My Twilight! (ON HOLD)

By RileyBrooks

735K 14.7K 4.7K

An incident changes Bella Swan's life forever, forcing her to uproot her life in sunny Phoenix and move away... More

Chapter 2!
Chapter 3!
Chapter 4!
Chapter 5!
Chapter 6!
Chapter 7!
Chapter 8!
Chapter 9!
Chapter 10!
Chapter 11!
Chapter 12!
Chapter 13!
Chapter 14!
Chapter 15!
Chapter 16!
Chapter 17!
Chapter 18!
Chapter 20!
Chapter 21!
Chapter 22!
Chapter 23!
Chapter 24!
Chapter 25!
Chapter 26!
Chapter 27~

Chapter 19!

16.6K 489 51
By RileyBrooks

Bella P.O.V-


When I got home I was glad to see that Charlie was not yet home. All I wanted was to curl up on my bed and be alone to cry in peace. I walked up to the front door quickly and pulled out my house keys with shaking hands. I tried to insert the right key into the slot but missed, that's how bad my hands were shaking. What the heck is wrong with you Bella! I scolded myself, Your a strong, immortal vampire, he's a weak guy. You have a whole eternity for love, straighten yourself up and move on!

My little pep talk worked as slowly, my hands stopped shaking. I was able to insert the key into the slot and quickly entered the house before shutting it swiftly and firmly behind me. I pressed my back against the door as I slowly slid to the ground, my body shuddering with tear-less sobs as I let go of all the binds I had against my powers and just relaxed being myself.

It felt like my non-beating heart had been ripped in half and stomped into millions of miniature pieces. I hadn't felt like this since before... with Jason. No DONT think of that! You are way over him! He is never going to find you! You left him behind ages ago and didn't leave a scent so he isn't going to be able to ever find you! Especially here! But this time my pep talk didn't work, and I was taken back into flashbacks of my happy past before my second life as a vampire.


I grinned as Jason wrapped his arm around me, drawing me into his side so he could plant a kiss on the side of my head. Immediately I turned my head around in his direction so our lips met. We kissed until I heard a gagging noise and someone yelled out, "Get a room guys! I don't need to see that!"

I turned around to see my best friend ever, Nicole standing there pulling a very unattractive face at Jason and I. I cracked up laughing, "And I don't need to see that, ever again!" I teased her.

Nicole just stuck her tongue out at me in response, "Can you stop sticking your tongues down each others throats for five minutes so we can go! Brent is waiting for us at the party! I told him we would be there in five minutes!" She said, crossing her arms and stomping her feet. She glared at Jason, her light blue eyes flashing. She and Jason had never got along. In fact, when I first got with Jason, she did everything she could to convince me not to date him. But she was my best friend so I overlooked it.

"Why do we always get interrupted?" Jason groaned, planting one last short, sweet kiss on my lips before turning around and tugging me over to the car. "Lets go so Nicole's latest boy toy doesn't get impatient!" He retorted, sending a quick glare over in Nicole's direction. She responded by putting the finger up at him.


--------------------------------------------------------------Flashback 2---------------------------------------------------------

The music was pumping, causing the whole house to vibrate. Nearly one hundred sweaty bodies jumped in sync to the beat; swaying and pumping their fists. It was a normal teenage party. Jason, who had had a couple drinks, came up from behind me and grabbed my wrist, "Come on babe. Lets get a room," He said, sort of slurring the words a bit. I was about to say no but he was already dragging me up the stairs in search of an empty room. In truth, I wasn't ready yet. We had only been dating for two months. I wanted it to be special, not in someone's room at a party.

He came across a door and quickly opened it, checking that no one was in there before pulling me in with him. He moved over to the bed but I pulled my hand out of his grasp, shaking my head. "Jason, I don't want to do this. I'm not ready," I said apologetically, looking down.

"Sure you are babe, its been a couple of months. How long do you expect me to wait. Just grow up," He said angrily.

"If you truly loved me you wouldn't care how long you had to wait, Jason!" I said just as angrily. He was being unfair. Its not my fault I wanted to wait.

"Your such a prude. I have been with you for two months! Most girls would have put out by now!" He snarled, his eyes flashing.

"I don't think we should be together if that is all you want from me!" I stated as I whirled around, attempting to pull the door open. Key word: attempting. Jason was on me in a flash, holding the door closed so I couldn't get out.

I started banging on the door, "Let me out Jason!" I screamed.

