yeah, I suppose," she shrugged, letting her hand fall away to Regina's hip. "Want me to try it?"

"Well, I am rather horny at the moment," there was that humorous twinkle in those brown eyes again. Emma just loved that look.

"Then let me take care of that. Or at least to the best of my abilities."

"As long as you make me orgasm, I am satisfied." Regina smirked, nuzzling closer to the blonde until they were but a hair width apart.

"I shall be determined." Emma leaned forward, closing the gap between them, and kissed Regina softly.

It wasn't long until the kiss had gotten heated to where they were very nearly trying to swallow each other's faces. Emma's hand- that had been on Regina's hip- dropped down to the brunette's lower belly. She certainly did hope that she didn't screw anything up and that meant that she had to keep her mind cleansed of all fears so she wouldn't do just that.

The way Regina's groaned into her mouth as her fingers danced across her skin had Emma encouraged, and enough so to let her digits travel further until they reached the patch of intimate curls just before the brunette's sex. She felt Regina's legs move, opening up for the blonde's exploring fingers, and so she took the invitation to delve deeper into the soaked folds.

"Oh, god, I need you, Emma..." The brunette panted, grinding wantonly against the blonde's hand. "I'm aching..."

"Then I will give you what you want..." Emma murmured against the teacher's cheek as she used her fingers to part the folds and explore between them. She allowed her slender digits to slide vertically within the crack of Regina's intimate flesh, her fingers already soaked with the brunette's arousal. The noises she had started to make had her movements speed to a faster pace.

"Please," Regina panted, her hips rocking against Emma's hand, desperately seeking for more pressure. The blonde smirked, following her simple plea and guided her fingers up until they grazed over the pert nub that had the brunette gasp and arch her back into Emma.

"Right there... oh... yes..." Emma applied pressure this time as she allowed her fingers to run over the sensitive bundle once again, and again before stopping to rub tight circles against it, which earned few guttural moans of pure bliss. Then she felt a tight grip on her arms, which had alerted her that Regina had started to use her as some sort of ground to set her feet on as her hips continued to move at an even quicker pace than before.

"I-I'm close, Emma..." she groaned, hiding her face in the blonde's neck. "Oh, god... faster..."

The blonde bit her lip and tried her best at a faster pace, trying her best to ignore the stinging, sore muscles in her arm as it began to protest the mundane movement. Just as Emma thought she would have to stop, she felt the brunette's intimate bits constrict and her movements suddenly slowing to a stop as she came. The blonde held onto Regina with her free arm as she continued with her motions, although a little slower, and helped ride the orgasm out.
Regina's stiff form soon turned limp after the high was over and Emma's second arm wrapped tightly around the brunette's body. The older woman's face was still buried in Emma's neck, and she could feel the heavy breaths that puffed against her skin as she soon moved away after a few moments.

"I hope I did good," the blonde whispered, looking down into exhausted, brown eyes.

"You did, Emma."

"Good," she mumbled, nosing into the sweat soaked raven locks. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"I did enjoy it. Perhaps a little too much." Regina chuckled softly, yawning shortly after. "I don't know about you, but I am exhausted."

"I am, too." Emma mumbled. "Is it always this tiring?"

"Not always. But we've had a long day and this was the perfect ending to it." The brunette responded, shifting out of Emma's arms. The blonde frowned at the loss of heat, but was soon aware that Regina had been moving to crawl underneath the blankets. Quickly, she did the same and snuggled underneath the warmth.

"Right. I think it's sleepy time, don't you?"

"Yes." Regina yawned once again and squirmed closer to the blonde's body. "Goodnight, Emma."

"Goodnight, Gina..." she could only whisper in response, her eyes drooping helplessly. How the hell she got so tired so quickly was beyond her, but hell, she would take it if that meant actually sleeping.

"I love you," Emma heard Regina's husky voice mumble beside her, which had the blonde do a sort of double take at the older woman. Green met brown, and green instantly melted.

She knew what that look in the brunette's eyes were now.

Oh, god, how could she be so stupid? How could she be so stupid with herself, even? Here she was, her feelings for this woman slowly growing even before they had started to date. She denied it all she could and convinced herself that she had liked the brunette, and nothing more. There were no deeper feelings for her, but she had been wrong.

All of these feelings she had for the brunette. The utter joy she had upon seeing that smile on her face, her desire to make that smile appear on her face, the butterflies she got with just one look, the way her heart fluttered with every touch, the way her heart just seemed to expand with every sweet word... It had all boiled down to one thing. That one thing that Emma was afraid of the most, and that was love. No matter the situation, she was always reluctant to express her feelings if it had involved love. It was one of her weaknesses and a terrible one at that.

It Emma were to be in this situation, say, four years ago, there would be no way she could ever respond correctly to it. She would more than likely run away like she did with most of her problems. But ever since moving to Storybrooke, things have changed greatly. She had changed greatly and today's Emma could express how she felt more easily. Even if that particular feeling were love. So she did what the new Emma would do and said it.

"I love you too."

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