As Radiant As The Sun


10.9K 412 398

Katniss is homeless. Ever since her family has died, she has struggled to find a job and a way to get money... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
authors note
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Editing Update!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 17

328 14 18


Katniss' point of view

I curl up in a blanket. I'm sitting on the couch in his house. Warm. I am watching the popping fire in front of me and look down . I miss him. 

I miss the way he made me laugh. 

I miss his arms after a nightmare.

I miss how he helped me. 

I miss him. 

A tear slides down my face. I feel the couch sink next to me. The spot is occupied by Haymitch. 

I keep my head down even though I know he sat down to try and get my attention. I feel his hand on my back when he notices the tears streaming down my face. 

"Why did he have to move Haymitch?"

"I don't know. I don't know Katniss." He pauses for a moment, then adds to his not exactly helpful comment. "What I do know is you were heck of a lot happier when he was around. I could see it. At school, and the bakery, and seeing you kids around town. You need him Katniss, and I can assure you he needs you too."

"Yeah, well it doesn't matter now, because he is gone and I don't know where I can find him."

"Haymitch pulls me into his arms and hugs me tight. It is a hug of apology, but I don't want his pity.  don't want anyones pity. But these days thats all I seem to get."


When I wake up in the morning, and My stomach hurts. Bad.

My  stomach aches, with shooting pains.It honestly feels like Im imploding.

I hear Haymitch coming up the stairs to wake me for school probably, but there is no way I would make it through the day. I roll over and pretend to disappear. 

Dang it. It didn't work. 

I hear a soft knock at my door. "Katniss? Its time to wake up." When I don't answer he pushes open the door. 

"Katniss?" he walks over to my bed and pulls the covers off of me. I curl up in an even tighter ball hoping the pain would go away, but it doesn't. "Katniss?" I don't respond. "Katniss? Are you okay?" I shake my head no and curl up tighter, if that is possible. "No?  Are you sick? In pain?" My head barely moves up and down. "Okay, Katniss where does it hurt?" 

"My stomach it hurts so bad!" I sob. I cannot stop crying.  I feel him sit down next to me and brush the hair out of my face. I cry harder. Peeta always did that.

"Okay, What does it feel like?" 

"It just, HURTS!" 

"Alright. do you want me to stay home from work?" 

"No, no go to work."

"Are you sure?" I nod wincing. 

"Okay, but the second I get home I'm taking you to the doctor, okay?" I nod again. "Alright Katniss, I'll put a bucket by your bed incase you need to throw up, I'll grab you a glass of water and some pain killers and i'll set the remote right here in case you get bored. This should hold you until I get back." 

"Thank you." 

"Of course. Call if you need anything."

"Haymitch, I Don't have a phone." A look of realization washes over his face. He leaves the room, and soon comes back with a bucket and a glass of water. when he sets the bucket down, I realize inside of the bucket is the phone, some pain killers and a remote. He unloads the bucket and gives me a review on how to use the remote, in case I forgot from when he told me a couple of days ago, and he gives me a post it note with his number on the back. His cell phone, and the one on his desk at school. 

"Alright sweetheart, I'll be back at 3. I'll try to get off a little early. Feel better. He kisses my forehead, and then leaves.


I used the bucket he put by my side 14 times. 


The painkillers were washed down not even an hour after he left, but I didn't care. Probably threw those up too. 

I slept in between puking, but it didn't make me feel any better. When Haymitch got home (1 hour early, might I add), He didn't even have to ask if I was feeling better, because it is pretty obvious I was not. He just scooped me up, grabbed another plastic bag and set me in the passengers seat of the car. my weak, pale body slumped against the seat. 

In the car, I throw up three more times as we get up to the hospital. I decide I am able to walk myself in, and that I don't need Haymitch to carry me, but as soon as I stand up, I knew I was wrong. I crumble to the floor in agony. I feel someone lift me up and start to walk into the hospital. I try to look around, but my sight is fading. My eyes are dulling, no matter how hard I try I cannot see clearly. Thats when I black out. 


When I first open my eyes, my vision is fuzzy. I blink rapidly a few times until it clears up. When I realize I'm in a hospital, I try to sit up and am forced back down from the shooting pain that shoots up my abdomen. I look down at my stomach to see what is wrong with it, but all I see is the paper hospital gown covering me. My face wrinkles in confusion. Why am I here? Im assuming it has something to do with why my abdomen hurts so bad. I lay down again and stare at the ceiling, trying to remember what happened, when the door opens. I don't care who it is, so I just keep staring at the ceiling. 

"Oh, Ms Everdeen, you're awake! You are probably wondering why you are here."  I nod at the doctor. "Well Katniss, I am Doctor Crane. I will be continuing to check up on you as you recover. You are in the hospital because your appendix has ruptured." My eyes get wide. The doctor notices my worried expression and quickly re-words his answer in a less scary way. "Katniss you are totally fine! The  appendix is a tube-shaped sac that's attached to the large intestine. It exists in humans and a small number of other mammals. It is not necessary to your life, as you can see you are doing just fine without it. We had to remove it, so thats why you have stitches. They may be a little painful right now, because your painkillers are wearing off. That is all you should need to know. Any questions?" i don't say anything. "Okay! I'll be back in a couple of hours. Press this button if you need anything before then!" Then he walks out of the room. I look at the ceiling again. I don't know how long I do this, because I sorta like it. However my peace is interrupted by the door opening again. This time I do look over.

"They finally let me see you. I've waited since yesterday."

"How long have I been here?" 

"We got here yesterday at around four o'clock and they just let me see you now. isn't that the stupidest thing. Even after your surgery, They're like, 'oh, sorry sir, she's recovering.' yeah I know she's recovering thats why I want to see her! what the hell. These doctors seem to think they can tell me what to do." 

Haymitch never fails to make me laugh. 

"When do I leave?" 

"In three days, depending on how well you are doing here. When we get home you're on bed rest for three weeks."

"Three weeks?!" 

"Yep. I'll be home with you for one of the three but then I have to go back to running my school." 

Thats a long time. Too long.



My time at the hospital is nothing exciting. Quite the opposite actually. There was nothing to do, and because I have no friends, I had no visitors. Finnick, Annie, Gale, and Madge are super sweet, but I have not seen them in weeks. They don't know I'm here. The only people I have seen in four days is Haymitch, Dr Crane, and this nurse that said her name was Cressida. So basically i've stared at a wall for three days. doesn't get more interesting than that. But now, I am sitting in Haymitch's car, on the way back to his house.

We walk in the door, and Haymitch instantly sets down our bag of old clothes and medication, and helps me to the couch. He puts a movie on and Sits down by my feet to watch it. Haymitch has set pillows and blankets all around me to keep me as comfortable as possible. It is only 10 minutes into the movie and I know I am going to be so bored the next three weeks. 






As Radiant As The Sun reached 1k just today, and I am celebrating. 

Most writers on here have 20k, or above, but even though this book has been up for 10 months, it is my first book to reach 1k and my second on wattpad.

Do you want me to post a selfie? some things about me? More about this book? Let me know in the comments! 



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