Teacher's Pet (OUAT)

By RegalChromaggia

42.8K 839 546

Emma Swan just wants to get through her final year of Storybrooke High to start a life in Boston. Then she me... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Eleven

1.5K 29 11
By RegalChromaggia

It was a finger jabbing into her ribs that had woken Emma from her sleep. The blonde, though, merely grumbled a complaint and shifted more comfortably in the spot where she was. Which, currently, she had no clue where the hell she was. It felt kind of lumpy and when she moved, her skin stuck to the surface.

It wasn't until another prod did she finally give in and open her eyes, momentarily confused by her surroundings and the looping title screen of a horror flick on the television. A much, much larger television than she had been used to at home.

"Welcome back, Emma." That husky voice sounding from beside her had Emma alert and awake in no time.

Crap, that was Regina.

Then she finally remembered where the hell she had been and that none of what had happened was part of a dream. This was real, and very much so. She turned to look groggily at the source of noise to be met with an equally as tired brunette.
"I could say the same for you," she mumbled tiredly, a yawn soon breaking from her throat. "You were out for most of the movie."

"I do apologize, dear. I hadn't slept well."

"I kinda got that." Emma smiled. "Did you nap well, though?"

"I slept like a baby." Regina beamed, folding her hands onto her lap. "And I must thank you for that."

"Must you? You were so... adorable," she whispered the last word before it had completely died on her tongue. "I mean, you just cuddled me... well, after you nailed me with your elbow. Have you ever noticed how goddamn bony that thing is?"

That had caused Regina to lift her arm and eye the offending elbow. "Well, I suppose that they are. They make for a great weapon?"

"Yeah, but not to your cuddle buddy." Emma hesitantly reached over to grab the older woman's arm and poke at her joint.

"Cuddle buddy?" The brunette blinked, her chocolate orbs on Emma's actions as she proceeded to prod at her elbow, for what she thought was really no good reason.

The blonde had nodded at the question, ceasing her movements only to wrap her arms around Regina's own. "Yes. You literally cuddled me in your sleep. I'm not sure what position you woke up in, but you had turned around and wrapped your arms around my waist. And just... snuggled."

The new information had Regina staring at the blonde, her body slightly rigid. "Well..." then a rosy blush bloomed vividly onto her cheeks.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed. I liked it." Emma reassured, the cheesiest smile on her pale lips. "Although, I've never been much of an affectionate person."

"I'll try not to-"

"But... I like the cuddly Regina." Emma whispered softly. "You didn't let me finish. I'm not much of an affectionate person, but I wouldn't protest to it if given to me... by you, at least." The blonde offered a sheepish smile before finally releasing the English teacher's arm, then tried to scoot even closer against the brunette. "I don't know what it is, but whenever I'm with you, I feel... at peace."

"You do?" Regina's arm slowly found its way around the blonde's waist, the warmest of smiles molding her lips.

Emma only nodded as she leaned into the older woman's arms, one of her own awkwardly wrapping around her abdomen. With Regina, everything always felt so different. She actually wanted to be touched by her, albeit it was quite strange and foreign, but it felt as if she were floating on a celestial cloud whenever she was around this woman.

These feelings that she had for Regina were far from the juvenile crush that it all had originated with. They had developed into something far more advanced than what Emma thought she could even handle because her heart felt small, and way too small to harbor all the love that she should be able to offer the brunette.

Whatever was happening between the two would just not be fair for Regina, because Emma felt as if she couldn't give her all of what she deserved. The blonde had received very little love within her lifetime and had given out even less. It was a strange concept to love someone. She never knew what it was supposed to feel like- and if these feelings that she did have for the brunette were just that... Boy, was she just terrified.

"Emma, honey, it's almost nine-thirty. Do you know when you have to be back?" Regina's husky voice broke the silence, which had been so very comfortable for Emma since she was easily lost in thought. Did she really hope that the brunette hadn't gotten bored as her mind wandered aimlessly.

"Mary Margaret usually prefers it if I were home before ten. So, I suppose I should get going..." Emma frowned.

"I'll take you back, dear." Regina stated, pulling Emma close against her side and the blonde had assumed this was a hug, for she squeezed right back.

"Thank you, Regina, but I don't want to inconvenience you." And there was that ever modest Emma shining through.

The brunette quirked a brow and eyed her wryly before standing up with Emma still attached to her hip. "I'm taking you home and that's final, Emma. I do not want you to walk around on the streets alone at this time of night. It can be quite dangerous, even if this is a small town. Bad things can still happen. The sheriff is your father, correct? He should know."

"I know..." Emma mock pouted. "I'll go with you, Ms. Mills."

Both of her eyebrows rose this time in perfectly manicured arches. "I thought you've taken habit of addressing me by my first name, Ms. Swan." Although her voice was monotonous, the amused smile on her face had given away her perspective. Emma smirked.

