Congratulations (A Sleeping w...

By 13twistedsmiles

356K 8.9K 2.5K

Memories from earlier this year flashed into my mind. My mom screaming at me from the ground and me in the tr... More

Congratulations (A Sleeping with Sirens/Pierce the Veil fanfic)
The Media
Twenty-one at Seventeen
A Day in Town
Sleepless in Seattle
Blood Stained Sheets
Caskets and Rainy Days
Just Cold
Calls To Family
I Don't Care
Turtles Can Kiss!
BBMF (Best Band Member Friends)
Between The Buses
On The Road Again
The Last Straw
A Ghost In The Wall
Last Breath
Whatever It Is
I Said I'd Never Let You Go
The Gift
The Party
Home Sweet Home


7.3K 179 46
By 13twistedsmiles

**this chapter is dedicated to you_mad_hoe because well... they are being amazing and commenting and voting and encouraging me to write more. Thanks!! and i hope you like this chapter!**

~Kellin's POV

"Hey Jamie!" I smile greeting the teenager as he walks up to me.

"Hey Quinn," he grins.

I start off to the car, him following closely. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and ignore it.

"Where do ya wanna go eat?" Katelynn asks as we get into the car.

"I don't care, you pick," I say shrugging.

She starts the car, the low rumble of the motor barely noticeable because of Of Mice and Men. I watch out the window awkwardly listening to Second and Sebring.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Katelynn glances at me.

"Nothing," I lie. Something was wrong, something didn't feel right.

I remember the my phone ringing earlier, so I pull my phone out. I see Rozz had tried to call, and my stomach instantly drops.

"Katelynn, something is wrong," I whisper as I dial my voicemail.

"Is it Rozz? Is she okay?!" I hear Jamie ask.

I enter my password and wait for the message to play.

"Kell... I just got a call, and I'm really scared. I think someone is going to try to break in. Kellin this may be the last time I get to talk to you," Rozz calmly says, but the fear was evident in her voice.

"Turn around, go home NOW!" I demand, and I feel tears appearing in the corners of my eyes.

"Kellin what's going on?" My wife asks, and I feel my hand throbbing, begging for me to punch something.

"It's Rozz, she sounded terrified. We have to get home now," I say trying to push away my own fear.

I feel the car do a complete U-turn in the road, and she speeds up. Jamie sits in the back crying quietly, while I sit in the front sobbing loudly and hating myself.

"It's all my fault! I shouldn't have left her alone!" I finally scream out, putting my head in my hands.

"Quinn its not your fault," Jamie says through tears behind me.

I see my house coming closer, and I unbuckle my seatbelt. Then I see the tire tracks. They showed someone had left, and in a hurry too.

Katelynn pulls up to the house slowly, and I jump out. I unlock the door, and run up the stairs to Rozz's room.

I look down, and my knees give out on me. A small, fresh puddle of blood sat just inches from my foot.

"Rozz?" I call out, even though I know she wont answer.

"Kellin? Is she up there?" Katelynn calls out.

"Katelynn, call the police," I say just loud enough for her to hear me.

I hear Jamie running up the stairs, and I pick myself up off the ground. I walk over to the wall, and brace myself against it.

"Im too late! If only I would have answered the God damn call!" I scream out, and punch the wall with everything I have.

I feel someone rub my back, and I take a deep breath trying to calm down.

"I called the police. I think you should call the band, and Pierce the Veil," Katelynn says quietly in my ear.

I grab my phone and dial Justin's number.

"Aye oh," he says, and I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Justin, she gone...." I choke out.


"Tell the rest of the band please?"

"Sure thing Quinn. I'll be over in a bit too," he says and I try to force a smile on my face.

"Thank you."

The line goes dead, and I start looking for Tony's number.

"Tony.... are you with the rest of the band?" I ask him once I hear him pick up.

"Umm yeah... want me to put it on speaker?" he asks, clearly confused and worried.

"Hey Kell," I hear Vic say.

"Guys... She gone. There is blood on her floor. I'm scared..." I tell them.

The line stays silent for a minute, then I hear Sniffling.

"We are coming down there... now," Mike finally says for everyone.

"Thank you guys."

I end the call not knowing how much longer I could deal with talking. My hand throbs, and I feel tears rolling on to my neck.

"The police are here Kell," Katelynn says softly, as she places her hand on my shoulder.

I allow her to pull me downstairs to couch.

"Daddy, where Ozz?" Copeland asks as she climbs up into my lap.

"She will be back," I tell her, trying to hide my feelings.

~Tony's POV

"Tony, bro, are you okay," Mike asks from outside of the bathroom.

"We have to go catch a plane," Jaime tells me.

I stare at the pistol laying on the floor in front of me. I reach out and grab it, and slowly pull it up into my hand.

"Tony?" Vic calls.

I sit the gun down and quickly write a short note.

Dear PTV,

I'm sorry but I had to do this. Don't ever blame yourselves for this. I love you guys dearly, and you guys have given me some of the best years in my life. Tell the fans I love them too... I'm sorry.


I pick the gun up again, and pull it up to my temple. I hear someone kick the door open, and I close my eyes tightly. I put my finger onto the trigger and get ready to end it.

"Tony! No!" I hear someone scream, and then an arm wraps around me.

I out the pistol back on the ground, and open my eyes. Tears filled my eyes as I saw everyone around me.

"Please dont.... ever..." Vic says from behind me.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper, and Jaime sticks out his hand to help me up.

I take it, and force a smile on to my face.

"Now let's go," Mike says, leading us out of the bathroom, and out to the van.

~Vic's POV

Kellin's house comes into view, and I sigh. Normally I would love coming here, but not today.