"No! Your going to give me what I want now! I cant believe I have had to wait this long and you're still not putting out! You think I really loved you? I just wanted in your pants!" He taunted, pulling my hair hard.

I bashed on the door and the next second, it was pushed open. Nicole stood on the other side. She took in our situation before taking two steps forward and kicking Jason where the sun don't shine. He faltered, letting go of me long enough for Nicole to grab me and drag me out.

"H-how did you know I-I was in th-there?" I questioned as she dragged me down the stairs and out into the cool night.

"Uh... Um, some girl heard and thought it sounded like you so she came and told me," Nicole replied. "Now hurry, we must get as far as we can before Jason comes after us."

"He's not going to follow us now Nicole," I said, "Why would he, its freezing out here and there are fifty odd girls in there willing to do stuff with him if he needs it that bad," I huffed.

"No Bella, he wont. I told you when you first got with him. He is dangerous! When he wants something he normally gets it. I should know, I have known him for a very long time!"  She stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked questioningly.

"I mean that there are some things about Jason and I that you don't know about. I mean that I grew up with Jason and saw him do this exact same thing to heaps of other girls! Except he got further with them than he did with you, even when they didn't want it."

"What aren't you telling me?"

She froze slightly, stopping and squinting as if she was really concentrating, "He's coming. Bella... Jason and I are vampires Bella. I haven't told you before because I wasn't sure you would believe me but I have to tell you now. Jason is coming after you, he is nearly here," She said cryptically. She looked around before spotting a dark alley and pulling me down it after her.

"You really expect me to believe that?!" I asked incredulously.

Nicole turned around, baring her mouth and showing her teeth to me... Only, they weren't normal human teeth, there were to fangs protruding out of her upper gum. I flinched, tumbling back a few steps.

"Yes Bella, you have to believe it. I am a vampire but not a very strong one. Jason is, he is a very strong vampire but he is also bad, very bad. I get my food from animals but he feeds off of and kills humans. He dates girls then once he uses them, he feeds from them until they are dead. That's what he was going to do to you, I tried to stop you from dating him but you wouldn't listen to me and I couldn't tell you the truth of what we are at that time."

"Then why are you telling me now?" I asked, still slightly scared of her.

"I am telling you now because Jason is going to kill me. You are going to drink this," She said pulling out a small vial with dark liquid in it, "And you are going to go hide at the end of the alley. He wont find you, this stuff hides your scent and heartbeat so he wont be able to sense you."

"I wont let him kill you Nicole! Though you lied to me about what you are, you are like a sister to me and I love you. I wont let you die for me," I said, feeling my eyes water at the thought of Nicole being killed.

"I'm sorry but this has to happen. It is my destiny. I was chosen to protect you," Nicole said, looking upset.

"What do you mean?" I asked, but she didn't reply.

"Shit! He's nearly here! Just drink the vial and go hide! Please, quickly!" She said, straightening up and glaring towards the mouth of the alley.

I did what she said and brought the vial to my lips, swallowing half of it but leaving the rest. Who knows, I might need it again. As soon as I put the cork back on the bottle, Nicole was ushering me to a bunch of big garbage bins and pushing me in to a little gap between two of them. She grabbed one of the bins and pushed it in front of the gap, totally trapping me in. She then grabbed one of the big bits of cardboard and put it over the top, so you couldn't see me from the top either. There was a small sliver of a gap between the bins in front of me and Nicole stuck her hand in it, I grabbed it with mine, holding it tight as I cried quietly.

"I love you sis," Nicole said before letting go of my hand and moving towards the mouth of the alley.

I sat quietly. Everything was quiet around me as I watched Nicole stand quietly and calmly, listening intently. Suddenly she shifted forwards into a crouch, her whole feature becoming almost cat-like. A second later, something moved into the alley at the speed of light. I only just saw it because I was watching so intently. The shape stopped and I only just recognized it as Jason as he said something I couldn't hear before Nicole lunged at him. They were just a blur of shapes for a while until Jason seemed to gain the upper hand and slammed Nicole into the wall behind them, his hand wrapped tightly around her throat. As I watched, tears pouring out of my eyes, she struggled for a minute before giving up when it became obvious she wasn't going to get out.

"WHERE IS SHE!" Jason snarled angrily, pulling Nicole away from the wall slightly before slamming her back into it hard.

"I don't know who your talking about, jackass," Nicole replied before spitting in Jason's face.

