I am Katrina Stark ( an Aveng...

By Avengers5408

17.9K 290 25

We all know the Avenger's stories but did you know about Tony Stark's little sister, and how she came to be t... More

Chapter 1- 1991
Chapter 2-Stark
Chapter 3- Friends
Chapter 4- Halloween At S.H.I.E.L.D
Chapter 5- Sorry doesn't cut it
Chapter 6- ShortCuts
Chapter 7- Finding You
Chapter 8- Tahiti 2.0
Chapter 9 - Xavier Academy
Chapter 11- Belonging
Chapter 12 - Mystery Man
Authors note
Chapter 13- Gut feeling
Chapter 14- Madness
Chapter 15 - Here at S.H.I.E.L.D we are family
Chapter 16- Eyes everywhere (2006)
Chapter 17- You forgot
Chapter 18- Inseperable
Chapter 19 - Letting you go
Chapter 20 - Moving On
Chapter 21- And me?
Chapter 22 - I love you
Chapter 23 - A day to remember
Chapter 24 - Change of Plans

Chapter 10- Family You Never Had

649 13 0
By Avengers5408

Charles' POV 
I had a gut feeling someone was listening in on our conversation but thought it best to ignore the feeling.

"He was some kind of God." Moira's voice bring me out of my thoughts.

Without command I felt lightheaded and a million scenes came rushing into my head at once. They were unfamiliar but gave me a sense of deja vu. A bond was what creating this vision, meaning someone could see this too. But who was it.
My eyes gazed the room till we heard a slight creak of the door making us all turn and gaze at Katrina Stark.

I nodded at Moira who's face was filled with concern. "Moira get Hank, tell him to prepare Cerebro."


"Katrina you're going to have to tell me everything you remember from that dream." I said hurriedly as we guided Her to the cells downstairs.

"I-I can't it hurts too much." She could see little glimpses of her vision but it was as if she were in the action as well, feeling every shock and orb of energy being released into the air.

"Alright don't worry it will be over soon." I assured her.

We entered the last cell before Cerebro; the mind room as I called it. The doors slid open with a loud woosh and revealed a gradually lighting up room. Katrina gazed around with such interest, I could tell by the look on her face that she was astonished but afraid of its power, it's as if she could feel the energy of an object and I could feel that power radiating off of her.

She looked up at me her eyebrows knotted in worry. Moira placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and smiled. "Don't worry sweetie, this isn't going to hurt you, it can't hurt people like you." She added.

"What do you mean?" Katrina asked not understanding the term 'people like you'.

I really hoped Moira knew what she was saying, Katrina was unaware of her powers and we were going to do everything to keep her from knowing as Director Fury had commanded against my decision. In all honesty I believed it would be better for her to know at a young age so her mind could develop around her powers and see it as a gift rather a disability.

"People like you, who are strong both mentally and Physically." I sighed a breath of relief. "Katrina I know what you're going through is tough but I want you to know that here at the academy we are always welcome to make you our family whenever you're ready." Katrina has a heart, I'm sure of that, and coming from a life as tragic as hers it's almost impossible to understand why a girl like her could possibly manage, family is what she needs in order to bring her life together. "I think I'm ready." Katrina smiled gladly and held both our hands as we guided her to the chair in the center of the room.

"Katrina you may sit here while I prepare Cerebro." Hank suggested as his hands flew over every switch making sure everything was in perfect order. He gave me a thumbs up and on that command I kindly asked Moira to leave, the radiation in this room would cause humans like her to feel something.

The room turned dark and instantly glowed, indicating that the machine was working. "Katrina you can close your eyes if you please, now I need you to think of everything you saw in my office. Anything that may trigger a certain memory of your vision. The man with the scepter, the blue glowing cube, those four mutants.- a word unfamiliar to her tongue.

I heard her cry as the memories began flashing around the room, visible to both me and Hank. It was incredible how our visions were so identical yet we knew none of the power she yielded to poses this vision.

Moira had adapted some new technology along with Hank to allow this rooms projections to be seen outside through a small screen. Perhaps she would know what this vision meant.

Out of exhaustion Katrina let out a heavy breath and the lights turned back on revealing the room once again. I helped her out of her seat and quickly touched her head to possess enough power to transfer her pain into mine so that she wouldn't bear it. As I attempted I could hear her thoughts but that was normal, what wasn't was that I could feel her inside of my head, hearing and seeing what I could.
"What's happening to me?" She asked in a low voice only audible in my head.

There was no way I could convince her she didn't have powers after this encounter of sorts.

"Katrina- uh- there's something I've been meaning to tell you since you've arrived." My heart beats at a thousand miles per minute as I try to come up with the best explanation that won't go against the Directors wishes.

"As crazy as this sounds right now I know you'll soon believe me. And No you aren't dangerous, you are a very extraordinary girl Katrina with many talents, one of them being like mine, having the ability to read minds." She had a look of disbelief on her face and it was what I expected. "If you allow me, I can teach you to control it, just like the others. You just have to believe in me and the rest of us Katrina."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hank  giving me the look, knowing that we couldn't keep all the truth from her for long. A girl as brilliant as her would soon find out. The only way to disable her powers were to use the same formula Hank created for me to walk but I'm not willing to cause her pain, there must be other ways.

"Excuse me but I'm tired." Katrina said in a weak voice and quickly ran off without another word. I tried calling after her and hoping she wouldn't be startled by my words. "

I sighed and rubbed my head in tiredness. I felt my shoulders being massaged from behind me and it was soothing. "Give her time Charles." Moira reminded from behind. "She's only a child, one day she will understand. It may not be today or tomorrow but it's because you need to gain her trust; We need to gain her trust."

"As a family."

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