zylgnagnaba द्वारा

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Valerie Scott and Harry Styles are forced by the Modest! Management to live together and pretend that they're... अधिक

Chapter 1: Expect the Worst
Chapter 2: The Show Starts in 5, 4, 3, 2, Action!
Chapter 3: Break a Leg!
Chapter 4: Retrieval Operation
Chapter 5: The Remedy Causing Dilemma
Chapter 6: Cat and Mouse
Chapter 7: The Unaccustomed Book
Chapter 8: End of May
Chapter 9: Lost in Paradise
Chapter 10: Splash of Foolishness
Chapter 12: I Don't Like You At All
Chapter 13:Goodbye,Paradise!
Chapter 14: Cherishing Cheshire
Chapter 15: Mixed Thoughts and Emotions
Chapter 16: Virtual Loving
Chapter 17: Just a Kiss
Chapter 18: The Vow
Chapter 19: Worst Day Ever
Chapter 20: Dark Valerie
Did You Know That ...
Chapter 21: LA Love Story
Chapter 21.1: TAKEN
Chapter 21.2: Mean
Chapter 21.3: Devious Love Birds
Chapter 21.4: The Villain in Me
Chapter 21.5: Here Comes Trouble
Chapter 22: Cake for Thought
Chapter 23: Lies and Celebration
Chapter 24: Almost... Almost!
Chapter 25: Fist of Fury
Chapter 26: Melancholic September
Chapter 26.1: I love you, Harry...
Chapter 26.2: Compromise
Chapter 26.3: Strike One
Chapter 26.4: Kryptonite
Chapter 26.5: Under the Sheets
Chapter 26.6: Strike Two
Chapter 26.7: Strike Three
Chapter 26.8: Strike Four
Chapter 26.9: Homerun
Chapter 27: Vicissitude
Post Interview Questions here!
Chapter 28: Autumn Feels
Chapter 29: Say It Again
Chapter 30: PDA
Chapter 31: Who's Gail?
Chapter 32: The Disclosed Reality
Some sort of review...
Chapter 33: Lovestrucked
Chapter 34: When in Milan
Chapter 35: When in Milan 2
Chapter 36: Home
Chapter 37: Dance for You (Repost)
Chapter 38: Up and Down
Chapter 39: Don't read this! OMG
Chapter 40: New Beginning
Casts, Credits, and A/N :')
Important! Please READ. :')
The Next Books...

Chapter 11:Laugh Out Loud

3.8K 81 9
zylgnagnaba द्वारा

 HELLO! Sorry, I had a writer’s block after the surgery so it took a while before I could update. Anaesthesia really does affect your memory. Bummer!  But here it goes for the sake of the more or less 40 people who read my story. HAHA

This chapter is solely dedicated to @ashesoftheinnocents for being one of the first two people who wrote one good feedback on my story. Thanks babe! Xx

Enjoy reading!!!


  Copyright © zylgnagnaba 2013

Yawn! I flutter open my eyes, stretch my arms sideways and accidentally hit Harry’s fragile face on my left side.

Oops! I immediately withdraw my arms and cover my mouth hoping he wouldn’t wake up. Oh yeah! Harry is such a heavy sleeper, I remembered. Plus, he’s too drunk to even move his eyes. The boys sure did have a great time last night because they aren’t bothered about driving.

I checked my phone. It’s already 9:15 in the morning. He’ll probably wake by eleven. And so I bolt out of bed and go ahead to peek through the window of our cabin. There at the patio, I found the four lads sipping their coffees while Perrie and Eleanor massage Zayn and Louis’ head out of pity due to their hang-over. Niall sits alone at one of the recliners, rubbing his own head and looking tediously at the ground, grumbling to himself. Liam, being not that of a heavy-drinker, enjoys himself by eating a sandwich. The whole clique is already out, while Harry and I are still inside our temporary dwelling place.

Ting!An imaginary bulb lights up on the right side of my head. A mischievous idea tickles me from the inside that causes me to giggle at the thought.

I scamper to the opposite side of the bed where I spotted my suitcase and search for my pink nightgown. I pull it out and then grab my sky blue duffel bag where I packed some of my personal stuffs including a set of make-up.

Great! Harry is lying flat in the bed. Even the situation agrees with my evil plan. BWAHAHAHAH!

I hop up to the bed carefully beside his shirtless body with those hideous tattoos sticking out that are literally pricking my eyes out. Whoever said he looks good with these murals? He looks … Ahh! Doesn’t matter.