"Well, you are my teacher after all."

"Don't remind me." Regina mumbled, flicking a blonde lock away from Emma's face. "I'd really rather not think about such details for a while."

"I'm... sorry. I..."

Emma frowned, her brows knitted together. She hadn't realized that Regina didn't like that thought, and it was going to be quite a strange thing, considering that Emma had her class. Every day would be a reminder to the two of them that they were in a forbidden relationship. That they were a teacher and a student.

Although, the thought did thrill Emma to a certain extent. She entertained the fact that she was dating her teacher. She was able to see behind the usual professional mask and know more about the teacher than anyone else would ever dream. The blonde was able to see Regina in the more intimate moments that no one else would ever experience. It was a thrilling thought, and when she sat in the back of the English instructor's classroom, she felt so special for once in her life. She felt so special that the Ms. Mills had chosen her.

"It's fine, dear. We have to face the harsh reality of it some time." Her voice had now taken a solemn tone and the usual joyful spark in those whisky orbs had died.

"I wish we could live obliviously and not have to worry." Emma nibbled on her lower lip. The two of them had started moving towards the front door now and it wasn't until they had reached the Mercedes did Emma realize she had left her bag in the car. "But then that would mean that everyone else would have to be blind, too."

"Indeed it does, my dear." Regina sighed as she slid into the driver's seat of the vehicle. She then proceeded to fasten her seat belt and start up the Mercedes before pulling out of the driveway and onto the paved street.

"Do you regret it?" The blonde finally asked after a few moments of silence.

"Regret what?"

"Liking me." The blonde said quietly. "I know it's been like, what, one day? Well, since we confessed to each other... But... What I mean is that do you regret liking me because you could be liking someone else that wouldn't be so off limits to you? You could be liking someone that you could go on real dates with to real places instead of having to hide. You could actually have a chance if... I don't want to take your happiness away by forcing you to conceal your feelings so the outside world wouldn't know of them."

"Emma, please..." The brunette's words were nearly caught in her throat.

She didn't know where that came from. Emma seriously should never speak again. Her words were nothing but a lovely mix of verbal diarrhea and a foot that just would not stop coming out, no matter how hard she had willed it to stay in. It was inevitable.

"No," Regina finally said again, finding new strength in her voice. "I do not regret liking you. I will never regret it. For the kindness and consideration that you have given me throughout these months and the patience that you have... Everything that you've given me is special and I would not take back a single moment, even if it meant that I would be able to have a public relationship." The older woman glanced over to Emma, tears in her dark eyes. "I don't care about the harsh details of what we have here. But what I do know is that I will never regret a single moment spent with you."

Now, Emma usually never got emotional- especially over such simple words- but here she was now with tears streaking down her cheeks. And it was right then, in that moment that Emma knew what love had felt like. It was quite strange to say that, and perhaps it wasn't a romantic love that she was feeling, but the feelings and emotions welling up inside of the blonde were just too much to handle. So the excess seemed to have decided to escape through her eyes.

What a bother.

It wasn't until they had pulled over at the side of the road in front of the Nolan's apartment building did Emma lean over and do that very thing that she so rarely expressed. She hugged Regina as tightly as she could, raw emotion falling at a rapid pace down her cheeks. When she felt arms take her petite form into them, a sob had wracked her body, sending it into minor convulsions.

"Oh, honey..." she heard a soft whisper above her, but she was unable to talk. Instead, Emma tilted her head up from the spot on Regina's shoulder and moved to kiss the older woman. It was nothing but light and sweet, all but a mere form of gratitude. And, perhaps, it had been more, but Emma didn't want to travel down whatever path that was. Instead, she basked in the moment, enjoying the tiny sparks causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand up and the way that Regina had so tenderly returned the kiss, her plump lips moving slowly against the blonde's pale ones as if she were trying to freeze time.

Emma knew that was something that she very well wanted. She didn't want to pull away, and she showed just that by clutching tighter onto the brunette's arms. But then she was shoved back, not forcefully, but enough to pierce the blonde's heart.

Did she not want this?

Hurt and confused green eyes met with brown, which were quite wide now.

"I saw someone pull back the curtains in your apartment," she quickly explained, pointing to the window on the second floor of the apartment building. Emma followed the finger and squint, noticing the small, shadowing form of Mary Margaret. "You might want to go, dear..."

And for the first time, Emma had noticed that the brunette teacher was breathless. Her words were airy and her chest was slightly heaving in the inky space of the car. The blonde nodded, dumbfounded for the sudden interruption. Everything had gone by so quickly and that kiss had left her dizzy, yet yearning for more.

"It's Mary Margaret. I have to go." The blonde teenager sighed softly and began to unlock the passenger's door. "See you tomorrow?"

