Adopted by Werewolves, what c...

By CryingSilver

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so, story description....... so, the main charecters name is Juliana and her sister's name is Jessica, Julian... More

Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? EDITED
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 2 EDITED
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 3 EDITED
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 4
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 5
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 6
GOOD NEWS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 7
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 8
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 9
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 10
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 11
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 12
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 13
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 14
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 15
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 16
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 17
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 18
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 19
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 20
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 21
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 22
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 23
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 25
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 26
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 27
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 28
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 29
Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 30

Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 24

1K 22 2
By CryingSilver

its short but its all I have. sorry for the lack of updates. i'm out of sugar and i'm kind of still messed up but i hope this chapter brings out a laugh or two

The classes were easy. We just sat in class while the teachers watched to make sure no one ended up dying. They didn't really care if anyone cut class. The only rule was that you couldn't eat anybody. I walked out of the classroom and went outside. No one bothered to stop me. The teacher didn't care so it didn't matter.

I went outside and watched some Mermaids goof off in the pool. I put my feet in the water and we sometime splashed one another. I didn't jump in. I didn't have to. If a Mermaid was happy, well lets just say that it was kind of hard to be sad around Mermaids. They loved to do weird things with thier hair, but woe on you if you cut off the hair of a Mermaid. I laughed at thier insane hairstyles. At some point I left and got my bikini and then dived in. They messed around with my hair because apparently Human hair and Mermaid hair were two completly opposite things.

For some insane reason some Tree Nymphs decided they wanted to play tag with me. I said yes. It quite fun to play tag with Tree Nymphs, just don't get hit in the face with thier branches when they switch from human to tree out of nowhere.

Two Werewolves went at it and one of them ended up loosing a limb. It would grow back, but apparently it was painful.

Two Witches went at it and one of them ended up getting turned into a mosquito and it took the teachers about a week to find her. The Witches met every full moon. No one knew what the heck they were doing. No one was stupid enough to go and try to find out. If you messed with one Witch, you pretty much went and gave the entire Coven the finger.

Fun fact: Vampires can't get high or drunk of the stuff that humans use, but if the human who's blood they drank had alcohol or drugs, well, that how Vampires got high and drunk. Sometimes they ended up a little bit of both. One Vampire decided that he was a human and tried to eat an apple. He took one bite of it and nearly died. He scared the hell out of everyone at the school then moved away. The next day we found out it had been a joke. Six Vampires, nine Werewolves, and even a Witch and an Ogre went after him.

I had dinner-sausages and something on a stick-and then went up to my room. Thankfully my roomate had the decency to not eat any brains in front of me. But apparently the Frontal Lobe was the tastiest part of the brain.

The next day for some reason they had a bunch of imported french chocolates. Apparently aliens actually showed up because they wanted the chocolate. They only wanted the recipie. They didn't want to enslave mankind. That was all just one big misunderstanding. I think I tore something laughing when they told me that.

Ogres are notorious for being big stupid brutes but there were a few here. Apparently there were a few intelligent Ogres. Lets just say that everyne else looked down on them-hey, they are the only race that is- and this is comming right from the mouth of the Dragon- 'stupider than humans' so you can imagine how much everyone hated them. Still, kind of good to know my kind weren't the stupidest ones out there. Sure, Humans were considered stupid but we weren't Ogres.

At some point a Unicorn enrolled. Nobody saw that comming. Unicorns tended to just stick to thier little heard or pack or whatever the heck that was called and never really interacted with any other animals. It got messy because the Unicorn kept bringing the dead back to life and we had freaking Reapers here so that got nasty. Lets just say that if you bring the dead person back enough times that person ends up being a Zombie. Well, say hello to the five new Zombies that live two halls to the left!

Freaking on Friday the Centaur showed up at lunch and started shooting. They had the bow and arrows and they just kept shooting and shooting. I think a Mermaid died-this is going to freak you out, but Mermaids are apparently canibals-and that was just great gossip here.

A Vampire and a Zombie started going out. How cute! An undead couple! He brought her brains and she gave him blood that she'd stolen from some local blood bank.

They sorted us into groups of five and then threw us all in the same room so that we could 'socialize' and hopefully make friends. My group? One Witch, One Reaper, One Mermaid-they brought her fishtank in with her in it to make her feel 'more at home'- some bozo decided that we'd get along great with the Chupacabra and at the last minute they threw me in there.

We all just stood there awkwardly for a while.

"My name's Juliana." I said, randomly thrusting my hand out and hoping the Chupacabra didn't take a bite out of it. "Hello Death." I said to the Reaper.

"Oh, i'm not Death. Thats my father."

For some reason that eased up the tension.

The Mermaid kept going on and on about how bad the seeweed was here and then something about how much salt there was in the water....

 The Chupacabra said that it missed Mexico and then it never said anything after that. If you see a Chupacabra bring earplugs because the vioce will give you nightmares.

The Reaper and I were both total Manga-Heads so we talked about Naruto.

The Chupacabra and the Mermaid started talking.

The Witch just stood in a corner giving us all evil looks.

The Chupacabra apparently had depression issues because they were always being blamed for the deaths of the people going to the U.S. and it wasn't actually there fault and apparently they didn't need to eat that often.

The Mermaid was actually pissed at Disney for making a mockery of her kind.

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