Why Do You Grin?

By ShiroWhite14

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Genjutsu no Tenshi. Or Angel of Illusion. The 112 year old immortal that has lived since the beginning of the... More

Chapter 1/ Prologue
Chapter 2
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Part 16
Naruto Start-21
Naruto Shippuden Start-34
♡Valentines Special♡
13 Facts About Me


99 6 2
By ShiroWhite14

"You were kidnapped?!" It was nothing but an incredulous expression painted on Tsunade. Tenshi's gaze was set on her fingers that held very small cuts that weren't healing.

"Tenshi! This is a serious matter so look at me-"

"IT ISN'T!" Tenshi looked up at Tsunade and her son who were both trying not to shout at her. She breathed in as she felt Naruto's hand grasp her hand. As she breathed out she gave a reassuring squeeze.

"Who was that man and why were you so injured? Okaa san please know that we have a lot of questions to ask you and you clamming up doesn't help anyone at all." Izuna spoke calmly as he gently massaged his wife's back.

Tenshi sighed and slipped the black mask off of her neck and held it up. "I left the village because I had some very old business to take care of. That man was important to that old business and my injuries don't really matter now do they? I won't die just yet so me being injured isn't much."

Kakashi stared at the women boldly, "Tenshi you said something strange when we found you at the battle ground. What did you mean, 'There are so many things that shouldn't have happened'?"

Jiraiya, who had been called into the gathering, curiously looked at her a small frown curving his mouth. "Tenshi what's going on?"

Tenshi licked her lips, shifting her attention to Naruto's hand. The present people inside the room consisted of Tsunade, Izuna, Kakashi, Jiraiya, and Naruto. Tenshi pouted a bit and muttered to herself, "Why am I surrounded by the people who always get cheeky with me?"

A small growl was heard which was then followed by a harsh cracking sound. Izuna had backed up as Tsunade glared at Tenshi in frustration.

"Look! I'm getting tired of all these lies and secrets Tenshi! When are you actually going to be the Leaf's Guardian?! Keeping us going with these vague answers is stupid and you know it! If you refuse to help keep this village away from danger then you shouldn't be here!"

Izuna placed his hand on his wife's shoulder, "Tsunade..." Tenshi slipped the mask back onto her face, pushing it up onto her forehead as she pressed her lips against Naruto's cheek.

"I need all of you to trust me. I don't want to put this village in danger alright? You all have to understand that there are things that I can't let you know but let's just say that..." Tenshi stepped away from Naruto and looked at everybody with an uneasy smile.

"I only said goodbye to Itachi only recently." Naruto obviously held a confused expression but the others didn't.

"I've been in contact with him since he was young." Tenshi immediately silenced everyone as their expression contorted into confusion. A bitter sweet smile touched her lips as tears began to build up in her eyes. The room's tense atmosphere slipped into one of a surprised feeling. Naruto watched his guardian with wide eyes.

"He was still a kid, you know? He wasn't always the monster that everyone made him out to be. Itachi, my baby nephew." Her body began to shake, small sobs being bite back. "Uchiha's go down the path of hatred yet he was the only that had such a pure heart and soul." Naruto wrapped his arms around Tenshi trying to give her support but she fell onto her knees, tears running down her face.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!" Tenshi shook with emotion as she fell into Naruto's embrace.The adults looked at each other, not knowing what to say or do. But one question stemmed from the sight. 'Who was she apologizing to?'

To be continued..........

(I'm just kidding, I wouldn't do that.....Yet.)

Naruto silently watched Tenshi as she slept in his bed. He couldn't help but think back to when he met Itachi back in the forest. Although Naruto knew what sort of relationship Sasuke and his brother had he couldn't help but second guess himself when he started to realize the undertone to Itachi's questions. He frowned, "I can't believe that I thought badly of him."

"It's not your fault.", responded a familiar voice. Naruto glanced behind him to see Izuna with a small smile. He continued, "I as well was blinded with the rumours and the stories. I guess I forgot about how Okaa san brimmed with pride when she spoke of Itachi." He chuckled sadly and ruffled his surrogate brother's hair.

"It's stupid. It's like if I listened to what everyone had said about you Naru. All the stories and rumours would have kept us seprate but just like the kind and honest woman Okaa san is, she loved you and I love you. I really wish that I could have taken the position as clan leader earlier or something so I could have taken the burden that rested on Okaa sans shoulders."

Naruto stared at Izuna who had slightly slumped over with what seemed like regret. The blonde clenched his fist and shook his head, "If...If only I had gotten to Sasuke in time then..then..." Izuna immediately cut him off and wryly smiled, "Look let's not do this. Let's go out and let Okaa san rest. I'll buy you some ramen okay?"

The two stared at each other as they heard the gentle breathing coming from their mother. They felt a bit of relief as they spotted the very small smile on Tenshi's lips. Naruto slipped a smile onto his face, "I hope you're prepared to pay for my food."

I didn't care how stupid or childish I looked like right now. My heart was beating and I knew that I was red as an apple. What can I say? I woke up to only see true beauty in it's most precious form.

Tenshi opened her eyes to only be welcomed with the light of the moon. She felt someone warm by her side.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I widely grinned hearing his deep voice. I moved to be closer with him.

She stared at Naruto's sleeping form, noticing the very light gray bags underneath his eyes. She sighed, "I guess that insomnia of yours is coming back huh?"

He stared at me with an unknown look in his eyes. As if out of habit, my eyes flashed black and I felt that tingly feeling back in my stomach. He smiled radiantly, "I love you."

Tenshi closed her eyes again, wiping the stray tears flowing from her eyes.

I giggled and embraced him, grinning with a toothy smile. "I love you too~"

It had been a couple of days since Itachi passed and Tenshi had still distanced herself from her friends. However things couldn't stop, only moving forward no matter how much one desires for it to not.

Tenshi gripped at Jiraiya's clothes, her eyes staring deep into his soul. "Jiraiya. Please. Listen to me." she begged, concern laced into her tone.

The old sage smiled gently and placed his hands over Tenshi's shaking one. He calmly spoke, reassurance present, "I am listening, you're the one that needs to listen to me. I have to do this for the village, for Naruto, for you. You got to understand Tenshi."

Tenshi shook her head, once again staring into Jiraiya's eyes with her glowing eyes. "If anyone has to do this, it should be me. I know that you have the most information on the Akatsuki and the apparent leader but I can also know. You think it's someone who shouldn't be alive, your old student. If I went I could easily corner the leader or maybe his subordinate and steal the information. Jiraiya! Please realize how dangerous this is!" Tenshi's grip kept tightening as she spoke.

"I don't want you to take the chance of dying....I can't deal with another person leaving my side. Please...Jiraiya..." Tears slipped from her eyes as Tenshi let go of her hold on Jiraiya. She wiped her eyes seeing the smile on the white haired man.

She frowned, "W-What? You pervert, why are you smiling?". Jiraiya simply placed a kiss on Tenshi's forehead, and smiled. "Thank you for giving me a home."

Tenshi let out a small sob as she smiled, "You idiot." He laughed and began to walk out the Hidden Leaf's gate, sending a wave towards the darked haired woman. Tenshi waved back until he was out of sight and her frown slipped into a shaky smile. "Thank you for letting me love you."

Oops my bad.

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