"Yes." Regina nodded with a pleasant smile on her face. "Have a good night, Emma."

Emma paused with the door open, her feet planted on the ground as she twisted her body to look at the brunette. "You too, Regina. Goodnight." And with that, she got fully out of the car and closed the door, taking one last glance back before lightly jogging up to the entrance of the apartment building.

Emma heard the roar of the engine as Regina took off by the time the door had shut. It wasn't long before she was up the flight of stairs and turning to knock onto apartment number three's door. Soon enough, Mary Margaret was there with a smile on her face.

"Hey, Emma," she greeted, tugging the blonde inside. "You're cutting it quite close, weren't you?"

"Yeah... Sorry, I sort of lost track of time." She muttered, looking to her feet.

"Did you eat?"


"So, where did you go?" The pixie-haired brunette probed, dragging Emma towards the couch. The blonde, for the most part, tried to cover the bruise on her eye. She had nearly forgotten to do so before her foster mother had opened the door. Of course, it was inevitable to try to hide it because she was quite sure that Mary Margaret or David would soon find out and question about what had happened. That really wasn't somewhere she wanted to go tonight. She didn't want Mary Margaret to fret any and smother her in sympathy.


"Who was that that dropped you off?" She pressed, tilting her head. "That didn't look like Ruby's car."

"That's because it wasn't." Emma hadn't exactly told Mary Margaret where she was going after school, and she had never asked. She more than likely assumed she was hanging out with either Belle or Ruby.

"Whose was it?"

How could she just lie to her foster mother? Really, there were no other excuses and no one else that she liked enough to spend the day with. But, she couldn't tell Mary Margaret that she had just spent the day and ate dinner at her English teacher's house. Right now, Emma was caught between a rock and a hard place. She couldn't lie and say it was Belle, because her mother also knew what the girl's father's car looked like, or van more so.

"Did you make a new friend?"

"No, Mary Margaret. You know I don't like people."

"Well... who was it, then? Was it..." Then she gasped and went wide-eyed. "Did you get a... boyfriend?"

Emma grit her teeth and suppressed an eye roll. For some reason, her foster mother was ever persistent upon her getting a boyfriend. Of course, it was her default assumption seeing as to how Emma had never revealed her preference for girls, but she still wished Mary Margaret would lay off pressuring her about finding a significant other.

"No. If you must know, it was my tutor." And those words were out before she gained control of her mouth. Tutor? Well, she supposed that worked, seeing that Regina was her teacher after all. But, there was one problem and that was...

"But you have good grades?"

"Not in Government class." Emma found herself clarifying, and that was true. She didn't have that great of a grade in that class. "I needed help studying for tests."

"Oh. Who is tutoring you?"

"Ms. Mills," the blonde smoothly answered.

"Isn't she your creative writing teacher?"

"Yes, but she's much better at it than Mr. Glass." Emma shrugged and offered a smile. So far, she was telling the truth although around a white lie. White lie? It didn't hurt Mary Margaret any, really, that she wasn't exactly tutoring with Ms. Mills.

"Oh..." The brunette looked thoughtful. "She must be very nice to help you with that."

"She is. No one else thinks so, though." The blonde wrinkled her nose and sighed softly. "Or at least they think that because her class is challenging to them."

"Why would that class be hard? Aren't you just writing in that class?"

"Pretty much, yeah. I mean, she teaches it perfectly, but I guess they don't like the way she grades assignments. People say no one gets anything higher than a B in her class." Thinking back on it now from the beginning of the school year and how she had been warned the very same, Emma thought it was quite silly. She had been scared of stepping into Ms. Mills' classroom, but she was certainly glad that she hadn't skipped that class, because by staying, she had discovered that that was the best thing that has ever happened to her.

"But you have an A in that class?"
"Exactly. The rumors must have just been started by a couple of students that didn't like her. I mean... I can see how they would want to hurt her reputation." Emma nibbled on her lower lip, going back to the previous day when the boys had been reprimanded by Ms. Mills, resulting in their repulsive insults.

"I suppose that's true. As a teacher, it's hard to get all of the children to like you because there's always that one bad apple." Mary Margaret eyed Emma suspiciously, but soon shrugged and smiled.

"Right..." The blonde nodded, fiddling with the strap on her book bag.

"Are you going to see her again?" The brunette's question threw Emma off, for she whipped her head around and stared incredulously at her foster mother. It took a few heartbeats for her to register what Mary Margaret had asked and veer away from the lingering thoughts about their date, because surely the pixie-haired woman didn't know?

"Wh-what?" The blonde finally managed to stammer, green eyes blinking rapidly.

"Are you going to see-..." Then she cut the repeated question off, her mouth forming an O as she stared at her daughter's face. A hand slowly rose, hovering close to Emma's left cheek.