I attempted to shoot his head into the hole of the lingerie. Carefully, I also slip both his heavy arms to either of the shoulder straps and pull down the thin fabric to his body underneath the blanket. If I remove the blanket in the process, I might wake him up. It isn’t so easy but I did it.

I am halfway through. I snicker quietly and open the make-up set that was on top of my pillow. I take out the brush and lightly dab a foundation all over his face. It’s amazing how he can’t be disturbed in his sleep, no matter how you tickle him with a make-up brush. Next, a violet eye-shadow on both his eyelids and a puffy red blush-on on either of his cheeks. Now a make-up wouldn’t be complete without lipstick, right? So I picked a shade of dark blue to paint his thin and a bit dry lips. With the finishing touches, and a big mole using black eyeliner on the upper side of his lips, I’m done. Voila! My masterpiece.

I hop off the bed quietly. I stack away all the evidences; I mean all my stuffs and tip-toed outside with the phone in my hand.

I head towards the other boys and girls who are all gathered in the metal round table, already eating breakfast.

“Good Morning, everyone! Isn’t it a beautiful day?” I greeted cheekily and sigh dramatically while spreading my arms out wide.

“Morning, Val!” They greeted back simultaneously.

“Why are you so happy?” Perrie asks curiously, raising her right brows at me.

Everyone smiled suspiciously, thinking they already know the answer. They started peering at me teasingly and chuckle.

“Hey! It’s not what you think!” I scolded their perverted minds.

“Okay then, so where’s Harry?” Liam snorted teasingly.

I pull out a chair and sit beside Niall, “Still in bed. Y’all know how he is after drinking.” I stated contemptuously at them.

“Why don’t we go and wake him up?” Louis persuades the lads into another plan of mischief.

“No need.” I stop them and pull out my phone to my face.  I dialled Harry’s number. All of them anticipate on what will happen next. Finally, after five rings …

“Valerie?” His voice cracks up.

“HARRY!” I yell helplessly and gasp for air intensely. I felt six pairs of eyes start to look at me intently in confusion. “Help me! I’ve been kidnapped!” I finish off, and then hung up.

“What was that about?” Eleanor exclaimed.

“Ssshh!” I rebuked her and open the camera of my phone. I turn around and focus it to the outside of our cabin. Then I started counting down excitedly, “Three… two… one.”

Then we all spotted Harry rushing outside of our cabin, still wearing the nightgown that I put on him with his face all covered up with make-up. He halts as he sees us right in front of him. The boys, Perrie and Eleanor were all startled at the sight.

“Good Morning, Babe!” I greeted enthusiastically and take a quick shot of him.

Louis spits out his coffee and yell, “You look so divine, Hazza Bear! Would you look at that?” Then everyone burst out laughing except for Harry who feels humiliated when he realized what he was wearing that made us all laugh hysterically.

“VALERIEEEE!” He yells furiously, stretching my name out of disappointment.

“Yes, Miss Cruela De Ville?” I slur mockingly.

“You won’t get away with this.” He threatens under his breath, looking straight at me dreadfully. He gets back inside the cabin looking so pissed.

“Can’t beat the classic.” Liam chuckles and pats the back of my shoulder.


Later in the afternoon, everything is pretty much calm. I expected a prank from Harry but nothing comes. I am pretty much in the game. I don’t care if he puts spices or detox in my food, plant a bucket of slime as I enter our cabin, all of which I already did to him, anything old-school. He’s way unoriginal when it comes to pranking.

The boys are all playing billiards while I stayed with El and Perrie in the gazebo, just chilling while we have nothing else to do. The breeze of the sea is so fresh; we can’t help but enjoy it.

“Has he already talked to you?” El asks concernedly.

“Who? Harry?” My brows furrow and I lean my head to the back of the recliner. “Nope, not yet.” I sigh.

“Well, you’re lucky to have a boyfriend who’ll not get mad after being humiliated like that by his girlfriend.” Perrie admonished.

“Perrie, relax.” I suggested. “I know he’s mad at me. Certainly, he’s planning to get even. So, don’t worry.”

“You’re going to wait until he pranks you back?” El cries out, wide-eyed.

“Are you two really dating or just playmates?” Perrie interrogated,botheredly.

“Both.” I titter.

“Oh gosh!”Perrie sighs and hits her own forehead. Eleanor burst out a deep breath, both looking troubled.


