Player Player Dont be a Hater

By MarisaBroyles

334K 1.1K 175

Jane the hot girl in school, Guys fall for her. Jack is Jane's bestfriend and also the biggest player, But he... More

1. Once a player always a player
2. Player Player
4. Pool. Party. with a player
5. I Hate Clowns With a Player.
6. I hate fighting with a player
7. In the Hospital with a Player
8. Player please
9. It's Jane's party player
10. Scared of a Player
11. Player is always Playing
12. Sneak away from a player
13. Bad news Player
14. Player We're Moving Back Home
15. Hotel and funeral with a player
16. Its of of those days player
17. Todays Gona be a Hard day Player
18. Who was that Player
19. Over to grandma house player.
20. Last day player
21. What Will I do Without You Player
22. In the Jail House Now Player!
23. double date player
24. Mother player!
25. First date Player
26. First Date and A Break up Player?
27. Dont Tell Them Where I am Player
28. What Do You Think Player
29. Everyone's Asleep player
30. Help Me Player
31. Camping for the Weekend You Players Coming
32. I have a better plain
33. Well Isnt this Just Wonderful
34. I Kissed Your Brother and I Kind of Like It Player
35. I Dont Like You but I Guess I Have to Like You Player
36. Lets Forget and Put it Behind Us Please Player
37. Your so Not Normal Player
38. Please Player Just Shut Up and Kiss Me
39. This is My Life on the Line!
40. It Had to End
41. Lunch then Party
42. First Day of School & I Saw What You Did Player
43. Please for My Grandma Player
44. I'm Done With this Game Player
45. Your in for a Ride Player
46. Listen Player it's Quite
47. I Told You Not to Come Over Player
48. Let Me Just Talk to Her Player
49. Oh my God Player!
50. I Love You Player
51. I Need to Talk to Jane Player
52. We Got to Go Player
53. Take Your Friend Player
54. I Wonder Player
55. It's Prom Player
56. I Have Something I got to Do Player
57. You Have My Phone Player, Oh Great It's You!
58. Your Not Going To Stop Me Player.
59. Oops sorry player
60. Where did you go player
61. Get Her Out Of Here Player
62. Not To Good Player
63. Arrange Marriage Player Seriously
64. She's Great for You Player
66. We Are ............ Player
67. It's Wedding Shopping Player
68. It's over player
69. No Player
70. The Wedding Day Player
71. Really Player
72. Dont Do It Again Player
73. I Did It Player
74. It's Time Player
75. Dont try me player
76. Im not going player
77. Dont say goodbye
78. I Wanted To Talk Player
79. You Really Thought I Would Player
80. 17 Years Later Player

65. Im Going To Take A Rain Check Player

3.5K 6 3
By MarisaBroyles









I got up around 3:45AM and got ready and head over to Jane's house. Before I got to the door Sophia answered the door. Hey what are you doing up so early? I ask quietly. "Gabbie's sick," She said quietly. Oh okay, I said. "Jane's is upstairs, Im not sure if she's awake I heard the alarm clock go off but Im not sure if she got up," She said quietly. Okay, I said. I walk upstairs and saw Jane still asleep. I layed down beside her. Hey babe wake up, I said. She woke up. "Okay I'll Be ready soon," She said. Okay, I said as I kissed her on the shoulder and then got up. "Oh Gabbie," Sophia said. What happend? I ask. "She just got sick all over me," She said. Okay well I'll watch her while you go get cleaned up, I said. "Are you sure?" She ask. Yes, I said. "Okay thank you," She said.

I walk into Gabbies room to see her standing up in her crib. "Matt," Gabbie said Holding out her arms for me to pick her up. So I did. Please dont throw up on me, I said. She laughed. Sophia came back 5 minutes later. "Okay thank you for your help," She said. Yeah um here try this, I said. I put a towel on Sophia shoulder and gave her gabbie. "Matthew you are a genius," She said. Haha okay, I said. I turned around and saw Jane standing in the doorway. Ready? I ask. "Yeah," She said with a smile. Okay lets go then, I said. "Bye bye," Gabbie said.

We got to the Airport with 20 minutes to spare. "Im sorry I wasnt already up when you got there," She said. Hey it's okay, it's alot to ask from a person to get up and catch an early plane on short notice, I said. She smiled. So by the time we get to Maine it will be tome for lunch so If you want to go eat first we can, I said. "Okay sounds good," She said. "Flight 14 to Thomas Hights Is now boarding," The lady said over the intercom. We got seated and was on our way. Jane had ended up falling asleep halfway through the flight she woke up and 10:30AM. Hey, I said. "Hey, im sorry I fell asleep," She said. Its cool, I said with a smile.