Then the blonde froze in her spot, trying not to react to the hand so close to her still tender flesh. The pain medication that Regina had given her wore off and her eye began to throb once again. It seemed to have gotten worse when her foster mother decided to hover her hand over the bruise with a finger lightly gracing over the purple flesh.

"What happened, Emma?"

"I was really hoping that you wouldn't find out." The blonde sighed softly and turned her head away from the hand.

"You do know that I would have found out eventually, right, Emma?"

"Yes. I know." Emma played with a blonde lock of hair, tugging on it anxiously. Now she really wanted to get away from Mary Margaret's soon-to-be interrogation. She knew that the brunette would question her endlessly until she would spit the answer out because it had happened several times previously. "I was just hoping to stall it... I didn't really want to worry you tonight."

"Why?" Mary Margaret furrowed her brows, her head slightly tilting. "Did... Did she do this to you?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Who hit you?" The brunette asked, leaning forward and giving Emma that stare that she just could not return.

"That kid that I hit yesterday." Emma shrugged and finally returned eye contact with her foster mother. "They got payback after we got out of detention. No one was around."

"Did you tell Mr. Gold about this?"

Emma quickly shook her head, eyes widening incredulously as if that were the most bizarre suggestion that she had ever heard.

"Why not? You should have so they could be properly punished."

"Maybe, but if I did, they'd only make my life a living hell. I know how it goes, Mary Margaret. You may have to use authority over people sometimes, but there's such a thing as too much before they start hitting back... and endlessly if you continue." Emma explained.

She knew that Mary Margaret didn't have a firsthand clue about any of this, and from time to time, the blonde educated her mother about the hardships that she had endured throughout her life. The brunette had been shocked for the most part- since she had grown up in Storybrooke- and said that she just could not fathom why someone would do such a thing. Obviously there were no bullies in her school, either, Emma had thought. She never gave any indicator to that.

The pixie-haired brunette was nodding slowly, trying to process the information that Emma had given her. "But-"

"Don't. Just... don't. I'm not going to do anything to piss them off any further. They'll know if I told anyone- or at least a superior that could get them into trouble. They'll just come after me and this punch to the face was enough pain." She stood up, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. Mary Margaret watched her through narrowed eyes.

"I'm... tired. I think I'm gonna go pass out for the night." Emma mumbled, running her fingers through her honey tendrils. "If you need me, wake me up."

"But you just got home?"
The blonde shrugged and proceeded towards the stairs that led up to her room. "But I'm super exhausted and my face is killing me."

"Alright..." Mary Margaret frowned. "Goodnight, honey."

"'Night... mom." Emma offered her a warm smile before turning around to head back up the stairs, but not before the wide smile that broke out across Mary Margaret's face. The blonde rarely ever referred to the brunette woman as "mom," but when she did, it made the woman absolutely beam and that had made Emma's heart expand in her chest. Usually the blonde was never one for other people's emotions- especially happiness- but upon her arrival to Storybrooke, her perspective had been changed greatly. Perhaps that's what it meant to have real friends and family.

Storybrooke was literally a life changing place for Emma Swan. The blonde never thought that she could have such a happy point in her life after living in such a deep, dark hole alone. But the Nolans had helped her out and shown her the light. They showed her the good side of life and what those good things could bring her. And they had brought her so much. They gave her Ruby, Belle, and Graham- all of whom accepted her and liked her for who she really was. The Nolans themselves were such a great gift to the blonde teenager. They showed her such love and compassion that the blonde had never known and had now never wanted to give up.

And then there was Regina Mills. That frustrating brunette teacher was everything that Emma absolutely wanted and needed in her life. She was like the blonde's rock. And she understood everything that she had gone through- to a certain extent of course. But she didn't judge nor sympathize Emma over the darkest points in her life. Instead, she gave Emma comfort when no one else would and the blonde could very much do the same for the older woman.

Everything that had happened between the two was rather remarkable and felt like an absolute dream. But god, did Emma hope that this wasn't a dream. She wished dearly that it was reality because that very frustratingly gorgeous brunette was her girlfriend- however odd that may seem. But she was and Emma would want nothing more than to keep it that way. She was perfectly content at where she was in life and hoped that nothing would go wrong. Although, life did not work like that. Hopefully whatever thing that would be amiss wouldn't hurt her too badly. She'd been wounded enough and the mental scars seemed so very fresh.


It was finally Friday, Emma thought as she entered Storybrooke High, and it was her birthday tomorrow. Her eighteenth birthday. The blonde never thought the day would come. She had dreamed about it since she was a young girl, because that day would mean that she was an adult- legally, that was. That meant that she could get the hell away from any foster family that she would have been staying with at the time. The desire to turn eighteen had grown throughout her voyage between foster homes and the stay with abusive or neglecting parents. That was, until she met the Nolans. Of course, by then, she was already nearing the age of eighteen by being towards the end of her fifteenth year. But as she had gotten to know and fall in love with the young couple, her desire to turn into a legal adult had wavered until it dissipated into thin air.