Harry gets ready for bed while I am sitting there, my back leaning against the headboard as I read another good book. There is nothing but utter silent. He obviously is still pissed off at me.

He laid down on the bed, turning his back on me and pulls the blanket up to his chest. Dayum! He’s really mad at me. Now, I feel really guilty. I felt like apologizing. So, I close the book and place it on top of the bedside table.

It took courage before I could utter his name, “Harry?” I sigh. “Harry, I know you’re still awake.” I grumble timidly.

“What?” He groans, still not facing me.

“Erm…” I gulped and clear my throat. “Nothing.” I held back. Why would I apologize to him? He humiliated me first. It takes more than just pride to swallow and submit myself to him. He’s just overreacting. It was just for fun, so why should he have to act up like this?

He then grumpily covered himself up with the blanket and shifts into his most comfortable sleeping position.

I then bolt out of bed to take a shower just to rinse off the tension between me and him.

I peel off my blue shirt and jeans. I hung them on top of the low wall of the changing room provided inside the cabin. I change into a bathrobe and enter the bathroom.

After half an hour, I skid out of the bathroom. I spotted Harry already tucked up fast asleep. I walk towards the side of our bed, hoping to find my suitcase but it isn’t there.

“But it was here. I don’t remember moving it.” I mutter to myself while frantically looking around the corners.

I walk around and rummage to every corner. Fail! It’s nowhere in the cabin. What am I supposed to wear now? I think I could use the clothes I wore earlier while looking for my suitcase. So, I head to the changing room and expected my clothes still hanged there.

“What?” I sniffle as I fail to find my clothes in their previous place. There’s only one suspect.

I walk towards the bed furiously and throw the blanket away from Harry’s body, leaving him with only his boxers on, “Harry!” I yelled.

“What?” He spat at me after sitting up straight on the bed, angered by suddenly waking him up.

“Where are my clothes?” I questioned scornfully.

“Why are you asking me? They’re your clothes!” He defended, his veins showing off through his neck.

“Don’t act all innocent, Mr Styles! I know you’re the one responsible.” I shouted disdainfully, eager to hear his confession.

He just glared at me, grunts and pulls the blanket back to his body. He hid himself, leaving my suspicions unanswered. I’m sure he hid all my stuffs somewhere. This freak! I need some fresh air. I don’t want to waste my energy on him. I could use a little walk outside with only a bathrobe on. Thanks to you, Harry!

I slide the door open angrily and slam it close just to send a message to Harry that I left and I’m very much unhappy. I walk along the dark patio and to the poolside. The reflection of the starry sky is the only thing that lights up the promenade. I kept cursing Harry under my breath despite the admirable view inside the villa. ARGH! I grunted furiously.

“Hey, Val?” Somebody pipes up from the opposite side of the pool. I trail the sound and see Liam standing there with Niall.

“Hey.” I sniffle and grin happily. Thank God, the brighter side of this very unfortunate event, a glimpse of heaven here on earth, LIAM.

“Whose stuffs are these?” I snap out of my thought and drag my sight to the pool where he points his hands to. There, I spotted heap of clothes floating in the water. My eyes instantly grow big and my mouth agapes.

“They’re mine!” I yell in frustration and disappointment, I run to their side and look down to my clothes in the water. “Harry!” I rumble.

“Oh no, he can do better than this.” Niall chuckles while shaking his head dramatically.

“Darn right, Niall. He can do better than this. Now, I have no clothes to wear.” I murmur.

“You mean you’re not wearing something…” Niall’s brows furrow, I nod meekly. “… Underneath?” He continues.

“Yes.” I snorted and wipe the little tears in my eyes, pressing my lips together.

Niall snigger but he holds it in after Liam nudge him in the shoulder.

“Come with me. I’ll lend you some clothes for the meantime.” Liam persuades as he pats my shoulder. He ushers me to their cabin and I sit myself comfortably on his bed while clasping my bathrobe. Liam continues to rummage through his stuffs for me to have something to wear for a while.

“Here. Go and get changed in the bathroom.” He instructed after handing a pair of clothing, a loose white shirt and a blue gartered trunks.

I scamper to the bathroom, peel off the bathrobe and hung it on the hook. I wear the blue gartered trunks first. I then grab the loose shirt, dust it off and stare at it for seconds. Out of admiration, I cuddle the shirt and swing it from side to side. I couldn’t be any happier now that I get to wear Liam’s clothes. I sniff the shirt and giggle at the scent. It’s a little different from what I would usually smell Liam wearing but I did not pay any attention. I giggle to myself and cuddle it once again.

