Good Things

By wreckedcabello

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When Clarke Griffin moves from her hometown to a city full of life and adventure far away, she has to rebuild... More

Not a update
32 - Final Chapter
Bad Things.


9.7K 304 234
By wreckedcabello

Clarke's POV-

I woke up in a room I didn't recognise and my head was banging, I looked around and Raven, Octavia, Lincoln and a few other people so I guess we all crashed at Ontari's place.

I walked down stairs and Lexa was stood in the kitchen eating some cereal, I took a deep breathe and walked in the kitchen slowly when my head suddenly banged and I held it groaning.

"You okay Blondey?" She laughed shoving another spoonful of cereal in her mouth,

"No, my head hurts" I sat on the single island and held my hand and she handed me a pill and a glass of water,

"Here take this",

"Thank you" I met her sparkling green eyes and took the pill into my mouth and downed the water,

"You're welcome... Uh I have to go my sisters here" and she just walked away.

As she walked away I got a memory from last night and it's probably the worst one I could have... I told Lexa about Niylah. I've never told anyone about her and I never thought I would but a few drinks and I'm spilling my guts to some girl I've known for barely a week.

"Octavia do you have Lexa's number? It's urgent!" I shake her too wake her up and she just groans and hands me her phone, I put Lexa's number in and I'll wait until I'm home to text her.

My mom picked me up after we all helped Ontari today up a little and she thanked us all for coming and blah blah, I got in the car and my mom looked at me like she was going to burst out laughing or something,

"What?" I laughed leaning against the window,

"You look rough as anything sweetie" She laughed rubbing her hand through my hair,

"Thanks mom, makes me feel a lot better" I looked out the window quietly giggling,

"When you're home get a shower and rest I have work in two hours" She smiles at me and we pull up to the driveway.


Lexa's POV-

I got into Anya's car and she smiled at me and just told me she was proud of me for getting my drink back on.

Anya decided to treat me to a McDonald's because I was starving, I waited in the car and listened to music when I felt my phone vibrate.

Clarke - Hey it's Clarke... I need to ask you about last night I don't remember anything do you?,

Lexa - Yeah you told me you had a thing with a girl and... That's it, you got more drunk and Lincoln carried you into bed that's all,

Clarke - I've never told anyone about my thing with her, please don't say anything?,

Lexa - I already swore I would, I have to go goodbye Clarke.

I looked up to see my sister carrying 3 bags of McDonalds and I could feel the drool slipping out of my mouth.


2weeks later...

I found myself going to gym a lot more and playing football a lot more regular than usual, I started hanging out with my friends a lot more and went to one or two party's.

I was in Art class when this girl I use to be kinda friendly with came and sat next to me, she had dark brown hair and grey eyes and she use to have a thing for me but I never went there.

"Hey Lexa" She sat next to me smiling,

"Hey Costia, what you doing?" I asked sitting up in my seat,

"Everyone's wondering what's going on with you like... Barely anyone sees you anymore your either partying or keeping your body in shape?",

"Nothing... I just like to keep in shape and I party yeah that's the same old me" I opened up my sketch book and began to draw the project,

"You seem a lot different, in a good way I like you like this" She touched my hand and I flinched back I use to be flirty with her that's how she got feelings for me so I stopped,

"Thanks but... It's still not gonna happen Costia" I looked down and began to draw and she just huffed and started to draw.

It was second period and it was finally time to play football, I got changed and began jogging onto the field with my football team, they always ran behind me because I was faster and also because I'm the captain.

"All right team huddle" Mr Blake clapped his hands asking us all to form into a circle,

"Nice too see you again Sir" Echo bit her nail and looked him up and down and the whole team laughed and I just stood there emotionless,

"Yeah yeah... Alright girls play offs in a few weeks so we need to start more practise lessons, I already know Lexa is addicted to working out and she likes to do it solo so the rest of you will need to organise a meeting for when we can train" Everyone laughed and Indra nudged me and I let a tiny smile escape he was right about me.