And, unfortunately, she was turning eighteen tomorrow, which meant she was going to become an adult. But, really, that had meant nothing. She would be staying with the Nolans until she graduated high school- which would be about five months from now. And after she did graduate, she would be leaving for college and leaving behind her friends and family.

And Regina.

She really didn't want to have to leave anyone behind. Of course, the drive to Storybrooke wasn't an agonizingly long trip, but it was still far enough. She hadn't necessarily discussed any college plans with Ms. Mills lately, and since now that they were pretty much dating, she really needed to. But really, there were no promises that the two of them would stay together and still be together when she did graduate.

Something inside of Emma, though, told her that they would still be together- and perhaps for a time much long after. Their relationship was already strong and the feelings that Emma didn't exactly express were whirling like a goddamn tornado inside of her. She was also quite certain that Regina felt the same- but she wasn't going to put any money on that.

All those thoughts and feelings were for something further down the road and should be addressed later, because right now, they scared Emma. She really wasn't ready for any of that right now. It was too damn early- in more ways than just one.

Shoving those thoughts aside for later, Emma took her seat next to Killian in Mr. Booth's class. She brought out her needed notebook and a mechanical pencil, tapping it to a beat that didn't exist. Class didn't start until another few minutes, so naturally, that meant he would start talking to her like he always did. And it was just her luck that he was going to point out the bruise by her left eye. He had been gone for the past week and luckily hadn't been here to see nor inquire Emma about the bruise. Unfortunately, he had noticed straightaway and, of course, had to question it.

"What happened there?" His voice broke the silence in the room.

At least barely anyone was in there. Stupid people always waited until the last minute before arriving to class. She never understood why, but then again, they probably had friends to talk to. Belle was usually in her class by now, as well, because she liked to get assignments done or studying in before school started. Wise girl, Emma thought. She usually did the same from time to time.

"None of your business." Emma mumbled her reply, making the tapping more furious.

Killian mock pouted. "Why? It can't be that bad."

"Just drop it."


"Because I said so. Now just leave it alone."

"Fine." The brunet boy crossed his arms, but not before petulantly sticking his tongue out at the blonde.

"Oh, how mature." Emma rolled her eyes.

"I heard you beat a kid up." He smirked. "Last Wednesday. Is that who punched you?"

"Didn't I tell you to drop it?"

"And it was in Ms. Mills' room?" He completely ignored her. "I didn't catch the full story, but I heard you popped him one on the jaw for talking shit about the teacher."

"Where the hell did you even hear that from?"

"One of my friends, William, is in that class. He told me."

"What exactly did he say?" Emma gritted her teeth. "Did he even know why?"

"I don't really think many people did. He said he sat in the front, but he saw you glaring over at Jefferson and Victor." So that's what their names were. "Then you screamed at them after Ms. Mills went back to her desk. He said you punched Jefferson after he said something when Ms. Mills tried to stop you."

"Oh," was all she replied, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts.

"Why'd you do it, anyways?" Killian asked, his head tilting.

"Why the hell do you want to know?" Emma snapped, dropping her pencil onto the paper. "There must have been a good reason for it. I've heard people say really cruel shit to you, but you just walk away. So he must have done something to really piss you off and act like that."

"That's exactly what Belle had said, pretty much." Emma murmured, trying her best to avoid the question. "And I have a valid reason that I don't want to tell you. So... Like... fuck off or something and leave it alone."

"Fine. I'll just ask Jefferson or Victor. I'm sure they'll tell me."

Then panic shot through Emma in that moment and she sat bolt upright in her seat. Oh, god, he better not ask and they better not tell. Because if he did and they did, she was totally screwed. Killian would know of her crush because she was quite certain that those boys would emphasize the fact that she had been defending Regina and insinuate that there was something between the two, or at least something unrequited.

She had two options. She would either have to kill Killian, or she would have to keep quiet and hope that he was only kidding when he said he would ask the two jerks. For now, Emma decided to choose the latter option. Perhaps he wouldn't ask them, and if he did, he might come to Emma and confront her about it.

"Go ahead. I don't care. They'll probably just lie or something anyways to make themselves look good." Emma shrugged nonchalantly, trying to keep her composure cool as she relaxed back into her seat.

"Whatever." Was his response which had earned an eye roll from the blonde.
It wasn't too long after did the bell ring and school start. The entirety of the first period class was rather quiet with a few notes and worktime for a piece of writing that they needed to get done. That left Emma to her thoughts, although she had tried so desperately not to think of the outcome if Killian so happen to ask either Jefferson or Victor about the little fight. The blonde desperately concentrated on her paper, ignoring the sideways glances from Killian and the occasional stare at her face from her classmates. The period couldn't end fast enough for her, for she was out of there by the end of the bell and on her way to math.

