M.N.D. (On Hold)

By KoalaKoya

308K 4.8K 472

Ky is a 14 year old boy at the height of 4'11, with light brown hair, and sapphire-like eyes. He has a broken... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Author's note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

31.1K 522 34
By KoalaKoya

A/N: okay for those who are still confused over the daddies I'll make it easier. Alec= Dada and Damien= Daddy. So I hope that sums it up and you may now read this chapter. Enjoy😁 please vote or comment if you like this story
"Baby, wake up," I hear a voice say, " come on i have to get you ready." I feel hands go under my armpits and lift me up and I whimper, opening my eyes. I'm met with a pair of hazel eyes that I glare into for a second before closing my eyes again. I hear Dada chuckle and then he moves across the room and sets me down onto what I'm guessing is the changing table. At that, I open my eyes and start to wiggle around. I know I didn't pee in the diaper so I don't understand why he put me on the table.
"You have to use the diaper, " Dada sighs, "if you hold in your need to use the restroom, you'll end up having a tummy ache." I just stay quiet and wiggle some more. "Keep still so I can at least add some powder, please baby, for Dada?" I hesitate for a bit before staying still as he undos the onsie and undos the straps of the diaper. He then takes the baby powder from under the table and applies some onto my lower area and straps the diaper back while I just cover my face from embarrassment.
"There you go baby that wasn't so hard, was it?" He says as he takes off my onsie completely. He removes my hands from my face and I blush as he smiles. He then leaves me on the table and goes into the closet, looking for an outfit for me to wear. I can feel my legs a bit but not enough for me to walk, which I really want to do.
"Okay, baby, " I hear Dada's voice from the closet," since Daddy is not hear to explain the rules to you, we will just go grocery shopping and probably go buy you more things, but I will have rules for you to follow when we go out today." I see him walk out with a blue shirt that says'My Daddy is Awesome' shirt, some denim khakis, white socks, and blue Vans. I just look at him as he sets these things down by the table and he starts talking.
"Rule number one, always do as I say when we go somewhere. Rule two, if you want to walk, you will hold my hand and not let go, though you will be riding on the stroller today since I don't think you can walk yet. And rule number three, if you want something, you ask for it kindly, no attitude. Do you understand?" He says all this while dressing me and I just nod along. It seems easy enough. There is this new book I've been wanting to get all last week but I didn't have the money so maybe he will get it for me if I ask.
"Yes, Dada" I say so he doesn't have to repeat. He looks at me and smiles. He puts some baby cologne on me then lifts me up and walks downstairs to the car.
He opens the backdoor and sets me into the carseat while i look in awe at the small t.v. at the back of the headrest in the frontseat. I never saw those before and they look so cool. I reach out to touch while Dada buckles me. I can't reach it because of the damn seatbelt. I pout up at Dada after he is done buckling me in and he laughs and turns on the telli. It's on Disney channel so I'm good to go. When he tries to change the channel to Disney Junior, I whine loudly. That causes him to stop and look at me.
"No change it, please?" I ask softly
"Okay, baby," he says as he runs his hand through my hair and kisses my forehead. I blush and look away. I focus on Girl Meets World as Dada closes the door and goes around to the driver side and hops in then starts the car.
Alec's (Dada) P.O.V.

The drive to the restaurant was only like ten minutes by car. I shut off the car and listened to Ky laugh at the show he was watching which caused me to smile brightly. I've always wanted a child, but since I'm gay I can have kids. I would've adopted an actual baby, but since Damien lives and loves the ageplay lifestyle I gave it a shot and now here I am with a beautiful baby boy laughing in the backseat.
I get out of the car and hurriedly go to the trunk and take out the red stroller I put in the trunk earlier in the morning. I close the trunk and take the stroller over to the backseat of the car and open the door and see Ky with his eyes still on the screen, oblivious to the world. I unfold the stroller then tell Ky I have to off the small television. He pouts abit, but complies.
I unbuckle him and set him into the stroller and buckle him up again. Ky just looks around, confused.
"Dada, aren't we supposed to be at the store?" Ky says with an adorable frown on his face.
"I know, baby," I say as I push the stroller towards iHop, " but we didn't eat breakfast yet so I brought us here."
"Oh otay," he says and I hear the smile in his voice which, in turn, makes me smile.
I push open the door and welcome the smell of pancakes and breakfast. I hear Ky gasp, probably because he didn't know that the ageplay lifestyle is common in where we live.
I take him to a two person table while a waitress grabs a highchair. When she puts it down I pick up Ky and set him into the highchair while he looks around at all the kids like him. When he is safely in I move the chair closer to me and sit down on the chair. The waitress comes back, gives Ky a coloring sheet and some crayons, then takes our order. Ky and I both order chocolatechip pancakes, some orange juice because Ky says those are his favorite, and a cup of water.
I watch as Ky colors this picture of a tiger really well. He even draws a tree in the background. I notice he likes to stick the tip of his tongue out of the corner o his mouth
"Wow, Ky, you draw beautifully," I say, causing him to blush and bite his lip,"Did you draw before we got you?"
"Um, y-yes," he says, stuttering, "because I would get bored staying inside my room in the weekend. I taught myself. And I also love to read books." He blushes to the tips of his ears, probably thinking he told me too much. This is what I want him to tell me, what he enjoys and doesn't enjoy and I'm happy he is opening up to me without realizing it. I smile at him and he looks at me, then he gives me small smile back before going back to coloring the tree he drew.
I see our waitress heading over with our food and tell Ky to move his picture away and he nods and puts his coloring page to the side.
The waitress puts down the kids size pancakes in front of Ky and gives me mine. She then sets our drinks onto the table and tells us to enjoy. I get the knife and fork and cut Ky's pancakes into small pieces. The boy is practically drooling over the pancakes. I chuckle and finish cutting his pancakes and ask him if he wants syrup and he shakes his head. I take the knife away and hand him the fork. This is the first and last time that I am making eat without me feeding him.
After we are done eating, I clean up Ky's face, pay for the meal, put him back in the stroller, and head to car. I put Ky back into his carseat and buckle him up. He is slowly falling asleep from eating. I softly close the car door and go around the car to the front seat.
Just as I'm about to open the door, I hear a familiar voice call my name and I freeze in shock and turn around. And who I see makes my eyes widen and my heart pound in fear.
"Miss me?"
*I probably misspelled some words or my auto correct changes it and I didn't notice, so I apologize if there is any mistakes*

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