The Other Twin: The story of...

By haleym0014

120K 3.7K 306

***READ BOOK 1 FIRST**** When Alexa, Seth and their children leave forks for good, they thought they'd escap... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
3rd book is out!!

Chapter 26

2.1K 75 4
By haleym0014

"Yes Renesmee." I say. "But why didn't you just heal?" My idiot sister asks. "Renesmee we are half human..." I say and she gasps. "So you mean I could get cancer?" She exclaims. "I mean I guess... But you don't.. So that's good?" I ask in a questioning tone. "Right sorry. So what is the treatment plan?" Renesmee asks. "Deadly dosages of radiation." I joke and she grimaces. "The Italians I'm sure?" Nessie says. "Right again!" I say and she smacks my leg playfully. "Alright, alright. Let's let Alexa rest, she's going to start feeling all that soon." Carlisle says and Aro nods. "I'm fi-" I start but am interrupted by a pain in my stomach. "Go." Carlisle tells everyone and they exit, with the exception of Alice and Seth. Just as the door closes I vomit out my inside and lie back in bed. "This sucks." I say and Alice and Seth laugh. "Yeah, yeah it does." Seth agrees and kisses my forehead. Alice sits filing her nails on the black leather couch, a bright lamp next to her giving me a headache. I turn it off with my eyes and she jumps. "You could have just asked!" She exclaims, and I know that if her heart were to beat it would be pounding at this moment. I crack and smile and blow her a kiss. "How cute. Get some rest, I'll go check on the children." She announces and strokes my face before exiting the room, her cold hand leaving a trail of tingles down my cheek. "Seth, thank you for loving me." I say, a little delusional. "The pleasure is all mine." He smiles and kisses my hand before sliding into bed next to me. I snuggle up to him and lay my head on his chest. "Your the best, you know?" I say, slipping deeper into sleep. "Yes I know." He boasts and I laugh but it hurts and I end up coughing up blood. "Shh, sleep love." He says and I do not argue.

Renesmee's pov:
"So, you guys actually think this will work?" I ask. "It's an outrageous idea but it's all we have at the moment." Aro says. I sigh, all of Alexa's children sit on the couch farthest away from me with Rose on one end and Emmet on the other. "Relax secondary parentals! I'm not going to hurt them." I say but they don't budge and the little twins scoot closer to Rosalie. "Nessie, where have you been?" My mom asks. "I went through treatment for my aggressive behavior, then I took some time away from everything to practice patience, and now I'm good as new." I say and Tanya, of the Denali coven ,smiles. "Well I think that was very wise of you." My father says and I smile. "Thank you. I just wish the kiddos didn't freeze everytime I walk into the room." I sigh and Emily walks over cautiously and gives me a quick hug. I smile and everyone looks at us. "Mom would want us to forgive you." Emily says simply and sits back on the couch, holding one of the twins hands, I can't tell them apart. "Spencer, Hope." John says pointing at the one on the right of him then to the left. I forgot he read minds also. "We both do." Jaden says. "Jeez I don't know why any of us even think, everyone can hear anyways." I joke and everyone laughs but Alice, who is still tense, looking on from the corner. "I'm going to check on Alexa." Carlisle says and exits the room.

Alexa's pov:
"How long has she been asleep?" Carlisle asks. "Like ten minutes so please don't wake her up." Seth groans and sighs. "Too late." Carlisle frowns and looks into my eyes. "Hello Lex, I've got to do an exam. Husband in or out?" Carlisle asks. "In." I state and grab Seth's hand. "Like I was leaving." Seth says and kisses my hand before moving to the chair on the side of the bed. Carlisle puts on his latex gloves that smell like hospital and folds down the covers. He presses my arm gently, almost touching my bone because 1: I am so thin at the moment and 2: His touch is so firm it feels like a rock. When everything checks out there he moves his hand down my legs where the radiation was injected, "bruising at the site of injection, but that's typical." And moves on to my stomach. "It's looking very swollen, may I?" He asks before pressing gently, like I had a choice. I groan and he looks up, "that hurts?" He asks. "What is the correct answer here?" I ask and he frowns. "Yes, it hurts." Seth answers for me. He moves his hand over, "and here." "Pretty painful chief." I say and he jots down something. "Alexa this isn't what you want to hear, but I think I need to open you up to make sure there is no internal bleeding." Carlisle says and I groan loudly. "When?" Seth asks. Carlisle looks up at my monitor where my heart rate has sped up and says, "now." "What! No way Jose!" I say and he shakes his head. "I'm sorry Alexa, but I'm afraid this isn't up for discussion, your stomach has already swelled up more and I'm not risking it." He says and I sigh. "I'll be right here when he is done alright?" Seth says and I nod. "I'll go update the others." He says and kisses me before exiting. "Alright Alexa, count back from 10." Carlisle says, putting on a mask. "10, 9" I am cut off by a quick beeping on my monitor. "She's crashing!" I hear Carlisle exclaim and people rush in and out before the anesthesia kicks in and I'm out.

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