The rest of the day from there was rather mundane. The pest of her life didn't bother to speak to her during either of the classes that they had together- although in gym class they were separated for the most part, in which she thanked whatever the hell that that had happened. No doubt he would continue to pester her about it, because she was quite sure he wasn't buddy-buddy with the two boys. And the reminding thought of the two boys made her stomach do flips because next period she would be in the same class with them. For a full fifty-five minutes.

So for all of her gym class, she had worrying thoughts and a churning stomach about going to her creative writing class, which had ultimately caused her to receive one hell of a stomach ache. That hadn't fared well with the physical activity that she had to do and she nearly vomited on the track. Suffice to say, Mr. Holt had sent her to the girls' locker room to sit out for the remainder of the period.

Of course, leaving Emma alone with her thoughts had only made the nausea worse- but at least she hadn't vomited. Although, she wished that she had because she would have an excuse to go home and skip fourth period.

By the time she reached her fourth period class, she was on edge with clammy palms and shaking limbs. She was nothing but a bundle of anxious nerves, and seeing the two culprits sitting in the seats next to her own. Swallowing thickly, the blonde took her seat, trying to inch the desk and chair closer to the teacher's. It was just her luck that Ms. Mills had been watching with raised brows and a questioning stare.

"Did you make a new seating chart?" Emma whispered low enough for only Regina to hear. "I really don't want..."

"Yes, dear. I'll have it up on the smartboard in a moment." Then she pushed her office chair away from the desk to stand, a small remote suddenly appearing in her hand.

"Thanks..." The blonde quietly muttered, offering a sweet smile to the brunette who, in return, gave her a warm grin that had just completely melted Emma's heart. What a way to be so goddamn mushy, she thought. God, she really wanted to touch Regina right now. The woman was a walking piece of art and that wonderful look that she gave Emma made her want to squeeze and kiss the hell out of her. Too bad that they were in class right now.

"Of course, honey." Ms. Mills arm started to reach out towards the blonde, but stopped herself and pulled it back after realizing where they were. Emma bit her lower lip, giving her a look that she understood before the brunette turned to head towards the front of the room with a smile brightening her muddy irises.

Ms. Mills leaned against the podium at the front of the classroom as students filed in, a mere minute before the bell. It wasn't until after the ring had sounded and all of the students took their regular seats did the brunette teacher announce that they had new seating charts. There was a collective groan, but they all stood up and obliged as she turned the electric board on to reveal the chart. Each student silently took their new seats, except for Emma who had been suspiciously placed in the same seat next to her teacher's desk. Hopefully no one necessarily noticed, or if they had, they didn't care enough to say anything.
Emma was happy as well, for more reasons than just one. Jefferson and Victor were placed far from away from her, more specifically, across the room. And she was still sitting next to Regina, which had her quite happy because the older woman's spicy perfume had a sort of calming effect on her. It was rather nice and it soothed her frazzled nerves.

Far too soon, the class was over and everyone was filing out of the room like they always had. Emma stayed quietly in her seat, waiting for the last of the group to leave before bringing her chair over to her regular spot.

But much to her disdain, a student had stay, and that student was none other than Victor Whale. He was talking with Ms. Mills, but Emma couldn't quite get what he was saying. The brunette's facial expression was blank, but the teenager's was an open book. There was anger in his eyes, but a friendly smile on his face. She assumed he had asked about the homework from the past week since the two of them hadn't been there. Emma hadn't questioned it. She hadn't really cared. They were more than likely banned from the room (or at least that was a thought that the blonde enjoyed entertaining) and that was the reason Regina hadn't made the seating chart until today. Whatever the reason, she didn't really care.

Regina handed the blond haired boy a small stack of papers before seeing him out and heading over to her desk. Emma looked up at her, irritation clearly evident on the brunette's features which had ultimately made the blonde angry.

"What was that about?"

"He was getting the missing assignments for Jefferson and himself." The teacher sighed and heavily sat in her chair. "I can tell that he hates me. I can see it in his eyes."

"Hey, don't worry about him, Regina..." Emma frowned, taking a chance as she reached out and gently took the brunette's hand in her own. She gave it a reassuring squeeze. "He's not worth the time nor effort. If it weren't frowned upon, I'd say fail his ass."

"Oh, don't worry, dear. He's already doing that for himself." Regina softly muttered, gratefully returning the squeeze. There was soon a deep breath as she relaxed and let a smile float across her lips. "Thank you, Emma."

"It's really nothing." Emma tentatively reached up with her free hand and grazed a finger over the curve of her teacher's lips. "Your smile is really beautiful; do you know that?"