We landed in Maine and went to a place to eat. Me and Jane were talking and laughing and then jane just kind of gave me a look and I ask what was wrong and she look over behind me. I looked over behind me and suprise suprise I see Mary and James. I look back at Jane. Just pretend they aren't here, I said. "Okay," She said.















"Mom isn't that Jane Matt's friend?" James ask. Yes what is she doing here? Is that Matt with her? I ask. "What would they be doing here?" He ask. He knows something we dont, I said. "Like what?" Im not sure, here lets go talk to them, I said.


















"Well ignoring them didnt help," Jane said. Why? I ask. "Because here they come," She said as the got to the table. "Why Matthew why on earth are you here in Maine?" Mary ask. To visit, I said. "Very well, well I'll let you get back to your visit," She said. Thanks, I said.



















Make sure he doesn't find out about us trying to take some money from the back, Sadly we couldnt because he had taken it all out. I said. "Okay," James said. Then Matt walk up to us. "Oh and Mary the next time you try taking my money out of the bank will be the last time you sleep in your house, got it," He said. My house? I ask acting like I didnt know what he was talking about. "I'm not stupid Mary, my father owns your house. oh wait now I do," He said. I took a deep swollow. "See you know what I was talking about, Have a good day," He said. I sighed and look at James. "Guess he's not as stupid as we thought," James said. Shut up and come on, I said.


















We finished eating And then headed over to my old house. "Its so big," She said. Yeah another reason why Im glad we moved, I said. We walk in the house it gave me a chill to be there again. We walk to the 5th floor. "So why did she hide this in the floor and why didnt she not take it with her when she moved?" Jane ask. She didnt want my father to find any of it, I said. I got the chest he wasnt big, it was pretty small. I put it in my back pack and we left. "So how are you going to get that to go threw bag checking without them opening it?" Jane ask. Well I have got a private Jet taking us back home, It just wont be here until 7 so I dont have to worry about all that, I said. "You always have a plan for everything," She said with a smile. I laughed.

Since we arent going to get back until late do you want to just go back to my house and stay the night and then go home later that day? I ask. "Um yeah sure," She said. Okay, I said. The day went on and it was hot so we stop for ice cream. Okay you have to try this, I said. "What did you get again?" She ask. I cant tell you or you wont try it, I said. "I dont know," She said smiling. Please, Just try it, it's good, I promise, I said. "Okay," She said as she took a bite. Well? I ask. "It's not good but it's not bad eather, What was it?" She ask. Your gonna hate me because I know you dont like it, I said. "No I wont what was it?" She ask. Egg nog, I said "Oh gross Matthew," She said. I laughed. "Well it wasnt to bad to be egg nog," She said. I laughed.

We finished our ice cream and walk to the grave yard. People were standing around the grave. Just stay close, I said to Jane. "Of course,"She said. Some people gasp when they saw me, they moved away from the grave and left. I kneeled down to read the notes that people had written and left there. Some were nice some were rude. I stood up and turned to Jane. I put my arm around her waist and held her close as we walk to the airport. It's a good day to walk around, I said. "Yes, its really pretty around here when it isnt raining," She said smiling. I laughed. Yeah, I said.

We boarded the private jet and was off back to New York. We got to my house at 3AM it took longer because it was raining. We got up the next morning and I took Jane home and came back to the house and opened the chest. I layed Masons check on his bed. It got late in the day and Mason,Greenlee,Mark and Sophia came over. "Hey Matt do you want to go to New Jersey with us?" Mason ask. Um why are yall going? I ask. "Clubs were gonna be back in a couple of days," He said. Oh well yeah, I guess, I said. Wait who's watching the baby and is Jane coming? I ask. "No Janes not coming so she gonna watch Gabbie," Sophia said. You know what, Im gonna take a rain check but thanks, I said. "Okay your lost," Mason said.

"Thank you," Mark said to me. For what?, I ask. "For staying around for my sister," He said. Oh well of course I would stay here for Jane," I said. "You have something about you that she trust And you know as well as I do that Its really hard for Jane to trust someone. And Just dont mess it up and hurt my sister," He said. I wont, I said. "Okay," He said. "Hey yall ready?" mason ask them. "Yeah," They all said. Yall have fun, I said. "Bye," They said. Bye, I said and then closed the door.

