
By druggeddolann

3.7K 73 10

Dolan More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four//run
Chapter five// what happened?
Chapter six// all the more fun
Chapter seven// released
Chapter eight// homecoming
Chapter nine// HOCO continued
Chapter ten// Chase
Chapter eleven// over him?
Chapter twelve// his
Seventeen// wild
Chapter twenty
Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty Six
twenty seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
Please Read

Sixteen/ prom

67 2 0
By druggeddolann

We were prancing around the mall like a bunch of idiots. The thought still lingered: would I see Ethan? Would he remember me?

He probably forgot all about me and his old life here.

I wouldn't blame him to be honest.

"Addison! Chase is calling!" I screech upon seeing his name on my phone. I answered it. "Hey baby. What time are we picking you guys up?" He asked, I smiled while my cheeks heated up, "uh 9:00" Addison piped up. "Okay see you then. Bye girls" he and Toby shouted through the phone. We giggled and hung up.

I turned around and locked someone's eye.


My stomach dropped. I felt as if I couldn't breath. I stopped moving around. I stood stiff staring at him.

"Come on we have to go find shoes!" Addison pulled my arm. I broke eye contact and continued to find shoes.

Why is he here?

"Okay okay chill girl" I laughed a fake laugh. I was freaked out. Why the bloody hell was he here?! Of all places! Here.

"Oh em gee!" Addison pointed at a pair of high heels. They were all black with a small hole for the toes. I smiled at her and shook my head no. I wasn't about to wear high heels. I promised chase and Toby that we would all be wearing matching Yeezy's Weird I know but we've been getting close since Ethan left. Nine months with two guys really brings you together. I let out a small laugh. I'm a dork.

"They're perfect but I have my shoes" I smile while pointing to the box in my hand. She smiled and nodded.

The thought lingered. Did he remember me?

No. He couldn't of he was famous and had all these girls falling at his feet. He had to of forgotten me. He just had to.

We were currently walking up the stairs at Toby's house. They were at chases. We claimed the house because of the marble stairs. It was perfect for the shots we wanted.

I opened snap chat and recorded us cleaning up our hair and putting our shoes on.

Ethan saw my last snap. I smiled. It was of us prancing around.

"Okay the boys are here!" Addison jumped around in place. We were going to their prom for the first half and then going to mine for the last half. I was pretty excited. I always wanted to know why people freaked out at this time of year.

"Girls!" Eli walked in with his hand covering his eyes. "We're decent" I laugh. "Good okay well they are here and waiting. Let's go" he motioned to the door. I grabbed my black clutch and headed out. "Addison you ready?" I asked excited. She smiled and nodded. "Lets do this!" She said with a bright smile.

All I could think about was Ethan. I felt like I wasn't in my own skin.

"Hey you look hot babe" chase pecked my lips. "You don't look so bad yourself" I raked my eyes over his body. God he was hot.

"Mhm lets go" he hummed.

Would Ethan be at prom?

We were a bit tipsy when it was time to go to my schools prom.

We got into the bed of the truck and rode all the way to my school. Ours was a winter land themed where Addison's was a dark theme.

We sat in the back of the truck screaming the lyrics to Katy Perry's waking up in Vegas.

"AND YOU LOST THE MOTEL KEY!" Me and Addison leaned on to the guys shoulders while they laughed.

"We're here!" Eli shouted from the passenger seat. We all got up in a rush and nearly fell out of the truck. We laughed as we walked into the dance.

I totally forgot about Ethan until now. I saw him. He was hanging around the football team. I rolled my eyes and walked to the drinks. I wanted to get wasted.

After about five shots I walked over to Addison. She was at the picture area of the prom. Waiting for me. I smiled and we all took a group photo. We paid for it and had it be held until we were leaving.

One of the guys that was with Ethan locked eyes with me. He gritted his teeth as if he knew something. "What?!" I say. He wasn't far. He just rolls his eyes. I think his name was Nate.

I rolled mine as well. He was in my school, being a total douche to me for no fucking reason. It pissed me off.

A few spiked drinks and a lot of broken hearted songs later, and I was beyond drunk. It was home coming all over again.

"Whoa!" I shout when Addison nearly falls. I caught her but soon I was falling. Best friends got your back? Well Addison caught me. We did this for a few minutes. "Hey long time no see" Ethan approached me. Addison had walked off to somewhere.

"Yeah. How's the tour?" I asked. So he had remembered me? "You know about the tour?" He asked shocked. He soon smirked. "Don't get to excited. I saw it on Twitter. You've racked up quite the fan base or whatever it's called." I smile. I was giddy. Even more that he was standing here before me.

"Can we go talk somewhere private?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.

This can't happen, my heart told me to go with him. But my mind was screaming at me to go back.

Follow you heart right?

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