Emma heard Regina inhale sharply, then suddenly she grabbed the blonde's wrist and held it above her mouth. She lightly pressed her lips against the soft skin, trailing them up to give the pad of Emma's fingers a kiss each. The blonde shivered, her teeth grinding almost painfully into her lower lip.

"I want to take you out."

"What?" Emma blinked at the brunette. The statement was so sudden and so out of context, she didn't know what the hell Regina was talking about.

"I want to take you out." She repeated simply. "To Boston. For your birthday. I want to buy you dinner... and at a restaurant. Boston is the safest place."

"Dinner in... Boston?" The blonde's eyes widened, those words dizzying her. Regina wanted to take her on an actual date to an actual restaurant?

"Yes. Tomorrow night. I mean... if you want to come and if you can."

"I..." Emma squeezed Regina's hand quite tightly, earning a faint squeak from the brunette. "I'll have to... I'll have to check with Mary Margaret."
Her mind was scrambled with indeterminate thoughts and her mouth was just as bad. She felt as if she couldn't even form a coherent sentence right now. Was this really happening? The statement had Emma falling off Rainbow Road.

"Please, do. I'd... I'd really like to thank you properly and since it is your eighteenth birthday..."

"That sounds so fucked up... I mean... with our ages... and I'm... and holy fuck."

Thank you very much, brain, for the vulgar amount of verbal diarrhea.

Regina was staring at her with big, brown eyes. "I'm sorry..." she finally muttered.

"N-no, no... don't be. I'm just... holy crap, you're going to take me on a date. To Boston. That's, like, the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me. You're incredible and I could just kiss you." And so she did. Emma surged forward and planted one right on Regina's awaiting lips, bringing the brunette to a halt before she could say anything more. Even though she had been caught off guard, the brunette was already kissing Emma back, her fingers lacing with the blonde's.

Unfortunately, they both had realized where the hell they were and what exactly they were doing, for they quickly pulled away from each other with flushed cheeks.

"Sorry... I just couldn't help myself."

"It's quite alright, dear." The brunette breathed, the widest and whitest smile on her lips. Then she began to chuckle, and it was rich and melodic. Emma dubbed it as the sweetest sound that she had ever heard, and she rarely ever favored a specific sound, so that was saying something.


"You've seemed to have donned a lovely shade of red on your lips, my dear."

"O-oh..." Emma blushed, her tongue subconsciously coming out to lick at her lips.

Regina couldn't help but to chuckle once again before handing over a tissue from her desk. "Here."

"Thanks," she mumbled and gratefully took the tissue to wipe up the borrowed lipstick. "So, uh, Regina?"

"Yes, Emma?" The brunette smiled. It was still quite odd, for the both of them- for Emma- to call her teacher by her first name. But, it also felt so very normal, as if she had addressed her by that from the start. Everything about their relationship, lest it be romantic or not, felt so very familiar and right that it was just plain scary. They rode with the flow, not questioning anything of that ilk. It was for the best not to dwell nor worry, anyways.

"Ready to eat?" she smiled cutely and pulled out the paper bag from her backpack with her free hand, for the other one was still laced with Regina's. She didn't mind. Honestly, she quite enjoyed the feeling of the older woman's hand in her own. No wonder why couples held hands all the time. It made them feel much closer and intimate with one another.

"Yes! I am quite famished." The brunette smiled, brown eyes watching as Emma pulled out two containers. She quickly passed one to Regina and kept the second for herself.

"I dunno what it is today. She never tells me." Emma muttered, mostly to herself, as she opened her to-go box, revealing a tinfoil wrapped something in there. She blinked and picked the food product, suspecting that it was grilled cheese. And she was proven right upon unwrapping the sandwich. "Mm, my favorite."

"You do quite enjoy grilled cheese sandwiches, don't you, dear?" Regina purred, taking a bite of her own already unwrapped sandwich. "They are delicious, but I much prefer pasta."

"Pasta?" Emma quirked a brow, hungrily wolfing down her meal. "You like pasta?"

"Yes. Is it a shame to like pasta?"

"I wouldn't think you would." The blonde teased, a sparkle in her emerald eyes.

"And why is that?"

"Don't they have a lot of carbs or something? Starch? All that unhealthy stuff?"

Regina stared at her. And then continued to do so without a word.

Until she spoke one word, stretching it out by its vowels. "Really."


"I am not some sort of health nut, Emma. I really, honestly do not give a damn what I eat."

That took Emma by surprise. But then again, the more she thought about it, it did make sense. She hadn't seen the older woman eat anything particularly healthy besides those salads, which were long gone.

"Holy shit... You're my new hero."

"I'm your new... hero? Pardon?" Regina paused her motions to take another bite from the sandwich.

"You have the perfect body and yet you eat anything you want. I mean, yeah, I do that, too... But, seriously. I usually run, though." Emma nodded slowly before finishing off her grilled cheese with a large bite.