The day went on and I went over to Janes house. "Hey," She said as she opened the door. Hey, I said. "I didnt know you were coming over", She said. Well you did but I think you forgot, I said. She look at me confused. We had a date tonight, but you ended up watching Gabbie, I said. She stood there for a second. "Oh my God Matt I am so sorry, I totally forget," She said. Is Gabbie awake? I ask. "No," She said. So I brought the date to you, I said as chef Rex walked in. "Oh my gosh, That is so sweet. I am so sorry I forgot our date," She said. Dont worry about, I said with a smile. "I know I just," Was all I let her say. I kissed her slowly, we broke apart and look at each other. "Wow............ Um ......Okay," She said slowly and quietly. I know, I said.
















I got a glass of wine and sat down at the table. I couldnt get the kiss off my mind, it was like there was something more there. But im glad it wasnt just me that felt it, I could tell Matt did too. Chef Rex brought out the food lit a candle and dem the lights. You totally were hoping I would forget about the date, I said. "Ah maybe just a little," He said. I laughed. "So what are your plans for tomorrow?" He ask. Im thinking im going to take Gabbie to a pet store and buy her a fish. She wants to go fishing so she says but I dont know how Sophia will feel about it and there is not any really good ponds around here, I said. "Well grandma has a pond you can go to and Im sure she would love to watch her fish," He said.

Yeah but Sophia said no and Mark said yes so I dont know, I said. "Do what you want to do," He said. Will you go with us? I ask. "Sure," He said with a smile. I smiled. The night went on and we decided to watch a scary movie and we were all cuddled up on the couch. I kept jumping over the littlest things while Matt just laugh at me. This is not funny, I said trying not to laugh. "I love you jane but this is not a scary movie," He said. About that time someone knock on the door and he jump. Oh I thought it wasnt scary Matthew, I said getting up. He laughed. "I didnt jump," He said. Mhmm, I said as I opened the door.

I opened the door and then saw it was my dad and slamed it and locked it. Go hide in a room or something upstairs so I can get rid of him, I said. "Okay," Matt said. I waited for him to go up and then opened the door. What do you want? I ask. "I just wanted to say sorry," He said. Okay well its late so bye, I said. "Jane wait," He said as he grab my arm. Dad that hurts, I said. "Sorry," he said as he let me go. I dont want to talk about it okay so please leave, I said. "Alright fine," He said as he walked off.

I walk upstairs to find Matt. He pulled me into my room and kissed me Later that night the power went out as it stormed but we didnt really notice or care for that matter. We fell asleep a little after that. "Jane wake up," Matt said quietly. Whats wrong? I ask. "Do you feel like something pulling down on the covers?" He ask. I stayed still. Yes what the heck is that? I ask. and the all of a sudden Gabbie appears on the bed and starts laughing. How did you get out of your crib, I said. Well lets put you back in it, I said. "No dont do that," Matt said. Why? I ask. "Because there is a probably good chance she will do it again and hurt her self," He said. He had a good point. Well should I just leave her in bed with us? I ask. "Yeah," He said. so I did and we all slept through the night.

The next morning we got woken up by her. "Jane, Jane, Jane," Gabbie said patting me. Yes dear, I said. She got up in my face. "Gabbs hungry," She said. Me and Matt started laughing. I made her breakfast and made mine and Matts. "Matt, I go fishy," She said. We are going to go fishing today, I said. "Yay," She said as she clap her hands. "Did you already buy her a small fishing rod?" Matt ask. No actually Uncle Larry did, I said. He laughed. We got to Matts grandma's house. "Oh Jane so good to see you dear," His grandma said as she hug me. Good to see you too, I said. "Oh and Matthew and of course little Gabbie," She said as she pick up Gabbie.

"I got see fishy," Gabbie said. "I have a small pond for her full of fish so she wont get scared of the big pond," Matts grandma said. We fished for a while. "So how are you and my Matthew?" Matt grandma ask. We're really good, I said. "Oh good to hear, are you guys together?" She ask. I let out a small laugh. No, I said. She sighed. " I just dont understand," She said. I look at her. "Your just like one of my own and you and Matt are great for each other," She said. I smiled. "I know Im putting you in an akward spot, Im sorry," She said. It's okay, I said.

We went to the store and bought Gabbie a gold fish and a star fish I bought everything for them and got it home and she was so excited. I sat her down on the counter as I fix the fish bowl so I could put them in there and out of the bag. The night went on and I put Gabbie in my bed while Matt help me turn hers into a toddler bed and then put her in it. "Well I guess im gonna go, everyone should be back tomorrow afternoon," He said. Yeah, I said. He kissed me goodbye and left. I walk out and got the news paper and it was talking about James. I turned to page 4 to read it.

The investagation of James Parker has been closed. Cause of death they are not sure althrough they believe it could be faulty wires. Parkers funeral will be a month from now. I felt an evil smile on my face.

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