"Almost there," Mike tells us.

My wrists burn like they always do when I'm upset. They are begging me to take a blade to them, and honestly I want to more than ever.

We park next to the other five cars, and walk into our friend's house.

Everyone was in the living room talking to the police.

"Well who could it have been?" The women police officer asks.

"I don't know..." Kellin says, and I can tell he had been crying.

"Her mom," I say before I realize what I said.

Everyone turns to face me, and I walk over to them.

"And why do you think that?"

"They're been having issues with her mom, and well from what I've heard, this is very well something her mom would do," I admit.

"Mr.Bostwick is this true?"


"Is their anyway you could get a hold of her mom?" The police man asks.

"I could try to call," Kellin says as he looks through his phone for the number.

He puts it on speaker phone, and we all listen carefully as the call went to voicemail.

"Any other way?"

"Maybe Rozz's dad?" I suggest.

Kell looks his phone once again and calls another number.

"Kell?" A man's voice says.

"Yes. Sir, would you happen to know where your wife is?" The police man asks.

"Umm. She's on vacation in Dallas... Why?"

"She's a suspect in a kidnapping case. So if you could, please get her to come to the Grand Rapids police station, or call us at this number."

"Ohhhhkay... I don't think my wife would kidnap anyone, but I will tell her," Rozz's answers and ends the call.

The police collect any evidence that was left, then leave us all to deal with our emotions.

Jamie is a complete mess, he is in denial and keeps laughing saying she is going to pop out and admit it was a joke she thought up to surprise him.

Tony wants to kill himself. He really loves her, and this was tearing him to pieces knowing she could be dead.

I want to cut every inch of my body. No, I want to die... I want to die in pain, because I know she was in pain.

Gabe has locked himself in the bathroom to cry.

Justin, Jesse, and Jack are trying hard not to cry, so they are trying to get drunk.

And Mike... Mike is taking this hard. Rozz was like the little sister he always begged our parents for, and now she's gone. I don't think I've ever seen him so quiet, and so out of it.

"Kell, I'm going to the top bathroom. Okay?" I finally say to break the silence.

Kellin nods, and I run up to the bathroom. I close the door, and slide down it until my butt touches the ground.

"Fuentes get yourself together!" I half whisper, half scream as I push my hair back.

"No one is here to catch you now. You could do a few, hide them, and no one would ever know. You know how to get a razor, so get one. Do it! Do what you want to do! Oh come on! Don't be weak!" The voice seems to say in my head.

I crawl over to the sink, and open the bottom cabinet. I find a pack of disposable razors and take out one. I crawl over to the bathtub and lean against it as I take apart the razor with ease.

"I... I can't do it," I whisper, and drop the three blades and the plastic to the floor.

"Yes you can. it's what you want to do," The voice tells me, and I pick up one of the tiny blades.

I press it against my skin, and drag it across, making a decent sized cut across my wrist.

"That... what did I just do?" I ask myself as I watch the blood bead up across the fresh cut.

"Do more!" The voice encourages, and I obey.

I make a few deeper cuts and a few shallow ones before I hear the doorknob turn.

"Crap... Why didn't I lock it," I whisper.

I press my bleeding wrist against my shirt, I kick the plastic to the corner, and cover the blades with my foot.

"Vic?" Mike says softly, and I realize he knew exactly what I had done.

"Yes?" I ask, trying not to lose it.

He locks the door, and walks over to where I am and sits down.

"Why?" He asks, his eyes not leaving mine.

"The voice told me to.... My wrist were burning.... and well it seemed like a good idea," I admit, and pull my arm away from my shirt.

"Does it help?" He catches me off guard.

"For a little bit. Why?" I ask looking over at him.

He moves my foot, and grabs a clean blade. Unable to move, I watch as he brings it up to his skin. He stops, and stares at it for second before I see him press it to his skin.

"No!" I choke out, and slap the razor from my little brothers hand.

"Vic! Let me do it! If you get to, and Tony gets to press a gun to his head, I think I should be allowed to take a razor to my own God damn skin!" He screams at me, and reaches for the blade.

"No! I'm not going to let you get into this!" I say as I grab his arms, and practically throw myself on to him to stop him.

"Fuck off Vic! Go!"

"No! Mike don't do this!" I scream, and kick the other blades across the room.

He pulls out of my grip and grabs the razor between two fingers. I grab it, and I feel it dig into my palm. I jump up and grab the others, and throw the three of them into the toilet.

"No! No!" Mike cries as I hold him back.

"Mike... Look at me. I love you, you are my little brother. I will never let you harm yourself like that. Never. Ever... okay?"

"But Vic..." He starts but I pull him into a tight hug.

"Never.... They don't help for more than a few seconds anyways..." I whisper into his ear, and I feel his arms go up around me.

"Don't do it again... please?" He asks, and I remember this same talk happening when I was a teenager.

"Promise," I smile.



"I miss her already..."

"I do too, Mike... I do too...."


I wrote most of this on the bus ride to and from an FBLA conference... soooo a lot of grammar mistakes I plan on fixing later.

okay, don't kill me! please don't! I know you guys wanted to find out more about Rozz this chapter... well I wanted to write about what was happening in the Bostwick house! So yeah... next chapter is all Rozz though, so get ready!

I love you guys, and thank you for being patient with me and my slow updates. Oh! and gosh I love seeing comments, and the last chapter had quite a few of them! so here's what I want, I want more comments on this chapter than I did on the last. Can you guys do it? Comment what you like, dislike, or think of of this chapter. Or just completely cuss me out for the whole Tony, and Vic deal... that's okay too... I guess......

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