I began running and throwing the ball back and forth to some girls on my team when I saw Clarke sitting on the stands, she was crying and she was sat by herself.

"Indra! I'll be right back" I shouted and sprinted over to the bottom of the stand she was sitting on.

I slowly walked up the stairs and she was still sat there she hadn't heard me creep up yet, I got closer to her and she still sat there with her head in her hands.

"Clarke?" I was hovering right above her when she looked up and her ocean blue eyes were all glittery from the tears,

"Lexa... Hey" She wiped her tears and avoided looking at me,

"Why are you crying?" I sat next to her and stared into her face even though she wasn't looking at me,

"It's fine I'm fine Lexa go back to your football" She gave me a quick glance and looked over the my team,

"You're not, I am not leaving until you tell me what's wrong with you!" I was getting abit angry but didn't want to scare her so I calmed myself down,

"Okay okay... Finns freaked me out that's it" She gave me a sympathetic look and it caused me to gulp,

"What do you mean",

"He asked me on a date and I said no and he urm" She paused and started rubbing her wrists, "he grabbed me and said nobody rejects him and I tried to run away but he just kept grabbing me until I hit him",

I lifted up the sleeves on her jacket and her arms were red and bruised and I felt sick to my stomach... Anger built up inside of me and I looked at Clarke.

"He's dead" I span around and sprinted down the stairs,

"LEXA!" Clarke came running after me but I was a lot faster than her.

I sprinted through the locker room and into the main school, I heard loads of footsteps behind me Clarke must've told Indra I'm about to kill a bitch.

"Lexa please don't" Clarke grabbed my arm and I just looked at her,

"No Clarke, you can't stop this... I'm not allowing him to harm you" I threw my arm away from her and ran to the maths block I knew he had a lesson here because Lincoln's in his class.

I barged through the door and screamed Finns name and he jumped out of his seat and backed up to the back of the class, everyone sat up straight and turned around to look at Finn shaking.

"So you think you can fucking hit a girl... Clarke? Awe little boy lost his temper because he got rejected! You're nothing but a worthless piece of shit!!" And I punched him full force in the face and he fell to the floor.

"Lexa come on please" Clarke grabbed my arm and dragged me away into the toilets,

"I had to Clarke I'm not letting anyone do that to you especially him" I looked her deep in the eyes and I don't even know why I just did that,

"I know... Thank you Lexa" She pulled me into a hug and she was shaking,

"You're welcome" I wrap my arms around her waist and she stopped shaking and released her arms from around my neck,

"You better bet back to practise" She smiled and I gave her a smile back and walked out of the toilets.


Clarke's POV-

So Lexa just knocked Finn out in one punch and I then hugged her and it's the most safest feeling I've ever had.

I walked to my next lesson and as I walked down everyone was whispering about me and Lexa... They were saying we we're a thing and everything and I just shook it off and kept waking. I finally lifted my head up and Lexa was at the end of the corridor and all the whispering stopped when she started staring at everyone.

"Clarke!" Octavia grabbed me with her phone in her hand, "is it true are you and Lexa a thing?" She was tapping my shoulders and being all giddy,

"What no where's everyone getting this from?" I grabbed my hair and ran my fingers through it stressfully,

"The evidence bish, we've all seen it now give it up hoe" Raven came sliding in showing me a photo of me and Lexa hugging in the bathroom and she slid a pair of sunglasses onto her head,

"That was a thank you" I sighed and walked away I was going home this time today's been too eventful.


I went home and got in bed and my phone vibrated on my desk.

Lexa - Clarke I'm sorry about today if I scared you... I just got angry when i found out he hurt you. I don't know what's going on but I'm sorry I've been avoiding you.

Clarke - Lexa it's fine! Why have you been avoiding me? Did I do something wrong or... I thought we were heading to be friends or like that,

Lexa - Yeah we are friends Clarke, I protect my friends. You've done nothing wrong I promise it's just me. I'll see you around.

Clarke - Actually can you meet me?.

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