"I take jogs in the mornings and sometimes the evenings." The brunette shrugged. "Or walk around town for a while during the spring and summer. I do try to keep in shape, dear."

"You still look perfect." Emma grinned. "And your ass."

"Pardon?" The teacher's eyes widened.

"N-nothing. Went too far. Do not mind me at all." Emma mumbled, shoving the ball-shaped tinfoil into her mouth.
"What the hell are you doing?"

"Nuffin'" she mumbled around the ball in her mouth. "I jus' shoul'n'talk."

"You just complimented my ass, didn't you?"


"Hm..." The brunette smirked. "Please do not feel inclined to write an entire story about my ass as you did about my lips, dear."

"Water yew talkn' 'bout?" Emma plucked the tinfoil from her mouth, a blush quite evident on her cheeks. "That could have been about anyone."

"Tell me, who else has 'perfect, red and delicious lips that taste like apples and caramel coffee?'"

"Shut up... and that was only one scene in that story. It was a character."

"Ah, so the blonde and the brunette aren't us?"


They totally were.

She really should have been far more careful when writing. Sure, she had turned this in today as an assignment and had written it after they kissed in the car, so it hadn't been like she was still crushing on her teacher and had turned it in dumbly as if she were trying to pretend it not to be them. She wasn't that stupid.

"Whatever you say, dear." Regina's lip curled up slightly to reveal perfect, pearly white teeth. "I did quite enjoy your story, though, dear."

"Good. I wrote it for you." Then she winked and leaned back in her chair, accidentally tugging at their hands which were still linked together.

"You're sly, Emma, I must give you that." Playfully, the brunette tossed her crumpled up tinfoil at Emma, hitting her directly on her bruised cheek. The blonde winced, hissing in a breath when a sharp pain radiated from her cheek.

"Fuck! I'm sorry, Emma. I didn't mean to aim so high!" Regina looked absolutely panicked as she leaned forward, fretting over the injury on Emma's cheek. Her lips ghosted over the bruised flesh, lightly pressing every so often to give Emma's cheek a peck. "I didn't hurt you too bad, did I, dear?"

When she pulled away to stare into the blonde's green eyes, Emma's heart dropped. She looked so worried, it just broke her heart. She looked scared, as if Emma would hate her for such a simple mistake.

"I-I'm fine, Regina. Please... don't worry about it." The blonde leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on her teacher's cheek. "It doesn't hurt. Okay?" That wasn't a total lie. Of course, it hurt like one hell of a bitch when she was first struck with the pointy tinfoil, but after those sweet little kisses, it felt so much better. Regina was such a goddamn sweet woman and Emma just could not believe that she was ridiculed and insulted as a bitch. If only they could see the true woman for who she really was.

The brunette reluctantly nodded. "If you say so. I-I really didn't mean to-"

"Don't worry about it, Regina. Things happen." Emma closed her eyes and wrapped her free arm tightly around the older woman's small frame. "I still like you, and even more so now than ever. Throw away your dead horse beating stick."



"Stupid bell!" Emma cursed, glaring at the door. Of course it had to interrupt them and of course these stupid classes had to end. There was just not enough time in one period- or lunch for that matter- to do anything.

"Sweetheart, you might want to get going." Regina straightened out, her fingers slowly unlacing themselves from Emma's. "I will see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah..." Emma frowned to herself, already missing the warmth of the brunette's hand. But she reluctantly stood and gathered her items to leave for her next class. "Please, have a good day and don't worry about anything. You're still number one, yeah?" she grinned sheepishly at her last words. "And I'll let you know about tomorrow... somehow."

"Would you like me to give you my number, dear?" Regina had found a black ballpoint pen and one of the pass booklets where she had immediately begun to write down a number before ripping it from the pad to hand to the blonde. "Here, Emma. Text me or call me after school, alright?"

"Yeah," Emma smiled and took the paper, holding it close to her. "I will. And I'll let you know."

"Thank you." The brunette beamed. "I'll talk to you later then, yes?"


"Have a good day, Emma."

"You, too, Regina!" And then Emma was out of there, floating down the halls on a cloud. Good god, she just acquired the English teacher's cell phone number. And they were supposed to go on a date tomorrow night- of course, if Mary Margaret would let her after making up a valid excuse. She might have to have Ruby cover for her somehow.


She never told her friends about what was going on between she and Regina, and she had never planned on telling them. Oh god, what was she going to do? She was absolutely screwed out of an excuse to tell Mary Margaret without revealing to someone that she was going to go on a date with Regina.

Emma groaned with frustration, slamming the door to her government room against the wall accidentally. She needed to figure out what to do, but for now, she needed to clear her mind and focus on class. She was already nearly failing this class, so she couldn't necessarily afford to space out today. Focus. Government. Politics.

Regina. Boston. Date.

This was going to be a long period.

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