Kidnapped by my Heroes *Bands...

By ElizabethHorror

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Most fan girls spend their time sifting through fanfictions and drooling over pictures of their favorite band... More

Just the Beginning
Party (Part One)
Party (Party Two)
Pride vs. Life
Private Property
Damien Andrews
Empty Apologies
Familiar Faces
Just Hanging
Last Day
Show Time
High Altitude
Pay Phone
Faded Memories
Not the Same
Little Pink Box
Mixed Emotions
Big Brother
You're Such a Tease
Mistaken Identity
All the Hate goes to my Dick
Welcome to Parenthood

This isn't a Fanfiction

195 3 0
By ElizabethHorror

Most fan girls spend all their time sifting through tumblr blogs and looking at pictures or reading fanfictions.. That used to be me, as ashamed as I am to admit it it's true. But to be honest I don't even remember what it was like to be able to sit in front of my computer and eat chips all day while reading stories about my favorite bands. That used to be the life, not having a care in the world and just being able to do whatever I wanted all day. I miss that, quite a bit actually.
Well.. I'm sure you don't understand now, but you will soon. I'm trying to write everything... And its a little hard. But I don't get much time so bare with me. Anyways, ill stop with my pathetic rambling and start my story.

~Kidnapped by my hero~

"Get over here jade! Move your ass you're to slow!!!!" I screamed up to my sister, jade, who was driving me to the concert. But my mom was also making her baby sit me. She hated black veil brides, but I could care less. I was so excited for this! I was all dressed up in torn black skinny jeans and a skillet t-shirt. I had my makeup done so my eyes looked bigger and my hair was teased so it looked twice as volumized as normal. I look in the mirror in our living room one last time and smile to myself. "Damn, I look good." I say to myself.
She finally came down stairs and walked out to the car. "Finally!!" I say and follow her out. I sat in the front seat and plugged my iPod in.
"Ever. Please don't blast your emo shit. I'm gonna have enough of it when we get there." She says in a defeated tone, but I don't listen. I rolled my eyes and blared it anyway. She put her headphones in, in attempt to block it out. I laughed, she hated my music and since she was grounded she had to come with me and listen to them for over two hours! I look out my window and watch the houses on the side of the road fly by.
As another song came on I sang along to every word, and then all of the songs that came up after it. I just clicked 'artists' and clicked 'Black Veil Brides' and put it on shuffle. This was great. My heart was pounding in anticipation of the concert. Jade glared at me and I smiled in return as I whispered the screaming part in knives and pens. After twenty minutes or so of driving we got to the venue and I squealed, grabbed one ticket out of the glove box and ran up to the line of people trying to get through to the inside. I wanted to scream. I was so happy that this was actually happening. The security guard let me through and I ran to my seat, 31A also known as the middle of the front row. These were by far the best seats in the house. I LOVE my grandparents. They're the ones who gave me these tickets. Well, I guess they didn't do it spontaneously because I had to beg for like five months.
This was the last show of their entire tour, so I guess I kinda expected them to be tired.. But still I was excited. This was my first concert ever!! They'd be good in my eyes no matter what. My heart was beating about a trillion miles an hour and the exorodium started playing over the speakers as Jade walked in and sat down. She was pretty much the only person sitting down.. Everyone else rushed up to the stage. I made it to the barrier and held on for dear life. I was NOT going to let anyone drag me away from this barrier if it killed me.
CC came out and sat down at his drum set and Jinxx and Jake followed, then finally Andy and Ashley. This was actually happening!! I screamed along with pretty much every other girl and smiled a little wider. Andy looked over the crowd and stopped his gaze when he met my eyes. My heart stopped for a second until he looked away. He didn't exactly do what I thought though. He looked at Ashley and nodded.. That was a little creepy. Well, not creepy, just a little unexpected.
I didn't care though. This was the best day ever!
After the concert ended I got up and ran over to the meet and greet stand but there were already a ton of people there... Damn. I sighed and stood in the 'line' that ended just being a push and shove. I did just that until I made it to about three people before the table. I held my CD a little tighter in my hand as I walked up to the table where Andy was sitting.
"H-hi.. Will you sign this for me?" I asked handing him the small plastic thing.
"Of course beautiful." He replied and I started to feel a little dizzy. He wrote a little longer than I expected for just a quick signature and when he handed it back.. There was no signature.
"Hey, you're cute.. Wanna come back to the bus and have a few drinks with the guys and I?"
He had written in his adorable boy hand writing. "Uh... Sure." I said and he motioned for me to go behind the table with him and I did with no hesitation. He stood up and pulled a metal chair just like his beside him and I sat down.
Every girl on the other end was giving me dirty looks but I could care less. This was so weird! Why did he chose me to come back to the bus?? I smile a little more at one girl who flips me off. My phone buzzed and I looked at it.
"B @ car in 10 or I'm leaving u." Was from Jade. I responded with "c u @ home then" and she never texted back. I doubted that she would actually leave me. She was supposed to be baby sitting me after all. And she would be in so much trouble if I had to find my own way home.
I put the phone back in my pocket and Andy put his hand on my thigh. It made me slightly uncomfortable but I didn't say anything and just watched as he signed all the other fans' stuff.
After about 30 minutes he decided that was enough and stood up and grabbed my hand. I was a little shocked and walked with him. Ashley came up behind me and rested his arm on my shoulder like we had been friends forever. He was a lot taller than my 5'1 self but Andy was definitely huge.
"So what's your name cutie?" He asked and I blushed.
"Ever. It's short for Evaline."
"That's a really pretty name." I blushed a little more.
"Thanks." We got to the bus and I walked into a luxurious looking living space. I hadn't expected it to be this nice.
"Welp, this is the bus." Ashley said like it was nothing.
"Wow. It's big." I said and Ashley laughed. "Shut up! You know I didn't mean it that way!!" He rolled his eyes.
"I know. Just teasing sweetie." Jake walked into the bus and closed and locked the door behind him. He was looking at me like I was candy and it made me a little uncomfortable.
"I.. It was fun meeting you guys and all but my sister is probably worried. I should go..." I started to walk out and Jake stopped me.
"No. You're not leaving. I guess now is a good time to tell you. You're never leaving." "We just kidnapped you." Jinxx finished for him and my eyes widened.

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