The Girl and The Outlaw (An A...

By LindsayBreanne

55.1K 1.3K 209

Lindsay is a 18 year old girl who has left her hometown to live with her brother Jake in L.A California,while... More

Chapter 1: Moving In With Jake!
Chapter 2: The Perverted Roommate...
Chaper 3: A Good Nights sleep, And a Good morning, And a Tattoo?!
Chapter 4: Tattoos and kisses!
Chapter 5: I've seen Sparks Fly!
Chapter 6: Falling For You...
Chapter 7: A Date A Kiss.... Falling In Love?!
Chapter 8: A Date A Kiss.... Falling In Love?! (part two of chapter)
Chapter 9: Another kiss & Another good day in LA!
Chapter 10: It's happening again...
Chapter 11: I Need a drink!
Chapter 12: Stolen Innocence...
Chapter 13: Touring With My Brother and my Boyfriend!
Chapter 14: The End Of Tour, And Meeting The Family!
Chapter 16: The Doctors Office, And The Surprise.
Chapter 17: The Reveal!
Chapter 18: Boy Or Girl?
Chapter 19: The Birth Of A Little Outlaw!
Chapter 20: Going Home With A Baby.
Chapter 21: First Night At Home With The Baby.
Chapter 22: Diaper Changes, Bottles, And Another Baby!
Chapter 23: Weddings & Funerals.
Chapter 24: Saying Goodbye Is Never Easy
Chapter 25: I Said I Loved You And You Hurt Me...
Chapter 26: Getting Revenge, And Making Up.
Chapter 27: Growing Older. (Final Chapter)
Authors note! I started the Sequel!

Chapter 15: Back Home, And Happier Then Ever!

1.5K 41 3
By LindsayBreanne

4 days later Ashley's POV*

Well, me and Lindsay are back in California, My family just Adores her! They told her she could come visit with them anytime, with or without me, I just wish my parents were here to meet her.... But I know they would've loved her almost as much as I do!

"Babe, Can you come here?" Lindsay asked from the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm coming." I answers and got up off the couch and started to walk in the kitchen.

"That's what She said!" Lindsay shouted and I died laughing.

"Hahahaha! Oh my God! I can't believe you said that!!" I said as I walked into the kitchen laughing.

"Haha, I guess your Pervy-ness is rubbing off on me!" she laughed a little.

"Now, what do you need?" I asked once the laughing had subsided.

"I need to know what you want for dinner? Cause I haven't not a clue as to what to cook!" she said resting her hands at her hips looking in the pantry.

"How about....." I said looking through the freezer "A Pizza?" I said and pulled out a froze pizza.

"YESSSS!! I forgot we had that!" she said grabbing the pizza, and then she kissed my cheek "Thank you, baby!" she said as she turned around and bent over to find a pizza pan, I pinched her Cute little Booty.

"Dat Booty, Babe!" I said smiling as she turned around and playfully hit my arm.

"None of that now! Kris is coming over , she'll be here any minute! Can you feed the Dogs for me?" she asked putting the pizza in the oven.

"Yeah, and just so you know when Kris leaves your mine!" I picked her up over my shoulder and she squealed

"PURDY PUT ME DOWN!!" she said laughing and screaming, I put her down and kissed her cheek, then went to feed the dogs.

"And Ashley... I'm not gonna be yours when she leaves... Your Gonna be M.I.N.E!!" she said spelling the word Mine, I laughed.

"Sure..." I said just as I heard a knock at the door, it was Kris.

"Hey, Ashley!" she said smiling.

"Hey, come in! Lindsay's in the kitchen." I said smiling, she walked in and went to the kitchen, and I shut the door and sat on the couch with The dogs.

"HEY!!" I heard Lindsay squeal, oh lord... Then it was quiet 'Wonder what they're talking about...' I though to myself as I turned in the tv.

Lindsay's POV*

"So... How is life with Ashley?" Kris asked smiling at me as we watched the pizzas cook.

"It's good! I really love living with him, you know and uh... Can you watch the pizza for me?" I asked as I stood up from the Chair, remembering something that happened earlier.

"Sure." she said and checked the pizza as I walked to the bathroom, I looked in the medicine cabinet and looked at my Birth control I missed two days.... Uh oh.. I think I know why I was throwing up Earlier... Well, I'll just have to get to the store and buy a pregnancy test in a few days if I still have morning sickness, I walked back into the kitchen after putting my pills back.

"Hey, I think the pizza is done." kris said peeking into the oven, I look in as well.

"Yeah, they are done!" I said and grabbed a oven mitt and pulled out the pizza and set it aside to cool.

"Hey, I'm sorry but I have to go, I just got a text from my family, and I have to go. I'll see ya later!" she hugged me and left for the door.

"Bye, hey I'll walk ya to the door!" I said catching up with her.

"Bye Kris"Ashley said as he stood up and stretched.

"Bye Ashley, behave yourself's" she said walking to her car, I waved and she was gone, I went inside and started to cut the pizza, thinking about if I really am pregnant, am I ready? Is Ashley ready? What will my Brother say? I just know that I really want to eat this pizza and relax, maybe I'm just having a small spell with my Anorexia again...

3 days later*

I'm still have a little morning sickness, and I'm having a strange craving for Dill Pickles..... yeah I need to get a Pregnancy test.

"Ashley I'm running to the store, need anything?" I asked as I grabbed my purse and keys from the counter.

"Yeah, get me some Hello Kitty Fruit Chews! I'm out..." he said shaking the empty box, I laughed.

"Okay, I'll remember that." I said before kissing his lips.

"Love you!" I said walking out of the door.

"Love you too!" he said as he sat in the couch.

1 hour later*

I got my test, Ashley's snacks, and a few other things we needed, I got home put everything up and snuck up to the bathroom to take the test, time to see of I am pregnant.

6 minutes later*

"Ashley Can you come here?" I asked from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah, I'm on my way." he said as he started climbing up the stairs.

"What is it?" he said reaching the bathroom door.

"I think I'm pregnant. It's been almost two weeks and I haven't started my period, and we did have sex without protection before tour ended. I am sorry to just drop this bomb on you but I just didn't know any other way to tell you..." I blurted out looking at the floor with tears in my eyes.

"Really? Well did you take a test?" he asked holding me close to his chest.

"Yes, I just wanted you here so you could look at the test for me... I'm to shake to look.." I said pointing to the test, he walked into the bathroom and picked up the test, he turned it over and smiled... Wait.... Why?

"I have to call the guys and tell them I'm gonna be a daddy!!" he said hugging me gentle and kissing my cheek.

"Well, Ashley.. I think we need to wait and tell everyone at once, it'll be easier... And I don't think y brother would like a phone call from one of the guys saying I'm pregnant... " I said patting his back a d pulling out of the hug.

"Okay, tomorrow we will call everyone over and tell them together!" he kisses my fore head and went to the spare bedroom.

That went a lot better then I though! Well tomorrow we will announce the Good news! I'm so happy, amazing boyfriend, amazing house, amazing dogs, and know I'm pregnant.... Life is good! I'm Happier then ever!

----------------------------------------------------------------(A/N: Hey! Hope you guys liked this chapter!! Sorry it's short! But anyways, comment below if you want to be CC's New Girlfriend in the fan Fic! I have already picked out Jinxx's new GF! :3 later Lovelys!!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------

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