He growled, "I will give you one more chance to tell me where she is before I rip you to pieces! Limb from limb!"

She grinned wickedly, "Go ahead then! I would never betray Bella like that," She said, coughing slightly.

He grinned sadistically, "Very well then, I have been wanting to do this since day one. Just know, that even without you telling me, I will hunt Bella down and I WILL kill her!"

With that said he grabbed her arm and tore it from her body, eliciting a horrendous pain-filled cry from her lips. Her other arm was next and he grinned as he threw them at the opposite wall of the alley. "You decided to tell me yet?" He asked, pausing slightly.

She snarled at him, "Never!"

"Very well then!"  He said tensely before ripping Nicole's lower leg from her body.

Her pain-filled cry was piercing and made me flinch. I went to jump up but almost as if she knew what I was thinking, Nicole's head swiveled slowly in my direction, her eyes begging me not to. Her upper leg was next, followed by her other leg. He grinned at her maliciously, "Goodbye stupid vampire!" He snarled. He gripped her hair and went to pull but I couldn't see her die. I jumped up, pushing the cardboard off the top and climbing up.

"STOP!" I yelled, stumbling in his direction. "PLEASE DONT KILL HER! IM HERE JUST LEAVE HER ALONE!"

His head whipped in my direction with a look of pure sadistic joy on his face. "Its about time, I thought you were going to let me rip her head off before you stopped me!" He taunted before turning back around and decapitating Nicole.

I screamed in pain, terror and regret as I saw her head bounce across the alley, rolling to a stop with her blank staring eyes facing me. I stumbled backwards, tripping over something and tumbling to the ground. I hit it with a thud and winced as something dug into my back.

Jason approached me, smiling wickedly, "Finally I will taste you my beautiful fruit. Your blood is so pure and has been singing to me since day one. I cant wait to have a sip."

"No no no no!" I yelled, "HELP! HELP ME!" I screamed in desperation.

But no one came, only Jason as he closed in on his prey, me. His mouth opened revealing two pearl white teeth. He pounced and all I felt was a massive burning in my throat as he grabbed me and latched on to my throat, feeding hungrily from me.

The world started to spin. My eyesight grew blurry around the edges and as I was about to pass out I heard a massive bang and cry of pain. With some difficulty I pried my eyes open and saw a group of people attacking Jason, he was fighting them off easily so I quickly stumbled to my feet, my body feeling woozy with blood loss. I turned and stumbled off as quickly as I could. I turned out of the alley and entered another one a few streets down before collapsing behind some bins.


--------------------------------------------------------Flashback 3---------------------------------------------------------------

I was awakened by the honking of horns and someone shaking my shoulder. I felt weird. Not a bad weird, just weird. I could sense things that were very far away. I could hear hundreds of people talking yet none of them were anywhere near me, I could smell the most delicious smells which were more than a hundred yards away from me. Everything seemed so much louder and every smell seemed so powerful that it burnt my nose. What is happening to me?! I was brought back to the present by a polite, "Miss? Are you alright?" I turned my head to see a young man crouching down next to me, his hand on my shoulder.

I flinched away from him and he slowly drew his hand back. He swallowed loudly and my attention was drawn to his jugular where I could see the delicious blood pumping beneath his golden-tan skin. And god did it look and smell delectable! Without a word I lunged forwards, sinking my teeth into the juncture between his neck and shoulder. I shivered in pure need as the sweet nectar of his blood hit my mouth, my taste-buds tingling with the sensation. I drank hungrily, as if I hadn't had anything to eat or drink in days. His slight grunt of pain brought me out of my haze. What are you doing?! I thought, horrified at myself. I immediately lunged away, climbing to my feet and taking large strides to get away.


--------------------------------------End of Flashbacks------------------------------------------------------------------------

I shuddered as I was brought back into the present by Charlie yelling out my name from downstairs. I don't know how I had gotten up to my room but must have moved during my flashbacks. I cant believe I had been taken back to that time, I swore never to think about those days again. Swore never to even think of Nicole or Jason again. Or the man I nearly killed. Or the fact that one day, Jason would find me as he promised, and finished what he started.


The End!

Okay so just a bit about Bella's past here  in this chapter and how she became a vampire. I told you I would update soon! :) I hope you like this one! :) Not very well edited, just wrote it all tonight so just a quick update! :)

Enjoy! Vote! Comment! Like! Follow me! :) Thanks everyone x

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