“Valerie, are you done yet?” Liam asks courteously.

“Almost.” I answered. I quickly wear the shirt and giggle again. I could squeal in blithe but I don’t want Liam to notice. I then scamper back outside where I see Liam waiting for me.

“Is it okay?” He asks.

“Sure. Thanks Lee.” I grin at him.

“I thought Niall’s shirt won’t fit you at all. But it looks okay on you.” He chuckles and commended.

 “This?” I peer at him while pulling the neck line of the shirt. Liam nodded.

My eyes grow quite big in shock. I shrink in embarrassment to myself. So I was sniffing Niall’s shirt and not Liam’s all along. Stupid!

“Come on, let’s head out. We’ll help you gather your clothes.” He sways and we step out of the cabin. He pulls Niall to the stock room while I sat myself to the poolside and stare helplessly at my clothes still swimming in the water. Few minutes later, the two get out carrying two pool cleaners and a basket.

They started to fish out my clothes from the pool and place them in the basket. I really appreciate them helping me out, especially Liam whom now I can regard as my big brother. I can’t deny the fact that I still have a tiny crush on him, though. He’s really sweet.

“This is really fun, eh Valerie.” Niall babbles while working. I snap out of my thought and caught myself smiling.

I shrug off and sigh meekly, “I’m glad you’re having fun, Ni.”

“You okay?” Liam asks concernedly while placing one soak wet clothe in the basket. I drag my sight from the pool to him and nod, “Yeah.” I sniffle.

Few minutes later …

“We’re done. Are we throwing them to the dryer?” Liam asks.

“Yup.Gonna wash them first.” I stated abruptly and stand up from the ground.

Liam and Niall helped me with the laundry. I’m not pissed with Harry anymore. In fact, I thank him for giving me the opportunity to see how sweet Liam really is as a person. He is without a doubt a genuine and a very kind friend, lending a hand to a very helpless and flightless bird like me without asking something in return.

I sit myself comfortably by the armchair while Niall reads a magazine in the bench. Liam is the one dumping my clothes one after the other inside the washing machine. I suddenly felt like he is really my big brother. He’s doing me such a huge favor, considering that I don’t really know how to do the laundry. I would just usually dump them all at once regardless of their type of fabrics or colour. Most often, I had to send them to a laundry shop.

“You know, Valerie? Your relationship with Harry isn’t healthy.” Liam enunciated while dumping pile of clothes in the machine. Niall and I drag our sight to him as he speaks. “It isn’t typical that couples put serious pranks at each other. It’s not just… You know, ideal.” He shrugs.

“Liam’s right.” Niall agrees. From Liam, I drag my look to Niall. “If you’re annoyed with each other, why don’t you just break up? I’m not saying that you should, but …” He stated hesitatingly, “… most couples would just call it quits if that’s what’s happening between them.” He finishes off while closing the magazine on his lap.

“I think it’s not right to advise them to break up, Ni.” I turn my head to Liam, “Just tone down the disagreements.” He stated insightfully.

“You mean, GAMES!” Niall says, stressing the word GAMES.

“Okay, I get you. I’ll stop pranking Harry.” I groan. “After I get even tomorrow.” I added sharply with a sinister smile. I want to tickle his whole body with a needle, pluck all his eyebrows one by one, or straighten his hair with a flat iron. WAHAHAHA!

“Valerie…” Liam admonished.

“I’m kidding.” I retorted and sigh in defeat.

Liam continues dumping in some of my clothes until he comes across with my black bikini bottom. He lifts it up obliviously and before he could even lay his eyes on it, I bolt out of my seat and say sharply, “Okay, Liam. Thanks for the help. I’ll take it from here.” I snatch the little thing from his grasp and quickly dump it in the washing machine.

“Oh my. I’m drowsy already.” Niall yawns and stretches his arms.

“You sure you’re okay here?” Liam asks worriedly.

“Yup, I can manage, Lee. Thanks for helping.” I smile at him. “You too, Niall. Thanks.” I grin at them.

“Fine then, we’re going. Good Night, Valerie.” Liam greets meekly while pulling me in a slight hug.

“Night.” I replied.

“Good Night, Val.” Niall waves while stepping out of the room and I beamed at him.


Good Night!
So what do you think of this chapter?
Please comment and vote so I could be
motivated to update more.

Please continue reading …



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